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France -- looks like this will be a dangerous weekend
If you see live social media feeds coming in from 'the front,' please post in the comments.
It can be difficult to sort these things out even when you are there. For instance this is widely portrayed in reports of being 'Yellow Vests' vs. Macron, the government and policy.
But typically up close, you find many separate schools of fishes all out there for their own purposes, which may overlap with the stated purpose, or not.
Example: before the Iraq war, I went to a giant anti-war protest in San Francisco. I think the estimate was something like 200,000 people. In the news, everyone was classified as anti-war or anti-Bush, but I for one was just there to watch, listen, learn.
Many people were just there for the 'party.' Temp rebels without a real cause, but a sort of giant block party.
Many others seemed profoundly anti-war. Others were holding save the whales signs, or signs against globalization, or against bankers, or drug laws, or causes I never heard about. Many were there for gay rights and issues about that that I also never heard about. Many causes surely overlap.
Only probably a fraction of 1% got violent. I would say even 1/10th of 1%. Naturally, I and others with cameras went to watch the violent people. One guy attacked a police horse and was promptly arrested. (Word to the wise -- don't attack police horses. Cops don't like that.)
Some people marched by telling the violent people to go home because they are destroying the credibility of everyone who came peacefully. I agreed.
So long as they were peaceful, I was listening closely to what they said and open to their views, but the moment the guy attacked the horse or any of that nonsense, I could not care less what he had to say or if police tossed him in the wagon. What kind of man attacks a horse to make a point? Maybe he was insane. I have no idea because the cops got him.
Violent peace protestors are always entertaining.
In France, we can already seen that many people are upset about different things. Some are upset about the fuel tax. They keep saying it. Then there were the school kids protesting about exams. Others are upset on high taxes in general. Some are talking about 'migrants.' And bets are on, some people are just there to loot or cause recreational mayhem.
It is nothing for opportunists to don a yellow vest to loot.
Hard to know anything without being there but video from any looting/arson/violence can provide many clues.
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