Saturday, May 19, 2018

書評 「慰安婦に関する戦時中の米軍の記録」

Excellent Reviews for an Excellent book on the Chinese Comfort Women Scam targeting Japan, USA, Korea, and more

日本、米国、韓国、その他をターゲットにした「慰安婦のペテン」だが、当時の慰安婦に関する米軍史料を 朝鮮戦争および ベトナム戦争に従事したアーチー宮本氏(退役当時は米国陸軍中佐)がまとめた。

書評は、慰安婦問題について専門に研究している歴史家の一人、Al Johnson氏(陸軍の退役将校)によるもの。

歴史を調査研究している私は、アーチー宮本氏の調査研究手法に深く敬意を表する。 ニュースもフェイクがあふれている今日、歴史もフェイクが多いことを常に我々は意識するべきである。

慰安婦についての一般通読書のほとんどは、言ってみればかつてのデイヴィッド・アーヴィング(David Irving)のホロコースト否定騒動と同様に、学問的衣を装いつつ、かといって疑問を解明もせず、大衆の感情や民族の思い込みにつけ入り、イデオロギーに固まった偽の権威に追従している。



資料には、慰安婦の記録は無い、とか、日本軍が20万人もの女性を拉致した記録は燃やされてしまった、などと主張する派の根拠を打ち砕く記録が満載だ。 それどころか宮本氏は、当時、特に米国が慰安婦の調査をしていたこと、多くの記録が残されていること、および慰安婦たちは今日の軍の契約作業員のような立場であり、高額な報酬が支払われていたことを明らかにした。「慰安婦に関する戦時中の軍の記録」は、連合国各国の記録で慰安婦問題に関する箇所を読みやすく提示してある。





Excellent Reviews for an Excellent book on the Chinese Comfort Women Scam targeting Japan, USA, Korea, and more
The author is LTC (ret.) Archie Miyamoto who did two US Army combat tours in Korea, and then two more in Vietnam.
Check out this review by a historian with expertise on the Comfort Women issue. The reviewer's name is Al Johnson, also a veteran Army officer (civilian now):
As a historian, investigator and researcher with a military background, I can appreciate Lt. Col (R) Archie Miyamoto's approach to the Comfort Women scandal. As we currently are inundated with "fake news", one can not forget that there is also "fake history" as well.
Most of the other popular books regarding Comfort Women unfortunately stoop to the level of David Irving's denialist rants, using pseudo intellectual methods, Argumentum ad Populum (attempting to build popular support rather than proving the allegation), appeals to emotion, genetic fallacy, and appeals to improper authority.
It is the last one, appeals to improper authority, that this book addresses so well. Throughout the evolution of the Comfort Women narrative, from the early 1990s when they were arguing they were not paid enough, to todays outright fabrication that 200,000 were kidnapped, we can see that rarely if ever do the denialist authors such as Hicks, Dudden, Yoshiaki, etc use documentation, or when they do, it is contextualized to such extremes as to obscure the actual facts.
The author of the Wartime Records, has apparently taken his U.S. Army experience (2 tours in Korea, 2 tours in Vietnam according to the biography, including being the U.S. commander for South Korean soldiers in Vietnam), and published all the documents that are omitted or obscured in many other books, leaving it for the reader to evaluate the facts.
This enables the reader to gather the information directly from U.S., U.K, Dutch, and other investigators at the time of the events. In addition, it directly debunks the denialists speil that there were no documents or that those documents proving the 200,000 kidnapped were destroyed. Quite the contrary as Lt. Col. (Ret) Miyamoto points out, there were many documents, the U.S. particularly investigated it at the time, and it was found that the prostitutes were just that: prostitutes under well paying contracts that were equivalent to contract workers in todays military.
Wartime Military Records on Comfort Women has done an excellent job of placing the known allied records together and highlighting the salient passages that directly address the contraversy. No student or teacher of history or current affairs should be without it. Sadly many reporters have discredited themselves by reporting on the Comfort Women issue without referring to and understanding these source documents.
Considering this issue as a racially and emotionally charged one gradually being promoted in American cities and effecting international relations between South Korea, the United States, and Japan, it is well worth the historians, Asian regional affairs, or just the curious reader to read and keep as a handy reference.
I hope that other series of wartime records will be published to use as valuable references for researchers, teachers, and students alike.

Thursday, May 17, 2018



"American, Australian, and Filipino Soldiers raping and murdering Japanese after World War II"





幼稚なアメリカ人は「パールハーバーやバターン死の行軍を忘れるな! やつらにちょっと復讐で強姦事件を犯したって、それがいったい何だっていうんだ?」と言います。






American, Australian, and Filipino Soldiers raping and murdering Japanese after World War II
Some days ago, I published excerpts from the book TIME OF FALLEN BLOSSOMS. The book was written by an Australian officer and describes his experience in Japan after the war, and the countless rapes, murders, and other crimes committed by Aussie troops.
The book is most remarkable due to having been written by an Australian military officer.
The United States had a similar problem. Japanese said many times that rape and murder committed by American servicemen after the war was epidemic. Of course, nobody will believe them because they are Japanese.
We believe every bad thing that Koreans or Chinese say about Japanese, and despite the fact that Japanese are among the most honest people on earth (as a whole), their testimony is habitually dismissed even today despite mountains of supporting evidence.
Many primitive Americans will just say, "Remember Pearl Harbor! Remember Bataan! So what if there were a few revenge rapes!"
We should hang every US service member who is caught raping local people. I'll donate the rope. They shame our entire country. Their Generals should have had them shot in front of the villagers to prove we will kill our own people who do this.
As with TIME OF FALLEN BLOSSOMS by the Australian officer so ashamed of some of his countrymen, this account was written by an American, equally ashamed.
So here we have it. Australians and Americans credibly accusing their own of committing the same crimes they accused Japanese of committing.
Please click through and read the highlighted parts.
Or download the entire book here: 

Sunday, May 13, 2018



Australian and US Soldiers Raping Japanese Women after World War II






私を悪く思わないでください -- 我々の全てが多くの戦争犯罪を犯したことは知っています、しかしながら如何に多くの犯罪に朝鮮人が手を染めていたのか、あるいは連合軍が関わっていたのかを知ってショックを受けたのです。

奇妙なことに、日本兵の関わったほんの幾つかの戦争犯罪は、常に注目を集め大袈裟に騒ぎ立てられます。「パールハーバーはどうだ?! 彼らは宣戦布告無しに攻撃してきたぞ!」「バターン死の行軍!」「南京大虐殺!」「731部隊!」

バターンでは戦争犯罪はありましたが、虐殺はありませんでした。南京大虐殺、731部隊、性奴隷の件、-- これらは全て中国が主となって騒ぎ立てています。







Australian and US Soldiers Raping Japanese Women after World War II
Aussies and Americans seem to believe every allegation against Japanese Soldiers. The more horrific the allegation, the better and the more believable.
The accusations are always taken at face value, even if made by Chinese who are never believed on anything else. Chinese are considered utterly untrustworthy unless they are talking bad about Japanese, in which case Chinese are considered to be sworn in and under oath by God to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth.
Likewise, no amount of exculpatory evidence, no matter how credible, is ever accepted from Japanese. A Japanese officer could prove he was on the Moon during the time of some crime, and he would be hanged anyway.
There were plenty of war crimes to go around. Nobody denies this. But the exaggerations and outright lies and one-sidedness is un-American, or at least does not live up to our said principles.
Ironically, I would not have realized the enormous magnitude of so many crimes committed by Koreans, Chinese, Americans, Dutch, British, Aussies, and more, if not for looking into the depth of comfort women allegations against Japanese.
Don't get me wrong -- I knew all sides had committed many crimes, but was stunned to realize how many came from Koreans, and also Allies. Korea is practically a war crime factory, but China makes even the Nazis look like genocidal dwarfs.
Weirdly, Japanese committed some of the least of the war crimes but they are always spotlighted and magnified, "What about Pearl Harbor?! They attacked without declaring war!" "What about Bataan!" "Nanking!" "731!"
Real war crimes were committed at Bataan but also not a genocide. As for Nanking, 731, and the sex-slave issues -- these allegations are all spotlighted primarily by Chinese. Litmus question: is the Chinese government credible?
As for Pearl Harbor, we have discussed that and the lack of war declaration many times. The US has not declared war since 1942, so please do not throw that card. Makes us look silly.
Japanese made many allegations about widespread rapes and murders after the occupation began. They were dismissed then and are dismissed today, though few Japanese ever bring it up.
The reality is that many accusations came from US and Australian officers. Our own side was accusing our own, including widespread rapes on Okinawa by US troops.
This book, "Time of the Fallen Blossoms," was written by an Australian military officer at that time. The author accuses Aussies of widespread rape and murder in Japan.
Often the accusers are projecting their own faults onto someone else, as if trying to rid themselves of blame. Chinese and Koreans certainly fall into this category, and the more one studies, the more one realizes that we are not as innocent as we would like to believe.