Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Michael Yon
January 13, 2015

これは古典だ.朴大統領は売春婦の問題で日本に対して依然としてべらべらと文句を言っている. — 70年も前のできごとなのに —  米国の兵士のためにセックス奴隷であったと主張している韓国の女性たちは,今,韓国政府自体を訴えている,



Michael Yon
January 13, 2015

Hypocrisy from S. Korean Government: "Park: Japan should offer comfort women solutions"
This is classic. President Park from Korea still blabbering on about Korean prostitutes for Japan -- more than 70 years ago -- while modern-day Korean women who claim to have been sex-slaves of the Korean government (for American troops) are now suing the Korean government. 
It is no secret that the South Korean government was a big pimp for the US military.
Japan could answer, "President Park, it looks like your hands are full with sex-slavery allegations by your own women against your own government. Please settle your pimping issues and get back to us."


Unknown said...



Moguro Fukuzo said...

A Japanese journalist, Mizuma Masanori, considers that the basic motive of S. Korea constantly comes up with CWI is money, because S. Korea usually doesn’t care about human rights. Influenced by Confucian teachings, women’s status is particularly low in S. Korea. One of his books, ひと目でわかる慰安婦問題の真実 “The truth of Comfort Women Issue you can understand at first sight” points out this putting up statistics and a graph.

Visit the following URL to find the statistics. You may find them interesting:

Table (A) is the Financial Statistics of S. Korea (Source: Japan Bank and now defunct Ministry of Trade and Commerce)

Graph (B) was created from Table (A) by M. Mizuma. By putting some English caption, I created Graph (C) from Table (A) and Graph (B). Therefore, (C) = (A) + (B) plus my English description.

Money supply is the increase of volume of money circulating in an economy. There are two peaks of money supply in 1982 and 1991. 1982 is the year the article about Yoshida Seiji first appeared in Asahi Shimbun. After 1982, Asahi Shimbun carried 16 articles on CWI and by 1991, many South Koreans took to the streets demonstrating against “Japan’s wartime atrocity on Korean women” claiming apology and compensation.

Therefore, Graph (C) indicates that when S. Korea shows indignation about history, Japan offered Yen Loan (low interest long-term loan) in JPY currency.

In a sense, Japan’s attitude had spoiled the bad dog South Korea. When your bad dog barks loudly and bites your leg, the best way is to leave the dog alone in a room and shut the door, creating a situation of “separation from master” which the dog hates the most. Rather than that, Japan has given what the dog wants the most every time the dog bites her leg. Now, S. Korea has become a Pavlov’s dog and it bites Japan all the time.

To put it differently, when S. Korea faces economic difficulties, it seems the leaders of S. Korea consider that Japan will help the nation only by barking on history.

Moguro Fukuzo said...

Supplementary description:
Unlike JPY or USD, Korean Won (KRW) is not a key currency, meaning that you cannot pay KRW in return for the purchase of oil or food from the international market.

S. Korea is a large exporter and importer. The combined export and import often amounts to its GDP and sometimes exceeds its GDP. (Japan’s combined export and import never goes beyond 30% of its GDP.)

You can easily surmise that S. Korea always badly needs key currency in order to avoid default in payment.

Sharp increase in money supply means inflation under the sluggish economy that would lead to stagflation. You may consider that in 1982 and 1991, S. Korea was faced with economic crises.

Moguro Fukuzo said...

On December 19, last year, the very day the first court hearing of lawsuit filed by 122 former comfort women served the U.S. Army was held in Seoul, US Rep. Mike Honda met President Park.

What is this man, Mike Honda, doing there? How can he ignore the court hearing?

moguro fukuzo said...

While it is deplorable that President Park continues to blubber about CWI and never expresses a sign to restore the relationship with Japan, there is nothing to lose for Japan as most of us already decided to abandon S. Korea as its coalition member to face against China. We know Koreans love to be a slave of China, play both sides of a fence historically. They are ungrateful for Japan’s assistance for modernization, shameless robbers of technologies, flatterers for the strong and bullies for the weak. We hate such a people.

In an ancient scroll of Nihon-shoki (日本書紀), it is written that “In 760, Emi-no-asakari(恵美朝狩)- then the son of the powerful ruler of Japan Fujiwara-no-nakamaro (藤原仲麻呂)- expelled the envoy of Korea declaring that ‘You are a shameful country of disrespect and discourtesy. Even a prince tells a lie. How can I trust what a lowly official such as you tells to me? Go back and return after your county has become a respectful courteous country. ’”

This phrase “Even a prince tells a lie” is still true 1240 years later, if you remember that Kim Jong-ill continued to break the promises with the U.S. not to continue the nuclear development. This phrase “Even a prince tells a lie” is still true today if you remember that S. Koreans continue to come up with CWI despite 1965 Bilateral Peace Treaty which declares that “all matters between the two nations were finally and completely solved.”

We all know what Koreans, both north and south, did to the Japanese who contributed their lives for the development of the Korean Peninsula during annexation. There was an abortion center in Fukuoka City for the Japanese women raped by Korean men in the course of returning from Korea. So far, we have never brought up such an issue considering that future is more important than the past and we already have treaty with S. Korea.

However, if S. Korea continues to disgrace our ancestors with their fabricated fantasies, we would treat S. Korea as our enemy.

Obama Administration still has an illusion that Japan can get along with S. Korea well in forming a three-party coalition of Japan, the U.S. and S. Korea, and continues to put pressure on Japan to have a better relationship with S. Korea. I would say: Mr. President. Please tell such preaching not to Japan but to S. Korea. Japan has many bad memories with this rogue nation in the past and finally decided not to have any relationship with S. Korea at least for the next 1000 years.

Anonymous said...

【The Truth about Comfort Women】


Anonymous said...


MichaelYonJP said...


Anonymous said...


Moguro Fukuzo said...


MichaelYonJP said...

Dear Moguro Fukuzo
Thank you for your notice.
Whenever I find spam comment, I throw it into the spambox.