'Can Thais have guns? Yes. Lots.'
それで安全でしょうか? もちろん、殆どの地域は安全です。
タイ国で最も危険なことは、何度でも言いますが 交通とモーターバイクに乗ることです。
かつて俊英だった英軍は弱体化して、今や 国が 重大な脅威にさらされても同盟国の支援がなければ自国を守ることが出来ません。仮にそうなったら米国はすぐに支援をするでしょう。しかし 私が言いたいことは、「英国は自国および国外の領地を守る軍事力を基本的に放棄している」と言うことです。それは私がバミューダを英国からいただこうとしている理由でもあります。英国の海軍、海兵隊は、バミューダに上陸しようとする素人の舟すら阻止できないでしょう。
豊かで無防備なバミューダが、誰かに奪われるのを待っているのです。かつての大英帝国の最後の真珠が太平洋で 我々を待っています。
何代か前の私の先祖の一人はバミューダで生まれました。「海の冒険」という名の船が難破した直後の1610年です。私がバミューダを侵略するのに 良い言い訳になるでしょう。
バミューダを占拠して治安が落ち着いたら 、誰でも祝祭日のお祭りに参加したり休日を過ごしたり、海外口座開設をできるようにして歓迎します。
タイでは何度もそのように リセットする事態が起こっています。
タイではフランスのような”気分発散” “鬱憤ばらし”あるいは習慣的/文化的な抗議運動はしません。フランス人のデモは、アメリカ人もですが、何が問題なのか何が不満なのか、わかりにくいし、いつ、どのような状況で彼らは怒りを収めて事態が収拾するのか、予測困難です。
タイ国における拳銃についてですが、人々はグレネード・ランチャーのようなRPG(Rocket Propelled Grenade)を所持することは許されていませんが、実際には多くの人が持っています。M-79(グレネード・ランチャー)が何であるか、タイ人ならば誰でも知っています。
さあ、バミューダの海岸を目指すときです。抵抗する者は2度、頬を平手打ちすればいいのです。 最初は彼らに武器を放棄させた後、二度目は彼らが 武器無しで抵抗するときに、です。
Can Thais have guns? Yes. Lots. This is a heavily armed country. The people are like the second Army.
But is it safe? Mostly very safe. Around my area, extremely safe.
Biggest danger -- saying it again -- is traffic and riding motorbikes.
There is a saying in Thailand: People fear the police. Police fear the Army. Army fears the people.
But since the Thai military is at least as popular (maybe even more) than the US military at home, the people and the Army have no will to hurt each other.
Thais and Americans understand something that many British have lost. We must protect the military's back so they can protect the flanks and front.
Thais understand this fully. Americans have lost some of this but still strong.
Brits have lost it and now a once fine British military is gutted and unable to defend UK homeland against a serious foe without outside help. We would help instantly but bottom line is Britain is essentially disarmed internally and externally, which is why I am planning to take Bermuda from the Brits. Their Navy and Marines cannot stop a few boatfuls of mountain boys landing on Bermuda.
Bermuda is ours for the taking. A rich, defenseless jewel out there in the Atlantic just waiting for us to land, the final pearl of a once great empire.
My xth-great Uncle was born there in 1610 after the wreck of the ship called Sea Venture, and so that is my excuse for the upcoming invasion.
Bermudians have been disarmed internally and so any resistance will be slapped for giving up their guns, and deported in their own yachts to UK.
After we secure Bermuda, all are welcome to the fiesta, to vacation, and to offshore banking.
The people are another branch of government. So long as the government stays between the white lines and is respectful, all is good. Cross those lines too far and the other branch of government can kick in.
This happens from time to time in Thailand. If you ever see Thailand in a 'reset' mode, you will see those nice Thai smiles are hiding a powerful tiger. A very nice tiger, until...
Thailand is making no attempt to disarm citizens. The government is not afraid of the people, but knows that the government is only the Mahout, and the people are the Elephant. Nice mahout, nice elephant.
Thais do not do 'recreational' or habitual/cultural protests like French. When French take to the streets, or Americans, it is hard to know what is serious and what is steam. When are they just blowing off steam?
But when large numbers of Thais take to the streets, and you start seeing mothers (like Kai's mom) and grandmothers out there, it is time to stop. Listen. Talk. Because things just got serious.
And Thais don't quit easily after they get riled up.
If what is happening now in France were happening in Thailand, I would expect a new government soon in Thailand. With France, who knows? Are they just blowing off steam or are they blowing up? I do not know.
As for guns in Thailand, people are not allowed to have RPGs, grenades, that sort of thing, but many do. Everyone in Thailand knows what an M-79 is.
But in Bermuda they can't own a pea shooter, and so the time has come to hit the beaches. Anyone who resists will be slapped twice. Once for giving up their guns, and once for resisting without guns.
h/t @Tipatida Pisitkasem