Steve Hanges
まさか第二次大戦中における日本人の残虐行為をかばい立てしたいわけなのではないだろうね! 南京を見てみろ。
Michael Yon
Steve Hanges, お前にトリッキーな質問だ: 中国人は日本について本当のことを話しているのだと信じているのか?
殺戮はあった,しかし中国人たちは自身の手による,そのおよそ2千倍の大殺戮(大躍進政策と文化大革命 — これにはチベットなどは含まれない)を隠蔽するためにそんな馬鹿な話をしているんだ。
レイプ・オブ・南京の著者のアイリス・チャンは精神病だった。中国の操り人形で抗日連合会(Global Alliance)とぐるになっていた。彼女は数字30万人を持ち出してきたが,わざわざ日本に行ってインタビューするなどの「調査」は一切やっていない。しかし私は彼女にインタビューはできない。銃を頭に撃って自殺したからだ。
で,お前はだれを信じるんだ? 中国か? それともおおっぴらに抗日連合会と活動していて精神病だったアイリス・チャンか? あるいは中国人やチャンの数字の1/10を言っている当時の米国のアンチ日本プロパガンダか?
Comment and Reply
Steve Hanges
Surely you're not trying to whitewash Japanese atrocities during WWII! Try Nanking, where the Japanese slaughtered up to 300,000 civilians in sadistic ways and perpetrated widespread rape and looting. Even many Japanese soldiers who were there called it a massacre. A small group of Japanese have disputed the massacre, but too many documents and eyewitnesses prove that it happened. I doubt that you can find many people in China who will say that the Japanese treated them well.
Michael Yon
Steve Hanges Tricky question for you:
Do you believe that the Chinese are honest about Japan?
If your answer is YES, you have no more credibility.
If your answer is NO, why are you repeating their propaganda and acting as an unwitting (or maybe witting) Chinese puppet?
Our own anti-Japanese propaganda from the period put the number at 30,000. Still a lot, but it is not 300,000, and we know that some of those deaths were caused by Chinese, and there is other nuance as well. There was a massacre, but the Chinese blow it out of proportion to cover up for their own massacres which dwarf this literally by a factor of about 2,000 (just the Great Leap forward and Cultural Revolution -- this does not include Tibet, etc).
Again, our OWN American wildly anti-Japanese propaganda from WWII puts the number at 30,000, and does not mention the Chinese hand or other nuance.
Iris Chang, author of the Rape of Nanking, was a mentally ill Chinese stooge who worked hand-in-glove with Global Alliance. She put the number at 300,000, and during her 'research' never even bothered to go to Japan to interview anyone. I cannot interview her because she shot herself in the head and is dead.
So who do you believe? China? Do you believe the mentally-ill Iris Chang who publicly was working with Global Alliance? Do you believe America's anti-Japanese propaganda that put the number at 1/10th of what the Chinese and Chang put it at?
I do not believe anyone without evidence. I do not believe China, the Nazi who wrote the silly book, Iris Chang and her flawed book, Global Alliance, Japan, or the USA on this issue. I do not believe any of them, though there is a Japanese professor named Hata who I met in Tokyo who likely is most reliable on this. His estimate actually matched our propaganda estimate.
Only nutcases are denying that anything happened, and only nutcases take China at their word.