Monday, March 30, 2015


I am at Yasukuni Jinja now. Incredibly beautiful with the cherry blossoms. I keep two blossoms on my desk in Thailand. A Shinto priest gave me one. 
The cherry blossoms are spectacular like silent fireworks.


我々は第二次大戦中のセックス奴隷についての中国の嘘を激しく非難する.20万人もさらわれて性奴隷にされたなどというフィクションは嘘だと証明されている.添付の投稿記事を書いたのは Ignatius Ding である.DingはGlobal Alliance(世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会)のボスである.

Global Allianceは慰安婦像を建てることに手を貸したり,上のように米国の出版物に記事を投稿するなど,この情報戦の究極の背後にいる組織である.

Global AllianceはIris Changとも深い関係がある.本,The Rape of Nankingの著者だ.後に銃で自殺している.

カリフォルニアでの慰安婦像に関する訴訟を調べていたとき,Global Allianceが法廷に意見書を提出していた事実を見つけた.

日本と同盟国に対するこの種の情報戦では,必ずGlobal Allianceが関わっている.

2007年の議員へのIWG最終報告書においてもGlobal Allianceについて言及されているが,報告書では我々の政府が一般に流布されているようなセックス奴隷に関する証拠を何も見つけることができなかったことを認めている.

Global Allianceは日本と米国に対して,米国内から情報戦を仕掛けているのだ.

Mr. Dingは米国内にいながらにしてこの情報戦を指揮している.

The Chinese information war
We are ripping apart the Chinese lies about World War II sex slavery. Their fiction that 200,000 sex slaves were kidnapped has proven to be a lie. The person who wrote the attached opinion is Ignatius Ding. Ding is the boss at an organization called Global Alliance. 
Global Alliance is ultimately behind much of this war, such as by helping to push the placement of comfort women statues, and placing articles in US publications, as we see here. 
Global Alliance was also neck deep with Iris Chang, author of The Rape of Nanking. She later shot herself.
While researching a lawsuit in California that dealt with a comfort women statue, I found that Global Alliance had filed an amicus in the case. Everywhere we look in regard to this information war against Japan and our alliance, Global Alliance is there. 
Global Alliance was even mentioned in the 2007 IWG final report to Congress wherein our government admits that it has found no evidence of widespread sex slavery. 
Global Alliance is waging an information war against Japan and the U.S., even while operating in the U.S.
Mr Ding is leading this inside the United States.
Ding's latest shot in the Washington Post:


(Translation from English to Chinese)

Canada: Common sense on the myth of Japanese sex-slaves

 For those who are not tracking, the sex-slave narrative from World War II has turned out to be one giant hoax. There were comfort women (and still are). That is prostitution which never is going to end, and it happens around the world. It is huge business in places like GermanySpain, and Netherlands today. We all know this.

 Comfort women and sex-slaves are not the same. 

 The sex-slave narrative was started by a Japanese communist in the 1970s. Decades after the war that ended in 1945. There had been a few real sex slaves (about 19) in Indonesia, and some in Philippines, but these were abnormal. These cases are well known and everyone knows about them and no side denies it.

 But today we have Korea and China erecting sex-slave monuments in countries around the world, trying to get anti-Japan hatred built up. Keep in mind that during and before WWII Korea was part of Japan and many Japanese soldiers were Koreans. So in that regard Korea is blaming itself, even while today one of Korea's biggest exports is women for sex. By Korea's own standard, Korea still practices widespread sex slavery. 

 Some Chinese and Koreans call these peace memorials. With China -- whatever they call it, it will be the opposite. They fund a huge public relations push to demonize Japanese. The People's Republic of China is trying to destroy our relationships, and to isolate Japan.

 These so-called peace memorials are stoking hatred in places like AustraliaNew JerseyKorea, and Canada. We do not need or want these war-lies from China.

 China is the biggest murderer in world history. Bigger than the Nazis, even. Often people falsely compare crimes to the Holocaust, but in the case of China and their Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, I calculated that it would take literally two large container ships just to carry the bones of the dead Chinese that Chinese killed and starved.

 China should know that this information war will cause pushback. The People's Republic of China is a criminal nation and is trying to make us hate each other.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


China: The 11 Billion Bones Monument 

China is busy with a gigantic information war. The war they are waging is so big that it is difficult to grasp.

One aspect of that war is their monuments to hatred that they call "peace monuments." Statues for so-called comfort women. The so-called peace statues are designed to evoke hatred against Japanese, to split our relations.

Where are the peace monuments for China's recent genocide?

An estimated 50 million people were killed and starved to death during the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.

This Chinese on Chinese genocide happened during living memory. Yet the world seems to have forgotten it due to China's magic spells.

I imagine a monument that befits the People's Republic of China. A symbolic, traveling monument.

The monument should consist of two container ships. The container ships symbolize that the Chinese government will do anything or kill anyone for money and power. 

Again, by some estimates, 50 million people starved or were killed in the recent Chinese genocides. 

Adult humans have about 206 bones in our bodies -- babies about 270. Imagine those 50 million people with an average of 220 bones -- that is 11 billion bones, weighing about 700 million pounds.

To transport 50 million skeletons weighing about 700 million pounds would require roughly 12,000, 40 foot shipping containers. 
为了运送5000万个,重约7亿磅重的骨头,需要大概1200040 英尺长的船运集装箱

Two ships would be needed to transport 12,000 containers.

Imagine that as a monument. 

The 11 Billion Bones monument. 

Two ships, sailing to ports around the world to show how China got here.
The monument ships should be fitted with lights spelling their names.
The name of Ship 1 should be GREAT LEAP FORWARD. 
Ship 2 should be named CULTURAL REVOLUTION.
The names of the bone ships should be in lights. 
The ships should sail around the coastlines of all the Pacific countries, and then the Indian Ocean, around Africa, and over to the Atlantic.
Imagine ships like this, but with the proper names in lights:


秦 郁彦博士

日本:歴史家の 郁彦博士が第二次大戦について述べる.

The following briefly describes his successful career as a historian scholar. The information is available on the net in Japanese and is not translated here.

Japan: The important Historian Dr. Hata speaks on World War II issues (English subtitles)
Great that this has English subtitles. Normally only in Japanese, which is like locking it in a vault:
"Professor HATA Ikuhiko graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1956 and received his PhD from the same institution in 1974. He worked as chief historian of the Japanese Ministry of Finance between 1956 and 1976 and during this period from 1963 to 1965 he was also a research assistant at Harvard University. After resigning his post at the Finance Ministry Hata served as a visiting professor at Princeton University from 1977 to 1978 and then was a history professor at Takushoku University from 1980 to 1993, at Chiba University from 1994 to 1997, and at Nihon University from 1997 to 2002
"Hata's scholarship has been widely praised. Historian Edward Drea, for instance, has written that Hata's "published works are models of scholarship, research, accuracy, and judicious interpretation", and Joshua A. Fogel, a historian of China at York University, concurs that Hata "is an eminent scholar who has for over forty years been writing numerous excellent studies of Japan at war.""



(translation from English to Chinese)

This dangerous man Tried to Assassinate the US and Japanese Ambassadors: See him here supporting a "Comfort Women" statue to hatred


Do not let Koreans and Chinese install these statues to hatred in your community. They are working on this in Europe, AustraliaUSACanada, and elsewhere. The Chinese are trying to make us split from Japan. They are trying to make us hate Japan. It will not work. It will backfire. People will hate China for their ongoing crimes. The People's Republic of China is expert in the information war, but other people are better at it. 


PRC magic persuaded this criminal to attack the Japanese Ambassador. The US Ambassador. And to pose with their comfort woman statue for hatred.


PRC should stop its information war before it becomes very serious and comes back at them.


危険な男 updated






This dangerous man Tried to Assassinate the US and Japanese Ambassadors: See him here supporting a "Comfort Women" statue to hatred
Do not let Koreans and Chinese install these statues to hatred in your community. They are working on this in Europe, Australia, USA, Canada, and elsewhere. The Chinese are trying to make us split from Japan. They are trying to make us hate Japan. It will not work. It will backfire. People will hate China for their ongoing crimes. The People's Republic of China is expert in the information war, but other people are better at it.
PRC magic persuaded this criminal to attack the Japanese Ambassador. The US Ambassador. And to pose with their comfort woman statue for hatred.
PRC should stop its information war before it becomes very serious and comes back at them.

Friday, March 27, 2015


(Translation from English to Chinese)
DANGER CLOSE, Hot Buttons, and Comfort Women statues

Some people wonder why I take this Chinese information war so seriously. This is nothing new to me. I have seen real information wars convert directly to action and violence. We all have seen this, even if we did not recognize it.

For instance, look at the photograph of the Soldier holding the dying baby named Farah. I made this photograph in 2005 after a suicide car bomb in Iraq. Farah died. 

The photograph went viral around Iraq and the world. Our intelligence people told me that this resulted in a flood of actionable intelligence, and helped turn Iraqis against al Qaeda. It was a sad day for many people, but at least the result was positive.

I saw and experienced the results of information war. 

Even on my own Facebook these days comes a young Afghan man who told me in Afghanistanthat he nearly became a suicide bomber after watching videos of contractors shooting people in Iraq

During his research to become a suicide bomber, he began reading my work and said that he decided not to do it. He told me this in person, on video. He thanked me for saving his life. I thanked him for not wearing the bomb. This is the importance of clear information. 

This may have saved his life. It may have saved the lives of Afghan or Coalition forces. Propaganda nearly made him wear the bomb. My website telling the truth made him reconsider, and today we stay in contact as friends, not enemies.

We saw the results of information war in Thailand. Thaksin was doing his best to make Thailandfall into civil war and he was gaining some success. I was in the middle of the information war, and the fighting, and again nearly took a bullet. The information campaign from the peaceful side, the honest side, won. We won for now. The fight is ongoing. 

And now I see the People's Republic of China, using their Korean puppets, trying to wage information war to split us from Japan. They are waging this war in KoreaGermanyAustraliaCanada, the United StatesJapan, and elsewhere. 

The Chinese are using Korean puppets to erect statues to create hatred against Japan. They are paying for big advertisements and promoting books and movies to make us hate Japan.

I know this war very well. It is my war. I know how to fight it. 

Please see this passage from my 1999 book, DANGER CLOSE:
请从我的1999年的书中看这段文章,危险距离 photograph went viral around Iraq and the world. Our intelligence people told me that this resulted in a flood of actionable intelligence, and helped turn Iraqis against al Qaeda. It was a sad day for many people, but at least the result was positive.
I saw and experienced the results of information war. 
Even on my own Facebook these days comes a young Afghan man who told me in Afghanistan that he nearly became a suicide bomber after watching videos of contractors shooting people in Iraq. 
During his research to become a suicide bomber, he began reading my work and said that he decided not to do it. He told me this in person, on video. He thanked me for saving his life. I thanked him for not wearing the bomb. This is the importance of clear information. 
This may have saved his life. It may have saved the lives of Afghan or Coalition forces. Propaganda nearly made him wear the bomb. My website telling the truth made him reconsider, and today we stay in contact as friends, not enemies.
We saw the results of information war in Thailand. Thaksin was doing his best to make Thailand fall into civil war and he was gaining some success. I was in the middle of the information war, and the fighting, and again nearly took a bullet. The information campaign from the peaceful side, the honest side, won. We won for now. The fight is ongoing. 
And now I see the People's Republic of China, using their Korean puppets, trying to wage information war to split us from Japan. They are waging this war in Korea, Germany, Australia, Canada, the United States, Japan, and elsewhere. 
The Chinese are using Korean puppets to erect statues to create hatred against Japan. They are paying for big advertisements and promoting books and movies to make us hate Japan.
I know this war very well. It is my war. I know how to fight it. 
Please see this passage from my 1999 book, DANGER CLOSE:

Thursday, March 26, 2015

掸邦,缅甸 报告的重要部分 3/3

(Translation from English to Chinese)
19 March 2015
 Shan State, Burma
 Report Highlights

Burma Air force bombings kills four Chinese villagers along the China Burma border as the Burma Army continues its assault against the Kokang people and the Myanmar National Democractic Allianace Army (MNDAA)

Hundreds of Burmese military troops doing resupply in northern Shan State
 Thousands of Kokang villagers displaced

Four Chinese civilians were killed when Burma Army forces bombed targets on the China side of the Burma/China border on 13 March; this is just one of numerous other accounts of airstrikes and mortar fire from Burma Army forces impacting on the China side of the border between 9 and 14 March 2015.

Furthermore, from 9 to 14 March there have been 10 clashes between Burma Army and ethnic forces and more than 1,610 Burma Army troops, 158 supply and troop transport trucks, and 62 horses moved throughout the Northern regions of Burma.

......Another paragraphs as below,

Burma Army Drops Bombs in China

Clashes and Military Movements

Burma Army Troop & Supply Movements


如果你们允许在日本大使馆前的日本狗屠杀行为 2/3

Note to Koreans: If you allow the slaughter of Japanese dogs in front of the Japanese Embassy -- You will lose MILLIONS OF AMERICAN FRIENDS. You will alienate most of Europe, Thailand, Australia, Canada, UK.

If Koreans want to see a boycott of Samsung and other Korean products, slaughtering Japanese dogs as a protest is a perfect way to get there. Celebrating attacking our Ambassador is a perfect way to get there. If this gets picked up widely in western press...good luck!

Note that came in:

"South Koreans protesters killing and slaughtering dogs, the Japanese Akita breeds, in front of the Japanese embassy in Korea. Anti-Japanese does this "show", as they rant how Japan is a terrible country from World War II. South Korean government does nothing, but instead funds them, as one attacked the US ambassador this month. I do not like the image, but if you can go to the link and click the image to take away the mosiac and see the actual photo."

一些韩国人通过虐待动物煽动对日本人的仇恨 1/3

(Translation from English to Chinese)
Some Koreans Torturing Animals to Provoke hatred toward Japanese

These animal torture people are related as soulmates to the groups who want to build comfort women statues in the USACanada, and Australia.

Time to start ripping out those statues and throwing them in the trash. Statues in places like GlendaleCalifornia and Union CityNew Jersey, are installed by the Korean/PRC allies of these animal torturing people in Korea.
是时候把这些雕像铲除和丢弃到垃圾中去了。在一些地方,如Glendale,加利福尼亚州和Union City,新泽西,这些雕像是被在韩国的虐待动物者的中国和韩国盟友建立的。

If your local City Council is considering installing a comfort woman statue in CanadaUSAGermany, or Australia -- please ask the council if they wish to be associated with people who torture animals.

These people all are related to the same anti-Japanese movement. 

Please do not take my word for it. Please spend just a few hours of research to see for yourself. You will see that this is true.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015





日本 - 第二次世界大戦 セックス奴隷の嘘



 若い兵士 + 高濃度なテストステロン + ポケットにお金 = トラブルだ.




星条旗 / アルジャジーラの記事から:


Japan-World War II sex slave lies 
I continue to research the issue in Thailand. Koreans and Chinese say that Thai women were kidnapped by Japanese Soldiers in WWII and used as sex slaves. Thailand is even listed on the plaque at the comfort woman war memorial in Glendale, California. (I went there and saw it.)
I continue to ask old Thai people about stories from World War II, or from their parents. Neither I nor several other researchers have been able to find any evidence. In fact, there is evidence that the Japanese military and Thais actually were running the normal brothels. (The Comfort Women system existed and still exists worldwide. It is called prostitution.)
Last night I had dinner with two senior Thais (born in 1941 and 1946) and they said they never heard such stories from their parents, and that older generations liked Japanese. The elder Thais were surprised when I told them about the accusations against Japan. They never heard such a thing.
Do not take my word for it. If you are in Thailand, please ask elderly people in your area what they think. There are many Thai readers here. Please help by asking the oldest people you can find what they think about Japanese in World War II, and today.
It is important to note that during World War II, many Japanese soldiers actually were Korean. The reputation of Korean Soldiers is extremely bad from World War II and Vietnam. Extremely bad. 
The reputation of US Soldiers (I spent about six years in Europe and speak German) has nearly always been good or very good. In every country that I have been where US troops fought or were stationed, I ask what people think about our troops. 
On the whole, the reputation is very good, but there are pockets of ill-will. But then that happens even around major bases in the US. 
Young troops + high testosterone + money in their pockets = Trouble. Most of the troops are good but that small percent of bad guys makes plenty of headlines. 
Keep in mind that in previous generations the US military could execute US troops who committed rape. Japanese actually did similar with their troops. Koreans...different story. 
Until just a few years ago, drunkenness was actually a rape defense in Korean courts. That's right. A Korean man could say he was drunk and that actually was a mitigating excuse. Try that excuse in the US Army and it will backfire like a howitzer exploding. Being drunk is no excuse for US troops -- that will make the legal problem even worse. 
Exceptions to the good reputation of US troops typically occur due to crimes from individual US troops, such as rapes. There have been similar problems with Japanese. Definitely some limited rapes happen and happened. We know this as fact, but the idea of widespread sex-slavery by Japanese or widespread rapes by USA is sufficiently disproven to the point that I have dismissed it. 
Nevertheless, I do continue to look and will look in more countries to make sure that this is correct. I must remain open minded but the lack of evidence, and presence of counter-evidence, is astounding.
From the Stars & Stripes via Al Jazeera: