Friday, December 9, 2016


1941年12月7日にいわれなき奇襲攻撃を受けた、と言うのはルーズベルトの陰謀と改竄(かいざん) ですが、いまだに何千万人ものアメリカ人がそのことを疑わないのには驚きです。 あの日から続く戦闘で戦死した兵士に対してむごい仕打ちです。

この日に我々は卑怯な奇襲攻撃を受けた、という作り話は、ジョンウェインの神話ー敵は 理由なくだまし討ちをするーを信じているのと同じであり、ルーズベルト大統領によって誘導された道義上の罪を犯していることになります。


真珠湾攻撃の何年も前から米国は爆薬で日本人を攻撃していました。例えば1932年のロバート・ショート(Robert Short)の空爆や、1938年、ビンセント シュミットが日本統治下の台湾(Formosa)をソ連軍と支那軍と共に爆撃したことなどが挙げられます。


Pearl Harbor: Revision and Conspiracy still continue since 1941
It is amazing that millions of Americans still believe the Roosevelt conspiracy and revision that the US was sneak attacked on December 7, 1941. This is a great disservice to our fallen service members who died that day, and during other battles.
To carry the fiction that we were sneak attacked, and to carry the John Wayne myth that the attack was unprovoked, is a moral crime initiated by President Roosevelt. At best, to believe Roosevelt's fictions is tin-foil hat material that ranks up there with ideas of faked moon landings or that the World Trade Center attacks was an inside job. 
We had been attacking Japanese with bullets and bombs for YEARS before the attack on Pearl Harbor. For instance with Robert Short in 1932, or bombing Formosa led my Vincent Schmidt in 1938.
To continue to carry these fictions is to disrespect our people who sacrificed so much on that day, and on many others.


Unknown said...


日本人もです。 日本人は卑怯な事が嫌いです。それは日本人ならよくわかっている事なのに

Anonymous said...


laughing Salesman said...

Which one is a bad guy?
1) One who picks a fight with someone on street who has no intention to fight anyone
2) The other who throws the first punch in order to take advantage over the inevitable brawl

The 1941 Pearl Harbor Attack is often described as an “unprovoked” sneak attack. This means Japan suddenly unleashed a terrorist attack against a peace-loving neighbor.

However, was it really an “unprovoked” attack? Was the US really a peace-loving neighbor?

The United States had provided a large amount of financial aid and weapons to Chiang Kai-shuk’s Nationalist Government. Such finance and weapons ultimately lead the death of the Japanese soldiers in China.

After Chiang Kai-shuk’s Nationalist Government moved its HQ to Chongqing in October 1938, “Flying Tiger” planes arrived there and thenceforth Japanese pilots and American pilots were engaged an air war over the sky in China. This means that, three years before the Pearl Harbor Attack, Japan and the US had already started an armed conflict.

In 1941, Japanese leaders searched for the agreement with the US over the embargo of basic materials such as metal and oil. However, the so-called Hull Note put an end of negotiation.

One thing still remains for us historians as homework is re-examination of Tokyo Trial. The Tokyo Trial condemned “war criminals” on the defeated side only. It didn’t give judgment over the war crimes committed by the victor’s side, including drop of A-bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, fire raids on Tokyo and other major cities in Japan.

laughing Salesman said...

偽善と不公正の塊りのような東京裁判で我々の指導者7人を絞首刑にしたことも許せないが、同時に行われたWGIP: War Guilt Information Programと検閲で、「日本は悪い敗戦国だから何をされても仕方がないんだ」と思い込ませ、一切の批判さえも封じ込めたGHQのやり方は許せませんね。


tairikurounin said...
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tairikurounin said...






●奇襲攻撃: もう一つの真珠湾物語





MichaelYonJP said...

tairikurounin さんへ

> 転載させていただいてもかまいませんでしょうか?

tairikurounin said...


Anonymous said...


Japan Forward

Anonymous said...


Fallacies in the Allied Nations' Historical Perception As Observed by a British Journalist

Henry Scott Stokes

Anonymous said...

The movie of "Flying Tigers" proves that the start point of Pacific War is not Pearl Harbor Attack but attack to Japanese Army by American Volunteer Grope (AVG) so called "Flying Tigers."

At 83 minutes in movie a strange Sean is appeared.
Until it the movie showed how brave they are by shooting down Japan aircraft.
After 83 minutes Members of AVG begins to listen a radio addresses of President Roosevelt in 1941 December 8 (US Time) at the air force base of China. In the speech President says that Japanese Navy suddenly attacked Pearl Harbor with a cowardly surprise attack, despite America has kept peace negotiations in order to avoid a war. Japan sneakily attacked America who has not tried any war action against Japan.
The above shows that US Troops had already fought Japanese Army before Pearl Harbor in China.
This movie also shows that President Roosevelt fabricated a history in which Japan made sneaky attack.

Reality is as follows:
Direct cause of Pearl Harbor Attack was the American operation plan of bombing North Kyushu Island where Japanese largest steel plant existed. "Flying Tiger Air Troops of US Army" planned the operation and US President signed it in July 1941. Spy network of Japanese Army reported it to Tokyo. This was the direct reason of opening war by Japan. Anyway, WWII presented a chance Empire of Japan to liberate Asia and Africa from colonialism resulting in making US president a black man. US Provoking to Japan had made equality of race. History is interesting.







真珠湾攻撃の直接的理由は米国義勇空軍フライング タイガーによる北九州爆撃計画である。この作戦は1941年7月米国大統領により署名され、実行を許可されていた。日本軍のスパイ網はこれを察知し東京へ報告した。これが開戦にいたる直接的動機である。
