タイ国 ― メディアのイベントで子供を宣伝の道具に使っているジャーナリストカップルが、警察といざこざを起こしている。
スコットランド人の「ジャーナリスト」、アンドリュー・マクレガー・マーシャル(Andrew MacGregor Marshall)と彼のワイフのプロイ(Ploy)はタイのロイヤルファミリーをずっとストーキングしつづけている。彼らは私をもストーキングしている。
マーシャルは問題行動によって 解雇同然にロイターを去った男だ。
例:豪州 南オーストラリア州 の 名誉毀損罪
1935年にできた南オーストラリア 犯罪法 統合的法律 第237条では、こう言っている。
(a) その事が虚偽であることを知りつつ、あるいは真偽について考慮せずに、且つ
(b) 他人に 重大な損害を意図的に及ぼそうとしている場合、あるいはその名誉毀損が重大な損害を及ぼすかどうかに対して全く考慮せずに 発表した場合、その人物の言動が実際 不名誉なものであったとしても、
有罪にあたる。 最大刑罰 :禁錮三年。
問題になったメディアイベントは明らかにアンドリュー・マクレガー・マーシャルによって演出されたものだった。子供を小道具にした彼のワイフが 尋問を受ける前に多数のメディアが 既に 警察で待ち構えていたのだ。
昨日 そのことを記事にしたのは、アルジャジーラ、Bild、AP、ガーディアン、チャンネルニュースアジア、AFPなどだ。
このジャーナリストカップルは2013年後半から私を追いかけ回すようになった。アンドリューが私の推薦が欲しくて、彼の原稿をみてほしい、と頼んできたのが彼との唯一の接点である。当時私はトルコにいてシリア人たちと働いており、彼の原稿を読み通す時間など無いほど多忙だった。だが原稿のほんの一部を見た限りでは、文章は拙劣で支離滅裂であったから たとえ通読したとしても推薦できなかっただろう。
興味深いことに、何者かが私にアンドリューのワイフ、プロイの居場所などの動静を伝えてきた。 その匿名の情報源は私が彼女を捕まえることを期待していたらしいが、私は無視した。情報源はアンドリュー自身か、とも考えた。 彼女がどこにいようが私には 全く興味が無かったので、そのことを伝えると情報源は激怒した。
今週末、再び 彼らは国際的ニュースになった。またもや自分たちの息子を効果的な小道具に使って。
Thailand -- Journalist Couple uses their baby as prop for media event during brush with police
Scottish “journalist” Andrew MacGregor Marshall and his wife Ploy continue to stalk the Thai royal family, and me.
Marshall was nearly fired from Reuters for behavioral issues. He resigned at the last moment after pleading for his job in a long letter. The letter was eventually published, wherein Marshall describes substance abuse issues and abusive behavior to others.
Both are unsuccessful as journalists other than returns they get for stalking people with high profiles.
Most recently Marshall published what appears to be doctored photos of royal family members. Yesterday his wife was taken for questioning for defamation in Bangkok, and released.
Criminal defamation is serious in Thailand. Criminal defamation laws are common around the world, including in Canada, Germany, and many other countries.
Under South Australian criminal law there is also an offence of Criminal defamation. Section 237(1) of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) provides that:
A person who, without lawful excuse, publishes defamatory matter concerning another living person—
Under South Australian criminal law there is also an offence of Criminal defamation. Section 237(1) of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) provides that:
A person who, without lawful excuse, publishes defamatory matter concerning another living person—
(a) knowing the matter to be false or being recklessly indifferent as to whether the matter is true or false; and
(b) intending to cause serious harm, or being recklessly indifferent as to whether the publication of the defamatory matter will cause serious harm, to a person (whether the person defamed or not),
is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years.
This media event obviously was staged by Andrew MacGregor Marshall. Before his wife was even taken for questioning, media arrived on the scene. She was there using her baby as prop.
Those who covered the story yesterday included Al Jazeera, Bild, AP, The Guardian, Channel News Asia, AFP, and more.
Ploy the mother of the baby prop also is a journalist and has helped her husband people for years. I know this firsthand as one of her targets.
The journalist-couple began chasing me in late 2013. I have no idea why other than husband Andrew asked me to review his book manuscript, apparently seeking my endorsement. I was in Turkey working with Syrians and had no time for his manuscript. The parts I glanced at were poorly written and disjointed. I would not endorse it.
Something these stalkers never take into account: I never know them until they begin. I did not know him or his wife until they began with their terrible behavior. When something bad happens to them due to the other people they stalk, they always claim to be the victim.
Such is the case now. But this obviously is staged. Media appeared out of the woodwork the moment the story broke, and Ploy was there with her baby-prop, which Andrew immediately exploited.
Interestingly, someone had provided me the specific movements of Andrew’s wife Ploy, and the address to where she was staying. The source wanted me to try to get her arrested. I did not participate.
At one point, I suspected that the anonymous source might be Andrew himself. But why would he do such a thing? I had no interest in her whereabouts, which greatly angered the anonymous source.
And this weekend they are international news again. Hiding behind their young son...again.
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