Friday, August 7, 2015




米国、日本、同盟国に対して大きな情報戦争が仕掛けられている。メインスポンサーは中国だ。この本は中国の戦略 ― 一見してもわからないように巧妙に隠されている ― について正確な概要を与えている。

彼らの工作が明らかになると、まるで「 マトリックス」 の中に入り込んだような気分になる。











Japan---False Indictment of the Century 歴史戦 世紀の冤罪はなぜ起きたか (Japanese Edition) Kindle Edition
Last night, I got my hands on this book when it arrived from Tokyo.
I just finished reading it. Based on the great amount of on-the-ground research I have done on this subject in Japan, USA, Australia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Philippines, this book is highly accurate. 
Our research also involves digging into US archives, Dutch, Japanese, and others, and much more. 
A giant information war is unfolding against the USA, Japan, and allies. The main sponsor is China. This book provides an accurate summary of their game plan -- it is all hidden in plain view. 
After their actions are revealed, it feels like entering "The Matrix." 
The attached words are taken from one of the final pages. These words explain part of the major problems in winning this war. The Chinese are extremely well-funded. Meanwhile, Americans will not fund this, and Japanese fund very little. 
I was just asked to come speak at an important city council hearing in Strathfield, Australia next week but am not going simply due to lack of funding. 
I have been asked to come speak in San Francisco and elsewhere, but the funding is just not there. If I were speaking on behalf of the Chinese, they likely would send an airplane. (But their communists are the enemy so forget that.)
Amazon is selling e-copies. I highly recommend this book for military or civilian intelligence types who study China and ROK information war as it affects us in places like Okinawa, Korea, and at home. 
And do not forget that one of these comfort women statue supporters recently tried to kill our Ambassador in Seoul. These are the same people... Our Ambassador, Mark Lippert, was cut badly earlier this year.
The man who cut our Ambassador also attacked the Japanese Ambassador to South Korea, and is directly involved in this movement. 
There is even a photograph of the would-be assassin doing a salute by the comfort woman statue across from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. 
In addition to being valuable for intelligence and law enforcement, this book can be healthy reading for information warriors. 
It lays out the intricate pattern of actions across many countries and states ranging from California to Korea to Australia. 
San Francisco and Glendale are battlegrounds, as is (oddly) Union City, New Jersey, and Burnaby, Canada. Not to mention Strathfield, Australia.
This all fits into a larger matrix of getting our troops out of Okinawa and elsewhere, keeping Japan weak, PRC domination of the Pacific Ocean, and much more.
This is serious business. Extremely dangerous. Full contact:



MM said...

オーストラリアのStrathfield Councilは慰安婦像設置反対を提言するとのことですが、最終決定は8月11日だそうです。現地の日本人の努力や、ヨン氏が現地に行って担当者たちに会ってくれたのが大きく影響してると思います。

ヨン氏は来週行われるcity council hearingで話をするよう依頼されてるが、funding不足で行くことができない、と書いてますね。ちょっと悲しいです。必要経費くらい出すのが日本の義務ではありませんか。私もささやかですが振り込みます。

I was just asked to come speak at an important city council hearing in Strathfield, Australia next week but am not going simply due to lack of funding.

MM said...

FBでこの記事にコメントしているDouglas MooreさんはPACOM(US Pacific Command)のアナリストだそうです。興味がある方は覗いてみてください。こういう人たちがヨン氏のFBを読んでくれるのは心強いです。
情報戦が行われていると気付くのに時間がかかったのは中韓のやり方が巧みだからでしょうね。この方のコメントには「時計を見つめている人はわずかな針の動きに気付かない」の一節があり、ヨン氏も hidden in a plain view と書いてますね。ありふれた光景の中に隠れている、あたりの意味でしょうか。

"It's like staring at a clock. You can't perceive the slight movement of the hands, but eventually you realize 15 minutes have passed