Sunday, November 29, 2015



英語のウェブサイト  はひじょうに信頼がおける情報源である。ここで述べられていることは正確で、我々の調査結果とも一致している。





日本軍が20万人から40万人も誘拐したという証拠はまったく無いが、これまでマスコミ(MSM: Mainstream Media)はあたかも事実のように報道してきた。誘拐で慰安婦にされた例はほんの少数だがあることはある。しかしそのほとんどが売春婦であったことは史料でも明らかにされている。



だが日本兵が何の戦争犯罪も犯さなかったと言っているわけでは無い。今年初め調査のためフィリピンのバターンに調査に行った。 そこでは、戦争犯罪は確かにあった。我々のチームはカンチャンブリなどタイの各地でも調査した。死の鉄道では明らかに戦争犯罪はあった。しかしながら我々が調査したところ、日本軍の戦争犯罪は、例えばナチスや共産党が関与した重大な戦争犯罪とは比較にならない( 戦争にはつきものの)レベルと判明した。日本人は民族の独立のために戦ってくれた解放者だと 今も昔も多くの国で思われているのである。



我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を支援します。

Japan: For Truth about the 'Sex-slave' lies against Japan, this website is an excellent resource. The English. From my own research, we know the facts presented here to be accurate.
This information war is mostly run by PRC with the goal of keeping Japan as weak as possible so that PRC can expand into the South China Sea, the Pacific, and beyond. Korea is also a big player in this information war and is naively and emotionally acting against Korea's own best interest. 
The idea that Japan kidnapped 200,000-400,000 women as sex-slaves is a giant scam. There were limited cases such as 19 mostly Dutch women down in Indonesia, but the soldiers were caught and punished by the Japanese themselves. 
The Japanese were and are seen as liberators in Indonesia. I was there earlier this year researching this issue. Go to their "Arlington" in Jakarta and you will see Japanese Soldiers are buried there because they fought for Indonesian independence from the Dutch. Japanese are honored and respected there, not as China and Korea would have us believe. 
I have researched this in eight countries so far with more to come. (Fits and starts due to funding issues.)
There is zero evidence for the claims of 200,000-400,000 kidnappings and massive amounts of proof of wholesale fraud that MSM facilitates. The kidnappings did not occur other than on very limited scale, which was true. The rest were prostitutes and source documents prove this. 
In any case, of Koreans and Chinese allowed that many of their women to be kidnapped and they did not fight back, they are cowards. Koreans and Chinese (PRC) have created a Catch-22 situation with their allegations. Either they are lying, or their grandfathers were cowards.
Separately, by the way, my $10,000 reward still stands for the first person who can prove that Japanese murdered 5,000 Koreans in 1944 on Tinian Island. Laura Hillenbrand in her bestselling book "Unbroken" claims twice that all 5,000 Koreans on Tinian were killed in a "kill all order." We checked her sources and US records. It did not happen. I offered this $10,000 to Ms. Hillenbrand and to her publisher. No takers. This offer stands for anyone reading this. Go for it.
As a researcher, I am not alleging that Japanese committed no war crimes. I was at Bataan, Philippines on research earlier this year. War crimes occurred there. Our team also researched in Thailand in multiple places such as Kanchanburi. There were war crimes on the Death Railway, and they were significant crimes. Yet our research is revealing that Japanese are not guilty on any scale such as the Nazis or communist committed. In many places, Japanese were then and are now are seen as liberators. 
Please see this website:


MM said...


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

今までは時間が経てば、世界は理解してくれると思っていました。出来るだけ我慢しようと思っていました。ただ、それだけでは駄目なんだとわかりました。声をあげ、きちんと主張しなければ世界は理解してくれないことが最近になってわかりました。マイケル ヨンさんの活動は日本人として有難いと思います。