Monday, August 6, 2018


New York Times stands by incredibly racist “journalist” Sarah Jeong
ニューヨークタイムズは”ジャーナリスト” のサラ・ジョング(Sarah Jeong)を支持しています。


これはジェイソン・ブレア(Jayson Blair)と当時の編集部が引き起こした事件を想起させる出来事です。ブレアは、ニューヨークタイムズの「積極的差別是正措置」によって、有色人種だからと言う理由で採用されたのですが、編集部は彼が捏造記事を書いていた事実が白日の下にさらされるまで見て見ぬふりをしてきました。

すなわち ブレアとニューヨークタイムズは私を含む読者を騙したのです。これは法律的にも違法です。このことが原因で多くの読者は購読をやめました。私もやめました。





つまり彼らの人生は悲惨だったということです。一方、まともなタイの女性は、そういう類の外国人には近づきません。まるで 目に見えない高い柵が張り巡らされているように。
メキシコからパナマまでの中米や周辺国でも これと同じようなことが起こっています。

私の考えはこうです:誰かが彼女が不当だと思うことをした。おそらく 彼女を無視したか、彼女が期待していた尊敬の態度を示さなかったと思われます。
復讐を誓った彼女の寝室には ブードゥー教の呪いの人形で一杯でしょう。

彼女を解雇しない限り、ニューヨークタイムズの信用は 更にますます地に堕ちていきます。

"NY Times stands by new hire Sarah Jeong over Twitter furor"
The Washington Post, August 2, 2018.

サラ・ジョング とは:

New York Times stands by incredibly racist “journalist” Sarah Jeong
New York Times has a history of terrible decisions based on race.
Jayson Blair and his editors come to mind. Blair was making up stories from thin air. Yet, because he was hired based on the color chart, editors let him get away with it until evidence was smashing through the windows.
Blair, and the NYT, were, in a real and legal sense, defrauding their paying readers, including me. Many people canceled their NYT times subscriptions due to this, as did I.
Now comes along the raging Korean — her tweets would get any white person fired from practically any organization short of a staff position at the Ku Klux Klan. Or, in this case, the Korean Klux Klan.
Incredible racism flowed through her fingers and she does not deny it.
Her comments about white men make me think she experienced bad ‘encounters’ with white men, as if she has been used or turned away.
Stick with me on this and I will explain.
Her tweets are almost identical to things one hears from foreign guys in Thailand who date only bar girls and have one bad experience after another.
They talk bad about Thai women because these men dredge the bars for their love affairs. These men nearly always also talk bad about whatever country they came from. They talk bad about where they came from, and where they landed.
And so, they have a long series of bad experiences. Meanwhile, serious Thai women would not touch them with a 10-foot pole, adding to the sting.
One sees similar in Central America and other parts.
Sarah Jeong’s tweets come across just like this.
My take: Somebody done that girl wrong in her eyes. Possibly ignored her, did not give her the respect she feels she deserves. She wants revenge. She’s probably got a bedroom full of voodoo dolls.
If New York Times does not fire her, they continue to burn their credibility.

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