Tuesday, November 29, 2016


USA: Thai Patriots honor His Majesty King Bhumibol in Seattle



(写真: Eugene Pike)

USA: Thai Patriots honor His Majesty King Bhumibol in Seattle
This is the third year in a row. His Majesty the King was born in Massachusetts, and was a great friend to Americans and to the United States. May he rest in peace. He remains alive in millions of hearts around the world, one of the greatest leaders ever born.
If you have other photos like this from around the world, please share in the comments. Many people want to see.
Thank you.
(Photos from Eugene Pike.)

Friday, November 25, 2016


Trump: The U.S. and Climate Change

気候変動はあらゆる意味で明らかに深刻な問題です。 様々な観点から何年にもわたって調査と議論がなされ、言い争いに発展し、感情のもつれもあり問題が大きくなっています。


この問題が話題になっていた当時、私は戦場にいたので、その頃  繰り広げられていた「地球温暖化」ドラマを見逃してしまいました。ちょうど同じ頃はじまったオバマの出生証明書についての経緯も知りませんでした。

戦地から一時帰国したら、巷がオバマの出生証明書のニュースで賑わっていたので、オバマが何故 出生証明書を見せて幕引きを図らないのか?と単純な疑問を投げかけたところ、私の記事は批判の嵐にさらされました。




カーボンクレジット? それはいったい何? なぜ皆が大声で言い争っている?  沸々と熱いメタンガスが湧いているようで爆発しそうでした。

確かなことが一つだけあります。 それは、そのような過熱した環境では、真実はとっくに窓から飛び出して 闇夜に消えて無くなってしまっている、ということです。


家畜のバイオガス(ゴーバルガス:牛などの糞から作るバイオガス)はとても地球環境に優しく、環境保護者の夢とも言えます。  母なる大地と人類に大きな利益をもたらすものです。私はテロリストでは無いが、急進的環境保護論者といえるでしょう。


記事を読んでくれたペトレイアス将軍が検証チームを編成して 私の記事が正しいかどうか確認している、と、ある情報源から聞きました。検証チームが私の説が正しいことを確認した後、ペトレイアス将軍はアフガニスタンのためにバイオガス事業を始めました。うまくいったのです! 第一目的の読者に意図が伝わりました。(ときどきそういう戦法をとりますが、信じられないほど効果を発揮します。)

その家畜バイオガスの調査をして、私は多くのことを学びました。地球温暖化理論にも長所があるーー  問題があるのは明らかです。ただし 人類の責任は何割か?これについてまだ答えはでません。



最初にそのことに気づいたのは、カトマンズで開催されたゴーバルガスの会議でした。 参加者は皆、ゴーバルガス生成機についてではなく、カーボンクレジットの売買の方法を議論するのに夢中でした。まったく本末転倒です。

ゴーバス ガス 生成機は、ネパールなどの発展途上国に、外国の、例えばオランダの援助で設置されます。しかし彼らはそうして取り付けてもらうにもかかわらず、カーボンガス( 二酸化炭素)排出権の取引で西洋諸国からお金をふんだくろうというのです。自分達は何もせずに濡れ手に粟というわけです。

少し考えてみましょう。彼らは西側の援助がなければ全く縁のなかったゴーバーガスのおかげでカーボンクレジット(二酸化炭素排出権) が手に入るようになりました。 彼らはをその排出権をいかに多く獲得するかの議論にほとんどの時間を費やし、肝心のゴーバルガス生成ユニットを設置する情熱は持ち合わせていませんでした。 私はひじょうに がっかりしました。



カーボンクレジット(二酸化炭素排出権) を利用して巨額の資金と政治権力を得ようとする大詐欺師集団は、( 地球気候変動に人間が関与しているのは事実か否か) を解明しなければならないのに、その答えが出るのをぶち壊してしまいました。

強欲さは「 問題の核心を見いだして人々に伝える」どころか真実を隠します。

地球温暖化の話が出るたびに米国は後ろ指をさされ、全ての国が(米国までもが)、なぜ米国が最も罪が重いのか、という理由を探しだしてきて、どちらにしろ その弁済をさせようとしているように見えます。

中国が有害物質やグリーンハウスガスを毎秒1トンも垂れ流しているなどと言えば「それはアメリカ人が中国に工場を建てて製品を作り、それを買っているからだ」と反論がかえってきます。それについて議論の余地はありませんが、(同様に中国製品を輸入している) 米国以外の国々にもあてはまります。



事実とは  ―  地球温暖化は現実でしょう。何が原因なのかまだよくわかっていませんが、原因のひとつは人類 のようです。 それで多くの人はアメリカが原因だと特定したがっています。


テーブルの上にあるお金を取り除けば( 二酸化炭素排出権の売買をやめれば)暗闇から真実が浮き出てくるかもしれないし、モルジブも海に沈んで海底公園にならなくてすむでしょう。


1) 反アメリカ主義、反先進国主義ともいえる
2) 大金と権力を欲していて貪欲。



Trump: The U.S. and Climate Change
This obviously is a serious subject on many levels. All aspects of this issue seem to have been studied, discussed, argued, and emotionally twisted and exaggerated in various directions for years.
Outside of major religions, few issues are so big or more emotionally charged and distorted. Climate change comes with enormous financial and political implications. All this makes finding objective truth extremely difficult.
As this issue grew, I was mostly off in the wars and so missed out on many of the latest "global warming" dramas, just as I was left out of the Obama birth certificate dramas. 
After leaving one of the wars, and seeing news largely dominated by the Obama birth certificate issue, I innocently asked in public why Obama does not just show the certificate and be done with it. 
This led to an avalanche of criticism, accusations of being a "birther", racist, etc. I had no idea what a birther was -- my focus had been on the wars. 
But what I do know from life around the globe as a professional writer is that when you are rebuked simply for asking an innocent question, something is wrong. 
Likewise with global climate change, the arguments were growing and maturing while I was off in bloody cornfields with British or American forces. 
A good side of being away from the initial blow up is that when you arrive, you are an innocent (in my case) observer, without bias.
A downside is that you walk into the chaotic argument with little idea of what is going on. Basically you walk out of the bloody cornfield and head back to "civilization," walk into a room and everyone is throwing chairs at each other over this climate change thing. Carbon credits? What is that? 
What could they possibly be screaming about this time? Lots of hot methane was floating about.
One thing is certain: in these sorts of heated environments, truth will have jumped out a window and disappeared into the night.
Anyway, I was still focused on the wars and wanted to win the Afghanistan war, and so started doing a great deal of research in numerous countries about something called domestic biogas. 
Domestic biogas (Gobar Gas) is extremely environmentally friendly -- an environmentalist's dream -- and has incredible benefits for Mother Earth and humanity. Deep down, I am a tree-hugger sans the terrorist part.
So I did a great deal of time-consuming and expensive research and plotted a coup to get Gobar Gas into Afghanistan. General Petraeus was running the Afghan war, and I knew he reads my work, so secretly he was the only target of my two dispatches. I never told him that he was THE target audience.
And I wrote two major dispatches: 1) Gobar Gas 2) Gobar Gas II:
Inside sources told me that General Petraeus read the dispatches, and assembled a team to study if I was right. They determined I was right, and he started a program for Afghanistan. It worked! Target audience of one. (Sometimes I do this, and it can be incredibly effective.)
I learned during the Gobar Gas research that there seems to be merit for the Global Climate change idea. This much is clear. How much is our fault? -- I never figured that out, and still have not. 
Too many people, including some scientists, are lying or have no idea what they are talking about, or are so emotionally involved in tangential issues (like money grabbing) that they cannot be trusted. 
I learned by accident that the issue is being used as a global wealth and political redistribution scam. On this, I am 100% certain. 
I first noticed the scam firsthand at a Gobar Gas conference in Kathmandu. Much of the conference was diverted talking about how to get/sell carbon credits, not how to install Gobar Gas units. This was incredibly twisted. 
Outside money from places like Netherlands was largely responsible for installing the units, and the Nepalese and others wanted to turn right around and charge us for carbon credits for something they never would have had to begin with. 
Let that sink in. They were investing great time into getting carbon credits for something they never would have had without western help, and this time investment was slowing down installing Gobar Gas units. 
They openly talked about this and were doing the calculus for the MONEY, not for helping Mother Earth or the people who need the units. 
They literally were drawing the curves intersecting where time invested in getting carbon credits crossed over into be profitable (or unprofitable) due to slowing down installation of units. The affair was sickening. 
They should have been focused only on unit installation.
This and things I learned later made me adamant that any country that wants to charge us for carbon credits should not receive our aid. 
The truth or falsity of the human dimension of global climate change is obscured and overwhelmed by massive scammers trying to use the carbon credit mechanisms, etc., to walk away with tons of money and clout. 
This greed has the opposite effect on finding the truth of the issue, and addressing it.
Each time the issue arrises, fingers point to the USA, and every country (including USA) seems to find reasons why the USA is the most guilty partner, and should pay up, one way or the other. 
If one argues that China is pumping out pollutants and greenhouse gasses by the ton per second, people fall back and say, "That's because Americans are buying Chinese goods and manufacturing goods in China." Cannot argue that. So is much of the rest of the world.
But what we do see at every turn, are other countries finding loopholes, such as, "But we are not yet developed like you are, and therefore we should be able to smother the planet while you pay for it." 
They are not talking about Climate Change but wealth and power redistribution from successful, hardworking people, to countries that have difficulty building roads and bridges. 
The fact is -- Global Climate change appears to be real. The causes remain murky, but we humans appear to be a cause, and specifically many people wish to pin the tail on America. 
Countries like China are in this for the money. Full stop. For a bucket full of gold, China will not blink at watching Maldives become a coral reef.
This has become a giant scam to steal American and developed-country money and we should push back.
Take all that money off the table, and maybe truth will come back in from the dark, and the Maldives will not become an underwater park.
The truth of the matter is obscured because those who shout loudest tend to have two traits in common:
1) Anti-Americanism or, more broadly, anti-developed countryism
2) They want big money and clout. They are greedy, and could not care less about Mother Earth than walking away with buckets of gold.
The U.S. should put up its dukes on the Paris issue.
If they are serious about Mother Earth and not about a money grab, they will take money off the table. 
There are other ways to encourage or force compliance.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


The Media Meltdown: Amazing quotes:


多くのコメンテーター:  愚痴る、泣き叫ぶ、泣く、世界の終わりだ!

ある情緒不安定なコメンテーター: 「今すぐ妊娠中絶しないと、できなくなります」と発言


頭の悪いコメンテーター:  「何でこんなことが起こったんでしょう?」(コメンテーターの彼女が今でも状況を理解していないなら、今更 説明してやっても理解できないだろう)

ショックを受けた女性:  「このことで死ぬわけではないし、地獄に行くわけでも無いんだわ!」

大袈裟に騒ぎ立てる輩: 「これは違う地球の出来事だ」( 何を根拠に? 連邦法でクリントン シンジケートの犯罪をほのめかすことしかできなかったように、物理の法則も単なるほのめかしに過ぎない、とでも言うのだろうか?)

性差別主義者:彼( 彼女)らは、ヒラリーが女性大統領になってガラスの天井を突き破れなかったことに衝撃を受けているが、結果的にヒラリー・クリントンはガラスの天井ではなく、自分が関係したすべてを破壊したのだった。

トランプが当選した原因が、 クリントンの犯罪的所業のせいであることを彼らは全く 理解していないことが大問題だ。また同じことが起こるにしても、だ。

彼らはわかっていない。我々は地雷原にいて、彼らのすぐ目の前にドクロマークの図と、「地雷 有り!注意!」の標識があったことを。




クリントンはリビアを変えてしまった首謀者だ。独裁者をどうやって殺したかを自慢している。しかし彼女はもう一つのパンドラの箱を開けてしまった。イラクから何も学ばなかったのか? ときとして国を安定させている独裁者は無政府状態よりも優る。難しい問題だが、現実とはそういうものだ。




我々の多くがトランプを好きでは無い ― だが我々は、組織的犯罪、無能さ、巨額の汚職に飽き飽きしてその地雷原を後にし、他の地へと足を踏み入れたのだ。


The Media Meltdown: Amazing quotes:
From various whiney commentators, "Crying." "Tears." "End of the world."
From the unstable commentator, "Get your abortions now."
From the racist commentator, "This was a white-lash." (For profound racists, everything is about race, even when it's not about race.)
From clueless commentator, "How did this happen?!" (If she does not know by now, it will not help to explain again.)
From shocked lady, "Your'e not dead and you have not gone to hell." 
Hyperbole guy, "This is a different earth." (Why? Did the laws of physics become mere suggestions, such as federal laws became only suggestions to the Clinton syndicate?)
From the sexist: shocked that Hillary did not break through. After all, she broke everything else she touched. 
The fact that these people still have no idea that Trump did not win, but that serial criminality and mismanagement lost (likely to be replaced by same), is the problem.
They do not get it. There was a big field, right in front of them, with signs with skulls and crossbones, and those signs said, "WARNING! MINES!"
Many of us who voted against the Clinton syndicate, do not like Trump, and never will like Trump, and think he will be a horrible president. (Though I will give a grace period as I did for Obama, in hopes he will prove me wrong.)
We did not vote for Trump, but against the Clinton minefield we knew we were in. 
One commentator blathered on about how military parents might not trust Trump as Commander-in-Chief. Of course they will not trust him, nor will I. This is binary bait, binary thinking. Clinton is a known screw-up. 
Clinton was a prime mover on Libya, bragging how she killed the dictator. She took the lid off another Pandora's box. Did they learn nothing from Iraq? Sometimes a stable dictator is better than anarchy. Life is tough like that.
Remember Benghazi.
Clinton's grasp on foreign policy starts and ends with gigantic donations from foreign countries such as Saudi Arabia. Her business model is to sell access, to sell policy. Trump may well be the same, but we changed a known-minefield for a suspected minefield. 
And they still don't get it.
Many of us do not like Trump -- but we were so sick of organic criminality, incompetence, and massive corruption, that we left one minefield, and probably walked into another.
Look at the bones!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


「 ノードストローム、人々の怒りを煽り立てるパーカーを発売:  プリントが、第二次大戦時に日本人が中国人を殺戮している場面」

"Nordstrom hoodie showing Japanese killing Chinese in WWII spurs outrage"

※ ノードストローム:米国の百貨店チェーン

ちょっと想像してみてください。共産主義者の中国人が 同胞の中国人を殺す場面をプリントした 白いTシャツが売られているのを。白いTシャツに、毛沢東の誤った政策が引き起こした殺人や死を黒い点で表したら、どんなに小さな点であっても シャツ全体が 真っ黒に塗りつぶされるでしょう。それほど多くの人が毛沢東によって殺されました。


中国人は 恥を知るべきです。 中国が日本を指さして非難するたびに、私達は思い起こします。 日本を指さしているその指は、血まみれの手についている指で、その手は、人類史上最大の殺戮者達、中国人の手であることを。

"Nordstrom hoodie showing Japanese killing Chinese in WWII spurs outrage"
Imagine selling a white t-shirt that celebrates Chinese communist murders of other Chinese. For every murder, and death due to failed policy under Mao, there should be a black spot on the white t-shirt. Each black spot should be the size of a flea. That would be so many flea-sized black spots that the entire white t-shirt would be black. In fact, an entire wardrobe would be black.
Chinese constantly talk about Nanjing to deflect from the fact that they and their wax-god Mao are the biggest murderers in human history, ever. And this all happened not hundreds of years ago, but in living history.
I was at the Nanjing massacre museum earlier this year. The place is massive, and reaches Disneyworld-level quality. The Chinese should be ashamed of themselves. And every time they point a finger at Japan, we are reminded that the accusing finger is attached to a bloody hand that belongs to the greatest murderers ever to have walked on earth.

Saturday, November 12, 2016


オバマが選挙で選ばれた時点で — 私は彼にチャンスを与えようと決めた。

それまで 私はオバマに反対だった。

だが 一旦 選挙で彼が大統領になると決まった後、私は中立の立場をとり、はじめにオバマに下した判断が誤っていたと証明してくれればオバマを支持する、と、記事あるいはインタビューで表明した。






When Obama was Elected -- I decided to give him a chance

I resisted Obama until he was elected, and then published or said during interviews that I would go neutral and hope he proves me wrong so that I could support him. Unfortunately Obama proved many of us right.

Now the same with Trump. The people have spoken and Trump was lawfully elected in accordance with our established ways. Out of respect for our Founding Fathers, the United States, and voters, there is only one good option: give him a chance.  

If he succeeds turning the country in a better direction, support. If he fails, resist.

Monday, November 7, 2016


コメイ長官はFBIの信頼を完全に失墜させた:これだけの短い時間で65万通の電子メールを調査することは物理的に不可能だ。彼は クリントンに完全に譲歩した。 そして 国全体に向かって  嘘をついている。

FBI長官は 明らかに彼女のために働き、彼女の足下に這いつくばっている。


"FBI director says no charges against Clinton after new email review"
Director Comey is killing FBI credibility: it is physically impossible that they have gone through 650,000 emails so quickly. He is lying to the entire country, and is completely compromised. I cannot vote for Clinton. She is too powerful and too corrupt. The FBI director clearly is working for her and groveling at her feet.
This is what we expect from banana republics. Clinton is above the law. Comey is her boy.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


USA: Looks like FBI has declared war on the Clinton Crime Syndicate 

この対決は、ゴジラ 対キングコング 並みの重量級である。


USA: Looks like FBI has declared war on the Clinton Crime Syndicate 
Good way for FBI to salvage reputation. In magnitude this is like Godzilla vs. King Kong. 
If FBI sinks teeth in this and does not let go, they will earn respect. America needs to trust FBI, otherwise our country is undermined. Go FBI.

コメント:comment (Amelia Komierkul):  ( 女性)
 タイへの応援については感謝していますけど、マイケル、最近の陰謀についての記事は、まったく馬鹿げていると思う。「クリントン氏の犯罪シンジケート」?  何?それ! あなたはもっと賢いと思っていたわ。

マイケル・ヨンの返答:reply (Michael Yon): 

Two big military scalps for Michael Yon
Published: Friday, 25 June 2010 01:14
Written by Toby Harnden

              Toby Harnden     2010.6.25 

マイケル・ヨンは 特別な男だ。彼は大胆不敵な戦場レポーター・写真家である。イラクとアフガニスタンの戦闘を非凡な才能で粘り強く取材し報道した。
そんな彼が過去数週間、鋭い舌鋒で 二人の男を批判した : カナダ陸軍のダニエル・メーナード将軍 と スタンリー・マクリスタル大将 だ。


>>>    途中省略 Middle of the story is omitted  <<<

マイケル・ヨンがしばしば記事にした私的なメール交換の相手の元司令官は、つい最近 めでたいことにアフガニスタンのNATO軍司令官候補になった。そのことについて、ヨンは35,182人のファンを擁する自分のFBに投稿した。そのファンの多くは米国軍人である。

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Thailand: it is safe to travel here, and tourists are welcome as per normal.

タイ国: 安全です。いつも通り旅行においでください! 歓迎!

添付のビデオに出ている外国人旅行客の言っていることは、スウェーデン人の ちょっとした間違いをのぞいて、全部 正確です。タイ人や外国人は、タイ国が占領されたことは無いと言いますが、それは間違いです。元々タイ国は今よりもかなり大きかったことを思い出してください。それに、過去にはビルマなど他国による侵略がありました。

第二次大戦時、日本はタイ国を占領しました。我々のチームはバンコクの公文書館で当時タイには最大約20万人の日本人がいたという記述を見つけました。 しかし日本人とタイ人は大体においてうまくやっていたので、タイ人は日本人に対して特別  嫌な感情はもっていませんでした。(ただし当時、日本軍がタイの僧侶を平手打ちした事件が何度かあり、そのことが問題となり、両国の平和を脅かしました。決して僧侶に平手打ちなどしてはいけません。大変な問題が起こります。)



 仏軍、正確に言えば仏印軍なのですが、それにタイが勝ったのは、アジア人が白人に勝った2度目のできごとでした。最初は、日露戦争で日本が勝ちました。これには多くの西洋人が驚き、怖がりました。当時は西洋人にとって日本は謎の国だったこと、おまけに人種の偏見ははるかに強く、小柄な日本人(当時、日本人の身長はひじょうに低かった) が大きなロシアの熊を打ち倒したというのですから。

ぜひ  おいでください。

Thailand: it is safe to travel here, and tourists are welcome as per normal. 
Everything the travelers say is accurate, other than a small error by the Swedish man. Thais and foreigners often say Thailand never was occupied but this is untrue. Remember that Thailand used to be far bigger, and there have been invasions such as by Burmese.
During World War II, Japanese occupied Thailand. Our team found in Thai archives in Bangkok that at one point there were nearly 200,000 Japanese in Thailand. There were no hard feelings left with Thais because Japanese and Thais got along mostly very well. (But there were a couple monk-slapping incidents that threatened the peace. Don't slap Thai monks...big trouble will follow.)
After World War II, French and British wanted to divide off parts of Thailand for their own empires. The United States defended Thailand with political pressure, and so they left.
Many people -- including Thais -- do not realize that Victory Monument in Bangkok is to commemorate defeating the French in an earlier conflict. Japanese had helped Thailand by various means such as supplying weapons, but it was the Thais who beat the French.
Thailand's victory over France (or at least France's local forces) was only the second time that Asians beat caucasians. Japanese were the first after smashing the Russians. This scared many people in the west. Remember at the time that Japanese were extremely mysterious to the west, and racism was a mile deep, and these tiny Japanese (Japanese were far smaller at the time), beat those big Russian bears.
Anyway, Thailand is safe, and you are welcome to come.