Thursday, May 18, 2017



昨日の夜、いつものようにある慰安婦のサポーターが私のFacebookにつきまとってきました。彼の名前はリアン・マコーミック(Ryan McCormick)。韓国の英語の教師をやっていて韓国語を話すと言いました。彼はこういって言葉のカードを切ってきました、「あなたは韓国語を話さないのですか? ならばどうやってこの件の本質について知ることができるのですか?」








とりあえず一度に一つのことを話題にしましょうと私は言いました。性奴隷についてと。これが実際に起こったとあなたは確かに言いました。どのような証拠があるのですか? 私の仕事のためにその情報が必要なのです。もしもそれの情報を持っているのならば是非ご教授ください。情報源を秘匿をしているような時ではありません。




「私は沢山の言語を話せます、だから私は賢いのです」 そんなことはナンセンスです。私は彼にアインシュタインが何カ国語を話せたと思いますかと聞きました。彼は正確に、しかしばつの悪そうに、「ドイツ語と英語」と言いました。私はそうですと言いました。あなたのように自慢もしていませんでしたがと。











ポーランド語、イタリア語、フランス語・・・を話すことが出来ないならば、あなたはEUやヨーロッパへの移民、第二次大戦について意見を持ってはいけないことになります。スペイン語を話さないならば「壁」について何の意見も持つべきでは無いことになります。あなたはアラビア語をはなせますか? 話せないのならば中東についてとやかく言うべきではありません。ヘブライ語やアラビア語は?できないのだったら、イスラエルヒズボラ、ハマスについて語るべきではありません。


The Language of Arrogance
A quick note without edit. Time is limited today. I apologize for any grammatical errors. One pass writing:
Last evening a comfort women supporter began trolling my Facebook, as they often do. His name is Ryan McCormick. He claims to be an English teacher in Korea, and to speak Korean. He threw the language card saying, in essence, You don’t speak Korean? How can you know anything about this subject?
Firstly, I do not take at face value those who brag about the languages they speak.
I have learned this due to my speaking German. Over the years I must have heard hundreds – easily hundreds – of people saying they speak German when they do not.
When I lived in Germany, I saw foreigners (often Americans) who claimed to speak German fluently. Twenty seconds later, they admit they do not speak German, just a few words. They fall from, “I am fluent,” to “I can count to ten and say hello and goodbye and yes and no.”
This happened again just this week in Chiang Mai, Thailand. A Chinese artist showed me some of her work, some of which had German writing on it.
I asked if she speaks German. She answered yes. I asked how well. She said fluently. Twenty seconds later she admitted that she only knows a few words. If seems more people puff up their language skills than not.
Earlier this year, I was with a group of writers. One claimed to be a professor in China. They asked about my work and I mentioned about the comfort women and information war issue.
The professor piped up, as per normal, and defended the ridiculous narrative that 200,000 had been kidnapped as sex slaves, and then of course tossed in Nanjing and Bataan as icing. This is normal. When they know they do not know what they are talking about, they pop chaff.
I said stick to one topic at a time. Sex slaves. You made a clear statement that this happened. What evidence do you have? I need it for my own work. If you have it, I need it. Now is not the time to be shy with sources.
He then hit with the normal, “Do you speak Chinese?” My answer was no. To which came the normal rejoinder, “How can you properly research this? I speak seven languages. How many do you speak?”
If I use the normal low standard of ten words means fluency, maybe a few dozen, but if settle on a truthful response, the answer is English and German. I also understand a great deal of Bavarian, some Spanish, some Dutch, some Thai, some others, such as ‘Jive’ and American southern dialects that most foreigners and many Americans cannot understand. By the standards that most people seem to use for fluency, I speak maybe ten languages. By any honest estimate, two languages.
Based on experience, I would bet ten bucks that he was not fluent far beyond English and maybe one or two others. Take wild language claims with a grain of salt until proven.
He tried to use the, “I speak more languages, and therefore I am smarter,” nonsense. I asked how many languages Einstein spoke. He correctly and sheepishly said, “German, and English.” I said that is right. Not seven like you claim to speak.
Einstein’s English was so heavily accented that no doubt many native English speakers would have to listen closely to make out what Einstein was saying.
Einstein's English:
And yet one can regularly find people who truly speak multiple languages fluently due to circumstance, yet when speaking with them they often have not studied much beyond school and small talk. Their base knowledge often has not expanded much, but they know how to say the same thing in four languages. Others are the opposite. They truly study and speak many languages and the languages greatly help their studies, but even then we are always in our own language thimbles.
Pounding the final nail into the language-makes-me-brilliant coffin, and what he knows about the sex-salve issue, I asked the professor if he speaks Bahasa, Karen, Bengali, Tagalog, Tetun, or Japanese. All answers were no.
By his own standard that anyone who does not speak Chinese should not talk about the issue, he, too, should not discuss the issue because the allegations from Korea, China, etc., are that these events took place in over a dozen countries with completely different languages.
There are Americans who grew up in America speaking English who would have a hard time with anything outside of their hometown. They are not experts on America just because they grew up in America.
This pattern appears a great deal in India. India is an immensely complex country with more maybe 2,000 languages and dialects, countless evolving cultures and religions, yet you can find Indians (like Americans) who think they are experts about their countries despite rarely if ever leaving their home states. “You don’t speak Hindi? How can you have an opinion on India without speaking Hindi?” Probably half of Indians do not speak Hindi. Do they also know nothing? (English is often more useful in India.)
It happens in Thailand. Some Thais think they speak for all Thais, despite the enormous complexity of Thailand.
While on this topic, using the language trump card, the professor’s argument could be extended: people who do not speak German should have a subordinate opinion on Nazis to those who speak German.
And if you do not speak Polish, Italian, French, etc., you should keep opinions about the EU or European immigration and World War II to yourself. If you do not speak Spanish, you should have no opinion about the Wall. Don’t speak Arabic? Stop talking about the Middle East. No Hebrew and Arabic? Don’t talk about Israel and Hezbollah and Hamas.
Tossing the language card has limited value and can splash back.

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