我々のチームは2年以上も前からこうなることを予測し警告してきました。日本に対する慰安婦問題の 次のターゲットは米国であり、これはその前哨戦だ、と。
我々は大声ではっきりと警告しました、米国は騙されている! ありもしなかった性奴隷について「日本は韓国に謝罪すべきである」などと日本に説教すべきではない、と。
しかしながら米軍と韓国政府が女性を強制的に売春させたというのは馬鹿げています。彼女らは韓国の町でよく見かける ありふれた売春婦でした。
今でも米国、カナダ、オーストラリア、その他の国では、韓国人や中国人の周旋人と自発的売春婦をしょっちゅう取り締まっています。もちろん彼女達は自分たちはだまされたと主張します。確かに騙された女性がいるのは間違いないでしょうが。注 : 魑魅魍魎のこの浮世、全てには裏があるのをお忘れなく。
中国人と韓国人は 毎日 女性を輸出しています。今、この時にも、欧州と北米を目指す 韓国人と中国人の売春婦が飛行機に乗っていることでしょう。飛行機に乗ってこれを読んでいるあなたの隣に座っているかもしれません。
中国人は性の輸出(性輸出 sexports と呼ぶことにします)に熱心です。アフガン戦争では、カブールが中国人売春婦であふれていました。
何年にもわたって、様々な分野に潜む共産主義者たちは、韓国人が米軍兵士を嫌うようにするための工作を行ってきました(他国でも、例えばドイツやイタリアでも同様)。 北朝鮮、中国などの共産主義者は、アメリカの基地を世界から追い出したいので、あちこちで裁判を仕掛けています。これらの裁判は 自由主義諸国の反米報道機関が反米報道をする機会をさらに増やしています。
そういうわけで 米軍を追い出すために、朝鮮半島では北と南の朝鮮人が裁判を起こし、さらには中共がもっと高いレベルの謀略をアジア中で仕掛けています。中国共産党の一党独裁下の 中華人民共和国は、米軍がいなくなれば アジアを支配できます。中共のアジア支配は始まっています。
私は11カ国を回って調査してきました。資金が枯渇しなかったら、さらに調査を続行したことでしょう。中国はその野望達成のために巨額の資金をつぎ込んでいます。それに対抗する 我々の活動は 個人の寄付を頼りにしており、活動が制限されているのが実情です。
=== from the article of the NY Times ===
ニュースから:「ソウル、韓国 — 歴史的判決、金曜日、勧告の裁判所は、1960年代から70年代にかけて米兵を接待する売春婦たちを引き留め、強制的に性病の治療をさせたことは違法だとした」
Korean Prostitution -- now targeting USA
Our team and I have been warning for more than two years that this was coming. The first target is Japan, but Japan is only a stepping stone to USA. We warned loud and clear that the US was being tricked into telling Japan that Japan should apologize for Korean 'sex-slavery' that never occurred. Anyone who thinks Korean women must be forced into sex-slavery never has been to Korea. We need guards on bases to keep the women out, not in. Prostitution is organic to Korean culture, more so than many others, despite the faux taboo.
That said, it is a fact that the Korean government and US military colluded in managing Korean prostitutes. There is no question about this. Just last year, I interviewed on video a former US Soldier on Jeju island who talked about his involvement after the Korean war. The US military was neck deep in it.
But the idea that the USA or Korea needed to force anyone is farcical. The women were just normal whores that one can find on streets around Korea.
Still today, the US, Canada, Australia, and other countries, regularly arrest Korean and Chinese traffickers and willing prostitutes. Of course the women usually say they were tricked, and there is no doubt also that some are tricked. Everything in this dark world has a flip side, a caveat.
Chinese and Koreans export women daily. At this moment there will be Korean and Chinese prostitutes on airplanes heading to Europe and North America. You might be sitting beside one in an airplane as you read this.
Chinese are so serious about sexual exports (I started calling it sexports), that during the Afghanistan war, Kabul started overflowing with Chinese prostitutes.
The Afghan and Chinese governments worked together to get them out of Afghanistan before something terrible happened. Also, China was embarrassed that their prostitutes were making international news. They did not get them all out. I saw Chinese prostitutes in Afghanistan as late as 2011.
The ultimate target for legal and political action is the USA. I have been publishing this for more than two years. Targeting comes in different levels.
One level is just about money. They are prostitutes, after all, and whether the money comes from selling sex or winning lawsuits makes no difference.
On a higher level, this is about politics and the prostitutes are being prostituted to make the lawsuits, which is easy because the prostitutes see another payday. But for the organizers, this is not always about the gold dust that can be won in these monetarily minor lawsuits.
For years, communists of various sorts have been discrediting US troops among the Korean population. (Or in other countries such as Germany and Italy among their populations.) The communists from North Korea, China, and elsewhere, want America out. These lawsuits generate free press that is always anti-American.
So there is local level targeting on the peninsula coming largely from Koreans (North and South), and there is the higher level targeting from Beijing. PRC wants US troops out of Asia so that China can rule Asia.
This is just getting started.
I have researched this in 11 countries, and for lack of funding would have taken that even farther. The Chinese are investing shiploads of funding into their efforts, yet our side can barely raise a few nickels to counter it.
Excellent news from Korea: Professor cleared of defaming ‘comfort women’
Now Chong Dae Hyup should be on trial. If Koreans had any awareness of what is happening, they would take Chong Dae Hyup and send them home to Pyongyang.
Professor cleared of defaming ‘comfort women’
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