Thursday, January 15, 2015


January 14, 2015
Michael Yon

中国が宇宙空間での所有権を主張してくることは間違いない.(静止衛星の位置は別として — これは多くの国の間での了解事項であって,別の話だ.)
サンフランシスコとボストンを見ろ — そろそろ中国はチャイナタウンの権利を主張してくるにきまってる.
中国は極めて邪悪となった.手遅れにならないうちに韓国も目をさます必要がある. — 北朝鮮は — 強いてふれる必要も無いが.

January 14, 2015
Michael Yon

Joke of the Day: "China urges Japan to distance itself from its aggressive past"

This is coming from the same China that has killed or starved or otherwise exterminated possibly 50 million of its own people AFTER World War II.  

This is the China who stole Tibet. Who smashes Uighur people. Who threatens Vietnam. Who threatens Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Who threatens Japan. Who threatens Philippines. Who forces abortions. Yes, this is all the same China.

China steals everyone's intellectual property, and they should trademark the phrase, "You're a hypocrite!"

This same China claims ownership of every jellyfish in the entire South and East China Sea, and if they ever land a man on the moon, rest assured China will claim the moon. 

There is no doubt in my mind that China will soon start claiming parts of outer space. (Not referring to the geosynchronous orbital slots -- that is a done deal for many countries and is a separate and practical matter.)

Watch out San Francisco and Boston -- China may claim back those Chinatowns, soon.

China's claims against Japan are meaningless.

And the USA needs to make clear that we will stand with Japan, Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, and yes Vietnam, and some others.

China has become malignant, and South Korea needs to wake up before it is too late. North Korea -- enough said.


Anonymous said...

何度か donationをクレジットカードで試みましたが、Bill To State/Province is required の表示が出て、うまくいきません。donation をして応援をしたいので日本での銀行口座の早期開設をお願いいたします。

Anonymous said...



Moguro Fukuzo said...


Takeshi said...


Anonymous said...

We should shift to Asean and India. We know now what China would do, if only it can.

Moguro Fukuzo said...

The term “Sino-centrism” is a keyword to understand the mentality of the Chinese leaders. The following webpage indicates China’s World depicted in the first history book in China called “ Shi-ki 史記 (meaning ‘history’)” written around 100 B.C.


There is a central civilization in 中原 (center field) around the middle stream of the Yellow River and the great civilization is surrounded by four barbarians to the north, south, east and west. As further you go from the central civilization, you will be apart from it and will find uncivilized barbarians. Barbarians must be civilized by the Dynastic Emperor’s virtue making the barbarian kingdom a vassal state of the Central China.

Basically, PRC president Xi Jinping and other top-leaders of China are preoccupied with this ancient concept of the world.

It is anachronism to the extent of absurdity, yes. However, they are serious. That’s why Xi Jinping proposed President Obama in June, 2013, to split their interests in the Pacific in two. According to the proposal, China takes the east of Hawai and the U.S. takes the west of Hawai.

His proposal means: the U.S should withdraw all the military bases in Japan; then China will make the eastern barbarian state Japan their vassal state; and, China will revenge demilitarized Japan for all the shame Japan inflicted upon China in the past 700 years.

Funny? LOL, it is funny. ヽ( ゚∀゚)ノ But they are serious. They still live in 100 B.C.

Moguro Fukuzo said...

Tibet, Uigur (East Turkintan), Mongol, and Manchuria have never been part of China until PLA (what a sarcastic name it is. PLA stands for People’s Liberation Army) invaded those areas and denied the local autonomy. Today, these areas are virtually colonial states of China. China is a country still has 19th century-style colonies within their territory.

I think the Chinese are self-centered, shameless, sly, brazen-faced, bombastic liars. They are piranha fish in human shape. Never trust them.

Anonymous said...

Moguro Fukuzoさん、





moguro fukuzo said...




 以前、アメリカのチャリティー団体に「あしながおじさん」として寄付をしていたことがありますが、その時は郵便局のmoney orderを使っていました。一枚の上限が7万円ですが、複数枚使えばよくて、手数料はわずかでした。

Moguro Fukuzo said...

All China watchers, including Chinese people themselves, consider that Chinese are good at distorting history for their political ends. They also put zeros on the number.

Moguro Fukuzo said...

About North Korea, Keitaro Hasegawa, a renowned Japanese economist, says an interesting opinion.

Japan and the U.S. have imposed strict embargo on the import and export of North Korea in the past 10 years. However, there is one hole on the embargo: China’s assistance of food (50t/year); crude oil (50t/year); and coal (50t/year).

According to Hasegawa, facing economic collapse which will soon to occur, China will end this economic assistance. Then, this end of economic assistance will trigger the collapse of the regime of North Korea. Rather than starving to death, government officials, soldiers and secret police, the very core of the people who support the current regime will escape from North Korea. Once the regime gets loose, there will be a massive exodus of North Korean people to the South Korea, along the coast, over the sea, or crossing the DMZ.

I don’t know if this actually happens.
However, if we are doing some sort of siege warfare against North Korea, there is a possibility that the defending North Korea’s regime itself will collapse and people in the castle surrender to the enemy en masse against the will of the ruler.

If this actually happens, President Park’s current attitude is quite opposite to the national interest of South Korea. Since 50 million South Koreans will have to feed 20 million North Koreans, support of refugees will be an enormous task. It is indispensable for South Korea to have good relationships with Japan. However, considering the current loathing of the Japanese toward South Korea, Japan is not willing to help South Korea without any condition. (Japan has a large stockpile of rice and oil reserve.)

Hasegawa says at least President Park has to come to Tokyo, appear on TV, and apologize to all the Japanese for continually bringing out the CWI. Otherwise, no government can issue a go-ahead sign to help S. Korea.

She may have no idea that we are facing a new Cold War with China. She shows off her good relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping. She met him five times while refusing to have a summit meeting with PM Abe claiming that Japan does not give any proposal that would satisfy the former Comfort Women. Why is it that CWI more important than national interest? This maniacal craziness made many Japanese, particularly younger generations of 20s and 30s, to lose interest in S. Korea. This means Bashing South Korea in Japan will continue for the next 40 to 50 years.

South Korea is building a new Navy yard at Ceju Island. If South Korea allows Chinese military ships to enter the new Navy yard, it means the end of alliance with Japan and the U.S.

South Korean economy is now heavily dependent on China, considering China will continue to grow. Koreans often say, “Growing China and sinking U.S., which side will you bet? It’s clear!” Many economists in Japan consider that such forecast is not true and S. Koreans are making an utter mistake. Many say that China’s property bubble is bursting and S. Korea will face disaster. I agree 100% that China and S. Korea will face disaster. It seems to me President Park is leading South Korea to the other side of the Rubicon River.

MichaelYonJP said...

Moguro Fukuzoさん

money order の情報ありがとうございます.送金法についてMichaelさんと協議してみます.

Thank you for your information about the Money Order. I'll talk about it with Mr. Michael.

Anonymous said...

JP Michael Yonさん、Moguro Fukuzoさん、地球の裏側からおはようございます(笑)

money orderは小切手と同じ扱いで、寄付ページでは直接郵送を希望していますね。日本人にはそれも手だと思います。↓

For offline donations please mail check or money order to:

Michael Yon
P O Box 5553
Winter Haven, FL 33880-5553

(Google Accountだと本名になるかと思ったら、ユーチューブで使っているニックネームになるようで、とりあえず匿名のままでごめんなさい。2番目の匿名以降が私です=Seiko)

Moguro Fukuzo said...

> "China urges Japan to distance itself from its aggressive past"

The World should urge China to distance itself from its aggressiveness today.

In 1988, China demonstrated it has SLBM (Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile) capability. On January 12, 2007, China demonstrated it can shoot down space satellites. Today, China is the major exporter of small weapons (e.g. guns, grenades and mines) to the Middle East and Africa (in return to the rights to exploit oil and other resources). Who are the customers? Most of them are cruel despots such as Mugabe of Zimbabwe.

If there is a county to call the military despotic nation today, it is none other than China.

I cannot hold some shudder goes through my body as I look into the history of China. Its history is full of massacre and extermination. Look what China did in Mongolia. They grabbed its southern half and expelled the local nomadic Mongolians. Han Chinese actually did ethnic cleansing against Uigur.

The world should know that Nanking Massacre mambo jumbo propaganda is China’s diversionary tactic to hide what they are actually doing today.

Their words are full of lies and hoax. I know Chinese Army killed thousands of their own people and said Japanese Army did this. Chinese are good at this kind of blame-shifting manipulation.

The world should be awakened to recognize that China is the major risk in the 21 century.

Moguro Fukuzo said...

In June, 1938, Chiang Kai-shuk’s Nationalist forces blew up embankments of the Yellow River near Kaifeng 開封 causing floods in order to intercept advancing Japanese Army.

Chiang Kai-shuk said to the world falsely that the Japanese Army had caused this flood and did not say any word that actually the Japanese Army carried out rescue operations.

The number of Chinese people drowned to death by this artificial flood is not known. Someone says 300,000- and another says 800,000. These numbers exclude death caused by subsequent famine.

Today we see photos of this barbarian Chiang Kai-shuk smiling alongside with Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt (see photos of 1943 Cairo Conference) as if he did nothing wrong to his own people.

In WWII, the U.S. misunderstood who was its true enemy and, forming an alliance with Soviet Union and Chiang Kai-shuk’s KMT (Kuo-ming-tang国民党), severely beat Japan.

When the Korean War broke out, General MacArthur soon understood against whom Japan was fighting in China: Starlin’s Soviet Union and its foot soldiers in Chiang Kai-shuk’s KMT. He declared that the U.S. had made a serious mistake of allowing Red China emerged as the foe. The U.S. lost 25,000 GIs in the Korean War in order to defend Japan.

The U.S. made the same mistake again in 1990s. Considering Japan’s economic power is more serious threat to the U.S., the Clinton administration continued the “Japan Bashing” campaign until Red China emerged as the serious threat to the world recently.

I hope the U.S. does not make the same mistake, the third time.

Anonymous said...

マイケル ヨンさんテキサス親父と仲良くなれそう。