February 7, 2015
Michael Yon
Report: PRC Chinese Bullies in America
Notice in this report how mainland Chinese go nuts in America due to something written in a booklet. This is the same PRC that takes great pains to malign and lie about Japan in textbooks.
Have you ever noticed that Japanese students and communities in America never cause violence or problems despite that they get insulted and lied about 365 days per year?
The Japanese somehow just keep rolling.
The PRC Chinese, however...
Try this on a US campus:
Approach a group of PRC students while wearing a free Tibet t-shirt, waving flags for Taiwan and Hong Kong. Talk about the wisdom of the Dalai Lama.
For that matter, fly to Beijing, and just before landing, change into a Free Tibet t-shirt. You are in for an adventure.
Meanwhile, if you are not troubled in Beijing, you can fly to Tokyo when you are deported, and start talking trash about Japan. Nothing will happen in Japan. Because Japanese are Japanese, and overwhelmingly peaceful.
Yet for some reason, when Chinese lie about Nanjing and sex-slaves, everyone on the American campuses seems to believe it. They know PRC lies about Tibet and all else under the sun, but our academics instantly switch to the gullible mode when Chinese lie about Japanese.
(There was actually a massacre at Nanjing, but there is a huge amount of Chinese exaggeration going on. The sex-slave narrative is complete BS.)
If you trace who had spread the fabricated story of Nanking Massacre, you will arrive at the Chinese Intelligence Agency and ultimately Stalin’s conspiracy to drag the U.S. into the world war.
Americans will not accept the ugly fact they were deceived by the Red Army tricksters and made a serious mistake of destroying Japan and gave rise of Mao’s China.
If you attend at a trial, you have to listen to both sides of a story before making any conclusion. However, when it comes to Nanking, China, Pearl Harbor, and Atomic Bombs, Americans have deaf ears to Japan’s side of the story. Why? It is because you want to stay to be a young Luke Skywalker who does not know Darth Vader is his father.
Do you still believe Saddam Hussein had WMD?
Magic words are Operation Orange, Flying Tigers, Venona, and Operation Snow.
It is OK, arguing on this matter is useless to counter for the imminent danger of China’s threat to the free democracies. Three years ago I believed there was 1937 Nanking Massacre myself. It will take years for anyone to notice what had actually happened there before 1941 Pearl Harbor Attack.
I am now confident that, if there is what Japan is responsible for the history of mankind, it is the very fact that Japan had lost the war. The real winner of WWII was Starlin’s Soviet Union. The United States and Japan were both losers.
False Accusations of Nanking Massacre
Dear Michael-san,
Thank you for your kind support and understanding on position of Japan. I would like to express my sincere Thanks and Appreciation.
By the way, with regard to word of "Massacre", I would like you to use a bit carefully.
I never deny that numbers of people were killed during and after battle of Nanjing, including civilians. However, as you know well, in the close combat at city, it is impossible to avoid victims of civilians. It was very sorry for people/civilians who died at that battle.
However, if we use the word of "Massacre", that means Japanese army/soldiers intentionally killed civilians as their "Target".
Repeatedly I would like to say that numbers of civilians were killed during and after the battle. This is historical fact. However was that "Massacre"???
I am not Linguist、so I do not know the definition of "Massacre"
in English. However at least in Japanese language, "Massacre" means, numbers of people were killed intentionally as target by people who are riots or under the order of some certain organization.
I do not want sticking around corners. But just as one small question.......
I hope/expect your good and powerful work and health!!
Unfortunately there is no scientific evidence to support a hypothesis that a massacre at Nanjing has actually committed.
Tanaka Masaaki田中正明, a Japanese journalist and former secretary of Iwane Matsui , put up 15 reasons that denies the Nanking Massacre in his book titled 南京事件の総括 (Summary of Nanking Incident).
Iwane Matsui was the commander of the Japanese Army which attacked Nanking in 1937. He was hanged as a war criminal after Tokyo Tribunal.
I will check the 15 reasons one by one myself and put the results in my website:
False Accusations of Nanking Massacre
You have to find out who had told lies on this matter.
An article on "Nanking Massacre" written by a Japanese -
Katsuichi Honda - is in a series of "Travels in China" during the
70's and this article has first appeared in the Asahi
Shinbun (Is it suspicious or?). Chinese communist government uses this article as the
main source of "Nanking Massacre" for propaganda.
I have learn this fact from the book of Masanori Mizuma who is
journalist and is also an expert of "comfort women" issue.
Dear Michael, I hope that it is useful information for you.
Neither Mao Tse-dong 毛沢東nor Chou En-lai 周恩来has ever mentioned on the Nanking Massacre. When Chiang Kai-suk 蒋介石and his army stationed in Wuhan 武漢 from December 1, 1937 to October 24, 1938, there were more than 300 times of press conferences held with foreign correspondents. However, Chiang Kai-suk had never issued a statement that there was a massacre on civilians or illegal mass-killings on prisoners in Nanking. Not even once. Don’t you think it is strange? If the above is wrong, just give me the evidence such as newspaper articles on such records.
After the war, three pastors and one doctor appeared in the Tokyo Tribunal and told that the massacre and mass-rapes on the civilians occurred during the first six weeks just after the fall of Nanking, which must be from December 13, 1937 to the end of January, 1938.
If they told the truth, tell me the reason why such peaceful photos I put on the website were taken during the same period in a small space about a quarter size of the Washington D.C. Did they eat breakfast or lunch, or get hair-cut in the middle of mass-killings?
False Accusations of Nanking Massacre
Brigadier general Toichi Sasaki of 30th Infantry Brigade in charge of evicting enemy soldiers in civilian cloths from the Safety Zone had put in his diary that the peace of the city was largely restored within two weeks (which means the city of Nanking enjoyed peaceful occupation of the Japanese Army from December 27, 1937).
Someone must have told terrible lies.
The real massacre, not the fantasy propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party has occurred during B29 bombings on Tokyo and other cities in Japan.
B29 Bombings on Japan’s Mainland
Miner Bates, George Fitch, John Magee, and Wilson Robert are false accusers of Nanking Incident. John Harold Timperley, an Australian journalist who worked for Chinese KMT intelligence Agency, spread the lies of Nanking Massacre based on the lies of Miner Bates and George Fitch.
One of the major problems for researchers arguing about the “Nanking Massacre” is that they rarely conduct cross-references with Japanese-side materials.
These pastors (John Magee and George Fitch), Miner Bates, J. H Timperley, and Iris Chang argue that the large part of the massacre took place in the first sex weeks immediately after the fall of the city. This means the period from December 13, 1937 to the end of January, 1938.
Then how do you explain the fact below?
Kyoto 16th Division (京都第十六師団)issued “Certificate of Good Citizen” for a period from December 13, 1937 to January 5, 1938, for identification of non-combatants and distribution of food. You can watch this scene of issuing certificates at the following Youtube movie (34:40 - 36:20).
The number of the certificates issued during this period was approximately 150,000. These certificates were not issued to senior citizens older than 60 years old and children younger than 12 years old. If you include the number of senior citizens and children, the number of Nanking citizens on the date of the fall of the city (December 13) can be estimated to be around 200,000.- This number is matched with the record of Rabe Diary.
This work of issuing certificates was handed over to Nanking Special Organization 南京特務機関on January 6 and the organization continued the work until February 25. The additional number of certificates issued by the organization during the period from Jan.5 to Feb. 25 was approximately 100,000. Therefore, the total number of certificates issued amounted to 250,000-
If a massacre of any kind took place in Nanking in the first 6 weeks, why did the number of citizens increase during exactly the same period? Are you going to the place where killing spree is taking place?
>Yet for some reason, when Chinese lie about Nanjing and sex-slaves, everyone on the American campuses seems to believe it.
Since I began to create the website of False Accusations of Nanking Massacre and put the website address at various sites, I sometimes receive strange emails that say, “If there were no Nanking Massacre, it means there were no atomic drops in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
So, in their minds, Nanking, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are inseparable combined total.
In 1945, I guess Americans felt it nothing wrong to drop atomic bombs on Japan. Today we know B29 fire raids on Tokyo and other cities killed over 600,000. Almost all the major cities were destructed to ruins. So what’s wrong with dropping A-bombs to expedite the end of the war?
The book “Birds from Hell” tells that General Curtis LeMay was strongly opposed to the drop of Atomic Bombs due to the expectation Japan would surrender in October or November at latest.
It was General Marshall and President F. Roosevelt who decided to drop the A-bombs.
70 years later, in the days in which human-rights are more important than the past, no nation can use nuclear weapons unless attacked with nuclear weapons. The United States were not able to drop A-bombs in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the Iraq War.
Therefore, it is easily surmised that, for those who feel some guilty feelings about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Nanking Massacre and forced recruitment of sex slaves are convenient “good justification” of their own massacres.
70 years ago, the U.S. and its allies tattooed onto our heads with such letters as “murderer” and “rapist.” How can we walk on the street with such letters tattooed onto our heads?
When we try to clear our name with historical facts, Americans throw at us such words as “revisionists,” “whitewashing,” “right wingers” and so on.
せっかく日本語で発信してくれているのに英語でコメントしなきゃならない風潮ってなんなの?? 外国人に日本語で話しかけられてるのに、必死に英語で答えようとしてる人みたいで滑稽だ。
Comment from the Japanese staff.
Thank you for your comment.
We welcome Japanese as well as English comments.
Some of the Japanese comments have been translated into English and forwarded to Mr. Yon. He is also the administrator of this Blogger page and has been checking its contents.
It seems that some of the articles have been copied and pasted on Japanese discussion pages and hotly argued there.
Note that gross spam messages will be moved to our spam box.
Mr. Yon is here in Japan now.
Thank you for your support.
俺は海外移住し国際結婚している日本人だけど、海外での韓国人による日本人成り済ましと、現地中国系(Overseas Chinese)や韓国系(Overseas Korean)による反日プロパガンダは本当に酷いレベルです。日本国内でも海外でも、韓国人は日本人に成り済まして、わざと悪さをして日本の評判を下げようと画策している。アメリカなど世界中で日本人女性に成り済まして売春している韓国人女性などその一部です。
Thanks for accepting me as one of your friends on Google+, Michael. I will be much happier if you accept me on Twitter as well. My Twitter ID is @billabac under the name of "Bill the Samurai".
I really appreciate from the bottom of my heart your supporting Japan in English, whereby many non-Japanese people will be able to know facts about what Japanese did before, during and after World War II while very dirty propaganda campaigns have been carried out by anti-Japan Chinese, Koreans and Japanese such as Tabuchi Hiroko, who is a New York Times reporter.
I felt helpless at times when I was speaking out Japanese legitimate opinions in English to the world on Twitter, Google+, YouTube and my English blog on Google. (By the way I left Facebook already because its owner is pro-CCP).
However, you showed up all of a sudden on the Internet. In the beginning, I scrubbed my eyes many times, wondering "Is this man really serious in supporting Japan?". After I read many articles of yours which have been informed to me by friends of mine who are the members of Facebook, where you have been actively posting your opinions to protect Japan from anti-Japan people, I confirmed that Michael is an honest and sensible supporter of Japan, knowing many facts through his research as a true journalist who knows "justice".
I am an authentic Japanese old man, of course being able to read, speak and write Japanese, but I use only English on the Internet to speak out my thoughts to non-Japanese people to have understanding from them on the correct figure of Japan.
Tomorrow I will attend a political seminar in Tokyo where some patriot Japanese politicians and political commentators will come. I will also attend an after seminar dinner session, where I will talk about your support to them, encouraging them to be friends with you.
Someday in the near future, I may have a presentation for them to learn the knack of "cross-cultural negotiation" so that they will be able to debate with anti-Japan people in English.
I am actually a cross-cultural business management trainer, so I have made many programs. The above is only one of them.
I hope that we keep in touch and cooperate together to fight against anti-Japan rogues as well as anti-US villains.
I know anti-Japan people are also anti-US people because they aim to destroy the US-Japan Alliance.
William Matsushima a.k.a. Bill the Samurai
>very dirty propaganda campaigns have been carried out by anti-Japan Chinese, Koreans and Japanese such as Tabuchi Hiroko, who is a New York Times reporter.
Add Norimitsu Onishi : 大西哲光 of New York Times to the ant-Japan propagandist list.
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