"RaceBook has again blocked me due to Korean trolls"
長年の読者ならば、私が人種差別主義者ではないことはおわかりでしょうし、私が韓国人の火病を発明したわけでもありません。これは実際の 病気で長年にわたり科学的に研究されています。DSM(Diagnostic and Statistical Manualof Mental Disorders、精神疾患の診断・統計の手引き)によって、韓国人特有の精神疾患として紹介されています。もちろん すべての韓国人というわけではなく、火病の症状がみられる韓国人がいる、ということです。
私が人種差別主義者? 私は人生の半分以上を海外で他の人種の人々と過ごしてきました。沢山のアジア系の親族がいます。近所に住む人たちは皆アジア人です。私はアジアに住み、アジアの25か国を旅してきました。人種差別主義者ならばこんなことはできません。しかしながら そのような事実は無視されます。これがレースブックです。
韓国政府が慰安婦問題で 日本との合意を再び破棄しようとしている件について。これは実は 米国人にとってはかなり深刻な問題です。韓国在住の米国人と米軍が 真の攻撃対象です。 ある慰安婦支援者は 駐韓米国大使と日本大使を暗殺しようとしました。我が国の大使の顔に切りつけたその暗殺者は今は囚人です。 火病? あるいは暗殺者? どっちにしろ 狂ったのです。
ある韓国人は慰安婦問題支援のために焼身自殺を図りました。文字通り 深刻な火の病です。結局 彼は死亡しました。
米軍が慰安婦支援者の標的にされるのは時間の問題でしょう。日本人と日本の領土、ほかの韓国人も既に攻撃されています。北朝鮮との衝突が発生すれば韓国内で米国人は 韓国人に背後から刺されるでしょう。
ブロックされたため、レースブック上のメッセージには返答できません。私の email アドレスは下記を参照してください。
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
"Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?"
by アンドリュー・サーモン (ソウル)
実際、(1)大衆、(2)活動家の主張、(3)韓国メディア、(4)韓国の報道を基にしたグローバルメディア、の予想 に反して、存命中の慰安婦のほとんど(2016年末 当時 46人中34人)が2015年12月の慰安婦に関する日韓の取り決めに従って補償金を受け取った。合意の結果、彼女らは長年要求してきたものを手に入れたのだ:公式の、日本の首相による謝罪と補償金を。
しかしながら声高に主張する12人の慰安婦と関係するNGOが実質上主導し、合意によって問題を解決したとする「イエス」の声を封じてしまった。結果として(事実を知らされていない)大衆への迎合主義 -- それと、おそらくは前大統領を貶めることに同意して、ソウルは慰安婦の取り決めを破棄するつもりのようだ。
おそらく平昌オリンピックの終了を待って破棄しようとするだろうが、もしもそうなれば、ソウルは本来 敵ではない東京を敵に回すことになる。
"Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?"
Most Living Comfort Women Accepted It - So Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?
Contrary to (1) popular belief; (2) activists' contention; (3) most local media reports; and (4) to most global media reports (which parrot the local line):
Most of the then-living CW (34 out of 46 in late 2016) accepted the compensation from the December 2015 CW deal. After all, they had got what they had long demanded: An official apology from the Japanese PM and official compensation from Tokyo.
However, the 12 most vocal CW and their related NGO have dominated the narrative and effectively drowned out the "yes" voices. As a result, bowing to (uninformed) populism - and perhaps nodding to anti-Parkism - Seoul looks ready to shoot down the deal. This probably won't happen until after Pyeongchang, but if it goes ahead, Seoul will be making an unnecessary enemy of Tokyo.
As noted in the piece, this would not be the first time that a certain NGO has dominated the narrative and leveraged the government into torpedoing a deal to resolve this long-running issue. You may debate their motives below, if you wish.
Have at it...
by アンドリュー・サーモン (ソウル)
実際、(1)大衆、(2)活動家の主張、(3)韓国メディア、(4)韓国の報道を基にしたグローバルメディア、の予想 に反して、存命中の慰安婦のほとんど(2016年末 当時 46人中34人)が2015年12月の慰安婦に関する日韓の取り決めに従って補償金を受け取った。合意の結果、彼女らは長年要求してきたものを手に入れたのだ:公式の、日本の首相による謝罪と補償金を。
しかしながら声高に主張する12人の慰安婦と関係するNGOが実質上主導し、合意によって問題を解決したとする「イエス」の声を封じてしまった。結果として(事実を知らされていない)大衆への迎合主義 -- それと、おそらくは前大統領を貶めることに同意して、ソウルは慰安婦の取り決めを破棄するつもりのようだ。
おそらく平昌オリンピックの終了を待って破棄しようとするだろうが、もしもそうなれば、ソウルは本来 敵ではない東京を敵に回すことになる。
"Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?"
by Andrew Salmon (Seoul, South Korea)
Most Living Comfort Women Accepted It - So Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?
Contrary to (1) popular belief; (2) activists' contention; (3) most local media reports; and (4) to most global media reports (which parrot the local line):
Most of the then-living CW (34 out of 46 in late 2016) accepted the compensation from the December 2015 CW deal. After all, they had got what they had long demanded: An official apology from the Japanese PM and official compensation from Tokyo.
However, the 12 most vocal CW and their related NGO have dominated the narrative and effectively drowned out the "yes" voices. As a result, bowing to (uninformed) populism - and perhaps nodding to anti-Parkism - Seoul looks ready to shoot down the deal. This probably won't happen until after Pyeongchang, but if it goes ahead, Seoul will be making an unnecessary enemy of Tokyo.
As noted in the piece, this would not be the first time that a certain NGO has dominated the narrative and leveraged the government into torpedoing a deal to resolve this long-running issue. You may debate their motives below, if you wish.
Have at it...
Sunday, December 17, 2017
The Great Information War from China --
歴史上の中国政府、及び現在の中国政府は 信頼できますか?この質問には全ての人が「否 」、あるいは「もちろん、NO!」と即答するでしょう。
歴史上の中国政府、及び現在の中国政府は 信頼できますか?この質問には全ての人が「否 」、あるいは「もちろん、NO!」と即答するでしょう。
The Great Information War from China --
Do you trust the Chinese government to be truthful about today or history?
Practically everyone will answer, "NO."
Do you trust the Chinese government to be truthful about today or history?
Practically everyone will answer, "NO."
Or, "NO! Of course not!"
And then turn around and believe everything bad PRC says about Japanese.
This is nothing new. An author in 1938 noticed the same. Of course this was before the PRC formed a decade later.
And then turn around and believe everything bad PRC says about Japanese.
This is nothing new. An author in 1938 noticed the same. Of course this was before the PRC formed a decade later.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
A special number featuring articles on the diplomacy by Michael Yon.
米元軍人にさえ広がる違和感 靖国参拝を悪用する中国「対日情報戦」
『産経新聞』 2017/02/25
`China is abusing a pilgrimage to Yasukuni Shrine`
Sankei-shinbun, 02.2017, by Michael Yon
反日物語の嘘を暴け by 前田守人 (the chief editor of `Voice`)
`Expose the lie of anti-Japan story`
IRONNA, by Morito Maeda (the chief editor of `Voice`)
アジアの「慰安婦」を徹底追跡! マイケル・ヨン現地ルポ
『Voice』 2015年12月号
`Tracking Asian comfort women`
Voice, 12.2015, by Michael Yon
`South Korea is becoming a puppet of China`
Sankei-shinbun, 04.2015, by Michael Yon
"War on the Horizon—Is the US Ready to Meet its Commitments?"
JAPAN Forward, 09.2017, by Michael Yon
War Becoming Increasingly Likely
Hours after the latest North Korean nuclear weapon detonation on September 3, 2017, I asked a well-connected friend for an opinion. During the Iraq War, when I visited him at the Department of State, he took me up to the office of Condoleezza Rice for an impromptu introduction. (Unfortunately, she was out.)
read more
"Afghanistan Distracts Trump From The Real Monster"
JAPAN Forward, 08.2017, by Michael Yon
President Donald Trump thinks he can solve the AfPak dilemma. In his speech, the United States president talked about winning. There is no winning to be had beyond safeguarding our national interests.
This is all a distraction from a gigantic problem: China. On our scale of concern, Afghanistan is microscopic by comparison to China and other challenges; yet, on our scale of priorities, the price of nation building in Afghanistan dwarfs the price of securing our borders.
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"Korea’s Comfort Women Statues Are Cast-Metal Racial Hatred"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Getting Down to Business: Statues about Politics, Power, and Money
Talking with the protesters, one soon realizes that this campaign of putting up comfort women statues is about removing American troops from Korea, and from throughout Asia. They want our troops gone, along with our THAAD missile defense and radars. China is using South Korea against itself. China is using South Korea to isolate South Korea. But this won’t stop here. It will spread throughout the entire region, and beyond. It already has.
read more
"Comfort Women Issue: Why Do the Japanese Keep Apologizing?"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Believe it or not, American Southerners find some commonalties with Japanese culture. This is important. I understand Southern culture. Much of my family was from North Florida, South Georgia, and Oklahoma. We would swim in the creek in Baxley, Georgia, and my uncle got me out picking tobacco on his Georgia farm. Thank heavens I did not grow up to be a tobacco picker. If you want a kid to study harder, make him pick tobacco.
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"Comfort Woman Statues: A War Against the US, Not Japan"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Koreans are coming. Not in peace. Few citizens of Brookhaven, Georgia realize that war has just washed into their town. The scourge spread 7,100 miles from Seoul, and 7,200 from Beijing. The full-scale assault is disguised as a statue of a young woman. But make no mistake—this is pure warfare. Their city is the latest beachhead in the joint Chinese-Korean propaganda campaign to break up the United States-Japan alliance.
read more
"Korea: Daddy Don’t Leave Me!"
JAPAN Forward, 04.2017, by Michael Yon
Trouble is unfolding.
Few people, outside Japan and academic circles in Korea and America, understand the history of Korea other than from what hyper-dramatic movie or TV scripts tell them. This Korean vacuum in the West leaves a void often filled with the most fantastic stories that benefit the hate farmers’ objective.
read more
"The Hate Farm: China Is Planting a Bitter Harvest"
JAPAN Forward, 02.2017, by Michael Yon
Ask an American journalist, “Do you trust the Chinese government?” If the answer is yes, there is nothing more to talk about. If the answer is no, the next question is, “Do you trust them to tell the truth about Japan?”
read more
米元軍人にさえ広がる違和感 靖国参拝を悪用する中国「対日情報戦」
『産経新聞』 2017/02/25
`China is abusing a pilgrimage to Yasukuni Shrine`
Sankei-shinbun, 02.2017, by Michael Yon
反日物語の嘘を暴け by 前田守人 (the chief editor of `Voice`)
`Expose the lie of anti-Japan story`
IRONNA, by Morito Maeda (the chief editor of `Voice`)
アジアの「慰安婦」を徹底追跡! マイケル・ヨン現地ルポ
『Voice』 2015年12月号
`Tracking Asian comfort women`
Voice, 12.2015, by Michael Yon
`South Korea is becoming a puppet of China`
Sankei-shinbun, 04.2015, by Michael Yon
"War on the Horizon—Is the US Ready to Meet its Commitments?"
JAPAN Forward, 09.2017, by Michael Yon
War Becoming Increasingly Likely
Hours after the latest North Korean nuclear weapon detonation on September 3, 2017, I asked a well-connected friend for an opinion. During the Iraq War, when I visited him at the Department of State, he took me up to the office of Condoleezza Rice for an impromptu introduction. (Unfortunately, she was out.)
read more
"Afghanistan Distracts Trump From The Real Monster"
JAPAN Forward, 08.2017, by Michael Yon
President Donald Trump thinks he can solve the AfPak dilemma. In his speech, the United States president talked about winning. There is no winning to be had beyond safeguarding our national interests.
This is all a distraction from a gigantic problem: China. On our scale of concern, Afghanistan is microscopic by comparison to China and other challenges; yet, on our scale of priorities, the price of nation building in Afghanistan dwarfs the price of securing our borders.
read more
"Korea’s Comfort Women Statues Are Cast-Metal Racial Hatred"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Getting Down to Business: Statues about Politics, Power, and Money
Talking with the protesters, one soon realizes that this campaign of putting up comfort women statues is about removing American troops from Korea, and from throughout Asia. They want our troops gone, along with our THAAD missile defense and radars. China is using South Korea against itself. China is using South Korea to isolate South Korea. But this won’t stop here. It will spread throughout the entire region, and beyond. It already has.
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"Comfort Women Issue: Why Do the Japanese Keep Apologizing?"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Believe it or not, American Southerners find some commonalties with Japanese culture. This is important. I understand Southern culture. Much of my family was from North Florida, South Georgia, and Oklahoma. We would swim in the creek in Baxley, Georgia, and my uncle got me out picking tobacco on his Georgia farm. Thank heavens I did not grow up to be a tobacco picker. If you want a kid to study harder, make him pick tobacco.
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"Comfort Woman Statues: A War Against the US, Not Japan"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Koreans are coming. Not in peace. Few citizens of Brookhaven, Georgia realize that war has just washed into their town. The scourge spread 7,100 miles from Seoul, and 7,200 from Beijing. The full-scale assault is disguised as a statue of a young woman. But make no mistake—this is pure warfare. Their city is the latest beachhead in the joint Chinese-Korean propaganda campaign to break up the United States-Japan alliance.
read more
"Korea: Daddy Don’t Leave Me!"
JAPAN Forward, 04.2017, by Michael Yon
Trouble is unfolding.
Few people, outside Japan and academic circles in Korea and America, understand the history of Korea other than from what hyper-dramatic movie or TV scripts tell them. This Korean vacuum in the West leaves a void often filled with the most fantastic stories that benefit the hate farmers’ objective.
read more
"The Hate Farm: China Is Planting a Bitter Harvest"
JAPAN Forward, 02.2017, by Michael Yon
Ask an American journalist, “Do you trust the Chinese government?” If the answer is yes, there is nothing more to talk about. If the answer is no, the next question is, “Do you trust them to tell the truth about Japan?”
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Sunday, December 3, 2017
TDS: Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real
時々、EOD班(explosive ordnance disposal:爆発物処理)の友人がくれたEODの帽子を被ります。ごらんのように米国の旗があしらわれています。
最近ではアメリカ人で米国の旗がついた物を身につけている人は珍しいが、アジア人なら そこら中で見かけます。 どういうわけかベトナムで多くのベトナム人が米国の旗付きの物を身につけているのを目撃しました。ベトナム戦争でアメリカと戦ったことを考えると 感無量です。
私はいつも、出会った人にどこの出身か尋ねて その土地のことを色々聞くのが大好きです。フロリダはそのためにはぴったりの場所です、なぜなら世界中のミステリアスな場所から人々が集まってくるところですから。
カナダでさえ私にとってはミステリアスな土地でした。私が子供の頃、カナダ人はとても感じの良い人々でしたーー私が質問責めにするまでは。「北極熊 を見たことがありますか?エスキモーの友達はいますか?どうやってイグルー(エスキモーの氷雪の臨時小屋)を作るか知っていますか?つばを吐くと雪面につばが落ちるまでに凍ってしまうほど寒いと聞いたんですが、フロリダは気に入りましたか? 私は 質問のしすぎですか?(私はまだ幼かったのです!)」
西洋人が米国旗を見ると、いつでも、いかにアメリカ人が愚かであるか、などについて私に説得しようと強引に迫ってきます。これまで何度もそういう目にあって、毎度 同じことを聞かされました。そういう彼らのほとんどが アメリカに行ったことも無く、言っていることの半分以上は 間違っているのです。英語を話し、英字新聞を読み CNNニュースを観ているからと言ってアメリカの専門家になれるわけではありません。
最近、オーストラリア人のグループと、二人のアメリカ人までもがTDSを発症しました。彼らはまるで狂人養育農場から逃げ出してきたかのようでした。私はトランプを好きではありません -- しかし私が米国の国旗がついた帽子を被ってアメリカ人であることを謝ろうともしないことから、彼らは 私がトランプ贔屓だと思っていたようです。
彼らは トランプが人道上において犯した大罪と戦争犯罪について声を揃えて非難し始めたので、私は困って頭をかきながら聞いてました。
品行に関しての大罪、確かに彼は、ほぼ一日中24時間 Twitter に品の無い投稿をしている。しかし人道上の大犯罪? 戦争犯罪? 明日もしかしたら彼はその罪を犯すかもしれないが、まだやっていません。
「いったい何を話しているんですか? どの犯罪のことですか?」そう質問すると彼らは決まってISISのことや アルカイーダ、シリア戦の事を口にします。それを聞くと、疑問がわき起こります。 いったい彼ら自身シリアがどこにあるのか知っているのか? トランプが大統領に就任してからどれくらい経っているのか分かっているのか?
私は尋ねました。 人道上の大罪とはどのことをいっているのですか? ドローンによる爆撃のこと、ですか??
それでも彼らはこう言います。「北朝鮮!トランプは北朝鮮を戦争するように仕向けている」 何度 これを聞かされたことか。
国民が餓死しようとしているときにさえ北朝鮮の指導者は原子爆弾と長距離ミサイルの開発に余念がないが、一方 トランプは美人コンテストと超傲慢を高度な技術で表現することに忙しい。もしもトランプが「傲慢について」という本を書いたなら、きっとベストセラーになるでしょう。彼は傲慢にかけては世界一です。
彼はこう自慢するでしょう。「私の本はベストセラーです、なぜなら私は世界で最も傲慢だから」と。それを聞いたトランプ嫌いの人々は言うでしょう、「あなたは全然 傲慢ではありませんよ! 謙虚です!」と。
TDS( トランプに錯乱する症候群) は集団ヒステリーの一種です。TDSに罹患した者とはまともな話ができません。
同様にJDS:日本に発狂する症候群 に罹患した韓国人とはまともな会話ができません。その狂気は根深く、反応の対象は違えど 同じ疾病です。
TDS: Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real
I sometimes wear my EOD hat because some good EOD people gave it to me and I liked them and the hat they gave me. As you see, it comes with a US flag.
These days, you seldom see Americans wearing US flags around here, but you can see Asians wearing US flags all the time. Go figure -- I saw quite a few Vietnamese wearing US flags in Vietnam. Kind of wild when you think about it.
Anyway...sometimes when I wear my flag it can generate TDS. Not from any Asians. Always from Americans or from other westerners.
All my life I have loved to hear people tell stories about where they are from. Florida was great for this because people came from mysterious places from all over the world.
Even Canada was mysterious for me. As a kid, Canadians were always nice to me until I wore them out with a thousand questions. Have you seen a polar bear? Do you have any Eskimo friends? Do you know how to make an igloo? I heard that Canada is so cold that when you spit it freezes before hitting the snow. Do you like Florida? Do I ask too many questions? (Hey, I was pretty young.)
Recently, while asking a Swiss man about different Swiss cultures, he told me some Swiss still eat dogs. (Dogs came up because my dog Barney was with me.) I said are you kidding? Some Swiss still eat dogs? He said sure, but not many. I said well they are not going to eat Barney!
Swiss always have some strange story. If you see any Swiss, just start asking questions. You never know what is next with them.
Anyway...this is my flag and I wear it. Sometimes I wear a Thai flag hat that Thai EOD police gave me.
When some westerners see my flag they seem compelled to tell me how dumb Americans are and blah blah blah -- I have heard it all so many times that they never say anything new. Most have never even been to America and are just wrong on at least 50%. Speaking English and reading newspapers or watching CNN does not make one an expert on much.
So,recently a group of Aussies and even two Americans started into the TDS. It was as if they all escaped from a loony farm. I do not even like Trump -- which they assume because I am wearing my flag and do not apologize for being American.
They launched, and were almost singing in chorus about all of Trump's massive crimes against humanity and war crimes. I was scratching my head on that one.
Massive crimes against decency, sure, he does that approximately every 24 hours on Twitter, but massive crimes against humanity? War crimes? He might do that tomorrow, but he has not yet.
I said what are you talking about? Which specific crimes? They start rolling with weird things about ISIS, making al Qaeda, all kinds of weirdness about the Syria war, and I am starting to wonder if they know where Syria is, and how long Trump has been President.
I asked, specifically, what massive crimes against humanity? Drone strikes? Trump just picked up where Obama (always their hero) left off, who picked up where Bush left off, who left off where that other guy left off.
“North Korea! Trump is forcing North Korea into war,” they say! I hear that pretty often.
I always scratch my head on that one.
My reply to that is often, "How old are you?" If they are over about the age of 20, they have no excuse for being so ignorant about the criminal state called North Korea. Trump did not create DPRK. DPRK is what it is today because many world leaders from many countries for a number of generations were too weak to break NORK legs.
NORK leaders were working toward atomic weapons and long range missiles even while their people starved to death while Trump was running beauty contests and practicing the high art of extreme arrogance. If Trump were to write a book "On Arrogance," no doubt it would be a bestseller. He is the world leader on that.
And he would say, “My book is a bestseller because I am the most arrogant in the world.” And then people who hate Trump would say, “No, you are not that arrogant! It’s all a lie! You are humble!”
NORK soldiers recently shot a NORK soldier as he escaped to ROK. Somehow, Trump gets dragged into this.
TDS is a mass hysteria and it is real. I see no way to reason with anyone suffering from TDS.
Likewise, there is no way to deal with Koreans who suffer from JDS: Japan Derangement Syndrome. The looniness is deep. Same malady, different topic.
I sometimes wear my EOD hat because some good EOD people gave it to me and I liked them and the hat they gave me. As you see, it comes with a US flag.
These days, you seldom see Americans wearing US flags around here, but you can see Asians wearing US flags all the time. Go figure -- I saw quite a few Vietnamese wearing US flags in Vietnam. Kind of wild when you think about it.
Anyway...sometimes when I wear my flag it can generate TDS. Not from any Asians. Always from Americans or from other westerners.
All my life I have loved to hear people tell stories about where they are from. Florida was great for this because people came from mysterious places from all over the world.
Even Canada was mysterious for me. As a kid, Canadians were always nice to me until I wore them out with a thousand questions. Have you seen a polar bear? Do you have any Eskimo friends? Do you know how to make an igloo? I heard that Canada is so cold that when you spit it freezes before hitting the snow. Do you like Florida? Do I ask too many questions? (Hey, I was pretty young.)
Recently, while asking a Swiss man about different Swiss cultures, he told me some Swiss still eat dogs. (Dogs came up because my dog Barney was with me.) I said are you kidding? Some Swiss still eat dogs? He said sure, but not many. I said well they are not going to eat Barney!
Swiss always have some strange story. If you see any Swiss, just start asking questions. You never know what is next with them.
Anyway...this is my flag and I wear it. Sometimes I wear a Thai flag hat that Thai EOD police gave me.
When some westerners see my flag they seem compelled to tell me how dumb Americans are and blah blah blah -- I have heard it all so many times that they never say anything new. Most have never even been to America and are just wrong on at least 50%. Speaking English and reading newspapers or watching CNN does not make one an expert on much.
So,recently a group of Aussies and even two Americans started into the TDS. It was as if they all escaped from a loony farm. I do not even like Trump -- which they assume because I am wearing my flag and do not apologize for being American.
They launched, and were almost singing in chorus about all of Trump's massive crimes against humanity and war crimes. I was scratching my head on that one.
Massive crimes against decency, sure, he does that approximately every 24 hours on Twitter, but massive crimes against humanity? War crimes? He might do that tomorrow, but he has not yet.
I said what are you talking about? Which specific crimes? They start rolling with weird things about ISIS, making al Qaeda, all kinds of weirdness about the Syria war, and I am starting to wonder if they know where Syria is, and how long Trump has been President.
I asked, specifically, what massive crimes against humanity? Drone strikes? Trump just picked up where Obama (always their hero) left off, who picked up where Bush left off, who left off where that other guy left off.
“North Korea! Trump is forcing North Korea into war,” they say! I hear that pretty often.
I always scratch my head on that one.
My reply to that is often, "How old are you?" If they are over about the age of 20, they have no excuse for being so ignorant about the criminal state called North Korea. Trump did not create DPRK. DPRK is what it is today because many world leaders from many countries for a number of generations were too weak to break NORK legs.
NORK leaders were working toward atomic weapons and long range missiles even while their people starved to death while Trump was running beauty contests and practicing the high art of extreme arrogance. If Trump were to write a book "On Arrogance," no doubt it would be a bestseller. He is the world leader on that.
And he would say, “My book is a bestseller because I am the most arrogant in the world.” And then people who hate Trump would say, “No, you are not that arrogant! It’s all a lie! You are humble!”
NORK soldiers recently shot a NORK soldier as he escaped to ROK. Somehow, Trump gets dragged into this.
TDS is a mass hysteria and it is real. I see no way to reason with anyone suffering from TDS.
Likewise, there is no way to deal with Koreans who suffer from JDS: Japan Derangement Syndrome. The looniness is deep. Same malady, different topic.
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