Friday, February 15, 2019


Mindy Kotler, the great defender of China, thinks she caught Jason Morgan and I doing something nefarious.

中国の強力な擁護者、ミンディ・カトラー(Mindy Kotler)は、どうやらジェイソン・モーガン(Jason Morgan)と私が邪悪な行為をしているのを発見した、と思っているようです。

そう。 たしかに我々はミンディの秘匿していることについて情報公開法による請求(FOIA)をしました。





そして、コネチカット大学の日本史教授アレクシス・ダデン(Alexis Dudden)と、カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校の法学教授のデイビッド・ケイ(David Kaye。彼は国連の意見と表現の自由に関する特別報告者でもある)の間の電子メールで、次のキーワード:「慰安婦」、「ジョーダン・サンド[ジョージタウン大学日本史教授](Jordan Sand)」、「ナンシー・ペロシ(下院議長、Nancy Pelosi)」、「ダイアン・ファインスタイン(民主党上院議員、Diane Feinstein)」、「マイク・ホンダ」を含むものの開示を請求してきたのです。



モーガンは麗澤大学で教鞭を執っており、国粋主義者の団体である日本戦略研究フォーラム(JFSS、Japan Forum for Strategic Studies、宗教関係のワールドメイトとも関連している)の会員です。ヨンもモーガンも白人アメリカ人であり、日本会議と、あるいは幸福の科学とも密接な関係を持っています。


Mindy Kotler, the great defender of China, thinks she caught Jason Morgan and I doing something nefarious.
Yes, we did the FOIAs, and lots more. More to come.
From the hand of Mindy Kotler:

Japan's right tries to silence US academics thru FOIA
Valued colleague Mindy Kotler, Asia Policy Point:
An extraordinary thing happened this week. The Japanese right wing brought one of its more aggressive intimidation tactics to America's shores. The objective is to harass and frighten into silence academics who have substantive knowledge that disputes Japan's history deniers.
This might be brushed off as fringe, except the suspected organizations and people funding this are very close to the Abe government, and often Abe himself. More important, it follows the recent intensification of the government campaign against history. Newspapers have been told to change how they refer to Comfort Women and forced laborers (this includes POWs). Japanese diplomats now have to counter every public history that is considered embarrassing to Japan.
University of Connecticut Japanese history professor Alexis Dudden and University of California, Irvine international law professor David Kaye, who is also the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression were asked for all their emails that mention the following key words: "comfort woman," "comfort women," "Jordan Sand [Georgetown University Japanese history professor]," "Nancy Pelosi," "Diane Feinstein," and "Mike Honda" between Jan. 1 2014-Dec. 31 2017. As their universities are public, they apparently must comply.
Dudden writes extensively about Japan's colonialization of Korea. Kaye was recently very critical about Japan's record on press freedoms and free speech. Not coincidentally, as you know, Dudden gets a torrent of death threats and hate mail from Japan, and has for several years.
The requesters are Michael Yon, a former military blogger who lives in Thailand. He has published two books in Japanese on his "research" into the Comfort Women and China's information warfare. He disputes that the women were forced. The other requester is Jason Morgan who holds a PhD from the University of Wisconsin in Japanese legal history. He lives in Japan, writes and speaks about how Americans are anti-Japanese and too liberal.
He teaches at Reitaku University and is a fellow at the nationalist think tank Japan Forum for Strategic Studies (associated with Worldmate). Both are white American men who appear to be working closely with the Nippon Kaigi and/or Happy Science. Examples of their work in English can be found on Sankei's English-language, Japan Forward, generally under "special reports" site,