Thursday, April 23, 2015




私が米国で育ったときに聞いた話では、当時、日本人はおしなべて邪悪であったということだ。それをずっと信じてきた。しかし、もう信じない。真相, すべての真相, そして真相のみが重要だ。根っからのアメリカ人である私にとって正義は非常に重要である。感情やプロパガンダなどではなく、真実に基づいた正義が重要だ。




私は教えられてきた — 韓国と中国が毎日繰り返して言うように — それらの国々で女性達が犠牲になったと。しかしながら、大々的な虐待についての証拠は無い。ミャンマーではなにも見つけることができなかった。



ビルマ人が英国から日本人の囚人をかくまったという多くの話を聞いた。 — 私は、米国では、そんなことは絶対に起こらないと言った。我々だったならば、米国人を拷問した者は全て殺したろう。もちろんビルマ人の心にはすぐに許しを与えるという文化がある。



紳士の名前はHla Moeといった。彼は大卒で21冊の本を英語からビルマ語に翻訳している。部屋にはウィリアム・ドノバン(Wild Bill Donovan)の本もあった。それは翻訳のために彼に送られた本だった。彼はミャンマーで良く知られた作家である。今でも頭がはっきりしている。








Hla Moe氏は言った。日本人は午後4時から6時まで日本語学校を開催していたと言った。彼は日本語を幾つか覚えていた(かれは1985年に日本を訪れている)。シッタンのお年寄りと同様に、彼は日本人のことを話すときにほほえみを浮かべていた。

日本兵の名前を覚えているか聞いてみた。Hla Moe氏は、彼の先生を板本(Ita Moto)と覚えていた。

彼の妻が言うには、日本兵は彼らの家を良く訪れていたようだ。彼女は言った。彼の名前は永谷さん(Naga Tani san)だったと。彼の階級はわからない。私は彼が子供に日本の遊びを教えていたかどうか聞いてみたが、そんなことはなかったようだ。しかし彼は親切だったそうだ。戦後、彼女は彼と再会していない。

1985年、Hla Moe氏は日本を訪れた。広島、大阪、東京、他の場所を。26日間滞在し、日本をとても好きになった。彼は言った、日本人はとても礼儀正しいと。私は彼に日本の食べ物は好きかどうか聞いてみた。答えはノーだった(私にとっては驚きの答えであった)。

いろいろな出来事について話した。-- 結局、彼らは日本人を好きだ、英国のほうがベターだが。彼らは米国人も好きだ。英国軍のインド人も好きだ。







Japan-Burma-India-UK-USA: Interview with 83 year-old Burmese man and his 76 year-old wife
(A quick post with no edit. Very busy today. Please excuse any typos.)
There is some angst among many readers who do not like what I am discovering amid random interviews of elderly Burmese people. This is in regard to Japanese occupation during World War II.
The narrative I was raised with in the United States is that Japanese were uniformly evil to everyone they met. I accepted this for many years. 
I no longer accept this narrative as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I am American to the soul and as such justice is deeply important to me. Justice based on truth, not emotions and propaganda.
The evil-Japanese narrative I was taught and that I see in the news daily -- the Koreans just hired a PR firm in the U.S. to smash Japan --is not withstanding scrutiny. 
I am specifically asking for evidence of war crimes or stories of war crimes, and asking what elderly people remember of Japanese, and what they think and feel about Japanese then and now.
I am providing sufficient information about many of the interviews that journalists or researchers easily can audit my findings. Better still, just ask elderly people in your own neighborhoods. The response will be mixed but I am finding a surprising amount of positive response about Japanese in Philippines, Thailand, and Myanmar, so far. 
I was taught -- and the Korea/China narrative is repeated daily -- that women were victimized in all of these countries, but there is scant evidence of any widespread abuse, and I am finding no evidence in Myanmar.
There is no doubt that Japanese were brutal to thousands of our prisoners who even died, and treated others quite well. 
The field is mixed. But from dozens of interviews of people from different parts of Burma, the response is almost uniformly positive to both British and Japanese, other than they hated to be colonized by both. 
There was hatred for both for the colonization, but also a fondness for both. 
I have found many stories of Burmese hiding Japanese prisoners from British -- I said this never would have happened in the USA. We surely would have killed them all if they tortured Americans, but there is something about the Burmese spirit that allows quick forgiveness. 
I have asked many times why they can forgive so quickly and they say this is their Buddhist way. I am making no psychoanalysis but only repeating what they tell me. I do not know.
Today I spoke with the 83 and 76 year-old couple from Saku, Burma, and with their three daughters and 20 year-old granddaughter seen here, who is a university student.
The gentlemen's name is Mr. Hla Moe. He is university educated and has translated 21 books from English to Burmese, and there in the room was a copy of the book Wild Bill Donovan, which was sent to him for translation. Mr. Hla Moe is a well known writer in Myanmar. His mind is sharp today.
His spoken English is not good, but he reads English fluently. I see this also a great deal with some Thais and Japanese who can read and write English at university level, but when I meet in person or call them, they cannot understand or speak English well, so we must communicate in writing. Today I brought a translator, per normal.
According to the couple, Japanese occupied their town from March 1942 to March 1945. The town is called Saku, and so this can be audited by others who so desire.
I asked about any war rapes or other crimes. They said they did not hear of any and that the Japanese treated them well, and they treated the children (they were young children) very well.
Their words were echoes of what I heard in Sittang and other places, saying even that Japanese Soldiers would come visit their families, and have lunch or dinner with them. This is nearly verbatim from Sittang.
Another echo from elders in Sittang that came from this couple from Saku, is that they liked the Japanese but all said the British were better. They were very fond of Japanese but British discipline was better. 
At Sittang and other places, most people are saying they did not meet Americans, but today the couple from Saku said that American soldiers came in 1945, about 50 or so (they did not know), and I asked if Americans committed any crimes and how they treated people. They said Americans did not commit crimes and they were good. 
They also said that British and Indians (in the British Army) were friendly and committed no crimes.
I asked if they have smallpox vaccination scars from Japanese. Man and wife showed me their vaccination scars saying Japanese took good care of them.
Mr. Hla Moe said they ran Japanese language school from 4-6PM during school days. He remembers some Japanese words (he also travelled to Japan in 1985), and as per elders in Sittang, he smiled when he spoke some Japanese.
I asked if they remember any names of Japanese Soldiers. Mr. Hla Moe said his teacher was Ita Moto. 
I asked if Ita Moto kept in contact or ever came back after the war. He never saw or heard from Ita Moto again. He said Ita Moto's rank was three lines and one star. Mr. Hla Moe liked Ita Moto.
His wife said a Japanese officer often came to their home to visit. She said his name was Naga Tani san. She did not know his rank. I asked if he taught the children any Japanese games and she said no, but that he was kind. She never saw him again after the war.
In 1985 Mr. Hla Moe travelled to Japan, including Hiroshima, Osaka, Tokyo, and other places. He spent 26 days and greatly liked Japanese. He said they were very polite. I asked if he likes Japanese food and he said no. (That was a surprise for me.)
We talked about many other topics -- bottom line is that they liked Japanese, British were better, they liked Americans and they liked Indians in the British Army.
I have been trying to nail down why people are saying they liked Japanese but British were better. This seems to revolve around self sufficiency. British were able to supply themselves, while Japanese did not have that infrastructure and sometimes took things or even robbed people.
Another common theme is that the Japanese were mostly friendly other than when someone committed a crime, for which he might be tortured or shot on the spot. One old Muslim man across the street from the Synagogue in Yangon told me that crime went to zero due to Japanese enforcement. (Of course Japanese themselves were still taking supplies from people.)
I asked if they ever saw any Japanese, Chinese or Korean women. They said no.
I asked the 20 year old granddaughter what she thinks about Japanese. She said she likes Japanese but never met a Japanese. I asked what she thinks of Americans. She greatly likes Americans but never met one until today.
The family actually treated me like a family member. This seems to be normal in Burma. Everyone is treating me like an honored guest. 
If you come to Burma, please find some elders and ask for yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
