Monday, January 29, 2018


USA Continues to fall for the Comfort Women Scam -- ignorant to the fact that we are the ultimate targets, not Japan.

またもや慰安婦ペテンに引っかかる米国 -- 究極のターゲットは日本ではなく米国であることにも気づいていません。

この情報戦争と「たかり」は同義です。「黒人」の命が大事(BLM:blacklives matter)、「パレスチナ人」の命が大事(PLM:palestinian livesmatter)、「韓国人」の命が大事(KLM:Korean lives matter)、これらの全ては彼らの話に疑問を持ったり見返りに贈り物を差し出さなかったりすれば、彼らの運動がもたらす暴力のリスクを低く見せ、一方で自らを被害者に見せかけて良い目を見ようとしているのです。



BLM, PLM, KLMのサポーターたちはそのように見られてもかまわないと自らを蔑んでいます。自らの差別主義者です。



CIAの仕事はなんなのでしょうか -- 9/11を思い出して下さい。あなたたちが居眠りをしている間に世界は激変しました。




USA Continues to fall for the Comfort Women Scam -- ignorant to the fact that we are the ultimate targets, not Japan.
These information wars and shakedowns have commonalities. Whether it be 'black' lives matter, 'palestinian' lives matter, or Korean lives matter, they all make their butter on claiming victimhood, with an undertone and real risk of violence if anyone questions the narrative or does not hand over the goods.
All engage in what any reasonable person would call terrorism. All pretend to be out of control with their emotions -- say one thing wrong, and SNAP! Violence.
Many people look so down upon some of these cultures that they actually accept it. They treat the cultures like packs of animals unable to control their own actions, thus reinforcing unacceptable and often violent behavior.
The BLM, PLM, and KLM supporters look so down upon themselves and the groups that this is seen as okay. Massive self-racism.
The US government by now should realize that the comfort women cult is violent, and the ultimate target is the USA.
CIA is either blind or dumb. CIA has been warned. CIA should be briefing top US officials about the reality of this scam and operation.
Falling down on your job CIA -- remember 9/11 when you fell asleep at the wheel. Changed the world.
This comfort women issue is big. Very big. You will see. A comfort women cult member already attacked the Japanese and US Ambassadors to Korea. Cut our Ambassador badly on the face. Another cult member burned himself to death. There has been other violence, and there is more to come.
Meanwhile, North and South Koreans are busy committing national suicide. At this rate, the comfort women issue may become mute as they are starving to death under rubble. Of course, generations later survivors may blame Japan and USA for their lunacy.
Korean lives matter...

Japan conveys concern over Tillerson statement on "comfort women"
2018年1月28日 共同ニュース

Monday, January 22, 2018


Burma: Missing Japanese Soldiers from World War II



奇妙なことに多くの遺骨には頭部がありませんでした。なぜ 日本人の遺骨であるかというと、日本軍の武器や時には書類が近くにあるのです。遺骨を見つける方法は単純です:土地の長老を探し出し話を聞きます。長老は遺骨のあるところへ案内してくれます。(私はタイとビルマ/ミャンマーで同じことをしました -- 非常に効果的な方法です。)







このような調査は危険でもあります。遺骨の多くは手榴弾などの武器弾薬などと一緒に見つかります。日本軍の手榴弾は 信管にピクリン酸をつかっていて、それが今日では作業がより危険となる要因となっています。


Burma: Missing Japanese Soldiers from World War II
I had very interesting meetings yesterday, and then today with a couple of former US military officers (one running for Congress), a Japanese man who searches for missing WWII Soldiers in Burma, and 'Burmese' who help.
They have recovered many Japanese skeletons to be repatriated to Japan. They presented much credible evidence such as photographs and documentation. Many of the skeletons in the photographs were deep in dangerous caves.
Even more interesting is that many of the skeletons are headless. The searchers know they are Japanese due to finding things like weapons and even papers. The method is simple: they find old people and interview them, and the old people lead them to the bodies. (I have done similar research in Thailand and Burma/Myanmar -- very effective.)
I asked why the bodies are headless. The answer is astounding, if true. They said British were paying them to kill Japanese, and the heads were proof of kill. A searcher told me his granddad had talked about killing many Japanese and cashing in on their heads.
Wow...if true, that is a war crime. Killing Japanese would not be a war crime, but paying cash for heads would be.
The evidence is credible. I have never heard of British doing this during World War II. If this is true, we know the time frame, and if cash was changing hands, there must be records in British archives. This would be at the end of the war in 1944-45, so the archival search is pretty well narrowed down.
Not that I am trying to make dirt on British. And besides, by now, it is doubtful many would be around, but historically it would be interesting to annotate.
The team said they have confirmed at least a hundred sites so far, and then the Japanese government makes the recovery. Japan does not have the same sort of recovery system that we have, and depend on NGOs or volunteers to find the sites.
I was told that they also expect to find some lost US folks. I said if you get the coordinates, I will check it out and pass it on to the US Army immediately if true.
Such searches can be dangerous: dead troops often are found with munitions, such as grenades. Japanese grenades used picric acid in their fuses, which can make them more dangerous today than ever.
Anyway, if the searchers find confirmation of any US or British troops, I will go check it out and pass it back, or just pass it back. I believe they have found some abandoned British graveyards. I found an abandoned Japanese graveyard, but they are finding large numbers of Japanese who were completely lost other than in old memories.

Friday, January 19, 2018


Long March of the Anti-Japan/USA information campaign continues


Thursday, January 4, 2018


Chinese trying to make Filipinos Hate Japanese

 1) 中国
 2) 北朝鮮(自国の母に対して)
 3) 韓国(日本と他の韓国人に対する文化的および心理学的な障害)
 4) 日本


他のアジア諸国について言えば -- 私が訪れたことのある国々ですが -- 日本に対して反感を持つように仕向けることは不可能です。タイ、台湾、フィリピン、インドネシア、マレイシア、ベトナム、インド、ネパール・・・ -- 彼らは日本に反感を持つことはありません。


※ RAPPLERの記事へのリンク

Chinese trying to make Filipinos Hate Japanese
It is easy to sucker Koreans to hate Japanese, but the rest of Asia will not hate Japanese. Japan is easily the most respected nation in Asia, in my experience in 25 Asian countries.
Only four countries in the world, to my knowledge, can be easily turned against Japan:
1) China
2) North Korea (they turn against their own mothers)
3) South Korea (cultural psychological issues with Japan, and with other Koreans)
4) Japan
Believe it or not, Japanese communists started all this. The disease later spread to Korea, then China, and now China is running the show while South Korea is a psycho-puppet of the Chinese and various leftist groups, including the Catholic Church in Korea which is anti-Japanese. Even that businessman called "Pope" is against Japanese and intentionally fomenting hatred.
But this makes business sense for the Pope. He has a big market in Korea, and is trying to expand market in China, while Japan remains nearly uniformly Shinto and Buddhist. Trying to expand Vatican influence in Japan is like trying burn water. It makes sense to join and foment a popular cause with Korean and Chinese customers against Japanese who do not buy holy water.
As for the rest of Asia -- the countries I have been -- there is no real chance of turning them against Japanese. Thais, Taiwanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Indians, Nepalese, and more -- they will not turn against Japanese.
My team and I expect more terrorism from South Korea against Japanese, and Americans.