"In one Package: Hunger Strike, Fasting, Tiananmen Square Massacre, Hong Kong"
今、私は「天安門広場(Tiananmen Square)大虐殺」(1989/06/04)に関する書物を読んでいます。前にも読みましたが、 天安門事件を調査するのは色々な意味で重要です。
「1989年の天安門の大虐殺で中国政府が学生達を殺したことに世界中の注目と非難が集まった時から、中国は 我々の目をそらすためのキャンペーンを始めた」
「ほら そこの日本こそどうなんだ?」
皆 が答えます「そうだ、日本はどうなんだ?」。スターウォーズ、ジェダイの魔法は確かに効果がありました。
人々は、中国政府が 昨日 学生たちを虐殺した話題から、すぐ50年前の日本の話題に移りました。ジュダイの魔法の効き目は大したものです。
天安門事件の学生指導者のひとり、ザン・ミン(Zhang Ming)も同様です。彼もまた信念の人です。投獄され、何度も獄中でハンガーストライキを実行しました。
中共政府をどうやって打ち負かしたらいいのかを探るために私が今 読んでいる天安門事件の本で著者はザンのことを取り上げています。
ミルク断食という不思議な言葉に、私はインドとネパールを行き来するミルクババと呼ばれる聖人のことを思い出しました。彼は過去約20年間、ミルク以外、なにも口にしていないと私に語りました。その取材は 多分 ノートに記録してあるかもしれません。だが、その種のスピリチュアルな世界については私はあまり信じていないのですが。
とにかく、この本の筆者、つまりザン・ミンにインタビューをしている女性は非常に面白い。取材はとてもうまくいっているのだが そのうち彼女は空腹になってきた。お腹が減っていないザンは彼女に食べるように勧めるのですが、彼女は ザンの目の前で食べるのは失礼だと思って食べなかったそうです。笑
いずれにしろ本のこの部分には笑ってしまいました。私は第三章まで読んだだけですが、今のところ 良く書けているので次の第四章に進むつもりです。
結論: 天安門事件についての書物を読むのに数時間を費やす価値はあるだろうか? この大虐殺とその結果 中国に起こった大きな変化、その貴重な知識を得るための数時間は充分な価値があります。
香港で、1989年の天安門広場のように、いつ 中国政府が学生達を攻撃し始めるのか、多くの人が質問します。しかし1989年の事件は中国にとってまったく都合の悪いことでした。もしも2019年の今日、中国が香港の学生達を 虐殺したら 我々は激怒するでしょう。米国はツィートひとつで中国との貿易を絶つでしょうし、EUや他の国々も同調するでしょう。
おそらく中国にもたらされる結果は経済の破綻でしょう。もちろん確実なことはいえません。我々は予想するだけです。中国を注意深く観察していれば、中国が学生への攻撃を自制しているのは、中国が”いい奴”だからでは無く、もしもそうなった場合、我々が恐ろしい形相で刀を振りかざしてやってくることを知っているからだと わかるでしょう。
もしも中国が香港の人々虐殺したとすれば、我々の理性は吹っ飛び、怒り狂って中国共産党をたたきつぶすことを 中国は知っています。(それゆえ中国は不合理を押し通すためにある程度理性的にふるまうだけの理性を持っているといえます。)
In one Package: Hunger Strike, Fasting, Tiananmen Square Massacre, Hong Kong
Am considering going back to Hong Kong in a few days. Chances of another protest on Sunday are high according to some sources there.
Meanwhile, am reading again about Tiananmen Square. This is a good subject to study for various reasons.
For instance, much earlier, I studied the Tiananmen Square massacre because our research team noticed that the "comfort women" and Nanjing massacre and other information campaigns appeared to sharply inflect after 1989.
Our theory is that after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, when the world fell on China's head for murdering the students, China began a massive deflection campaign.
We can see that in the early 1990s, China began supporting feminist organizations and invested heavily in the comfort women and other campaigns, such as sponsoring the "Rape of Nanking" book in 1997.
Basically, to take pressure off themselves, China said, "Hey, what about Japan over there!?" And everyone said, "Yeah, what about Japan over there?" Jedi mind trick. Really worked, too.
People stopped talking about China massacring the students yesterday, and started talking about Japan 50 years ago. Jedi mind tricks are awesome.
Tiananmen still bites China. And hunger strikes really do work. (Despite that I posted numerous times about a rather silly/faux hunger strike I recently saw in Hong Kong.)
When Irishman Bobby Sands did a real 66 day hunger strike and died at the end, he became an authentic martyr. After all, when someone is so motivated and sincere that he goes 66 days without food, and dies at the end, we know he's not just some loud mouth attention grabber. He was sincere to the death. A true martyr willing to fling his own body at his enemy. Got to respect that. Total kamikaze. Team player. (Am I the only American who respects Kamikazes and always have?)
Zhang Ming was similar. A student leader at Tiananmen Square. A true believer. Off to prison. Serious hunger strikes and on and on.
Zhang did not die, but his pains sure got a lot of press, which you can see online: "China: hunger striker Zhang Ming in critical condition"http://www.omct.org/urgent-campaigns/urgent-interventions/china/2004/04/d16834/
So, I am reading this next book on Tiananmen Square looking for clues on how to beat the Chinese Communist Party, and the author started writing about Zhang Ming.
So, I am reading this next book on Tiananmen Square looking for clues on how to beat the Chinese Communist Party, and the author started writing about Zhang Ming.
Apparently, after much torment and hunger striking, Zhang was released, made a lot of money, had some more dramas, but ever since the hunger striking in prison, Zhang is a life-long faster. He fasts. Milk fasting.
Which is very strange and brings back some memories from India and Nepal of some dude called Milk Baba. I think he told me he drank nothing but milk for like twenty years. I don't recall, but might be in my notes. Well, who knows. In that part of the world I don't believe much.
But this author, while interviewing Zhang Ming -- she is really funny. She is interring Zhang and starting to get hungry, and her interview is going very great but Zhang is not hungry and she is starving, and he encourages her to eat but she does not want to eat in front of him because she thinks it would be rude, lol.
As someone who fasts, I don't find it rude at all when someone eats in front of me. I am the opposite. I sometimes feel uneasy that I am being rude by not eating.
Anyway, that part of the book is pretty funny. I am only in chapter three and so cannot make recommendation yet, other than the book is good enough that I will proceed to chapter four.
Bottom line: there is value in spending at least a few hours to read about Tiananmen Square. This massacre and what happened to China as a result is an important inflection point for various reasons and thus is worth the few hours for familiarization.
Many people are asking when China will attack the students in Hong Kong like they did in 1989. But what happened to them after 1989 was pretty bad for China. They know that if they murder a lot of Hong Konger students in 2019, we are going to hit the roof. We could totally cut off trade with China with one tweet, not to mention what EU and other countries could do.
The outcome for China could be economic devastation. Nobody knows. We can only guess, but everyone who is paying sufficient attention realizes that China is not showing restraint because they are nice guys, but because we might come at them with a machete and a crazed look in our eyes.
China realizes that our response to another massacre could be irrational and wipe out the Chinese Communist Party. (And thus be somewhat rational. There can be some rationale in being irrational.)
But here it is: Fasting. Hunger striking. Tiananmen. All at same time, in chapter 3.
Am not going to publish more than this part due to copyright law: