Sunday, April 17, 2016


アトランティック 「マイケル・ヨンの戦争」 ― もちろん私はジェームズ・マティスを支持している。

The Atlantic 記事より:

 現時点における非常に差し迫った疑問は、いったいマイケル・ヨンは信用できるのか、である。タイ国からの彼の特派記事は広く読まれている ― その仕事ぶりは決して崖っぷちの男のものでは無い。実際、彼の書く記事のその後の経過をみるとヨンの判断が正しかった事が往々にして証明されている。彼は自分の名声を賭けることを恐れもしない。2005年、彼は初めてイラクを内戦状態にあると評した、ペトレイアス将軍は戦争を救った男として賞賛したのも彼が最初だ、アフガニスタンの崩壊キャンペーンについて初めて報道したのも彼だ。先週、宿敵であるカナダ軍のダニエル・メナード司令官が部下の女性兵士との不適切な関係が疑われて解任されたことで、メナード司令官はリーダーとして不適切であるとのヨンの判断に間違いはなかったことが証明され、ヨンの信頼性は益々増した。





more from  2010年

The Atlantic: "Michael Yon's War" -- wherein I support James Mattis
From the article:
The most pressing question, then, is can Michael Yon be trusted? His dispatches from Thailand have been acclaimed and widely read - certainly not the work of a man on the ledge. And history tends to vindicate Yon's judgement. Never afraid to put his reputation on the line, he was among the first to call Iraq a civil war in 2005, among the first to single out General Petreaus as the man to save the war, among the first to report the success of the Iraq surge, and among the first to report the collapsing campaign in Afghanistan. Yon's credibility was bolstered last week when his Canadian nemesis General Daniel Menard was relieved of command for an inappropriate relationship with a member of his staff, proof positive to Yon of his unsuitability for key leadership.

If Michael Yon was right about everything else, should his word not be heeded when he writes, "McChrystal is bent over the coffin of the Afghan war with a hammer in his hand and a mouth full of nails"? When asked for his thoughts on the general state of the war, he says one must be intuitive rather than deductive. "Innumerable wild cards are always flying and so the best that one can do is study hard and watch and listen and give it time to mix." If a reliance on feelings alone is hardly the metric from which one should draft a war plan, consider the recent words of General McChrystal. The purpose of the Marjah operation was to create an "irreversible feeling of momentum," but, "You don't feel it here but I'll tell you, it's a bleeding ulcer outside."

Yon believes the war can still be won, but that a change of command is in order. At this level of warfare, he says, "McChrystal is like a man who has strapped on ice skates for the first time. He might be a great athlete, but he's learning to skate during the Olympics." Yon adds that publicly denouncing the commanding general of a war is not an easy thing for him to do, especially considering it means crossing swords with General Petraeus and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, two men he greatly admires. Indeed, if anyone can turn this war around, Yon believes it is General Petraeus. He concedes such a return to the battlefield is unlikely, and suggests another general whose name fewer people have heard. "General James Mattis from the Marines. I get a good feeling about Mattis but I don't know. General Petraeus is a known entity and he is solid gold."
More from 2010:

Sunday, April 10, 2016

現在 大韓民国 ソウルにて取材中

日本大使館前の慰安婦像の脇で、活動家が泊り込みをしている。 三ヶ月以上も 交代で寝泊まりしているそうだ。

日本と韓国を分断するこの問題に蓋をするために、昨年の12月下旬、日本の安倍首相が韓国の朴大統領と 取引をした。ますます手に負えなくなってきているこの「慰安婦」の件を終わらせるために、米国も圧力をかけた。



慰安婦像は憎悪をかき立てるように作られている。様々な団体がこの慰安婦像を利用している。日本から金を絞り取るために利用している団体もある。フェミニストは フェミニストの目的を達成するために利用している。中国は、日本・韓国・米国間ばかりかその他の国々にも摩擦をおこすために利用している。金儲けの道具として利用している団体は寄付金を募っている。総額は知られていないが潤沢な財源となっていることは確かだ。

10のNGO団体が慰安婦像に関与している、と寄付金集めにドップリ浸かったあるNGO が教えてくれた。その他の支援団体はアメリカや他国にある。世界のあちこちでひょっこり現れる「慰安婦像」は、まるで小さなフランチャイズチェーン店のようだ。例えば私が訪れたことのあるグレンデール市の像も寄付金集めに使われている。

この慰安婦像のそばで聞いた説明は、グレンデールの慰安婦像の横でフィリス・キムが説明していたのを私が聞いたのとまさに同じ内容だった。フィリス・キムは 日本の共産党新聞「赤旗」に掲載された旅行代理店の広告に応募してやって来た
日本共産党員に説明していたのだ。なぜその事を知っているかというと、当時 我々の調査員が共産党グループの隣にいて、彼らの会話を聴いていたからである。

だから12月の日韓合意の後、挺対協は、韓国政府が像を撤去して彼らの「商売」を台無しにするのを恐れて 毎日 泊まり込んで見張っているのだ。

実際、朴大統領は日本叩きをしてきたが、挺身隊とその関係団体は彼女の政敵である。 朴大統領は日本叩きを楽しんでいたようだが、それはすなわち自分の政敵を応援していたことになる。 政治の世界は魑魅魍魎だ。


Just Now, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Protestors remain camped beside the Comfort Woman statue in front of the Japanese embassy. They have been there more than three months -- they swap out on shifts.
In late December, Japanese Prime Minister Abe made a secret agreement with Korean President Park in an attempt to put a lid on this growing problem that is splitting Japan and Korea. U.S. pressure is also at play to put an end to this "comfort women" issue because it is increasingly out of hand.
The protestors at the statue are associated with, or are members of, a dangerous communist group known as Chon Dae Hyup. 
Just last year, a Chon Dae Hyup supporter slashed the face of our Ambassador to Korea. Earlier he attacked the Japanese Ambassador to Korea, for which he got much support and is said to have raised much money in donations. Much earlier, I re-published a picture of him just beside this statue. 
This statue is designed to create hatred. Different groups use this hatred to their own ends. Some use it to extort money from Japanese. Feminists use it for their own causes. The Chinese use it to cause frictions between Japan, Korea, the U.S., and more. Others just us it as a business tool. They take in donations -- the amounts are unknown but they clearly are well-financed. 
One NGO who is neck deep in this said to me that about ten Korean NGOs are involved. Other supporters are in America and elsewhere. These comfort women statues that are popping up around the world are little business 'franchises.' For instance the statue that I visited in Glendale, California, is used to raise money.
The speech given by Phyllis Kim beside the comfort women statue in Glendale, was basically the exact speech that I saw right here at this statue. Phyllis Kim gave that speech to Japanese communists who had answered an advertisement in the Aka Hata ("red flag") communist newspaper in Japan. I know this because we had an informant standing with their group and our informant talked with them and listened to them talk. 
And so after the December agreement between Prime Minister Abe and President Park, Chon Dae Hyup is guarding the statue in fear that the Korean government will take it away and destroy their business.
Park actually has used the Comfort Women issue to bash Japan, but Chon Dae Hyup and some associates are her political enemies, so though she seems to enjoy bashing Japan, in doing so she has been supporting people who oppose her. Politics.
Tonight it looks like they will sleep under a cold rain.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

ナヌムの家(House of Sharing)

我々に対して仕掛けられている巨大な情報戦争という観点から「慰安婦」の件を引き続き調査している。今週、私は韓国の10人の「慰安婦」が共同で住んでいるナヌムの家(House of Sharing)を訪れた。これはまったくの道化芝居だ。ナヌムの家は、大金を稼ぎ出す器械であるとともに、情報戦争の武器でもある。



昨晩フッカーズヒルで 下の写真を撮った。兵士達は真夜中までには退去すべしと命じられているから、まだ残っている兵士がいないか米軍憲兵隊がパトロールしていた。

December 25, 2014 

House of Sharing, Korea
I continue to research the "comfort women" issue in context of the larger information war being waged against us. I visited the 'House of Sharing' this week, which is home to ten 'comfort women' here in Korea. This is all a massive farce. A big money making machine and information war simultaneously. 
Last night I headed to "Hooker Hill' with a British journalist. Amazing that prostitution remains massive here -- with no end in sight -- while someAmerican 'feminist' organizations focus on a manufactured 'sex slave' myth dating back to World War II. If they really care about the women and not the money, they would focus on the here and now.
I made these photographs last night on Hooker Hill. At midnight American Military Police patrolled through looking for service members who are ordered to leave here by midnight:

Saturday, April 2, 2016


「大虐殺の数字: 日本の歴史学者は4万人から20万人、中国側は30万人と主張」





正面入り口に、バスを連ねて到着した中国人旅行客が到着すると、ガイド達がそれぞれ異なる色を持ってグループをまとめ、先頭にたって案内して行く。来館者はセキュリティ( 荷物検査) を通る。








どこを見ても 30万という数が出てくる。

館内には集団墓地のようにヒトの骸骨が大量に置かれている。(本物の骸骨の様に見えた ― 少なくても良く出来たレプリカだ)。

南京で30万人が殺されたとの証拠は一つも無い ― 証拠はゼロだ 。

歌詞の一節で毛沢東のことが歌われているビートルズの「Revolution」は依然として禁じられている。フェイスブックやツイッターも情報統制されている。禁止や統制されているものの多いことは 驚くべきことだ。



1) 中国共産党 政府が 正直だと思う人はいるだろうか?
2) もしも答えがノーで、歴史上の大量殺戮を隠蔽する中国政府を信用しないならば、なぜ南京に関しては 中共を信じるのか?


米国の当時のプロパガンダでは3万という数字だった。そしてその数字の大部分は中国人が中国人と戦って死んだ数だということを米国は 知っている。

"Film on Nanking Massacre takes a look at accounts from both sides"
"Japanese historians typically estimate the figure at between 40,000 and 200,000, while China has claimed that 300,000 Chinese were killed during the massacre."
Real and honest historians who study with an open mind and heart, are rare, and worth their weight in gold. The same can be said of journalists. 
American anti-Japanese propaganda from the time put the number at 30,000. Our propaganda did not mention that many of the Chinese deaths were inflicted by Chinese. 
A couple weeks ago, I was in Nanjing and toured the massive memorial. 
The museum alone must have costed tens of millions of US dollars. The giant tract of land was on prime property and likely cost far more. 
The museum reaches 'Orlando standards' when it comes to haunted house. 
The Nanjing war memorial is clearly designed to create hatred against Japanese, while ignoring massive Chinese war crimes. You must visit this museum to believe it.
At the front gate, Chinese tourists arrive by the busload, with guides carrying colored flags to keep their groups together. Visitors go through security. 
I was the only caucasian among thousands of asians, and the only language I recognized that day was Chinese. No Thai, Japanese, or anything else that I recognized. 
Entrance is free. 
Visitors then pass by statues with horrific plaques mentioning Japanese devils coming to commit rape and murder. No mention is made of the massive murders that happened from Chinese during the same battle.
At the entrance to the museum proper, visitors descend a large staircase, going underground, as if in a grave. 
The light becomes darker, the mood becomes darker, as dark music plays. There is the sound of machine guns and war. 
Hall after hall, there must be thousands of displays. All displays seem to be perfectly lighted for smartphone photography. Photography is permitted.
The theme is 300,000. 
300,000 is engraved in stones, written on papers, and literally up in lights. 
Nearly everywhere one turns, the number 300,000 appears again. 
In the museum there are human skeletons as if in a mass gave. (They appear to be human skeletons -- or at least great replicas.)
Only in Cambodia have I seen such exploitation. 
Yet in Nanjing, there is zero evidence -- 0 -- that 300,000 were murdered.
There is no mention of the mass murders caused by the semi-God Mao Tse Tung. 
No mention of the Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, Tiananmen Square, forced abortions, or the amazing disappearing journalists. 
To play the Beatles song "Revolution," that mentions "Chairman Mao" in a single verse, is still verboten. Facebook and Twitter are blocked. The list is long.
When anyone challenges the Chinese narrative on Nanjing, they are called "ultra-righwing Japanese nationalists."
Now come the hard questions: 
1) Does anyone believe that the communist Chinese government is truthful? 
If the answer is Yes, the believers lose credibility. 
2) If the answer is no -- they do not believe the Chinese government who covers up the greatest mass murder in history while pointing to Nanjing -- why would anyone believe the Chinese communists about Nanjing?
We already know that the Chinese government lies when it breathes. Why should it suddenly be taken as truthful about Nanjing? 
Our own US propaganda puts the number at 30,000, and we know that many of those deaths were caused by Chinese fighting other Chinese.