Saturday, May 11, 2019


Scientific Errors in Those Nat Geo Milky Way Photos



マイケル ヨン:非常に興味深い記事です
以前、私は、イラクに関する記事で嘘を書いた「戦争特派員」の鼻柱をくじくために天文学を使いました。彼は簡単に証明できるいくつかの虚偽を混ぜていました。彼の名前はカール・プリン(Carl Prine)。プリンは私を訴えると脅してきました。私が発見した彼の嘘は未発表ですが、いずれ本に書くつもりです。確実な証拠が無かったら 私はこのようなことを書いて自分の評判を危険にさらすつもりはありません。





Scientific Errors in Those Nat Geo Milky Way Photos
"The night sky offers an unlimited source of markers (e.g. stars, constellations, Milky Way, etc.) that never lie about the time of year and location in the world you shot a night sky picture from. You don’t even need to be a professional astronomer or to double-check RAW files to prove it."
From Michael Yon: Interesting subject. I used astronomy to bust a 'war correspondent' who objectively lied in an article in Iraq. He told several lies that are objectively provable. His name is Carl Prine. Prine has threatened to sue me. I have not yet published my findings and may release them in one of my future books. There is no way on earth I would risk my reputation by writing something like this without lock-tight evidence to the point it can be called proof.
If a journalist or photographer chooses to lie in 2019, they are rolling the dice like never before.
On the scale of things, I have an incredible amount of combat experience as a writer/photographer. That makes it hard to bullshit me unless the bullshitter has a great deal of experience him/herself. As I read Prine's work, I sensed something badly amiss. And so I checked. And he failed. And astronomy was one of various shortcomings he did not consider while tapping on his keyboard. He lied about many things. Never lie about astronomy...records are precise and easily accessible.
One wonders how many terrorists we have killed after they screwed up and caught some stars in a photo/video.

Scientific Errors in Those Nat Geo Milky Way Photos

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