Saturday, August 1, 2020

米国の暴動 -- : 靴を見れば犯人がわかる

'USA Riots -- Sole Mates: Watch the Shoes'



例えばビーチで皆がサンダル履きか素足でいるところへ、戦闘ブーツを履いた人間がやって来たとします。あなたはどのように解釈しますか? もちろん足に包帯をしていてそれを靴でカバーしているだけかもしれませんが、他の可能性もあるでしょう。

ともあれ状況判断は あなた次第です。


「Big T」タリバン(タリバンの中心勢力、非妥協分子)は常に良い靴を履いていました。それに対して子分のLittle Tは,時に足に合わないみすぼらしい靴を履いていました。



注 :  戦闘員は同じ,あるいは似たような靴を履くものです。もしもあなたがBLANTIFA(BLACK-ANTIFA,黒人による反ファシスト運動)暴動に巻き込まれ,そこで6人の暴徒グループ全員が黒のブーツを履いていたら,彼らが暴徒の中心だと言えるでしょう。










USA Riots -- Sole Mates: Watch the Shoes

People often ask me why I always say watch the shoes. Many reasons.

Before starting, there is no truth without context. You must decide the context of all situations.

If everyone on the beach is wearing sandals or is naked foot, and someone comes out wearing combat boots, well. What is the broader context? Maybe he has a bandage on his foot and is protecting it, maybe something else.

Anyway, context is for you to determine.

We all know that shoes can signal intent. When you see someone show up to a riot wearing sandals and carrying a beer, chances are he lives nearby and is not up to anything special. Or maybe he is a lookout.

But generally speaking, people who plan to make battle show up with good shoes. This is why, for instance, "Big T" Taliban (hardcore) always had good footwear. Little T typically had shoddy shoes and often did not even fit well.

Spies and criminals often change appearance and they can do this in literally a couple minutes or less. Take off a shirt and turn inside out, make a few more adjustments, and literally in a couple minutes they can dramatically change appearance. (Modern AI like GAIT tech will make this increasingly difficult.) thing they rarely change is SHOES. They typically change all or much outward apparel but not shoes.

Note: Cells often will wear same or similar shoes. If you are at a BLANTIFA riot and see one group where six rioters all are wearing black boots, there is a big clue.

I've been watching many riot videos since this began, such as tonight in Portland. There were a few obvious cells, and a lot of Klingons.

None of the live streams I was watching did much glance at shoes. You may have noticed that many are using Hong Kong tactics.

I spent six months last year in the Hong Kong fight and studied their tactics against the communists.

Hong Kongers make excellent use of umbrellas. One of those uses is to quickly change clothes in the street.

A bunch of people gather and open the umbrellas, and people inside quickly change. When they come out, they are wearing masks and so forth. They are not rioters as with BLANTIFA. Hong Kongers are fighting for their lives.

Bottom line: There often are hundreds or even thousands of people out there taking photos and videos. Many live streams. Not to mention cameras on cars and attached to infrastructure and buildings.

If someone throws a molotov and burns a Police officer to death, it will not be difficult in many cases to track back, back, back -- 4chan style...until you see that same masked man wearing those same shoes disappear into the umbrellas, and come out changed, wearing the exact same shoes.

Always try to get the shoes in the same photo or video as the face.

There will be some percentage of BLANTIFA who kill citizens and Officers. The quality of video and photos can make a difference.

See this dispatch I published about combat tracking:

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