"Some thoughts on the Kurdish Situation"
今起こっているクルド人についての世間の見方ですが、「世界の警察」が “問題はご近所同士で解決してください”、と言っていることへの反応です。
今起こっているクルド人についての世間の見方ですが、「世界の警察」が “問題はご近所同士で解決してください”、と言っていることへの反応です。
1)世界地図で「クルド人」の居住地域がどこか すぐにわかるか
3)自分の知識がどこから来て、どの程度のものか わかっているのか
1)世界地図で「クルド人」の居住地域がどこか すぐにわかるか
3)自分の知識がどこから来て、どの程度のものか わかっているのか
1)アメリカが クルド人を裏切った と言うが、我々とクルド人にはサダム・フセインを敵とする、などの様々な共通の利益がありました。
中には 過激な共産主義者もいますし、米国やトルコなどからテロリスト認定されているクルド人もいます。全てのクルド人の頭に合う 「帽子」は ありません。
フランスやドイツ,ベルギー,オランダなど,ヨーロッパの多くはISISのようなグループについての心配はしています。しかしポーランド,チェコ,スロバキア,ハンガリーは違います。 いわゆる政治的正義のポリコレに縛られて国益を損ねる、ようなことをせず「国境の壁」を作り自国を守っています。基本的に、自らの生活圏である「水槽」を第一に考えているのです。
米軍撤退についてヨーロッパの報道機関が文句をいっていますが、ヨーロッパ各国の軍と若者たちは,のんびりディスコで踊ったり,スキーをしたり,浜辺で肌を焼いています。何故 クルド人とともに戦おうとしないのでしょうか?
結局のところ,クルド人難民は ISIS同調者も一緒に、ヨーロッパの国々に雪崩を打って押し寄せています。それらの国々は自国の安全保障も充分 果たさず、ましてや国境を防衛することもしていません。それなのに何故 アメリカ軍がクルド人とヨーロッパのために血を流さなければならないのでしょうか?
「悪魔は あらゆる細部に潜んでいる」
一方 「クルド人」は、自治国家を目指して戦っていながらクルド人同士殺し合っています。何のために努力しているのか?
世界で一番 寛大に、時間,自国民の生命、自国の税金などを他国に注いでいる国なのに、アメリカはしばしば 反対の評価を下されます。
クルド人の問題は永遠に続きます。現在 米国の血と富は、ISISとの戦いとクルド人を守るために注がれていますが、一方でこの問題でもっとも被害を被るのはアメリカでははなくヨーロッパと中東の国々です。
これは世界的な利害が深く絡んでいて単純な問題ではないことは分かっています。だが、或いは、ひょっとして 単純なのでしょうか?
世界中から色々なメッセージが届きます。インドのナガ族から彼らの止むことの無い戦いについてメールが来ました。 ナガ族は彼らの苦境を取り上げてほしいのです。他にも、カシミールからのメッセージなどもあります。私は香港に居ますが,今、中国人民軍のヘリが,ここ何時間もヴィクトリア・ハーバーの上空を上へ下へと旋回しています。
いずれにしろ,以上は大雑把な論考です。 私は今、香港にいます。香港では反乱が巻き起こっています。香港人が香港の為に身の安全を犠牲にして戦っているのです。連絡の電話も入り、もっと取材を続けなければなりません。
しかし 「悪魔は 細部に潜み」、ヨーロッパ人はビーチで遊んでいます。
Some thoughts on the Kurdish Situation: and this is how it looks when “World Police” let the neighborhood sort itself
Firstly, I am not with the Kurds and have not been in the Kurdish region for years. I do not trust media reports, government reports — whether that be Turkish, Russian, American, anyone. That’s partly why I went to Iraq in 2004.
Many voices are issuing strong statements about “the Kurdish situation.” Those issuing strong statements should ask themselves:
1) Can I honestly quickly point to a globe and show the “Kurdish region”?
2) Do I actually know what language(s) they speak?
3) Do I REALLY know what I am talking about?
This is complex. Well, every place that is a mess is called “complex.”
Peaceful places are just as complex, but peaceful.
The Middle East is probably far less complex than Europe, or maybe even California for that matter. (Not too much exaggeration with the California quip.)
Remember, Europe was as “complex” as the Middle East until Pax Americana settled in. Europe was far WORSE than the Middle East ever has been until the US Military and other presence stayed there for generations. That’s just the facts — dangerously simplified, but not to the point of inaccuracy.
This could go on for many thousands of words. Let’s boil it down to the salt:
1) How exactly have we betrayed the Kurds? We’ve had mutual interests on various fronts such as with Saddam. And remember when the Kurds were freezing in the mountains — my friends from 10th Special Forces were sent to help. Our Special Forces generally like the Kurds very much. So do I. But are we betraying “the Kurds” by not being the Kurdish Army?
“The Kurds” is a big word encompassing about 25 million people spread around the world, including in Tennessee, London, Germany, Thailand, not to mention Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran, and more.
Some Kurds are hardcore communists. Some are considered terrorists by the US government, and by others, including Turkey. This could go for pages. There is no hat that fits all Kurds.
2) ISIS is our common enemy. Another is al Qaeda. Some Kurds joined with al Qaeda. Some interesting long stories there...
Most of Europe also has concerns about groups like ISIS. France and Germany. Belgium. Netherlands. Not Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary — those countries are smart enough and not self-hobbled by Poinsonous Correctness. They “built that wall”. Basically, they mind the aquarium.
While European press cackles again, why are European Armies and young people not with the Kurds in vast numbers instead of in the discos and on the ski slopes or tanning on beaches? Ruck up or shut up.
After all, Kurdish refugees — and ISIS-types— flood straight to European countries. Many of those countries do not meet their own defense obligations even within their own borders. Why is it exactly that Team America should be the Kurdish and European Armies?
To be clear, I am not against a Kurdish homeland and sovereignty , but as Polish might say, “Devil is in the details.” How? Exactly? What is the plan? Where are the European youth who will go make it happen on their parents’ taxes?
Meanwhile, “the Kurds” variously hobble their own efforts. They waged their own civil war. Killing each other while fighting for autonomy.
On whole, I like Kurds I met — yet one turned out to be an al Qaeda sympathizer (Deuce Four translator) — but am under no spell that Kurds are perpetual innocent victims. The field is not neatly divided into green and red jerseys, and bad sell-out Americans.
Amazing that the most generous country in the world — generous with time, blood, gold, and more — is often labled opposite.
The Kurdish problem is perpetual. US blood and gold is being used to safeguard Kurds and fight ISIS when the biggest losers are NOT Americans, but Europeans and the Middle Eastern countries. America has interests there but we have energy and food security, and far fewer ISIS (etc.) risks than do European and Middle Eastern countries.
I realize fully that we have global interests and this is not amazingly simple. Or, is it? I got messages today about the perpetual Naga fight in India. Nagas want attention for their plight. Other messages come in about fights in Kashmir, etc. I am in Hong Kong and what appears to be a Chinese military helicopter(s) has been flying up and down Victoria Harbor for hours.
As for the Kurds, where is the Bundeswehr? Get off the beaches. Get off the ski slopes. Get out of the bars. Get out to protect your countries and be the heroes that is demanded of American young people and citizens who pay the bills.
Anyway, these thoughts are roughs: I am in Hong Kong where an insurgency is unfolding. The phone is ringing and there is much to see here.
I am very saddened by what is happening with Kurds and wish that we and others would bind together with Kurds, but the devil is in details and Europe is on the beach.
From some of my time in the Kurdish north of Iraq: