ナショナルフットボールリーグなんかに時間を割いている場合ではありません -- 午後の間中、フィールドを駆け回っている人々を見た後で、その人の頭の中にはなにが残っているのですか? 本を読みましょう。読んで自分への投資をしましょう。
Stop Wasting time with NFL: Invest in self -- Read Books
What is left in a person's head after he spends time watching people run up and down the field for an evening? Read a book, make an investment.
Time reading good books is not an expense but an investment.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
It is Japan-bashin
'It is Japan-bashing' : Osaka may sever sister city ties with San
Francisco over 'comfort women' statue (South China Morning Post
There is a lot more to this than Japan-bashing. The ultimate target is
USA. PRC is working to split apart ROK-USA-Japan, first to isolate and
contain Japan.
Francisco over 'comfort women' statue (South China Morning Post
USA. PRC is working to split apart ROK-USA-Japan, first to isolate and
contain Japan.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
"War on the Horizon": Japan Forward
私の記事が Japan Forward に掲載されました。
“War on the Horizon—Is the US Ready to Meet its Commitments?”
「戦争の徴候 — 米国はその準備ができているのか?」
“War on the Horizon—Is the US Ready to Meet its Commitments?”
「戦争の徴候 — 米国はその準備ができているのか?」
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes
スティーブ・バノンのインタビュー 60分 -- バノンとは何者か
彼を邪悪な人間だと思わせたい向きもあるようだが、彼は自分でも言っているように自分の信じることを主張している 一匹狼のストリートファイターに過ぎない。彼は口にナイフをくわえています。 共和党やカトリック教会など、誰もそのナイフを奪うことはできない。
アメリカにとって 世界で一番とは言わなくてもアジアで最も重要な同盟国は日本です。その日本を敵視させるように、日本とあまり繋がっていないアメリカの教会を利用するのです。教会は分断工作の手段の全てではないが その 一つ です。
我々はソビエト連邦の崩壊を支援しました。大国同士の駆け引きです。だから我が国の大統領選にロシアがちょっかいを出しても 責めませんし、ソビエト連邦の崩壊に米国が手を貸したのだとロシアが非難するのを聞いても気にしません。世界政治とはそういうものだから、です。
我々はソビエト連邦の崩壊を支援しました。大国同士の駆け引きです。だから我が国の大統領選にロシアがちょっかいを出しても 責めませんし、ソビエト連邦の崩壊に米国が手を貸したのだとロシアが非難するのを聞いても気にしません。世界政治とはそういうものだから、です。
Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes -- this is great
He takes on practically everyone, including the Catholic Church, and Steve is very Catholic.
Some people make him out to be evil but he is just the street fighter he says he is. The man has practically got a knife clenched in his teeth, and GOP and others cannot take it, including the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church openly buddies up with China (Steve does not say
this in the interview) and the PRC actively supports splitting us apart
from ROK and Japan.
There is little market for the Catholic Church -- or any church -- in Japan, which helps communists in Korea and China further their varied aims.
The Catholic Church, or any church, has little finger hold on Japan. And so, Chinese and Korean communists use various churches to turn us against Japan, who is our greatest ally in Asia, if not the world. Churches are not their only door, but certainly one.
Interestingly, of the very few Christians in Japan, many are communists. You will not find many American communists. That goes against everything I was taught growing up in Church. (The world is complicated like that.)
On allies and common interests, Japan ranks up there with UK, but few Americans seem to get this.
Charlie Rose pushes the Russian issue. Of course they tried to influence the elections. This is a big boy world with big boy rules. Many people dabble in each other's politics.
We have a long history of not just dabbling, but repainting the whole barn.
We helped crush the Soviet Union. Big boy rules. I do not blame Russia for dabbling, and don't care to hear their complaints that we helped crack the Soviet Union.
We must do same with China. We must work to split China, just as they are doing to us.
They punch us, and we punch them.
Steve gets it. The man is a realist and that angers many people.
There is little market for the Catholic Church -- or any church -- in Japan, which helps communists in Korea and China further their varied aims.
The Catholic Church, or any church, has little finger hold on Japan. And so, Chinese and Korean communists use various churches to turn us against Japan, who is our greatest ally in Asia, if not the world. Churches are not their only door, but certainly one.
Interestingly, of the very few Christians in Japan, many are communists. You will not find many American communists. That goes against everything I was taught growing up in Church. (The world is complicated like that.)
On allies and common interests, Japan ranks up there with UK, but few Americans seem to get this.
Charlie Rose pushes the Russian issue. Of course they tried to influence the elections. This is a big boy world with big boy rules. Many people dabble in each other's politics.
We have a long history of not just dabbling, but repainting the whole barn.
We helped crush the Soviet Union. Big boy rules. I do not blame Russia for dabbling, and don't care to hear their complaints that we helped crack the Soviet Union.
We must do same with China. We must work to split China, just as they are doing to us.
They punch us, and we punch them.
Steve gets it. The man is a realist and that angers many people.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
(The Gardian 2017/09/07の記事)についての意見
つい最近、日本の 真上を飛び越すミサイルを発射してもアメリカはなにもしませんでした。彼らはその賭けにも勝ったのです。
つい最近、日本の 真上を飛び越すミサイルを発射してもアメリカはなにもしませんでした。彼らはその賭けにも勝ったのです。
北朝鮮が通常型ミサイルで日本を攻撃すれば、アメリカの選択は 戦争か条件付き降伏か、で、従来通り。
北朝鮮は定期的に日本に向けてミサイルを撃ち、制裁をやめさせる取引のカードとしています。端的に言うと、北朝鮮は主導権を握り続けて、北朝鮮の脅威を排除することに長い間 ためらっているアメリカの足元をみているのです。
北朝鮮は定期的に日本に向けてミサイルを撃ち、制裁をやめさせる取引のカードとしています。端的に言うと、北朝鮮は主導権を握り続けて、北朝鮮の脅威を排除することに長い間 ためらっているアメリカの足元をみているのです。
"South Korea deploys missile system as US strengthens North Korea trade threat"
I would not be surprised if DPRK hits Honshu or another part of Japan with a conventional missile. Saddam did similar against Israel, trying to gain popular support and distraction from his own problems.
DPRK leadership are gamblers and cleaning the table.
They gambled we would do nothing against their development of nuclear weapons. They won.
They gambled we would do nothing as they develop ICBMs. They won, and continue to win with each new launch.
They gambled recently by firing a missile directly over Japan. We did nothing. They won.
If they shoot Japan with a missile, and we do nothing, they stand to win big time. They may even come across heroically to many South Koreans who are subject to a massive information campaign to make them hate Japanese. The comfort women statues are just one aspect of this campaign.
Information warriors just installed another comfort woman statue, this one in Itaewon, just by a US base, a clear jab at US forces this time. Not just Japanese. Notice the words on the plaque. "In this here were foreign troops have long resided..."
We know their ultimate target is the USA. Not Japan.
Interestingly, Itaewon, home of the latest statue, is famous for prostitution.
If they shoot Japan with a conventional missile, our options remain the same: War, or capitulation.
They can regularly shoot Japan and use that as a bargaining chip for us to drop sanctions. Because, in a nutshell, they are willing to play serious hardball, and they have seen generations of Americans quiver at the prospect of eliminating North Korea as a threat.
China indicates it will stay neutral if DPRK makes a first strike, though hitting Japan with an occasional missile could raise support from South Koreans, and many Chinese, who also are bombarded with anti-Japanese propaganda.
At nights while I was in China, I watched their programming, and every single night came movie after movie depicting Japanese as savages.
China wishes to split the ROK-USA-Japan relationship.
If DPRK hits Japan, my guess is that the world will shrug and say take it and smile, just as they say similar when Israel gets hit.
China and DPRK are in a balancing act of getting what they want by making us appear weak -- and thus making us weaker -- while not pushing so far that Japan scraps Article 9 and goes nuclear, or that the USA and others finally wipes out DPRK.
It would not be surprising to see a missile slam into Japan, or a naval attack against a Japanese ship.
The more they push and we do nothing, the weaker we become, and the stronger they grow.
They gambled we would do nothing as they develop ICBMs. They won, and continue to win with each new launch.
They gambled recently by firing a missile directly over Japan. We did nothing. They won.
If they shoot Japan with a missile, and we do nothing, they stand to win big time. They may even come across heroically to many South Koreans who are subject to a massive information campaign to make them hate Japanese. The comfort women statues are just one aspect of this campaign.
Information warriors just installed another comfort woman statue, this one in Itaewon, just by a US base, a clear jab at US forces this time. Not just Japanese. Notice the words on the plaque. "In this here were foreign troops have long resided..."
We know their ultimate target is the USA. Not Japan.
Interestingly, Itaewon, home of the latest statue, is famous for prostitution.
If they shoot Japan with a conventional missile, our options remain the same: War, or capitulation.
They can regularly shoot Japan and use that as a bargaining chip for us to drop sanctions. Because, in a nutshell, they are willing to play serious hardball, and they have seen generations of Americans quiver at the prospect of eliminating North Korea as a threat.
China indicates it will stay neutral if DPRK makes a first strike, though hitting Japan with an occasional missile could raise support from South Koreans, and many Chinese, who also are bombarded with anti-Japanese propaganda.
At nights while I was in China, I watched their programming, and every single night came movie after movie depicting Japanese as savages.
China wishes to split the ROK-USA-Japan relationship.
If DPRK hits Japan, my guess is that the world will shrug and say take it and smile, just as they say similar when Israel gets hit.
China and DPRK are in a balancing act of getting what they want by making us appear weak -- and thus making us weaker -- while not pushing so far that Japan scraps Article 9 and goes nuclear, or that the USA and others finally wipes out DPRK.
It would not be surprising to see a missile slam into Japan, or a naval attack against a Japanese ship.
The more they push and we do nothing, the weaker we become, and the stronger they grow.
South Korea deploys missile system as US strengthens North Korea trade threat
Justin McCurry in Tokyo and
Tom Phillips in Beijing
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
彼は米国政府と強いつながりがあります。ある日、彼は私をコンドリーザ・ライス(Condoleeza Rice)のオフィスに連れて行ってくれましたが、たまたま彼女はそのとき不在でしたので会えませんでした。彼女を気に入っていたので挨拶をしたかったのですが。彼女は大統領選に出馬するべきだった。
彼は米国政府と強いつながりがあります。ある日、彼は私をコンドリーザ・ライス(Condoleeza Rice)のオフィスに連れて行ってくれましたが、たまたま彼女はそのとき不在でしたので会えませんでした。彼女を気に入っていたので挨拶をしたかったのですが。彼女は大統領選に出馬するべきだった。
NORK: Just after the latest detonation, I asked a well-connected friend what he and his contacts think.
He is connected very high in the USG. One day, he took me up to Condoleeza Rice's office but she was not around. I always liked her and would have been good to say hello. She should have ran for President.
His response:
Sorry for the late response. I thought it was a posting and I saved it for reading. I didn't see it was a question just to me.
Anyway, my contacts at DoD and DoS say different things, mostly tracking their mission, but agree, in different words, on one thing:
The test is a red line and the bet by Russia, China, and DPRK is that the US will not cross it.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that the DPRK is the sock puppet of an international conspiracy headed by Russia and China to destabilize the Pacific and the adjacent east and southeast Asian landmass.
To not cross the red line and PUNISH the DPRK is to throw Seoul under the bus, which is exactly the same as throwing Japan and the wider southeast Asian nations, plus Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and in the long run, India under the bus. American credibility is being severely tested, which is precisely the goal of China and Russia. The DPRK is the low risk/high reward stooge in this massive geopolitical power play, but given their resources and dependence on the kindness of "strangers", they have no choice in this game of brinkmanship.
Generally, both the DoD and DoS agree that war is the only long term solution to this issue. It is an international crisis perpetrated by wanna-be global powers to bring down the US's influence in the Pacific and diminish the US maritime reach (military, trade, influence, and defense).
Put the foreign policy of the Obama and Clinton administrations into the equation, you will see why Russia and China are playing this game. They may actually have US nuclear codes (they've no doubt changed by now, but merely knowing old ones says a lot about the new ones). Obama did publicly release the exact, precise, number of nuclear weapons, from which any idiot could accurately extrapolate the various platforms, throws, and targets. In other words, our national nuclear arsenal has been compromised for eight years.
Given Obama's radical draw down of the defense budget and the wear and tear on our existing equipment in the Middle East (don't doubt Iran is in on this deal with Russia and China), the US is clearly in a compromised offensive posture.
But, to allow DPRK to get away with this provocation means we lose the Pacific and China will see this as a green light to run amok and seize whatever they want and intimidate the rest.
Generally, my contacts see war or capitulation.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
今日、我々は2件の記事(※)を目にしました。3年前にマイケルが言ったことと同じ事を記事に書いています。2014年、マイケルが Komori, Sakurai, その他数名の日本人たちと懇談していたときと全く同じことを述べています。マイケルはこの件についての投稿を続け、電子メールや会話において警鐘を鳴らし続けてくれました。おかげで状況が変わりつつあります。
これを見てください。FOXもCNNも同じようなテーマで記事をポストしているではありませんか。(神よ感謝します!!) 左も右も、どちらの主義であろうと日本兵によって20万にんもが性奴隷としてさらわれたなどとの作り話には裏があることに気がついたのです。
Norm Coleman も Steve Glassman も非常にまじめな記者です。彼らに続いてもっと多くの仲間がこの丘にやってくるでしょう。
今日、我々は2件の記事(※)を目にしました。3年前にマイケルが言ったことと同じ事を記事に書いています。2014年、マイケルが Komori, Sakurai, その他数名の日本人たちと懇談していたときと全く同じことを述べています。マイケルはこの件についての投稿を続け、電子メールや会話において警鐘を鳴らし続けてくれました。おかげで状況が変わりつつあります。
これを見てください。FOXもCNNも同じようなテーマで記事をポストしているではありませんか。(神よ感謝します!!) 左も右も、どちらの主義であろうと日本兵によって20万にんもが性奴隷としてさらわれたなどとの作り話には裏があることに気がついたのです。
Norm Coleman も Steve Glassman も非常にまじめな記者です。彼らに続いてもっと多くの仲間がこの丘にやってくるでしょう。
※訳注:CNNとFOX NEWSの2016年の記事
Comfort Women issue: GREAT NEWS
One of my teammates emailed this to our research team today:
I just wanted to take some time and share some perspective with the group. Three years ago, these types of articles would NEVER have seen the light of day in English, and NOBODY except Michael was talking in these geostrategic terms to get people outside of niche advocacy groups to pay attention.
One of my teammates emailed this to our research team today:
I just wanted to take some time and share some perspective with the group. Three years ago, these types of articles would NEVER have seen the light of day in English, and NOBODY except Michael was talking in these geostrategic terms to get people outside of niche advocacy groups to pay attention.
Now we have two
articles where the phrasing Michael introduced three years ago is
showing up. I remember when Michael was meeting Komori, Sakurai, and a
few others in Japan back in 2014 and stated some of these exact terms.
He continued to post on this and hammer it out in emails and
conversations. The "Meme" is moving.
Now look at this. Both FOX and CNN are posting articles with the same themes in it (Thanks for giving me these by the way!!) Left and Right are both catching on that there is more to the story than 200,000 sex slaves kidnapped by the Japanese Army.
Three years ago, it was in some outlets up to 400,000 kidnapped. Notice the gains this group has made:
1. Now the narrative has changed to "up to 200,000 were kidnapped or coerced" down from "400,000 kidnapped".
2. An introduction of the concept that there is more to the story and an identification of North Korea and China with the story for a specific purpose: To divide people NOT to highlight a human right violation.
Great job to everyone and especially Michael for planting the flag on the hill first and taking fire until the rest of the cavalry start to arrive. Norm Coleman and Steven Glassman are serious players and more should be coming out now that they have walked up that hill as well.
Now look at this. Both FOX and CNN are posting articles with the same themes in it (Thanks for giving me these by the way!!) Left and Right are both catching on that there is more to the story than 200,000 sex slaves kidnapped by the Japanese Army.
Three years ago, it was in some outlets up to 400,000 kidnapped. Notice the gains this group has made:
1. Now the narrative has changed to "up to 200,000 were kidnapped or coerced" down from "400,000 kidnapped".
2. An introduction of the concept that there is more to the story and an identification of North Korea and China with the story for a specific purpose: To divide people NOT to highlight a human right violation.
Great job to everyone and especially Michael for planting the flag on the hill first and taking fire until the rest of the cavalry start to arrive. Norm Coleman and Steven Glassman are serious players and more should be coming out now that they have walked up that hill as well.
Japan vs US: No, Japan is not 'killing' us, we're killing Japan, our staunchest Asian ally
James K. Glassman
By Norm Coleman
Updated 2342 GMT (0742 HKT) March 31, 2016
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Of interest, in Japan
山岡 鉄秀
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