Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Ulster-Scots (Scot-Irish) in America


しかしながら、アルスター・スコットや アメリカの歴史を正確に知っている大英帝国の人には出会ったことがありません。彼らは自分では知っているつもりでしょうが、表面をなぞっただけで本当のところなにもわかっていません。

よくイギリス人は私に、アメリカ人はアメリカ人であることが嫌なので自分たちのことをスコットランド人だとかスコットランド系 アイルランド人と呼ぶのだろう、と言います。

スコット・ アイリッシュは アメリカ人の中のアメリカ人です。

アルスター・スコット(スコット・  アイリッシュともいう)を知らずして現在、2019年のアメリカの文化や政治を理解することは不可能です。

例えばアメリカ合衆国憲法修正第2条を巡る論争を理解することもできないでしょう。愚かな人は それを”男らしさ、マッチョ”が理由だ などと見当違いの説明を続けています。

本当のスコット・ アイリッシュ及び その系統の文化を持つ人々は、銃を棄てようなどとは思いません。銃を取られそうになったら血を血で洗う戦いも厭わないでしょう。歴史を調べればわかります。

同様に、アイルランドのジャガイモ飢饉(1847-51年)、穀物法(※ 1815-1846) による歴史の波(特に1845-1852年)を知らなければ、現代のアメリカ文化を理解することはできません。

アメリカからアイルランドのテロ組織へ多くの資金が提供されていることに英国人はショックを受けたし、今もまだショックをうけているようです。ヒントは「ボストン」です。ボストンの人々はどこからやって来たのか考えてみてください。飢饉で家族は餓死し、追い立てられ、人生を踏みにじられた人々。飢饉にも関わらず食料はアイルランドから輸出され続け、領主達は富を蓄え、腹の空いたアイルランド人は故郷から ボストンなどのアメリカの地に移り住みました。彼らは今もこのことを覚えています。これからも忘れることはないでしょう。




スコット・アイリッシュはアメリカに強い影響を及ぼした強烈で独特な文化を今も持ち続けているのですが、彼らはドイツ人やロシア人、ノルウェー人移民などとひとまとめにして「白人」として分類されています。イギリス人は銃を持ちたがりますがイギリス人を撃つのは スコットランド人です。


ところで、スコッチ・アイリッシュ、と言うとすぐに、「スコッチは飲むものだ」と言う人がいますが、スコッチ・アイリッシュ、またはスコット・アイリッシュは、アルスター・スコットとも呼ばれます 。


アイルランド人とスコット・アイリッシュが、どうやってアメリカにやってきたのかを知らずしてアメリカを理解することは出来ません。同様に、当時の奴隷制度について知らなければ 何故アメリカに多くの黒人がいるのかを理解できません。

カーマラ・ハリス(Kamala Devi Harris、上院議員、カリフォルニア州選出)という女性が、賠償について語っています。 白人は黒人に賠償すべきだそうです。

どの白人でしょうか?黒人と同じように奴隷だったアイルランド人でしょうか?クエーカー(Quaker、キリスト教プロテスタントの一派)教徒と共に奴隷制度廃止に立ち上がった白人達でしょうか?奴隷制度に賛成した黒人も黒人に賠償すべきですか? 黒人奴隷を所有していたアメリカインディアンも黒人に賠償するのですか?





Ulster-Scots (Scot-Irish) in America
Modern Scots, Irish, and English who are still in the old country, sometimes cut fun at Americans who will say they are Scot-Irish.
Fact is, I seldom meet a British person who knows much about Ulster-Scots or really much at all about American history. They think they know, but scratch the surface and they know practically nothing.
They cut fun at Americans who say they are of Scot-Irish heritage, but the joke is on the British who think they understand. Typically, Brits have said to me that Americans are unhappy with being American, so they call themselves Scots or Scot-Irish.
Nobody is more American that Scot-Irish.
Nobody has a chance of understanding a great deal of 2019 culture and politics in America without solid understanding of who Ulster-Scots are. No chance at all.
No chance, for instance, of understanding the 2nd Amendment controversy. Many try to explain it away with silliness about proving manhood or whatever. Only the most ignorant people say these things, but they say these things constantly.
Real Scot-Irish and similar cultures will never give up their guns. There will be a bloody fight to get the guns. You must study history to realize how deep this goes.
Likewise, another great tide due to the Irish famines, corn laws and so forth -- you simply cannot understand modern American culture and politics without studying up on the Irish famines. (Particularly 1845-1852). There is no chance.
Many English seemed shocked, and still do, that so much funding for Irish terrorism came from America. Boston. Well, guess where many of those in Boston came from. Their families starved to death, were evicted, were trampled down. Food was exported from Ireland while landlords got rich and evicted starving Irish, many of whom landed in places like Boston. They still remember. They will not be forgetting any time soon.
Europeans who say America has no culture...they just don't know. Amazingly ignorant.
They tend to group America into white and black, not realizing that whites and blacks are only part, and there are countless black and white cultures that are extremely different from one another.
They don't even realize there are more hispanics than blacks in America, and they rarely even acknowledge the millions of Asians, who, again, are all grouped as "Asians" despite that Indians, Chinese, and others, practically come from different cultural planets. And dividing that even more finely that, say, Indians alone come from and with myriad cultures, religions, and languages. Indians are not all the same and defy grouping. Likewise with Chinese.
Likewise with white people in America.
Scot-Irish (Ulster-Scots), come from a specific culture and that culture remains extremely strong, but they all get lumped in as "white people," despite being extremely different than, say, most German, Russian, or Norwegian immigrants, or English. English tend to be gun-grabbers. Scot-Irish will shoot them.
Many people do not understand that the American Revolutionary War was largely spillover from Great Britain. English trying to take charge, while others now escaped from their grasp back in the old country took up arms. (Simplifying a bit, but that is a big part.)
By the way, some people say Scotch-Irish and gain rejoinder with "Scotch is for drinking" or whatever. Scotch-Irish, Scot-Irish, use interchangeably with Ulster-Scots.
Much of that moonshine culture, the NASCAR, and loads more come from that specific people known as Ulster-Scots. Actually, most Americans call them Scot-Irish and English call them Ulster-Scots. (Not to be confused with a Scot who marries an Irish. That is not the meaning of Ulster-Scot.)
You will never understand much of America without studying up on how the Irish, and separately the Scot-Irish, got here. Likewise, there is no way to understand how so many blacks got to America without knowing about slavery. No chance.
I see that woman Kamala Harris talking about reparations. Whites should pay blacks. Which whites? Irish who were slaves just like blacks? Quakers and others who stood up to abolish slavery? Blacks who kept black slaves? American Indians who had black slaves? Should Japanese immigrants pay blacks? Koreans? Koreans will never pay blacks for being blacks. That's how you get roof Koreans.
Should white Polish people who came to America 20 years ago pay black people who came to America 20 years ago? Does she want a war? That's how you get another civil war.
Never surrender your weapon.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

米中摩擦は 貿易戦争ではない

Someone else gets it: "Much More Than a Trade War with China"

Someone else gets it: "Much More Than a Trade War with China"

誰か 喝破したひとがいるだろうか:「中国との関係は貿易戦争などではない」と

’いわゆる’「専門家」の多くが米中関係を、単なる中国との貿易戦争、あるいは貿易摩擦にすぎない、ととらえていることには驚きます。彼らはあーでもないこーでも無いと御託を並べた挙句、「米中紛争の影響で アメリカの物価が上がる」と愚かな分析をしています。あたかも”専門家”の誰もが米中のこの問題で、自分こそが経済学の博士号に値する、政府の政策立案者たちは現実を見ていない、と思っているかのようです。




いわゆる専門家連中は、我々アメリカがメキシコと貿易戦争を始めたと分析しています。だが実はこれは 国境紛争なのです。





Someone else gets it: "Much More Than a Trade War with China"
Amazing how many 'experts' think this is only a trade war or trade dispute with China. They then ramble on about this and that, uttering inane analysis, "This will only raise prices for Americans." As if anyone needs a PhD in economics for this, and as if the policy makers are too blind to see the deer in the road.
The trade battles are subcomponents of a much larger campaign. We are overthrowing the Chinese government. They've waged wars on us for decades.
Switch to Mexico.
Again, so-called experts analyzing this as if we are starting a trade war with Mexico. The Mexico tariffs are transparently a border issue.
When I was in high school, I got paddled for wearing rabbit skins and riding my sister's horse to school. Was I beaten by the principal because he liked to hit kids? No. I was paddled because I rode my sister's horse to school wearing rabbit skins. I never road Misty (horse) to school again.
Likewise, Mexico not only turns a blind eye to our border problem, Mexico facilitates the problem.
Make no mistake that there is an underlying reason: Mexico has had a longtime intention of taking some of the United States. Some will scoff at this, but only from ignorance. Those who have paid attention over the decades know this is true.
If Mexico does not help stem the tide, we can help them to reconsider, as did my Principal with his paddle.

 "Much More Than a Trade War with China"
 by Brandon J. Weichert (June 2019)