Tuesday, September 29, 2015



「私とどぉ? 楽しませてあげるわょ」

Korea's Prostitution Culture Continues to make Global Headlines 
""Hey, do you want to go with me? I can treat you really well," a 76-year-old woman with a limp says as a reporter approaches her on a recent sunny afternoon."

Saturday, September 26, 2015


ローラ・ヒレブランドは、 第二次大戦中の出来事について
書いた自著 「アンブロークン」の 欺瞞を隠蔽しようとしている。



ヒレブランドは大規模な戦争犯罪があったと書いている。 ― テニアンの韓国人が皆殺しにされた ― そんなことは無かった。我々が調べたところヒレブランドがその根拠としているものは、橋の下にたまたま居合わせた人から聞いた噂話のようなものだった。




これは残念なことだ。ヒレブランドが 本を書くために現地調査に行ったという形跡はない。公式の記録に反してもいる。単なる噂話を書いたことは明らかだ。


本が出版されるまで、お互いに会ったことはなかった。冗談はよしてくれ、と言いたい。 もしも彼女が 既にこの世を去った歴史上の人物について書いたのならばわかるが、生きている人物についての本を、本人に取材せずに書き上げるなんぞ言語道断だ。

ヒレブランドは 噂話と自分で想像したことを繋ぎ合わせて書いていただけなのだ。


閑話休題、末尾にあげた第二次大戦中の動画は、テニアン島で戦った米国海兵隊員たちにとって、歴史的観点からも特に興味深いものだろう。この動画を見ると、なぜ米国海兵隊の能力が優れているか、よくわかる。 陸軍歩兵隊員ならその特殊な技術がわかるだろう。海兵隊の上陸は、特別な技術を必要とする難しいタスクである。




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Laura Hillenbrand covering up Deceptions in Her World War II Book, "Unbroken"
I have given Laura and her publisher every fair chance for her to address her false claims that Japanese murdered 5,000 Koreans on Tinian Island. 
Her publisher responds with deflections and nonsense. For instance, by saying that she and the editor no longer give interviews for the book even while they continue to advertise for interviews. 
Hillenbrand has claimed a massive war crime -- a murder of all Koreans on Tinian -- that simply did not occur. Hillenbrand cited two spurious sources which after we checked turned out to be like consulting a random man under a bridge.
Hillenbrand may have been deceived by her poor scholarship, but after she dug in that indicates that Hillenbrand is lying. 
Our own war records and separately the New York Times from the time are sharply at odds with Hillenbrand's claims. 
Hillenbrand claims that all Koreans on Tinian were killed by Japanese in a "kill-all" order. 
There is no such record. New York Times claims at the time that 2,400 Koreans were still alive and gathered about $666 to help the US with the war effort.
This is sad. Hillenbrand is not known for traveling to places she writes about, and it has become clear that she trades in hearsay and rumor that is contradicted by our own official records. 
Hillenbrand did not even travel to meet with the subject of her book, Louis Zamperini. Nor did he travel to see her. 
They did not meet until after the book was published. Let's get serious. If she were writing about a historical figure who is gone, this is understandable, but to write an entire book about a living figure and not even meet when a meeting is possible, is egregious. 
Hillenbrand is blogging in books. Hillenbrand is repeating what she hears and imagines.
Sadly, after this exchange I no longer consider Laura Hillenbrand a serious author. She sold many books but is a hack.
On a different note, this World War II film can be of particular historical interest to Marines and others who fought at Tinian. This film outlines why Marine Corps capability is special. The film does not actually say this, but Army infantry people will recognize this is a special skill set. Marine landings are difficult tasks requiring special skills.
Also the Navy. The roll of Frogmen (or as Elvis might say, EOD!), artillery, and so many other jobs. Meteorologists were crucial. If the weathermen got it wrong, our people could be in big trouble. Everyone had a crucial role to play and everyone had to be accurate in their jobs. Otherwise our people would not have won.
Please watch this if you have time. Especially if you are a military sort:

Monday, September 21, 2015






有能な芸術家 ― これに関して中国人はこれ以上ないほど有能である,彼らは熟練者だ ― は,どうやって憎悪を煽ればよいのか知っている。憎悪は簡単に作ることができる。







はっきりさせておこう。私がこういう文脈で 「中国人」というときは、PRC(Republic of China 中華人民共和国)を特定している。台湾,香港,あるいはシンガポールやタイ国など他の世界中の中国人のことを言っているのでは無い。



― 日本人の悪口を言っている中共を信じるのか?






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San Francisco marching ahead to honor Chinese and Korean prostitutes. 
This is a world class information war and China is monkey-stomping opponents in many places. 
Australians and Canadians did not take the bait, but many Americans inhaled the entire lure and are throat-hooked. 
Aussies in Strathfield and Canadians in Burnaby did their homework and slammed the door on this Chinese-Korean nonsense. They did not allow Chinese and Korean hate-puppets to install statues honoring their prostitutes. 
ChIna is trying to make the world hate Japan so that China can go to war and seize the South China Sea and more. To achieve this goal, China must defeat Japan.
Competent artists -- and Chinese are far more than competent, they are masters -- know how to create hatred. Hatred is easy to create. 
Hatred is a compound emotion. A compound emotion is a combination of elemental emotions. 
Two elemental emotions are anger and disgust. Two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen make water. Likewise, Anger + Disgust makes hatred. Hatred often leads to murder or war.
China is trying with much success to make the world disgusted and angry with Japan, despite that Japan is by far the most peaceful major nation on earth. 
Compared with other major nations, crime in Japan is relatively non existent. Japanese are literally about the most civilized people on earth. 
Why Americans instantly believe Chi-coms when they badmouth Japan is one of the great mysteries of life.
I found in book from 1937 or '38 (?) wherein another author was scratching his head with the same question. I wish to talk with him now and say nothing has changed.
Basically, as I recall, the author stated that Americans never believe Chinese other than when Chinese badmouth Japanese. 
Let's be clear. When I say Chinese in this context, this is specific to PRC only. Not Taiwan, HK, or so many Chinese around the world such as in Singapore or Thailand. PRC is behind this.
Litmus test for Americans:
When an American badmouths Japanese based on Chi-com propaganda, ask the American:
---Do you believe Chi-coms when they trash talk Japanese? 
If the answer is, "Yes, I believe Chi-coms when they badmouth Japanese," one can safely dismiss opinions from that person. Better to talk with turtle. 
If the answer is "No, I do not trust Chi-coms to tell the truth," that is something to work with.
If the answer is no, he or she does not trust PRC to tell the truth, ask why he or she parrots PRC propaganda about Japan.
A person cannot have it both ways. Either they believe PRC propaganda and are not worth listening to, or they do not believe PRC and should stop repeating PRC lies.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

日本,米国海兵隊,他にも:ローラ・ヒレブランド(Laura Hillenbrand)の著作,アンブロークンには問題がありそうだ。





一つの情報源は環境問題を専門にしている企業ESI社に勤めているエリック・ラッシュ氏(Eric Lash)だ。ティアニン島で韓国人が5千人も殺されたことの情報源としてローラはラッシュ氏をあげている。ラッシュ氏は歴史家ではない。しかしラッシュ氏が情報源であると言うことは別な意味でローラにとってさらに困った状況をもたらす:









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Japan, US Marines, More: There appear to be problems with Laura Hillenbrand's book, "Unbroken."
Her publisher has not responded to a message from me.
One problem: Twice Laura cites that Japanese killed all 5,000 Koreans on Tinian island during World War II. 
However, our own military records and the New York Times at the time make no mention of this, and in fact directly contradict Laura's words.
Laura cited two sources. We checked both sources. The sources are hogwash. It is as if Laura is citing scraps of paper she found in a waste bin. 
One source is cited as Eric Lash at ESI, a company that does environmental work. Laura cited Mr. Lash as a source of proof that 5,000 Koreans were killed by Japanese on Tinian. Mr. Lash is not a historian, but this gets more troublesome for Laura:
We had difficulty finding this obscure document cited by Laura as being attributed to Eric Lash. Finally we got the document, but not from ESI, who apparently does not have a copy and did not make the report.
In a recent email, the company ESI said of the report and Mr. Lash, "ESI did not do any work on this project (Eric Lash was not working for ESI at the time). I haven’t been able to locate his current contact info; I’ll ask around the office and see if anyone has that info and forward it to you. Sorry we could not be more help."
Very strange. This gets stranger still. The document cited by Laura spells Eric Lash's name three different ways inside the same document: Eric, Erik, and Erick.
The mention of 5,000 Koreans is just a caption on a photo. The company says Mr. Lash was not even there at the time (2008) and besides that, how would he know about what happened there during World War II?
Again, ESI said that Mr. Lash did not even work for the company at the time.
This is serious business. If Laura deceived her readers or did not perform due diligence on this non-fiction bestseller that became a movie, this could even be grounds for a class-action lawsuit from customers who bought the book. I bought the book with the expectation that it is non-fiction. If the book is fiction, that is a problem.
Report that cites Mr. Lash as a source:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Steve Hanges
まさか第二次大戦中における日本人の残虐行為をかばい立てしたいわけなのではないだろうね! 南京を見てみろ。


Michael Yon
Steve Hanges, お前にトリッキーな質問だ: 中国人は日本について本当のことを話しているのだと信じているのか?



殺戮はあった,しかし中国人たちは自身の手による,そのおよそ2千倍の大殺戮(大躍進政策と文化大革命 — これにはチベットなどは含まれない)を隠蔽するためにそんな馬鹿な話をしているんだ。


レイプ・オブ・南京の著者のアイリス・チャンは精神病だった。中国の操り人形で抗日連合会(Global Alliance)とぐるになっていた。彼女は数字30万人を持ち出してきたが,わざわざ日本に行ってインタビューするなどの「調査」は一切やっていない。しかし私は彼女にインタビューはできない。銃を頭に撃って自殺したからだ。

で,お前はだれを信じるんだ? 中国か? それともおおっぴらに抗日連合会と活動していて精神病だったアイリス・チャンか? あるいは中国人やチャンの数字の1/10を言っている当時の米国のアンチ日本プロパガンダか?




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Comment and Reply

‪Steve Hanges
Surely you're not trying to whitewash Japanese atrocities during WWII! Try Nanking, where the Japanese slaughtered up to 300,000 civilians in sadistic ways and perpetrated widespread rape and looting. Even many Japanese soldiers who were there called it a massacre. A small group of Japanese have disputed the massacre, but too many documents and eyewitnesses prove that it happened. I doubt that you can find many people in China who will say that the Japanese treated them well.‬

‪Michael Yon
Steve Hanges Tricky question for you:‬

‪Do you believe that the Chinese are honest about Japan? ‬

‪If your answer is YES, you have no more credibility. ‬

‪If your answer is NO, why are you repeating their propaganda and acting as an unwitting (or maybe witting) Chinese puppet?‬

‪Our own anti-Japanese propaganda from the period put the number at 30,000. Still a lot, but it is not 300,000, and we know that some of those deaths were caused by Chinese, and there is other nuance as well. There was a massacre, but the Chinese blow it out of proportion to cover up for their own massacres which dwarf this literally by a factor of about 2,000 (just the Great Leap forward and Cultural Revolution -- this does not include Tibet, etc). ‬

‪Again, our OWN American wildly anti-Japanese propaganda from WWII puts the number at 30,000, and does not mention the Chinese hand or other nuance.‬

‪Iris Chang, author of the Rape of Nanking, was a mentally ill Chinese stooge who worked hand-in-glove with Global Alliance. She put the number at 300,000, and during her 'research' never even bothered to go to Japan to interview anyone. I cannot interview her because she shot herself in the head and is dead.‬

‪So who do you believe? China? Do you believe the mentally-ill Iris Chang who publicly was working with Global Alliance? Do you believe America's anti-Japanese propaganda that put the number at 1/10th of what the Chinese and Chang put it at?‬

‪I do not believe anyone without evidence. I do not believe China, the Nazi who wrote the silly book, Iris Chang and her flawed book, Global Alliance, Japan, or the USA on this issue. I do not believe any of them, though there is a Japanese professor named Hata who I met in Tokyo who likely is most reliable on this. His estimate actually matched our propaganda estimate. ‬

‪Only nutcases are denying that anything happened, and only nutcases take China at their word.‬

Sunday, September 13, 2015














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Japanese Behavior in Thailand During World War II
Yesterday our research team entered a World War II Japanese tunnel system. The tunnel system is not a tourist destination and is on an island and hard to find. Inside, it is big with various off shoots and rooms.
After that we interviewed many people for many hours. Most interesting were two 86 year-old men and one 89 year-old. In this frame grab from my video, the 89 year-old is on the right. He was about 19 when the war ended. 
His name is Yoon, and Yoon is a hilarious man to talk with. He was cutting up much of the time and had everyone laughing.
All three men worked for the Japanese, liked the Japanese, and got paid by the Japanese. There were no POWs here (near Ranong) but they saw Indian workers, who they say also were paid. There is a prevailing narrative that the Asian labor were all slaves for Japanese, but we are finding increasing evidence they were paid. At least some where paid. We do not know the ins and outs yet.
We asked if the Japanese committed any crimes and they said no. They said there was one rape of a Thai woman on the Burmese side of the river and her name was Noi. We asked if Noi was still alive and they said no. Otherwise they said Japanese behavior was very good.
They said there were comfort women here and they were Japanese. They showed us where the old brothel was located which was about 500 meters from the home where we interviewed them. 
Japanese Soldiers apparently also supplied the prostitutes free of charge to the strongest Thai workers. The men were unclear if the women were paid by Japanese for this. 
They said all the women were Japanese, and they said that sometimes the women got pregnant from the Thai workers (strange because use of condoms by Japanese was strictly enforced, according to our research), and that some of the women chose to have babies with strong Thai men. When women got pregnant they were sent back to Japan and another woman came as replacement. 
The men said the women appeared to be very happy and they would play naked in the river when they bathed. This shocked the Thais who bathe with their clothes on. (Even today many Thais will bathe with some clothing on.) 
Japanese had given Yoon some binoculars to spot airplanes and ships, and Yoon said (we think) that he "accidentally" looked at the naked women with the binoculars. This had everyone rolling. Later he admitted to being a peeping tom and again everyone was rolling with laughter. 
There was much more but I must review the video before writing. Bottom line is that they liked Japanese, which of course is another problem for the false Chinese and Korean narratives that hold that Japan is hated throughout Asia.

Friday, September 11, 2015




 Hong, Ki Song,別名 キッシズ トヨヤマ。「軍属」の非戦闘員。

 Hong/ トヨヤマは志願してその役割を果たしていた。


日本軍の被害者だったとアメリカ人とオーストラリア人に言っている韓国人は日本にさらなる補償を求めている … 彼らはどこにでもいる第三国の契約者のように,権力のある地位に就いたとき,だれも見ていないと過大な暴力を相手に「補償」してしまうのにもかかわらず。

Face of a Korean War Criminal
Hong was in the Japanese military. He was wearing the Japanese uniform so Japan owns his crimes, but constant Korean drama that they were all victims of the Japanese is silly and dishonest. Hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese military. 
Note from a fellow researcher:
"Hong, Ki Song. a.k.a. Kisses Toyoyama. "Gonzoku" or civilian contractor.
"One of the most hated guards on the Burma Thailand Railway.
"Notorious for beating prisoners of war with the shaft of a golf club.
"Hong/Toyoyama volunteered for the duty.
Sentenced to death by a British military court in Singapore.
"Sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment.
"This mug shot was taken by the U.S. army in Sugamo Prison in Tokyo.
Story was mentioned in “Bridge Over the River Kwai” book.
*These are the people that Korea wants to get compensation from Japan for, and they are telling Americans and Australians that they are victims of the Japanese….just like TCN contractors everywhere, when put into positions of authority and not supervised, they can overcompensate in violence."


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Tuesday, September 8, 2015


ダンカン・クレエデン(Duncan Cradden)は自分の墓穴を掘るのに熟達している。最近の私が書いた回想録「ビルマから日本へ」から例をとる:




クレエデン氏は,「マイケルは,そのインド人の著者がまるでそこにいたかのように考えている - 明らかに彼はそこにいなかったし,そこにいたとも言っていない」と書いた。



極めて広大な領地を失ってしまった帝国の民として,この手の話に深く傷つき感情的になってしまうのも無理も無い。しかしそれらの感情はこの情報を変えることはない。 — 正しいか正しくないか — これは感情的にならずに議論するのに価値ある情報だ。




Embarrassing Comments on Facebook
Duncan Cradden is particularly adept at embarrassing himself. Example from my recent post referencing the memoir, "BURMA to JAPAN":
Mr. Cradden writes: "This story is clearly nonsense and is not even a firsthand account!"
False: It is a memoir. A definition of the word "memoir": a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.
Whether or not the memoir is accurate is unknown but it is a piece of information worth laying on the table for discussion.
Mr. Cradden writes: "Michael even thinks the Indian author was there - when he clearly was not and does not claim to be."
More embarrassment for Mr. Cradden The Indian author wrote, "An incident we witnessed..."
Mr. Cradden, who is British, might not like the words written by the Indian author, or that the United States and Japan both helped India achieve independence. 
This is understandably traumatic and emotional for people who lost vast empires. But these emotions do not change that this information -- correct or incorrect -- is worthy of discussion in a non-emotional atmosphere. 
A reality that angers many western former imperialists in Asia is that Japan actually did set conditions for independence in numerous countries, and then local groups rose up, and then the United States helped seal the independence.
After World War II, imperialists such as the UK, France, and Netherlands wanted to sweep back in gobble up the spoils, but Japan had left behind the seeds of independence, the movements grew, the United States kept the imperialists at bay, and the rest is history. (In a nutshell.) 
There is no single window to the prism of history.


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Sunday, September 6, 2015






アンジェレスはラスベガスが売春の二流リーグにみえるほどだった。あんなに沢山の売春婦はみたことが無い ― それは超巨大なソイ・カウボーイ街(ベトナム戦争のときにアメリカ人開いたバンコクの歓楽街。これについては詳しく調べたことは無いし,その予定も無い)とも言うべきものだった。




Our research team is hard at work today. We started out in the Thai National Archives which is open even to foreign researchers. 
One of our team members found this document today describing a Japanese Corporal who caused some sort of trouble. 
The researchers were digging down to find the document describing the trouble when I split off to visit the location of an old Japanese comfort women brothel. 
I got there and found another brothel 70 years later! Wow. Similar with Philippines when I went to Bataan and Angeles City on this research. 
Angeles City makes Vegas look like prostitution minor leagues. I've never seen more prostitutes -- it's like a mega-Soi Cowboy. (The story is that Soi Cowboy being an American development in Bangkok from the Vietnam era. I have not researched this and do not plan to.)
Unfortunately the Thai owner of the Japanese brothel during the WWII period has passed away, and people there do not seem to know his family.
As for the archives, the team is still digging. Far to go. Interesting about this document is that whatever the Japanese corporal did was being addressed. 
Let's see what the team brings home today. I do not want to disturb their research by calling to ask more about the corporal but by now they likely know.

Saturday, September 5, 2015





日本は交渉しようとしていたが握りつぶされた。西洋の帝国主義はアジア人を酷使していた。議論の余地は無い。我々は日本を抑圧し物理的に攻撃を仕掛けていた。(このことを知っているアメリカ人はほとんどいない) オランダ,イギリス,フランスなどの西洋列強各国も確かにアジアを酷使していた。







しかしビルマの他の場所では,老人達は日本人は村人に兄弟姉妹のように接したと話してくれた。同じことがフィリピンにも言える。そこで私は日本人を好きだと言う人々や嫌っている人々に会った。(イラクとアフガニスタンにおける我々の経験と同じだ) タイでは日本人に好感を持つ人が多い。


Japanese ideas for Conduct in World War II
We came across this book in the archives at the Thai National Memorial (not National Archives where we are today). The book was written in 1940 by a Japanese Colonel. The U.S. Army translated it in 1943, and it was published in Australia in 1960.
The book is meant to be read by all Japanese troops on their way to war. It is strikingly similar to our COIN (counterinsurgency) manual that was released during the Iraq war, which was meant to be read by all US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
The Japanese author makes clear that this was a race war and that white man needed to be taught a lesson. 
Japan tried to negotiate but was being strangled, and Western imperialist were abusing Asians. No argument there. We were strangling and already physically attacking Japan (few Americans know this), and various Western powers such as the Dutch, British, and French were truly abusing Asians. 
Also Asians were abusing Asians and still do. Thailand nominally ended slavery in 1905, though some argue with merit that slavery still exists in Thailand, Korea, North Korea, India, and elsewhere. 
Japan was far ahead philosophically when it came to race issues and human rights, and specifically in regard to race, Japan seemed more advanced than the U.S. 
The Colonel, in his book, makes clear that Japan is out to smash some lessons into white people, but that Japanese should treat Germans and Italians respectfully. 
The book makes clear on multiple occasions that locals should be treated respectfully, that Japanese troops should avoid sex with local women, that any criminal activity such as rape would bring disgrace upon themselves, their comrades, the military, Japan, and the Emperor, and they would be severely punished.
This book and many other items and accounts are in sharp contrast to the prevailing narrative. 
This is not to say that war crimes did not occur: I went to a village in Burma where Japanese bayonetted about 600 people and tossed their bodies into the wells. They are still in the wells. Japanese also kidnapped and raped women from the village. I found one of the women and made video of her account. The village was allied with the British, and Japan was losing the war.
But other places in Burma, old people told me that Japanese treated them like brothers and sisters. This is similar to Philippines where I found that some people loved Japanese and others hated them. (Like our experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan.) In Thailand there is widespread affection for Japanese.
Check out this passage from the Japanese Colonel:


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