挺対協の情報キャンペーンに煽動されている韓国人は、遅かれ早かれ 日本の市民にテロ攻撃するだろうと我々のチームは予測していることも説明しました。
その次は編集者と日本の大手出版社の記者二人との会合でした。最近、彼らから調査についての原稿を依頼されたので、私は「ヘイト農場:中国は苦い作物を栽培している」と題した原稿を書きました。最初、彼らは英語版のみを予定していましたが、今日の時点ですでに日本語の翻訳を終えていました。 そして近々、翻訳版を日本で、英語版は2月に出版してもよいか、とのこと。もちろん快諾しました。
もう一人のジャーナリストに、何が今起こっているのかについて資料を見せながら説明しました。私が中国に注目していることについて、古森さんはたいへん 満足していました。なぜならジャーナリストを含め多くの日本人がこの問題は韓国が原因だと思っているからです。古森氏は、「実は韓国は操り人形にすぎない」ことに気付いている数少ない日本人です。
また、情報戦争のプロパガンダを傍証するための2万ドルの賞金、日本兵がテニアン島で5000人もの朝鮮人を殺害したと主張するローラ・ヒレンブランド(Laura Hillenbrand)の本「アンブロ−クン」に関して、もしそれが事実だと証明できたら 2万ドルの賞金を進呈することにしている、これは明らかな嘘で、我々はそのことを証明できる、と話したら、彼らは大笑いしていました。
その次は編集者と日本の大手出版社の記者二人との会合でした。最近、彼らから調査についての原稿を依頼されたので、私は「ヘイト農場:中国は苦い作物を栽培している」と題した原稿を書きました。最初、彼らは英語版のみを予定していましたが、今日の時点ですでに日本語の翻訳を終えていました。 そして近々、翻訳版を日本で、英語版は2月に出版してもよいか、とのこと。もちろん快諾しました。
もう一人のジャーナリストに、何が今起こっているのかについて資料を見せながら説明しました。私が中国に注目していることについて、古森さんはたいへん 満足していました。なぜならジャーナリストを含め多くの日本人がこの問題は韓国が原因だと思っているからです。古森氏は、「実は韓国は操り人形にすぎない」ことに気付いている数少ない日本人です。
また、情報戦争のプロパガンダを傍証するための2万ドルの賞金、日本兵がテニアン島で5000人もの朝鮮人を殺害したと主張するローラ・ヒレンブランド(Laura Hillenbrand)の本「アンブロ−クン」に関して、もしそれが事実だと証明できたら 2万ドルの賞金を進呈することにしている、これは明らかな嘘で、我々はそのことを証明できる、と話したら、彼らは大笑いしていました。
会合で明け暮れた長い一日が終わり、カメラのスタビライザーを買いにビックカメラに行きました。ここは日本です。私は新しい写真が撮りたいので DJIスタビライザーを買いました。 部屋に戻ってみると、なんとバッテリーがついていない。他にもおかしな点がいくつかありました。
私は「なにかが おかしい」と言って、二つのスタビライザーのちょっとした違いを示し、あれは偽物なのではないか」と質問しました。店側の二人と一緒に三人で 二つをよくよく調べているうちに私は気がつきました。店員はうっかり間違えて、展示用のダミーを売ってしまったのです。
最初に私に商品を売った店員は、それは私が悪かったのです、と言って、ずっと謝っていました。私は笑って、私がしでかした深刻な失敗を知ったら、こんな笑い事ではすみませんよ( こんなことは大したことではありません)と言ったら、英語がわかる二人は笑いました。
Japan: Interesting Day
Started off with a two hour breakfast meeting with two interesting people. One a former politician, now popular author.
Then off to a meeting with one of the highest officials in Japan (top six, I am told) to brief on our project. Very smart fellow but I was surprised that he had never heard of Chong Dae Hyup or that they are behind many of the Comfort Women dramas in Korea.
This is especially surprising because just last week the Japanese Ambassador to Korea was recalled to Japan over comfort women issues -- largely instigated by Chong Das Hyup, though practically nobody seems to know this. He seemed especially interested in our findings and approximately doubled the meeting time. I told him that Koreans are being radicalized and that our team expects that eventually there will be lethal terror attacks against Japanese citizens due to this information campaign.
I further said that ultimately that Chong Das Hyup and Korea are not the main instigators, but that this is being done by China. This was the first he had ever heard this. This is very interesting because most Japanese seem to not realize that Chinese are the ultimate instigators and the Koreans are just their unwitting puppets.
Next meeting was with an editor and two journalists of major Japanese publications. They recently asked me to write an article about our research so I wrote, "The Hate Farm: Chinese Planting Bitter Harvest." The editor said they were so happy with the article that they wish to change plans. At first they wanted to publish it only in English, but by today they had already translated into Japanese and ask if it is okay to publish Japanese soon, and the English version in February. I said sure. I am honored.
Then came about two hours interview with the two journalists. One was Yoshihisa Komori, who has more expertise on the information war than just about anyone. He has been involved in the subject since the early 1990s. His English is completely fluent and high level. Yoshi has been helpful to me for more than two years. Very smart journalist. He just flew in from his US office.
I told the other journalist the bones of what is going on, and Yoshi was sitting beside me. Yoshi was very happy that I was concentrating on the Chinese because almost all Japanese including journalists think this problem is first coming from the Koreans. Yoshi is one of the few who realize that Koreans are only unwitting puppets.
As a side note, I told them about the $20,000 reward I offered to Laura Hillenbrand or the first person who can prove Hillenbrand's lies in "Unbroken" that Japanese murdered all 5,000 Koreans on Tinian island. This is an abject lie and we proved it. They got a laugh out of the reward.
Both were surprised at some of the other information I delivered, some of which even Yoshi did not know, and Yoshi is one of the world experts on this issue.
The long day was over so I went to Bic Camera to buy a camera stabilizer. This is Japan, after all, and I am hungry for some new photography. I bought a DJI stabilizer, got back to the room and there was no battery, and there were some other weird things about it.
I took it back to the store and showed that it had no manual and no battery. They apologized and got another one, and this time we checked. Everything was there.
I said that something strange is going on, and showed them small differences in the two stabilizers, and said I think one might be counterfeit. We all three kept comparing them, and then I noticed on the first box that they had accidentally sold me a display dummy!
Good grief. Good thing I noticed before getting to the airport. They both apologized about ten times. I kept laughing and saying it's my fault, too. I should have noticed the tiny word by the barcode that said, DUMMY. (Dummy.)
The guy who did the initial sales work kept apologizing saying it was his mistake, and I kept laughing saying if you knew some of the mistakes I made, you would not be laughing! They both spoke English okay and laughed at that.
The primary salesman was up to apologizing about 15 times before I got out the store, saying thank you for being so understanding!
Reminded me of the Kono statement. No need to apologize so much. You did nothing wrong.
Happy New Year! Mr.Michael Yon.
I send a real comedy to you.
It seems that it has already been deleted, but the web cache was remained.
You will absolutely smile.
It is seems that 78 years old former Japanese comfort women are in the Philippines.
(How old was she at that time? ) They seem to have no talent for lying.;)
Victims of comfort women protest in front of Japanese embassy in Philippines
2017-01-12 20: 47: 05 cri [A A A]
Japan 's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is officially visiting the Philippines on a schedule of two days from December 12. On 12th, the victims of "comfort women" from the Philippines and private support groups held a protest rally in front of the Japanese embassy in Manila, calling for Japan to face the history of "comfort women" and compensate the victims It was.
Today morning, dozens of protesters gathered in front of the Japanese Embassy, including a 78-year-old woman who was a victim of comfort women during wartime and a number of private organizations. Protestors explained the violence committed by Japanese soldiers to the surrounding people and Prime Minister Abe appealed to face the history.
An official of a private organization that protects the rights of comfort women who participated in the protest gathering said,
"Please do not forget the victims who are aging in advance when President Duttel talks with Prime Minister Abe.Japan is comfortable Japan officially apologize to the woman for our and hope to compensate the victims . " (RYU,
Thank you for your great work every time. I appreciate it.
By the way,
About Korean comfort women "statue”,
There is rumor in internet talks to be required to verify the rumor.
It is about the reason why the statue(s) of comfort woman is a "Girl" ????
The rumor is the statue model was connecting to two Korean school girls killed by Military tank of "US army in Korea in 2002.
※Yangju highway incident - Wikipedia - in 2002
The incident is still not sure what exactly happened,
Then, Roh Moo-hyun,North Korea faction, won the presidency after the incident.
Two girls statues were problem because it would be easy to confirm the models.
So, One Girl statue and "another Chair" became one Set (Unit) of Korean Comfort Women as the symbol of Japanese army criminal.
The process of verification and confirmation is required, but it seems to me that it would be true.
Five minutes 2017/01/12 在韓米軍兵士に拉致、輪姦、殺害された少女像を慰安婦少女像に流用 !!
netchannel KYO
I put my comment second time here.
I also believed the information that the statue model(s) are by the US accident in 2002.
But I saw your FB comment.
Should we, Japanese, stop spreading the information?
像製作者が 沖縄に、の記事がありました。
what'snow 2017/02/07 韓国・口蹄疫と鳥インフルで移動制限措置・・ !!
netchannel KYO
Kyoさんは やっぱり 米軍被害者少女がモデル、作成済み放置像が 転用って 現在も名言されてますが、どうなのでしょうか???
戦前から、カリフォルニアは 反日の拠点でしたから、真偽じゃないと思います。
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