今では多くの人が「独島」や性奴隷のペテンなど、さまざまな日本への挑発行為は 想像以上の大きな陰謀の一部であることに気がついています。
グリーン・ベレーに所属していたとき、私達は 初歩訓練で 外国の政府に揺さぶりをかける諸々の方法を学びました。そこで重要なことは、対象国を分断するのに利用できる社会の潜在的不安定要素をみつけることです。
実際、数多くの外国勢力が、効果の程度の差こそあれ、黒人と白人の間の反発や亀裂を煽動してきました。だが現実にその亀裂は複雑なもので、よくよく調べてみると黒人対 他の黒人を含むその他全員、といった構図が浮かんできます。利用対象にされる黒人は政治的目的か金銭的利益、またはその両方のために利用されています。
分断工作の基本的なテクニックはいたって素朴で「ヘイトー憎しみを醸成する」ことです。ヘイトリーダー(工作員)がやってきてこう言います、「ほら、奴がやっていることを見てみろ! 私は君が奴をやっつけるのを助けに来たんだ!」。このヘイト作戦の根底にあるのは、自分の身に降りかかっているネガティブなことは全て、誰かのせいだ、という概念です。普通その「誰か 」は他の宗教や人種・民族、あるいは別のグループに属しています。このテクニックは、特定のドイツ人が 他のドイツ人に用いて、ユダヤ人やある種のカテゴリーの人々を攻撃するのに使われました。
実際、韓国では、韓国がターゲットで、それをやっているのが韓国人達です。日本は内部のグループからも 外部からも狙われていて、外部の多くが南北朝鮮と中国からですが、そのほかにも海外の多くの組織、例えば多くのフェミニスト団体の組織からもターゲットにされています。
韓国は日本叩きのために利用されていますが韓国自身も叩かれるターゲットなのです。個々の国を 叩いて弱体化させる次の段階は、日米韓同盟の分断であり、最終的ターゲットは米国です。もう一度書きます。最終ターゲットは米国です。
Korea-USA-Japan: "DOKDO ISLAND East Sea of Korea"
I made this photograph in Seoul near the area of the US and Japanese Embassies. Not a coincidence that some of these signs are in English.
By now, many people have come to realize that 'Dokdo' and other provocations such as the sex-slave scam are all part of something much larger.
When I was a Green Beret even the early training included methods of
destabilizing foreign governments. A key element is to identify natural
social fault lines that can be useful to attack the target. An example
in America would be the use of black people to meet political ends.
Many outside forces have sought to enflame the black-white rift, with varying degrees of success. In reality the rift has much texture and when one looks closely, the rift is more black versus everyone else, including other blacks. Many of those targeting blacks have been and are black, often for political or financial gain, or both.
The basic technique is simple ‘hate farming.’ The hate leader (or manipulator) comes in and says, “Hey, look what they are doing! I am here to help you fight back.” The underlying concept is that everything bad in your life was caused by that guy. ‘That guy’ will normally come from another religion, race, or some other identifier. This was the technique used by Germans on Germans and others to attack Jews and many other groups.
Chinese use these techniques today against Tibetans and other groups.
Koreans have cultural traits that are readily exploitable. Those who have seen blacks targeted in the USA, and also Koreans targeted in various countries, can see remarkable similarities in what traits are exploited, and the methods used. Keeping in mind that they are targeted to hit another target with whom they live and work in close proximity. Effective campaigns often are highly corrosive to all parties, but this is of no concern to the perpetrator.
In fact, in Korea, KOREA is a target, and many of those doing this are Korean. Japan is a major target internally and externally, coming mostly from Korea and China, but also other international groups such as certain feminist organizations.
Korea is being used against Japan, but Korea itself is a target. The next target is our relationships with Korea and Japan, and the ultimate target is the USA. Again, the ultimate target is the USA. This is why we see sex-slave statues popping up around America, though Atlanta just squashed one. Next target for a statue is Washington, D.C. They are working on it today.
For those of us who are watching – and acting – these things are obvious. We are doing things about it that I never publish, and we are making progress.
Many outside forces have sought to enflame the black-white rift, with varying degrees of success. In reality the rift has much texture and when one looks closely, the rift is more black versus everyone else, including other blacks. Many of those targeting blacks have been and are black, often for political or financial gain, or both.
The basic technique is simple ‘hate farming.’ The hate leader (or manipulator) comes in and says, “Hey, look what they are doing! I am here to help you fight back.” The underlying concept is that everything bad in your life was caused by that guy. ‘That guy’ will normally come from another religion, race, or some other identifier. This was the technique used by Germans on Germans and others to attack Jews and many other groups.
Chinese use these techniques today against Tibetans and other groups.
Koreans have cultural traits that are readily exploitable. Those who have seen blacks targeted in the USA, and also Koreans targeted in various countries, can see remarkable similarities in what traits are exploited, and the methods used. Keeping in mind that they are targeted to hit another target with whom they live and work in close proximity. Effective campaigns often are highly corrosive to all parties, but this is of no concern to the perpetrator.
In fact, in Korea, KOREA is a target, and many of those doing this are Korean. Japan is a major target internally and externally, coming mostly from Korea and China, but also other international groups such as certain feminist organizations.
Korea is being used against Japan, but Korea itself is a target. The next target is our relationships with Korea and Japan, and the ultimate target is the USA. Again, the ultimate target is the USA. This is why we see sex-slave statues popping up around America, though Atlanta just squashed one. Next target for a statue is Washington, D.C. They are working on it today.
For those of us who are watching – and acting – these things are obvious. We are doing things about it that I never publish, and we are making progress.