私にはわからない.このフィルムは日本のプロパガンダか? そうかもしれない.私にはまだわからない.昨年,我々は第二次大戦中日本が20万人をさらってきてセックス奴隷にしたという主張を調べ始めた.私は今タイにいる.調査を継続するために,もうすぐミャンマーに,そしてフィリピンへと渡る.しかしこれはもう嘘だと言うことがわかっている.
南京の件の背後にいるのはGlobal Alliance(世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会)だ.セックス奴隷の件の背後にもGlobal Allianceがいる.注意しないといけない.多くの場合,影に隠れていて表面には出てこない.
Global Allianceは,当時,精神的に病んでいたアイリスチャン(Iris Chang)とも組んでいた.彼女は日本を打ちのめすような本を出版することになる.Googleで彼女の名前とGlobal Allianceを検索してみろ.彼女は銃で自殺する.彼女には銃を預けておくことはできない.同様にキーボードだって預けておけない.Global Allianceは物語を広めるために彼女を使った.彼女は今,平安のなかで静かに眠っているだろう.
Global Allianceと関係のある他のグループは,南京事件のキャンペーンとセックス奴隷の嘘の中心にいる.私はいずれ調査の対象を南京の件にシフトする.その申し立てが本当だと私が信じる結果になったとしても,私はこう言うだろう.最低限度だと.おそらく非常に誇張されている.731部隊についても同じようなものだろう.
これらの主張が中国(RPC:中華人民共和国)から来ているのを思い出せ.Global Allianceの背後にいるのも中国だ.中国を信じるのか?
真に正しいことは,Global Allianceとその他のグループは,日本に対しての憎しみの感情をあおるためにこれらの件を使っているということだ.日本の軍事力を弱くさせ,その一方で中国は海軍力を強くして領海を広げようと企んでいる.
寄付の受付 http://michaelyonjp.blogspot.jp/2015/03/blog-post.html
What Really Happened at Nanjing?
I do not know. Is this film Japanese propaganda? It could be. I do not know yet.
Last year I and others began researching the allegations that Japanese kidnapped 200,000 sex slaves during and before World War II. We are still researching.
I am in Thailand researching and will head to Myanmar and back to Philippines for more research. But we already have learned that this is false.
The Japanese did not commit this crime of kidnapping 200,000 women.
It literally is communist propaganda that started in 1978 by a communist named Yoshido Seiji, and was propagated by the second biggest paper in the world, the left leaning Asahi Shimbun.
The narrative then took a life of its own and Korea and China began using it to squeeze money and hatred (Korea) and to keep Japan weak (China).
The sex slave myth is all a big scam.
The Kono statement was a cultural mistake by Kono. House Resolution 121 and the UN report are part of the big scam. Representative Mike Honda was behind 121. Many of his voters are Chinese and Korean, and he obviously hates Japan.
I came into this with open mind, as I later will do with the Nanjing issue. My mind remains open to new evidence but the big scam already is obvious.
As for Nanjing, the people behind the Nanjing issue include Global Alliance, who also is behind the sex slave myth. Global Alliance. A name to watch. Much of this is hidden in plain view.
Global Alliance worked with the mentally ill Iris Chang. Chang allegedly wrote the rape of Nanjing. She went on a grand book
tour smashing the Japanese. Google her name and Global Alliance. She later shot herself to death. She could not be trusted with gun, and so could not be trusted with a keyboard. They used her to sell the narrative. May she rest in peace.
tour smashing the Japanese. Google her name and Global Alliance. She later shot herself to death. She could not be trusted with gun, and so could not be trusted with a keyboard. They used her to sell the narrative. May she rest in peace.
Global Alliance and some other related groups are dead center in the middle of the Nanjing campaign, and the sex slave lies. Eventually I will shift to Nanjing. If it turns out that I believe the allegations are true, I will say this. At minimum, it appears highly exaggerated. Similar appears to be true with 731.
Remember: these allegations are coming mostly from PRC, as does Global Alliance. Do you trust PRC?
What definitely is true is that Global Alliance and others are using it to whip hatred against Japanese. They are trying to keep Japan's military weak while China expands its borders and Navy.
We all know that war crimes occurred on all sides. The Bataan Death March really happened. I went to Bataan in January. Nobody denies it happened, but this does not mean that all allegations about everything automatically are true.
Likewise, people are accusing the USA of raping its way across Iraq and Afghanistan. I spent almost four years in those countries during the wars. It's all a lie. Our people did not commit these crimes other than some very limited cases of criminal activity.
Yes, at least tremendous exaggeration is observed in it. We know, the National Police Agency Secretary Wang Gupan (王固磐) announced that 200,000 people are still living in Nanjing at the press conference held in Nanjing Nov. 28, 1937 (about one week before the attack by the Japanese Army), and Jan. 14, 1938, the International Committee of Nanjing announced that the population has increased in 250,000 people.
i am visiting your web-site everyday.
i really appreciate your efforts.
the story of unit 731 is derived from a novel written by seiichi morimura森村誠一. it is known that the story is fiction. i think that morimura is still alive.
in addition, recently, asahi shimbun announced that they used photoes unrelated to nankin in aricles reporting so-called "nankin gyakusatsu."
I have the film in DVD format.
See below:
The documentary film “Nanking” (Director: Shigeru Shirai, Producer: Toho Movie K.K.) was created in 1938 with the cooperation of now-defunct Japanese Army Ministry. Since Nanking in 1937 was the capitol city of the Chinese Nationalist Government, many newspaper reporters and camera crews of various movie producers entered the city along with General Matsui’s Central China Forces.
This movie film was thought to be lost during the fire-raid of American bombers until 1989, when one copy was discovered in Beijing. Now we can watch the movie by DVD and Youtube. Click the left image (the cover of the DVD) to watch the movie. The author had put English caption in accordance with the narration and some remarks as follows
Many "evidence photographs", truly sickening... including presented in Iris Chang's book have been known to be awful fabrication.
Analyzing The ‘Photographic Evidence’ of The Nanking Massacre, 2005 by Higashinakano Shudo, Kobayashi Susumu & Fukunaga Shainjiro
I am studying “Nanking Massacre.” I read many books and still reading many others to find out what had actually happened in Nanking in 1937. I am also studying why we have thought there was a massacre for a long time.
My stance on the “Nanking Massacre” is as follows:
Since Chinese KMT forces did not surrender, Japanese Army attacked Nanking.
The estimated number of the Chinese KMT forces inside Nanking Castle was 50,000- and attacking Japanese Army was 70,000-
The battle began on December 10, 1937 and, on December 12, there was a great skedaddle among the Chinese forces. Their defense line collapsed and they fled for life. The Japanese Army units, in an attempt to encircle the Nanking Castle, encountered these fleeing Chinese forces in several places outside the Castle. In the fierce battles that followed, the Japanese Amy killed many Chinese soldiers.
Yes, there were many soldiers who died in the Battle of Nanking. However, there was NO massacre against civilians and captured POWs.
All the story of Nanking Massacre is the false propaganda originated from “What War Means” by Harold Timperley, “Travel in China” by Katsuichi Honda, and “Rape of Nanking” by Iris Chang.
Searle Bates, John Magee and Wilson Robert, who testified in 1946 Tokyo Tribunal are all liars.
Rape of Nanking is just Fake of Nanking
False Accusations of Nanking Massacre
南京 (戦線後方記録映画) (Nanking 1938)
戦線後方記録映画「南京」 1938年東宝文化映画部作品.avi
南京情報戦の75年戦争…河村市長が挑む反日包囲網 2012年
Why China is so clamoring about Nanking?
During 1970s and 80s, when Den Shao-ping was a de facto emperor of China, Chinese said nothing about so-called “Nanking Massacre.” To the best of my knowledge, no three big figures of China: Mao Zse-dong(毛沢東), Chou En-lai(周恩来), and Den Shao-ping (トウ小平)have ever mentioned anything about “Nanking Massacre.”
My understanding is as follows:
After 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) was faced with a serious problem of survival. Continuing the open-door policy is indispensable for the economic growth of China. But the open-door policy makes the Chinese people’s claim for democratization stronger and stronger and eventually, the CCP will be overthrown in a violent rebellion some day.
Therefore, Jian Zemin(江沢民)the successor of Den Shao-ping, took two measures for the survival of the CCP.
One is to let the military generals get money as much as they want. Today, PLA operates resort hotels, smuggles used cars from Japan and elsewhere, sells military equipment to African despots only to get money. They have absolutely NO discipline.
The other is to create a villain (Japan) and resort to blame-shifting manipulation. Today, Chinese leaders are constantly saying,
We are the victim of Japanese militarism!
We are the victim of Japanese militarism!
We are the victim of Japanese militarism!
all the time.
Ordinary Chinese people know very well that this is sheer nonsense and there was no Nanking Massacre at all. When they talk about “you killed 300,000” mumbo jumbo mantra, they just repeat what the CCP says to the world simply because there is no free speech in China. They are clever than you think.
Every photo of NANKING MASSACRE seems to be fake.(1/2)
Every photo of NANKING MASSACRE seems to be fake.(2/2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vQ9W9Mg0as
日本側の文献には大量に蓄積された資料があるのに、日本人が何を言っても相手にされない。アメリカ人は南京大虐殺があったと信じこんでいるからね。南京大虐殺と原爆投下・本土空襲は心理的にセットになっていて、「悪い日本を凝らしめた」というストーリーが崩れてしまうから、容易に事実を認めようとしない。そもそも、東京裁判でJohn Magee牧師が大ウソこいているなんて信じたくないでしょう。牧師や神父はウソをつかないことになっているから。
> そのほかにはトーチカを制圧してみたら支那兵の足が鎖に繋がれていて逃げられないようになっていたとかの話があるけれど、ずいぶん前に見た記録なので、どこに出典があったか忘れた。
> 東中野修道氏の著書『南京事件-国民党秘密文書から読み解く』によれば、この文書は台北の国民党党史舘で発見した極秘文書『中央宣伝部国際宣伝処工作概要1938年~1941年』に残されているとのことです。
“Top-secret Chinese Nationalist Documents Reveal the Truth about the Nanking Incident”, 2006, by Shudo Higashinakano
Full Text (PDF)
In 2003, official documents that demolish — once and for all — the “Nanking Massacre” myth were discovered by Prof. Higashinakano at the Museum of Chinese Nationalist Party in Taipei. Marked “top-secret,” they were compiled in 1941 by the Chinese Nationalist Ministry of Information under the title Outline of International Propaganda Operations. The documents are detailed records describing counterintelligence activities implemented by the Nationalists in 1937, when war with Japan broke out, and thereafter. This book reveals the truth of the Nanking Massacre based on this “top-secret” documents, once and for all.
Anyone who believes there was a massacre in Nanking should see the following December 25, 1937 edition of the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper.
Harold John Timperle has served as officer in the UK branch of the Kuomintang propaganda agency. The historical materials were found in the Party History Museum of the KMT in Taipei City.
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