アジアにおける我々の同盟関係を破壊しようとする情報戦争の影には、多くの場合、挺対協(Chong Dae Hyup:韓国挺身隊問題対策協議会)と呼ばれる怪しげなグループが存在していると警告してきました。
ベトナム戦争後、初めて米軍空母が ベトナムに寄港することと 挺対協がベトナム人の心情を操作するために活動を活発化させていることは、偶然の一致ではありません。
私は韓国に飛び、挺対協の本部に 取材を申し込みました。彼らが取材に応じたことは驚きでした。
ベトナム戦争後、初めて米軍空母が ベトナムに寄港することと 挺対協がベトナム人の心情を操作するために活動を活発化させていることは、偶然の一致ではありません。
私は韓国に飛び、挺対協の本部に 取材を申し込みました。彼らが取材に応じたことは驚きでした。
私は、像製作の芸術家夫妻、キム・ソヒョン(Kim Seo-kyung)とキム・エンサン(Kim Eun-sung)に 長時間 取材しました。彼らは北朝鮮と深い関係があると言われています。
添付のCNNの記事では、「韓国軍のベトナム戦争での虐殺事件を皆に知らせるよう活発に運動を繰り広げている活動家の多くは 慰安婦問題の活動家でもある。その中には韓国の各地にある日本総領事館の近くに、日本に抗議するために設置された慰安婦像をデザインしたキム・ソヒョンとキム・エンサン夫婦も含まれる」とあります。
これらの慰安婦像は米国、オーストラリア、その他で建立されています。最近ではジョージア、アトランタに設置されました。敵は既に 上陸しています。彼らは反対運動を繰り広げている単なる 活動家ではなく我々の 真の敵なのです。手始めに日米の大使を襲撃したことを忘れてはなりません。
その作戦は、対象国で摩擦を引き起こすよう計画されています。たとえば韓国を日本から引き離すと同時に 米国に、日本が米国から離反していくような声明を仕向けるのです。
豪州でも同じような離反工作をして、当時 私は現地で調査しました。
我々が注意深く調べてきた、挺対協と呼ばれる慰安婦像を建立しているその組織が、韓国において反日活動を行っているのとまったく同様の方法でベトナムで、反韓国の活動をしているということです。おわかりでしょうか。 彼らはアメリカに対しても同様な活動をしており、オーストラリアでも 分断工作は時間の問題でしょう。
工作員は 韓国と日本の間に軋轢を生じさせることに成功しています。一週間、毎日毎日、第二次大戦の慰安婦の件で日韓両国が離反しつつあるニュースが大量に報道されており、私は毎日 そういうニュースを読んでいます。
カトリック教会にも要注意です。ローマ法王はどっぷりとこれに関わっています。私はそのことに関して何度も書いてきました。ソウルの町にある韓国カトリック教会の修道院には慰安婦像があります。私は実際にそこに行って確認してきました。聖書や十字架、キリストの小さな像を売っている土産物店の 前に像はありました。慰安婦像は人間と同じサイズである一方、キリストの像はポケットに入るほどの大きさでした。
ソウルで私は慰安婦問題の本質や危険性について、CNNに詳しく説明しました。その時は右の耳から左の耳に抜ける風で、当時、彼らにはまだ 本質が見えていなかったようです。
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Alert to US, Japan, ROK, and Vietnamese Intelligence -- intelligence/information operations are underway in these countries -- CNN story: "The 'forgotten' My Lai: South Korea's Vietnam War massacres"
We have been warning for several years that a murky group called Chong Dae Hyup is behind much of the information war designed to attack our alliances in Asia. It is not a coincidence that with US Aircraft carrier sailing into harbor in Vietnam for the first time since the war, that Chong Dae Hyup is redoubling efforts to target Vietnamese minds.
Chong Dae Hyup is headquartered in Seoul. One of their followers already attacked the Japanese and American Ambassadors to Korea. The US Ambassador, Mark Lippert, was badly cut. Google.
So, I flew to Korea, and scheduled a meeting at Chong Dae Hyup HQ. I was surprised they let me through the door.
We had a long interview, most of which I have on video. Next day, at an anti-Japan demonstration by a comfort women statue by the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, a boss at Chong Dae Hyup introduced me to the husband and wife team who makes a lot of money selling these statues. They work with Chong Dae Hyup.
I made a lengthy interview with artists Kim Seo-kyung and Kim Eun-sung, the husband-wife team, allegedly with close ties to North Korea.
From the CNN article attached, "Many of those active in pushing for a full reckoning with the Vietnam War legacy are also campaigners for the "comfort women," including artists Kim Seo-kyung and Kim Eun-sung, who designed an iconic statue of a "comfort woman," versions of which have been erected in protest outside several Japanese consulates in South Korea."
These statues also are being erected across the USA, Australian, and beyond. There is a new statue near Atlanta, Georgia. The enemy has landed. And these are true enemies, not just opponents. Remember the attacks on the Ambassadors, for starters.
They operation is designed to cause frictions between the target countries. For instance, to split South Korea from Japan, and while doing so, cause the US to make statements that splits Japanese from the USA. They are trying the same in Australia. I flew down there to research.
They have tried in Thailand without much success.
For at least two years now, they have been working to establish a beachhead in Vietnam.
Fact is, Koreans committed many atrocities in Vietnam. Koreans are famous for war atrocities against each other, against Americans, against Vietnamese, pretty much against everyone they fight.
But that is not the point of this story. The point is, the same people that we have been spotlighting for several years, Chong Dae Hyup, the statue makers, and more, are using the precise arguments AGAINST Korea in Vietnam that they use IN Korean against Japan. Get it? They also are ramping up their attack on Americans, and they will get to Australians in due course.
The operatives have made great progress in making frictions between Korea and Japan. Seven days per week there are stories about increasing frictions due to WWII comfort women issues. Just today, more came in. I read them every day.
Now, Koreans who were duped into thinking Chong Dae Hyup was on their side against 'evil' Japanese, are finding their own grandfathers, national honor, and government, under attack from Chon Dae Hyup, whose HQ is in Seoul.
Look at the fact patterns. They are using the same template against Korea that they use against Japan, and they are lining up the shot on USA and Australia. (Already well underway in USA, just not as matured yet as the Korea-Japan operation.
Beware the Catholic Church. The Pope himself is neck deep in this. I have published about this numerous times. The Catholic Church in Korea has a statue in from of the Friary downtown. I went there. The statue stands in front of a shop where they sell bibles, crucifixes, and little statues of Jesus. The comfort women statue is life size. The Jesus statues will fit in a pocket.
And I went to the protests and saw nuns and priests right in the middle, chanting away. When the Pope went to Korea, he openly blessed the comfort women.
In Seoul, I warned CNN about this at length. Went in one ear and out the other. Maybe they are starting to see the light.
Unfortunately, my serious research on this ground to a halt due to lack of funding. Very interesting topic -- I researched it in 11 countries.
I made the photograph attached while with the husband-wife statue maker team, just near the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. Their photograph blesses a booklet they hand out. They are Koreans, and are enemies of Japan/USA, and South Korea, and are now proving same for Vietnam.
We are looking for PATREON to support his research activity.---
Thank you for your cooperation.
I registered with patreon.
I pray for your success.
sorry for my bad English.
thank you.
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