Saturday, September 28, 2019



Friday, September 20, 2019

落書きされた 慰安婦像

More "Comfort Women" Scam in Glendale, California:

カリフォルニア州、グレンデール市 :  繰り返される「慰安婦」ペテンの刷り込み



「偽旗作戦」ー 多くの米国人、タイ人、香港人、日本人、その他もふくめて、「偽旗作戦」という名称は馴染みがないでしょう。その意味は、









More "Comfort Women" Scam in Glendale, California: part of the modus operandi of the scammers who conduct the Chinese-Korean information campaign is feigned persecution. After statues are installed, expect silly newspaper articles about trivial "vandalism" or attacks, and then those articles are repeated, repeated, repeatedly repeated, until it looks like a little statue war is going on.
Basically a version of straw man argument brought to live with statues, likely with a dash of false flag.
Many Americans, Thais, Hong Kongers, Japanese, and others, are unfamiliar with the term "false flag." You know what it is, just not the term "false flag."
A false flag is when, say, a Chinese or Korean operative pretends to be a Japanese or Hong Konger, commits a crime, and the Japanese or Hong Kongers get the blame. We all know this happens constantly, but normally we cannot sort out what is false flag from a real event.
False flags in America are rampant with some people scrawling racial slurs or pretending to be attacked by whites, arson said to be from "white supremacists," etc. People get caught doing this constantly.
Heck, Germany invaded Poland after doing a false flag on Poland.
We all know false flags happen constantly. And most of us are smart enough to realize these comfort women statues are part of a huge information campaign.
Notice the video embedded in this article. Does it seem strange to you there is a night video camera dedicated just to this scam statue? By the way, I have been exactly in that spot listening the the Korean scammers selling the fake story.
The statues also are used as franchises. Example: look up the Korean American Forum of California
Notice the busy schedule and fundraising. Some other statues I visited were similar. They are used for fundraising. They are moneymaking franchises.

<Los Angeles Daily :  慰安婦像が黒のマーカーで落書きされる場面がビデオで撮影された、との記事を巡って>

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


China’s Problem Set Grows: Note from a friend just came in:





では、いったい中国の農業の何が問題なのでしょう? 基本的に中国には国内で必要とするだけの大豆を育てるための土地がありません。しかも養豚は普及していますが大規模な感染で、防ぐことが事実上困難とみられる豚風邪(豚コレラなど)によって壊滅状態にあります。中国の豚のおよそ 60% が豚風邪に感染していると見られています。





China’s Problem Set Grows: Note from a friend just came in:
”There is a tiny, tiny notice in the news today that China has backed off on its tariffs on US soy and pork.
Ya don't say...
First of all, soy and pork are protein, which is a chronic problem in all national food chains, but more so in China. Between their traditional plant based diet and the cultural prestige of eating pork (the middle class literally measures its affluence by how many nights a week they eat pork and the lower classes and villages use pork as a celebratory meal), China's protein consumption is very narrowly restricted to soy and pork (fish is common, but not nearly as available as soy and pork).
Second, by lifting the tariffs, China has just admitted it cannot produce enough protein for national consumption, both as a staple or as a preferred meat. Imagine a US shortage of wheat and chicken, with no real access to corn or beef, and a couple dozen urban areas of 20 millions or more with just a third arable land as now. That's China.
So, what's the problem with China's agricultural industry? Basically, they simply do not have enough land to grow the volume of soy they need; and, their pork production is highly diffused and is ravaged by a massive and seemingly uncontrollable swine flu epidemic. In fact, it is estimated that up to 60% of China's pigs are infected with the flu.
To compound a bad situation to worse, Chinese officials are both incapable of enforcing a quarantine and too corrupt to stop the spread of the flu.
While this seems to have little to do with defense or military matters, I would suggest it is a huge red shift event offering insights into both the underlying economic and organizational civilian support system of the Red Army and suggestive of a wider indigenous structural and organizational condition of the military and government writ large.
I believe we can draw significant conclusions from closely studying China's responses to this food supply crisis and extrapolating our observations to the military to understand what they do under stressful conditions, what resources they deploy, and how they organize their response. Not to mention, how the civilian population responds to the military's demands.
“Stipulated: The food supply chain is in fact a national security issue and it is a function of the military's most basic needs. A lot can be learned by studying this issue.”

Friday, September 6, 2019

香港:反乱は カテゴリー1の規模

Hong Kong: Category 1 phase of insurgency

この混乱はこれ以上拡大するでしょうか? 私には分かりません。だからこそ医師が患者の脈をとって診断するように、抗議運動に出かけて行って よく観察し、話を聞きます。



現時点で判断すれば、一般的な社会不安から、反乱のごく初期の状態に変わったのは、2019年7月1日にデモ隊が議会に突入した時である、と私は考えます。当時私はその場にいて、ライブストリーミングで映像を流していました。初め、私はこれが反乱の前兆とは思いませんでした -- もしかして当局がデモ隊になりすまして弾圧の言い訳を与える作戦なのではないかと疑っていました。

でも今、より多くの情報を分析して、私は議会突入したときが市民の反乱の第一歩であったと理解しています。(抗議とか 不穏な状態) ではなく、「反乱」です。

要点は :

1)  抗議をしている段階では、「犯人引き渡し法を撤回せよ」という要求のように具体的でシンプルです。

2)  一般的な社会不安は次の段階。 市民はこう思っています。
「やい、政府!お前は間違っている! 間違いを正せ!」

3) 反乱: 「やい、政府! お前は我々の主人ではない。お前は非合法だ!お前の存在を我々は認めない」(もはや人々は歯をむき出してうなっている状態ではなく、噛みつく。 若干の痛みが伴う。)

上記3) の「反乱」の進行状態は:

カテゴリー1:噛みつきながら 唸(うな)る。空港や鉄道、道路の短期間の閉鎖。経済的損失はごくわずか。政府側と市民が互いに 相手を人間扱いしないで「犬!」「ゴキブリ!!」などと罵り合います。



カテゴリー3: 警察にとっても危険な地域が増えてくる -- 多くの人が死ぬ。放火など激しい戦闘。相当な規模で、台湾、日本、米国、カナダ、オーストラリア、タイなどへ逃れる市民が続出する。

中国共産党 人民解放軍による攻撃、あるいはその逆。おそらくその両方。










カテゴリー5、イラク戦争のときのように 全面戦争。政治家は暗殺される。警察官全体に生命の危機に対する不安が広がる。警察署は乗っ取られる。警察が



私が抗議運動に取材に行くのは写真を撮るためではありません。香港という患者の容態を 診断するためです。香港は日増しに病んでいます。

米国及び 他の国々は、北京政府に香港から手を引くように圧力をかけなければなりません
。抗議者の要望を直ちに受け入れるべきです。 警察は今すぐ催涙ガス攻撃を中止するべきです。


Hong Kong: Category 1 phase of insurgency -- will it go beyond this? I do not know. And so I keep watching and listening, and going to protests, to keep finger on the pulse.
Some quick, unedited thoughts before I hit the streets:
I will say with confidence: we are witnessing the very first tendrils on Cat 1 insurgency. (To use the hurricane scale 1-5, with 5 being something like full-blown Iraq between roughly 2004-2007).
At this point, I peg inflection from general civil unrest to front edge of insurgency on about 01 July 2019, at LegCo break-in. I was there that night live streaming. At first I did not recognize this as symptomatic of insurgency -- holding doubt that it might have held elements of false flag operation.
But now, with more information, I recognized LegCo break-in as the first definitive symptom of insurgency. Not just protest. Not just civil unrest. But insurgency.
In a nutshell:
1) Protest phase generally is simple and specific, such as "kill the extradition bill." Very specific. Simple. (People are growling.)
2) General Civil Unrest is beyond. Nutshell, "Hey government! You are bad and need to do better!" In other words, no longer just talking about the bill, but that the government itself needs to shape up. (People are snarling -- showing teeth.)
3) Insurgency: Nutshell, "Hey, government. You are illegitimate. Illegal. Not my master. You must go!" (People no longer growling and snarling. They start to nip and bite. Draw a little pain.)
INSURGENCY in a nutshell
Cat 1: Nipping and still snarling. Relatively minor economic attacks such as short closures of airport and MTR stations. Roads. Sides dehumanizing each other -- calling each other dogs, roaches, etc. This is precursor to killing. (We are here right now. At lowest end of Cat 1. Just starting minor insurgency.)
Cat 2 Economic damage increases. Dehumanization increases in preparation for economic, political, and physical combat. Killing begins.
Cat 3 Areas of country become dangerous for police -- people start dying in increasing numbers. Arson attacks. More. Substantial outflow of citizens to Taiwan, Japan, USA, Canada, Australia, Thailand, etc.
Direct attacks by or on PLA. Probably both.
Police and citizens regularly killing each other. Small police units overrun and weapons stolen.
Hospitals become increasingly contested area. Doctors without borders, etc, start coming in and protesting about human rights. Insurgents plea for outside medical help of medics/doctors from abroad.
Use of explosives and arson becomes normal and increases.
Triad and other opportunistic elements are uncorked to commit crime waves that can be mistaken for war, but really are just crimes such as bank robbery. Civil war to some degree. Ethnic and other organic fissures widen.
Many police quit for fear for families and self.
Tourism dries up.
Dangerous to walk streets at night in some areas.
Journalists targeted and often no idea who killed what journalist and for what reason.
Cat 4 Open battles for control of turf. Very kinetic. Civil war increases. Police are limited and must move only in large units. Very dangerous to travel.
Cat 5 Like Iraq -- all out war. Politicians assassinated. Police in total fear for lives. Police stations overrun. Areas of country off limits to police. All elements of government legitimacy under attack.
Everyone loses, but someone finally wins.
I have no idea if this will even go to Cat 2-3. Today, we are at bottom end of Cat 1 and building steam.
And so, when I go to protests, it is not to take pictures. I am checking the patient. Hong Kong is becoming sicker.
USA and others MUST apply pressure on Beijing to back off. Meet all demands of protestors immediately. Turn off the gas. Now.
Consequences of mistakes at this point can be severe.