Saturday, May 9, 2015

Honest Abe----The American Academy Gets it Wrong Again アメリカ学者集団の傲慢と偏見

from the blog ステージ風発: thank you

このダデン氏らの主張への痛烈な批判がフルブライト学者の日本歴史研究者のジェイソン・モーガン氏Mr. Jason Morganから表明されました。同じAHA機関誌への投稿という形をとっています。
Friday, May 1st, 2015
Dear AHA Editor,
I noted with much sadness the letter signed by nineteen American historians of Japan published in March. I have profited from many of these historians’ work, but in this case their hasty coalition reveals the powerful orthodoxies that constrain historical writing in general, thus warranting an outsiders’ response. I also hope here to repair some of the damage done by their attack on the Japanese government.
Missing from the letter’s papal bull-like dogmatics is a nuanced consideration of fact. To correct this lacuna, I humbly recommend Prof. Hata Ikuhiko’s Ianfu to senjō no sei, which eschews presentist politics in favor of documentary evidence. (Even the American historians’ own referee, Yoshimi Yoshiaki, has said publicly that he could find no evidence of the forced recruitment of women in Korea, putting Yoshimi in agreement with Hata.)
Furthermore, the Americans fail to note that in 2014 the Asahi Shimbun formally apologized for years of untenable ianfu reporting by Uemura Takashi, whose mother-in-law is the main comfort-woman activist in Korea. The Asahi falsehoods, in turn, mirrored the sordid confabulations of novelist Yoshida Seiji, who conjured up wild scenes of sexual enslavement on Jeju Island. When Prof. Hata investigated and found Yoshida’s claims baseless, Yoshida admitted he had made it all up. It took some twenty years, but eventually even the Asahi followed suit.
The American scholars, though, vow never to retract. Such vows are easier when one can cavalierly dismiss all contrary opinion as “conservative” or “rightwing.” One does not expect much rigorous debate from the same academy that brought us “micro-aggressions” and “trigger warnings,” and this is no exception. Indeed, “conservative” and “rightwing” are clear signals, like the old Graecum est, non legitur in the margins of vellum manuscripts, that something is a priori out of bounds and not to be taken seriously. Hazel Motes founded the Church Without Christ; likewise, on the comfort women issue, the American academy now proudly specializes in History Without Facts.
The obverse of this manufactured consensus is the inevitable charge of “revisionism.” In a sealed episteme, though, revisionism is all we’ve got. Either you are working within the anthill, or you are an invader from the outside. It is a dizzying tautology: the academy laboriously weeds out all opposition, and then compares the skeptical to Holocaust deniers. This shock-and-awe ringisho style of enforced consensus building is certainly good at getting everyone either to agree on something or else find another job, but the conclusions thus reached are hardly convincing to those who want something more than mere argument from authority (or from democratic majority, which amounts to the same thing). Not everyone works this way, of course; I personally know many historians who are models of dispassionate scholarship, but outing the objective-minded seems tantamount to escorting Moses to the edge of the Sinai. In any event, the enforced silence within the American academy, in comparison with the buzzing and jousting in Japan, is telling one way or another. Perhaps we can just chalk it up to blinding nationalism, but that cuts both ways, too.
Many of the letter writers themselves have probably experienced the lively Japanese academy under the sponsorship of the same Japanese government that they now accuse of practicing Turkey- and Russia-like intimidation. The Americans’ outrage over two moth-eaten paragraphs thus sounds more than a little out of tune. After several silent decades of enduring the Ienaga Saburō-school of historical sanctimony, the Japanese government meekly requested a meeting with the publisher of a fictionalized textbook. Why cry “censorship” over such a harmless—and long-overdue—request? Doesn’t anyone besides the nineteen self-appointed ephors and those in their anthill get to have any historical say?
The irony lies in how well this is all playing in Beijing and Seoul—both strongholds of actual censorship. The Chinese communist dictatorship needs no introduction on this score, and South Korea, for its part, recently released Katō Tatsuya, a journalist whose crime was repeating an unflattering rumor about President Park Geun-hye’s personal life. It is unthinkable, by contrast, that Uemura Takashi should face detention in Japan for his reporting. May we really equate a lone request for a meeting with what the PRC and the ROK do as a matter of quotidian policy?
We shall see if a quixotic graduate student can find a job in the “all things considered” American academy after a letter like this one. Perhaps. But even the great Prof. Hata was subjected to shameful persiflage when he delivered a scholarly talk at Princeton University, so the Japanese academy, it seems to me, is the far better place in which to work.
We shall also see if, someday, a Japanese historian looks back and congratulates the American academy for seeing the IMTFE narrative in its death throes and magnanimously embracing defeat. In any event, in 2015, it is the Japanese academy that ought to be giving the lecture on historical inquiry.

Jason Morgan


Anonymous said...


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――次の基軸通貨は人民元? それとも円?






そのため鉄鋼やセメント、建材などがあり余っているほか、失業者も増えている。資材と人を海外へ"輸出"し、景気対策の目玉としてAIIBを利用しようとしているというわけだ。 ただ、この1~2年の局面で見れば景気対策ということになるが、AIIBはもっと長期的な視点でとらえるべきだろう。

Unknown said...
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The AIIB over China's ambitions to break

Currency: yuan renminbi? Yen?

It became clear over the emerging and developing countries to prioritize Investment Bank (AIIB) in the defeat of the United States, led by China.

After World War II, world financial order has played the United States. It's banking system in the world to support U.S.-led International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank promotes long-term development of developing countries by aid and loans structure. U.S.-led financial order which challenge AIIB dress. China has 40-50% stake, it joined more than 50 countries. Japan and the United States by AIIB loan standards and rules is not clear and then off to participate. Out of 7 countries joined Britain and Germany France and Italy in Europe as well as developing countries in Asia is big miscalculation for the United States, was the shock of the unexpected.

China aims to "pass" in America"over the next 100 years

It's certainly as one single, of course, China is to solve economic slump the country trying the AIIB. In China economic predicament, "victory", Yes.

Railway cargo transportation volume and energy consumption, might reflect economic realities and can't expect the Chinese Government accurate statistics. Said the coal sales volume was minus 1.5 percent in the same year the railway freight transport volume decreased in 2014 nearly 4 percent in the previous year. You could do from these figures, China's economy mired in negative growth.

To include iron and steel, cement, construction materials, such as the left has increased unemployment. Materials and people to "export" to foreign countries and trying to use the AIIB as the centerpiece of the economic stimulus package he said. However, this one-if you look at the aspect of the two-year economic stimulus package that becomes the AIIB should be considered in a more long-term perspective.

Unknown said...

アメリカの中国専門家の間で最近、『The Hundred Year Marathon(100年マラソン)』という書籍が反響を呼んでいる。アメリカの著名なシンクタンク、ハドソン研究所のマイケル・ピルズベリー氏が書いたもので、「中国は、戦後アメリカが築いた国際政治システムを中国共産党が支配するシステムに入れ替え、経済的にも軍事的にもアメリカを超えるグローバル超大国になることを目指している」と指摘した。その中には当然、人民元の基軸通貨化も含む。


 「100年」というのは、共産中国の建国100周年の2049年までを指す。しかし、習近平・中国国家主席は「マラソン」のペースを一気に上げ、自分の任期の2023年までに実現しようかという勢いだ。 AIIBと軌を一にして発表された、海と陸のシルクロードを軸にした経済圏構築を目指す「一帯一路」構想もその一環だ。それぞれシーレーンと中央アジアを通って中東、ヨーロッパまで「中華経済圏」にしようという野心的な構想は、まるで東欧まで侵略したチンギス・ハンのモンゴル帝国のようだ。





Unknown said...

Among American China experts recently, "The Hundred Year Marathon (100-year Marathon) ' that book calls echo. Wrote prominent US think tank the Hudson Institute's Michael Pillsbury said, "China is replaced in the international political system built in America after World War II, the Communist Party of China ruling system, economically and aims to become a global superpower military than America" and pointed out. During the course, including base currency of renminbi.

That's because America is so far thought "helping Western countries and Japan, China, rich in economically would be reborn in the Chinese democratic and peaceful", but it was fantastic. Hills Berry said as a pro-China faction has supported China's reform and opening policy, so this book will "was wrong," admitted as a China expert.

"100 years" is to the 100 anniversary of the founding of Communist China 2049 points. But the momentum that XI Jinping, Chinese President raised in "Marathon pace and trying to realize his tenure by 2023. "Straight across" initiative aims to build a bloc with AIIB and gauge one, released the sea and land Silk Road is part of the. Is an ambitious initiative that respectively through the sea lanes and Central Asia, to the Middle East and Europe trying to "Chinese economic sphere" in the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan invaded Eastern Europe as seems.

China has aimed at ousting the American military since the founding

Founding the Chinese military that has been underway since planned to compete in the United States military. From the founding in 1955, five years after nuclear decision, tested a nuclear device for the first time in nearly a decade after 64 years, commercialization has been reached. Succeeded in the development of 70 years in Japan carry medium-range ballistic missiles, long-range ballistic missiles in the continental United States reaches 80 years, became 脅seru in Japan. Side by side, expand the range of marine research in the 1980s South Sea, 90's East China Sea, in the 2000s to the Pacific spread. Further in the late 80's missile launch from a submarine for the first time successfully. Came from the submarine can fire missiles now reaching the United States, advancing the technology.

Also intended for marine surveys to ensure passage of their submarines and hiding places and at the same time, to eliminate the submarines of the United States and Japan. China will adopt a strategy not approached waters near Japan and Taiwan U.S. aircraft carrier in the Pacific calming our nuclear-powered submarine in the profound depth of the South China Sea, as well as. China South China Sea Paracel and Spratly Islands naval port and airfield construction in both is to hold as the "submarine base" under the Sea South China Sea Sea and air superiority.

Reached in 2007, Chinese military officials for America's Pacific Commander, proposed by China and the United States split the Pacific and try to manage. Starting from the resolution of the nuclear development after the founding of 60 years. Finally "America West Pacific and South from the sea" that it reached so far. Still, under Mr XI Jinping, China's "100-year Marathon" is has increased the pace of acceleration

Unknown said...








Unknown said...

China has aimed at ousting the American military since the founding

Founding the Chinese military that has been underway since planned to compete in the United States military. From the founding in 1955, five years after nuclear decision, tested a nuclear device for the first time in nearly a decade after 64 years, commercialization has been reached. Succeeded in the development of 70 years in Japan carry medium-range ballistic missiles, long-range ballistic missiles in the continental United States reaches 80 years, became 脅seru in Japan. Side by side, expand the range of marine research in the 1980s South Sea, 90's East China Sea, in the 2000s to the Pacific spread. Further in the late 80's missile launch from a submarine for the first time successfully. Came from the submarine can fire missiles now reaching the United States, advancing the technology.

Also intended for marine surveys to ensure passage of their submarines and hiding places and at the same time, to eliminate the submarines of the United States and Japan. China will adopt a strategy not approached waters near Japan and Taiwan U.S. aircraft carrier in the Pacific calming our nuclear-powered submarine in the profound depth of the South China Sea, as well as. China South China Sea Paracel and Spratly Islands naval port and airfield construction in both is to hold as the "submarine base" under the Sea South China Sea Sea and air superiority.

Reached in 2007, Chinese military officials for America's Pacific Commander, proposed by China and the United States split the Pacific and try to manage. Starting from the resolution of the nuclear development after the founding of 60 years. Finally "America West Pacific and South from the sea" that it reached so far. Still, under Mr XI Jinping, China's "100-year Marathon" is has increased the pace of acceleration

AIIB joined NO to global standards.

A defeat in the US over the AIIB strong face "self-destruction". Original U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers said contributors such as rice paper, pointed out this.

Will "be remembered as a time this month America loses its role as the"underwriter"for the world economic system."

"Investment promotion should be the priority, rather than impose austerity now"

When the United States since the 1980s, IMF and World Bank to developing countries, including aid and loans to privatization and austerity, trade and investment liberalization, public global standards said, has been pushing. This is called "Washington consensus", agree, including the US Treasury, IMF and World Bank, coordinated acting; That underlies in the thinking that "whatever bought and sold at prices that sometimes get the benefit" Jewish of financial capital. It's a sober, clean balance sheets, you reduce the non-performing loans of financial institutions and other companies can be sold at a higher price. Emerging and developing countries was "easy prey".

In the 1997 Asian financial crisis, such as Thailand, Indonesia and Korea did this. Seeking IMF austerity and monetary tightening, became rattled the economies of countries. Now Greece debt crisis also named conditions "to reduce government spending" IMF's reasons for straying. Tied means for a sluggish economy but certain economic measures, and growing unemployment.

Global standard plays and capabilities of "poverty" in the world, totally lost confidence. Up frustration from developing and emerging countries on these issues, had sought IMF reform is most reluctant America.

Unknown said...

今、アジアは、世界で最もインフラ整備のニーズが大きい地域だ。道路や鉄道、ダム、電力などのために、毎年100兆円規模の資金が必要で、途上国は先進国からの融資や援助を切望している。途上国にとって低利の資金はのどから手が出るほどほしいものだ。 しかし、世界銀行やその傘下のアジア開発銀行は、融資の相手国に健全財政という名の緊縮財政を求めてくる。ならば、少々問題があっても、細かい条件を付けないであろうAIIBでも構わない、という理屈だ。








Unknown said...

Now, Asia's infrastructure needs is the largest in the world community. Purposes such as road and railway, dam, power to every year 100000000000000 Yen scale funding needed, anxious loans from developed countries and aid developing countries. For developing countries low-interest financing is much from what you want. But ask lending countries named fiscal austerity is affiliated with the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. If the reason doesn't matter AIIB would not fine conditions also had a little problem, it's.

Think realistically from the euro crisis developed countries such as the u.k., Germany and France also want to stop austerity, and suffers from surplus funds at the same time. It's position and wants to take advantage of if you can expect a return of certain loans to Asian countries AIIB.

Of the 57 countries and Asia participated in the AIIB is confronted "NO" to American-led globalization.

This took place of economic and military hegemony

I wonder if really arising from this change of economic and military hegemony aimed at China. Global hegemon since 16 century, moved to Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States. It's ended up with a powerful Navy to protect investment and people became both rich countries invest in another country or try to expand trade and.

Navy to patrol the world in the ' protect in exercise armed resident citizens ' lives and property, if anything happens. Recovering money even by force "that will show you that you can. As a result, countries had invested a "stop breaking promises and the country's businesses and factories that" to think about. Royal Navy ruled the seas took the business over the boobs I was the last resort for so.

In other words, to lend money or invest all over the world, rich countries are always strengthens military force. Considered the world's largest creditor country to late, considered military superpowers. It was a shift of hegemony. From the United Kingdom turns to American hegemony has fought in debt from the United States during the war and the first British originated by money quickly after World War II moved to the United States. It became two-thirds immediately after the second world war, the world's central banks with gold (gold) is focused on the United States.

Have British money was supporting base currency pounds around the world were used in trade settlement, so England lost reserve currency status. Many of the ships of the Navy ruled the seas for debt from the United States to return British they sell.

Unknown said...






Unknown said...

Identity of US dollar hegemony

America is similar to the United Kingdom at the time the world's largest debt country. Has a special structure buy assiduously developed economy after World War II, United States Government-issued debt certificates (Japanese Government bonds) Japan's financial institutions, U.S. financial support.

Japan's manufacturing industry, such as selling products to other countries, to make money. It is a personal financial assets of the national, lodged in the financial institutions. In some cases you may buy Japan government bonds from U.S. bonds to buy. Thus loaned to overseas funds in the world up, Japan's giant creditor in the world 23 years in a row at the end of 2013. Holdings of American bonds, while China was overtaken by the 2/2015, to six and a half years Buri Japan World "rejoined". Seems hopefully pattern of supremacy to the United States from the United Kingdom, "in Japan transferred hegemony", but unfortunately it is not. That's because for Britain's debt is denominated in dollars, raking in $, had to repay the U.S. dollars 刷reba, devoted to debt repayment. In addition, you can by printing large amounts of dollar bills, buy products and services from all over the world.

It is 1971, President Nixon "(stopped replacing the dollar and gold) stopped supporting gold $" begins to be declared. The exchange rate of the dollar had been fixed for the widened trade deficit in money, and the value of the dollar fell, shifted to floating rate. Since then, $ "will United States Government tax revenue is a lot further, to support it. Levy of the United States Government and State-owned property under the credit of $. To say that it pledged as collateral of United States tax, unpredictable and ultimately further the American immigrants gathered the brightest minds from around the world, the economic growth will continue is backed by dollars.

Since prehistoric times, the currency is gold and silver, were backed up by any objects. Support the Bill with gold (gold), certificates of deposit when you put money in the Bank (money changer) in the United Kingdom, in business transactions used as Bill is beginning. In the sense that it stopped, is the invention of one. After all, the idea of the American dream "gone to America, I instantly comfortable with success" is in good health, be a driving force behind economic development in the United States if you continue it will be backed by $.

Unknown said...







「今までにないものをつくり出す、考え出す、生み出す力です。これが大事であり、『どうやって、創造的な頭脳をこの国につくり出すか』ということが大事なのです」「その意味で、教育の生産性を高めなければいけません」 「宗教的に言えば、『インスピレーショナブルな頭脳』をつくらなければいけないということです」




Unknown said...

Creating credit money backed by what?

Credit money backed by you if begin to digress a little from the main plot, but the prosperity of the country, if what important.

Ohkawa in the science of happiness is 3/2014 sermon "future Lord of creation", "future avail for mankind they swing back's previous (of age) to lead to economic expansion thanks to the people who work. Seems to be money in this new era of credit backing "and is telling.

America will have done this in the brain of the immigrants.

If Japan do? Whether or not the same as America cut the rudder to immigrants.

Ohkawa President is thus noted in his book the future of capitalism.

"Is the motivation here is not to begin until now, come up with a. Is important that "how the creative brains in this country begin?', this is important, and" "in that sense, should not raise the productivity of education" is that necessary "inspilationable brain" speaking on a religious,

No doubt should aspire to at least the U.S. higher education productivity.

Obama wants to"take-turns of supremacy"

Proof again one single dollar of value outside of the American dream is the world's most powerful military force. Defending the sea lanes to transport American military fly around the world business and invested money and supplies. "Rise and fall of the great powers" by British historian Paul Kennedy wrote to military spending too much money and the collapse hegemony, but reversal structure called the "world's largest military spending dollar bills and U.S. bonds will pass around the world" is born in the United States. Ohkawa in the science of happiness is ultimately more, other countries have "robbed" U.S. dollars "credit" and his book at night comes the day is not pointed out.

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Unknown said...

"In fact, America's economy has been secured by military force in the world is. This is the "you really stumped for money, United States at the national level"bank robbery"can". I'm afraid that they can do it. Because United States seventh fleet world's strongest it dispatched to the Middle East, it ends if the oil producing countries "occupied" If "after this point, given U.S. dollar hegemony, and the idea of the American dream attracting top talent from around the world, to great success supported by will"protect the U.S. global economic activity". So as long as that will be solid, $ is used in the world, "whether it's in print,"; In the New York Fed survey, over 6 percent of Fiver in circulation in overseas.

It's emphasizing the "disparity" produce successful Obama Presidential competition more than just dollar hegemony is challenged by China, has shaken the American dream are thinking negatively.

And declared "America is world's policeman is not at the same time, reduce the budget deficit to have just cut defense spending. This also are cutting into the hegemony of the United States. It's as if in this as if President Obama wants "alternation of hegemonic".

Internationalization, such as increase the Renminbi for trade settlement, on the other hand, China aims to long term base currency of renminbi, though. Refusing to limit Yuan, with foreign stock investments in China, domestic capital liberalization. Also manages the foreign exchange market, and with a cheaper Yuan Exchange operations country's virtually. For this reason, and Yuan are not international currencies at the moment, no qualification of key-currency country.

Is still the dollar hegemony, "people's former hegemony" Bud is born, still President Obama as "self-defeating" of the United States faces strong.

Unknown said...




 これに対し、「新植民地主義」であると、現地の指導者たちから非難の声が上がるようになった。ナイジェリアの中央銀行総裁、ラミド・サヌシ氏は2013年3月、イギリスのフィナンシャル・タイムズ紙への寄稿でこう指摘している。 「中国はアフリカから一次産品を奪い、工業製品をアフリカに売りつけている。これはまさに植民地主義の本質の一つだ」そのうえで、「新しい帝国主義に対し、つけ入る隙を見せている」と中国の経済進出に対する警戒感をあらわにした。



Unknown said...

Chinese economy become a "new colonialism"

However, plan XI Jinping said "Chinese economies", mankind seems not be happy. It is already happening in the world.

Began in Africa, including in fast and furious, like hunted resources, such as oil, minerals, food is exactly what huge food. Using Chinese-made materials, hire a Chinese investment in infrastructure such as roads, dams, rail, even conditions. Locally are born both employment and industrial. It also ignores the law and destroying the natural environment, as hordes of locusts attacked like stuff. Some also pointed out that if American-style global standard in the "Washington consensus", the economic expansion of China, "Beijing consensus" to ignore the rules and common sense of the Western Halper English Cambridge University Professor.

On the other hand, "new colonialism", and from leaders of local criticism started to go up. Nigeria's Central Bank Governor, Lamido Sanusi said the 3/2013, by contributing to the UK's Financial Times newspaper noted. "Chinese commodities from Africa the industrial products that sell in Africa. It's just one single essence of colonial ","showing the gap entering the new imperialism and against the economic expansion of China, wary of revealing the.

Even Clinton (at the time) American 6/2011, during his African tour, China's advance into Africa in mind said.

"Foreigners coming from Africa, strangers natural resources, paying leaders leaves. When leaving the field to the people of Africa does not leave too much. Not want to appear a new colonialism in Africa "

Unknown said...






Unknown said...

Arsenal XI Jinping is to what?

AIIB or "straight across" concept is XI Jinping, President "new imperialism" would try to accelerate "new colonialism". Leading science of happiness is XI Jinping was Mongol emperor Genghis by Han in the clear. 10/2010, spirits of the guardian spirits of the XI Jinping said, said here.

"So trying to join in the construction of the new civilization of the great Chinese Empire. It is that Western civilization is over "(ryuho Okawa by man who aim at the world Emperor) slaughter was unparalleled history, Genghis Khan is a textbook of the history of the world has been a great hero of the Orient. Genghis Khan, victories in the horsemen's mobility in large expeditions to the West and attacking from Eastern Europe. To be terrifying, how to fight.

For example, prisoners of war to shield pushing to the forefront of the battle, flinching or avoiding or retreated murdered Mongol army. Betraying its allies, once allied with the country while fighting to win and the ruined. Everyone mercilessly killed people rebelled. Had ruined the town and slaughtered everyone even if you surrender. They are keen to see the happy crowning and said. Brutal things that flow the metal melted from the eyes and ears are the executions of the leaders of the enemy, the dreaded "dead hell" and in Eastern Europe.

Well said Genghis Khan was a tolerant religion, Islamic cleric and taking care of horses, horse feed with the Scriptures of the Koran. And abnormal positioning yourself to "God" and to compel absolute obedience might say. Actually, spirits ahead of XI Jinping guardian spirits said, I world's greatest God said I had usobuite.

AIIB also "straight across" plan, South would be wary of in the military base expansion in the China Sea and rule the world as a "God" XI Jinping said the process of with.

Unknown said...




(1) 世界一の債権国(お金持ちの国)として、途上国に資金を供給し、産業を興す役割を担う。日本の金融機関のスタイルは「二宮尊徳方式」と言うべきもので、時間をかけて経営者を育て、支える金融哲学がある。




Unknown said...

Financial Japan's ninomiya tout 徳方 ceremony

Supremacy of Genghis Khan's invasion of China, Japan with America, must be stopped. It's a sense of mission and commitment "to world economic growth and maintaining order liable." Japan as a result.

Should do the following four points;

(1) responsible establishes industry supplying funds to developing countries as the world's largest creditor country (rich countries). Ninomiya tout 徳方 type and say something in the style of Japan's financial institutions and managers to grow over time, supporting financial philosophy.

During sontoku save the family incurring debts, poor feeding exempt debt, farm implements and thoughtful way, really have escaped from poverty and even to playing live, the rather increases poverty. "And reformed bad habits in long, turned out to agriculture from show benefit, to fertilize young trees once again was the beginning"

Virtue is based on this philosophy, resembling the "Wuchang lecture" the credit union system. For example, to 10 million yen loans, to repay the 1 million yen every year. Mailshell is finished return the 10 million yen in 10 years, but over one year pay 1 million yen, and interest to it.

"Wuchang" with Jin (heart of mercy and service), righteousness (passing the muscle), bow (gratitude heart), JI (effort and ingenuity), Shin (to promise). Allowed to lend money to "reform" and defend the virtues of five other people who suffer from debt if, as can the "Wuchang" educational guidance. From Meiji Yasuda zenjirō banker sees the opponent's talent and determination, you deserve a loan was determined, but it is spirit of sontoku "Wuchang lectures" to say. Without this spirit and encouragement of the Meiji era did not materialize.

Unknown said...





(2) 途上国の産品を積極的に輸入することも日本の役割だ。先進国に買ってもらって初めて産業が育つ。その意味でTPPなど貿易の自由化は大国の責任である。途上国が先進国から高品質の工業製品を買うところまで発展すれば、共存共栄になる。

日本経済とリンクさせて世界経済の歯車を回し、世界の人口70億人の仕事をつくっていく気概が要る。 日本によるODAや円借款など対外援助の役割も大きい。アメリカが第二次大戦後に行った、欧州復興支援のためのマーシャル・プランや、日本の飢餓を防ぐためのガリオア・エロア資金はドル建てで行われたため、ドル覇権を確立する下地になった。途上国の産品の輸入も経済援助も、大国の責任の一つだ。

Unknown said...

The tradition is passed to Taisho and Showa era.

Value could modernize rural areas, when Japan ruled Korea and Taiwan industry started working, and devise and cooperate with industrialists and farmers, was taught. Is Kazushige ugaki's 6 Korean Governor-General since 1931, rural reconstruction movement started, but most important is a State of mind "mind exploration", i.e. Korean people. In the spirit of service, cooperative, self-help and State of mind, was taught the spirit of ninomiya sontoku. Sees person Bank worthy collateral in Japan during the postwar reconstruction period also was little, had lent the money. From shortly after World War II from the 10-year 20-year Bank loan majority non-performing loans was practically the reconstruction on track to come and many converted into prime loans. You may say that became the collateral was just the trust of the President himself.

Respect virtue spirit of Japan's financial's need to establish industry in poor countries in Asia and Africa. Say the people in the poor countries of Africa, hinted big businesses from making the cash yourself, it takes decades. Japan is "ninomiya tout 徳方 ceremony" has been practiced since the Meiji era comes. It made personal financial assets in Japan by, for the first time, amounting to 1600000000000000 yen or more.

Play the role of "lender of last resort" and imported power

(2) to import commodities of developing countries actively's role in Japan. Get drunk in the industrialized countries, growing industry for the first time. The liberalization of trade, such as TPP superpower responsibilities in that sense. Developed to developing countries buying high quality industrial products from developed countries, co-existence and co-prosperity;

I need link Japan economy and turning the gears of the world economy, world population 7 billion people work to make spirit. Greater role of ODA and ODA of Japan foreign aid. Groundwork to establish dollar hegemony garioa in to prevent the starvation of the Marshall plan for European reconstruction after World War II the United States conducted, and Japan took place in dollar terms. Commodities of the developing countries and financial assistance, is one single country responsible.

Unknown said...

(3) アメリカ主導のIMFなどが「最後の貸し手」の役割を十分果たしていない分、日本がその機能を補う。




(4) 日本も空母や原子力潜水艦、海兵隊を持ち、アメリカと共同して行動する。実際、アメリカは海上交通路(シーレーン)を護る役割を日本が分担するよう求めているが、受け身ではなく、主体的に“治安維持"の責任を負うべきだろう。世界中にお金を貸す国が「取りっぱぐれない」ために強い軍隊を持つのは自然の流れだ。


Unknown said...

(3) Japan-IMF-led United States, such as the role of "lender of last resort" does not play 10 minutes, supplement its functionality.

Have a role to supply funds as a "lender of last resort" is the key-currency country in the country, most in the world, with foreign assets, breaks out financial crisis in the country somewhere in the world, the denial of funds. World depression after the 1929 British done the role as reserve currency countries. Not just financial crisis happened in Germany and Austria in 1932, the British no longer save power asked the world's richest countries to America was trying to help. But America's answer was "don't concern yourself". As a result, and destabilize the world economy, said rush to war. Was $ mainly reflect the United States as the key-currency country responsible international monetary system (Bretton Woods system). However, over 70 years after the war, in the United States as a "lender of last resort" thin.

In the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis, Japan contributed 100 billion dollars to IMF, stopped the possibility of depression. Greece debt crisis in 2012, but Japan came out 60 billion dollars to the IMF that could stop the global economic crisis.

The Asian currency crisis in 1997 when Japan become a "lender of last resort" and did not see the light of day, and against the American, intends to establish an Asian Monetary Fund. Painted the AIIB establishes China's Fund initiative relaunched in Japan now, cooperate with the United States, should be operated.
Japan independently to protect the sea lanes

(4) Japan has aircraft carriers and nuclear-powered submarines and Marines, co-operates with the United States to act. Wants in fact, American share the Japan defend sea lines of communication (SLOC) role is not passive but will independently should be responsible for "policing". Countries around the world lend money "took was exclusively so" for's natural flow with a strong army.

Japan's defence budget has been almost 10 years, the SDF equipment and personnel to increase Treasury opposition. But the judge's narrow view this is merely the "wallet" of the Government. You can collect the funds from Asian countries to be wary of China's military hegemony SDF peace in Asia to protect "public goods", and to issue Government bonds,. If denied the Finance Ministry, Ministry of Defense as "Defense bonds" or "Asian security cooperation bonds bond issue be should?

Unknown said...









Unknown said...

ut China Southern was willing in the sea lanes to control in China, and sea air superiority, sea superiority and Japan annually 10000000000000 Yen investment in the defence field does. Rather than simply to increase only the self-defense forces of Japan, while expansion of the Navy, such as India, Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia to cooperate can be countered to see Japan militarism has become"If.

Revised article 9 course, tie the extreme actions of self-defense and the defense forces is essential. Should not be pulling the feet when the SDF to cooperate with other Asian troops. Become repetitive, but sense of mission and commitment "to world economic growth and maintaining order liable." is the premise of the above four points.

The American hegemon of the world, and continues to be in key-currency country from sustained strong intention to fundamentally support the world economy in America's economic and military power. It is in a sense, would be as a superpower "Noblesse-oblige (noble obligation)".

In Japan, incurred responsibility in the stability of the world economy and the order? It is being questioned.

Yen becomes key currency era

As a result of these Japan's determination and actions increasing yen-denominated trade settlement and financial transactions in the world. Here are just out of the international settlement in such the world, only about 3%. Even going up to about 45 percent of the $ is around 30% for the euro, ought to be deaf.

At the same time increasing country "of Japan government bonds, yen-denominated financial instruments will have assets" and corporate American Government bonds As well as oil-producing Nations in the Middle East, should get to buy Japan government bonds to China would be. U.S. Government bonds has approximately 3% of foreign Governments and foreign investors. Stable prices of U.S. Government bonds and Japan government bonds held abroad is that much no matter.

And has been in dollar-denominated U.S. treasuries as investors around the world, though fallen fast worth $ would decrease. To avoid it, needs a "stable currency denominated assets have" great. To respond to the demand to Japan government bonds have?

Unknown said...






しかし、21世紀中に世界の人口が100億人に向けて増えていく中で、中国だけが豊かになる「北京コンセンサス」では、世界の経済は成り立たない。100億人が食べていけるだけの産業や仕事がなければならない。貧乏神発想の「ワシントン・コンセンサス」でも同様だ。 大川隆法総裁は、近著『国際政治を見る眼』で、世界経済をリードする哲学が見えなくなっていることに触れ、こう述べている。





Unknown said...

If thus the yen economic zone expanded, yen-denominated trade settlement and trading, Japan government bond holdings as well as the Japanese money to lure people to swing. Movement of Asian and African Governments and companies and issued treasuries and corporate bonds in yen terms, trying to raise funds becomes commonplace. Body of domestic and foreign financial institutions developed and attractive financial instruments, Japan 1600000000000000 Yen in personal assets, would come over the sales pitch.

Times overwhelming currency crowns $ is normal and multiple currencies with as an international currency. Also, the need for 30 years until after the second world war until British pound supremacy, had ended at the time after the first world war, US dollar hegemony could. Will take a long time to offloading some of the weakened dollar hegemony "pie supremacy".

With about 3 percent of the reserves just at that time, with international settlement and national authorities is yen-denominated, Asian and African countries 'public goods', close to the $ "Yen banknotes than 刷reru ' age would.
Responsibility of Japan to the peace and prosperity of the world discourage ambitions in China

AIIB or "straight across" concept in China's vision is clear. It's meant to AIIB financial power as the military power of the people's Liberation Army, based on the method of Chinese (Beijing consensus) dominate the silk road of the sea and the land.

However, jolt the world economy 10 billion people towards increasing world population during the 21 century in "Beijing consensus" as Chinese become richer. 10 billion who live only for industries and work must be. Same goes for "Washington consensus" of poverty. Ohkawa, Cronin said, noting that philosophy, to lead the world economy and international politics to see eye is blind.

"This is what the"new standards"should be containing the economic principles that have such clearly world's perspective, and make the new world order and its"new direction"for ethics and ethics will. Is, therefore, must be ethics, such as urging global economic growth at the same time, under the concept of 'what is a global justice?' in. I think misdirect all the powers that "that we withdraw from the world and somehow get crushed his country's economy as" only, and shrink (shrinking),, will shrink the global situation and, among them, will become "increasing population as' and after this I'm sure"horrible things"would happen"

Japan is "new standards" as "Tokyo consensus" must create world's direction. It's that, as shown in the above four recommendations by ninomiya respect virtue spirit raised industry in Asia and Africa, and Japan mutually, and to prop up military and its prosperity. Still, the sense of responsibility for the peace and prosperity of the world Japan being questioned.

Also become a starting point it AIIB Chinese ambitions to break.

Ayanami Jiro

Unknown said...

先の投稿は、 The Libertyの編集長 綾波次郎の記事

incited from the article of chif
editor of The Liberty Ayanami Jiro The Liberty Webより

AIIBをめぐる中国の野望をくじくには――次の基軸通貨は人民元? それとも円?

(Webバージョン) - 編集長コラム 2015.04.29

Unknown said...

Do you know the movie titled "A story of a prostitute" or "Shunpu Den" Japnaese title presented in 1965. (English subtitle is available)The original was written by Anti-war novelist by the name of Taijirou Tamur in 1947 only after 2 year after WW2.

There you will find how those prostitees lived during war time and everbody at that time (2 years after WW2) accepted it as it was.

Author Tamura dedicated his words saying " This book is dedecated Korean prostitues who went over to the middle of china where even Japanese prostitues
hated to go ..... on behalf of Imperial soldiers. Based on himanitarianism Tamura shoes his sympathy with literal flavor.

I strong recommend Mr. Yon to go through this movie and novel itself hopefully. 1947 version was sensored by GHQ and baned to publish. You may find out the reason why and how GHQ thought at that time.

Anyway, I want to show deep sympathy to those prostitues who could't survive oherwise. They had no other option but work as a prostitue to help their family. Some might have been attracted by false story, another sad story.

By the way, I have been in BKK. Situation here at this moment resembles
one more than 70 years ago.

A false story such as a kindnapping by Japanese government dosen't necesarily help recover their fame, I think.

Anonymous said...

> I humbly recommend Prof. Hata Ikuhiko’s Ianfu to senjō no sei, which eschews presentist politics in favor of documentary evidence.

You are able to read summary of the part in the following (p.11 - ).
“No Organized or Forced Recruitment: Misconception about Comfort Women and the Japanese Military” by Ikuhiko Hata, 2007

> Let us now turn our attention to sexual activity in battle zones where forces other than Japanese troops fought. For details, I refer readers to my book The Comfort Women and Sex in the Battle Zone. [9]
> 9. Hata Ikuhiko, Ianfu to senjo no sei (The comfort women and sex in the battle zone) (Tokyo: Shinchosha, 1999).

# Transition of Ms. Lee Yong-soo's testimony is also mentioned in p.5 - (Table: p.10).

BTW, the 187 historians pointed out that the “comfort women” system was distinguished by its large scale and systematic management under the military. However according to the article the following looks a more large scale.

> Toward the end of the Vietnam War, there were 300,000-500,000 prostitutes, according to Cynthia Enloe. [16]
> 16. Cynthia Enloe, Does Khaki Become You? The Militarization of Women’s Lives (London: Pluto Press, 1983), pp. 33-34.

And, German military brothels which there were around 500 places in Nazi's occupied territories in WWII and it is said that there were surely the Forced Recruitment by the military, has been ignored almost hidden in the Holocaust. It by Japan was 400 places (according to the book of Prof. Hata).

# Dear Her Excellency Dr. Angela Merkel the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany,
 I heard that when you visited Japan last March, you told Japan to face up to history. Rather it would be better to take Japan's advice about the above matter, apart from Greek's "Stupid" claim for WWII reparations which you have rejected after that.

In closing, Prof. Hata encouraged human rights activists to invest their energy in the eradication of contemporary sex crimes.

> According to the China Daily, over a six-month period, more than 110,000 victims of kidnapping or human trafficking (most of them forced into prostitution) were rescued in China alone.