Thursday, December 27, 2018


"My 2nd book in Japan will be released on 02 February 2019 -- later in English!"

来年の2月2日に私の2冊目の本が発売されます -- 英語版は準備中です。

いつもご支援 感謝です。以下のようにご協力いただければ幸甚です。

1) もしも1冊目の本をお持ちでしたら、是非、読者レビューへの投稿をお願いします:



3)この記事と2冊の本の情報リンクを、友人とシェアしてくださると有難い。今度の本が成功すれば 更に新しい本を出すことができます。



皆様、いつも ご支援ご協力ありがとうございます!

2019年が皆様にとって 佳き年でありますように!!

My 2nd book in Japan will be released on 02 February 2019 -- later in English
You can help in several important ways.

1) If you have the 1st book, please review:

2) Ikuhosha publishing company will decide on 08 January 2019 how many copies to print of the 2nd book. Pre-orders on will cause Ikuhosha to print more books, which means more bookshelves in Japan will have copies. Very important. Please order 2nd book!

3) Please share this link and the links to both books with your friends.
This is a team effort. More to come if the first two books do well.

Thank you!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

情報戦: 靖国神社でボヤ、外国人の男女を逮捕

Information Combat: "Small fire set at Yasukuni Shrine, foreign couple held"




  警察と消防によれば12月12日 水曜日に、東京の靖国神社で新聞紙に火をつけたと見られる外国人の男女が逮捕された、と警察と消防は発表した。

警視庁は、靖国神社への不法侵入の疑いで中国籍のGuo Shaojie(郭紹傑、55才)を逮捕した。男は自称公務員で容疑を認めている。










これは巧妙に仕組まれた宣伝工作です。中国が 毎日やっていることです。



2)誰かが 燃えている新聞紙に水をかけて消火し、工作員は逮捕される、そのときに情報戦争の兵士である工作員は、南京、慰安婦その他 邪悪な日本の行ったことについていかにも同情を引き起こすような嘆願を世間に向けて発信するわけです。




同じテクニックが 自由主義国の異なる対象に対して適用されている。





Information Combat: "Small fire set at Yasukuni Shrine, foreign couple held"
Please allow me a few of minutes to explain how this works. It helps to read the 306 word article, first. I will explain after the article.
Pay close attention to the parts in the article that start after the '&&&' inserted by me:
===start article===
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A newspaper was set on fire on Wednesday on the premises of Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo and police detained a foreign couple in connection with the case, police and firefighters said.
Tokyo police arrested Guo Shaojie, a 55-year-old Chinese man, on suspicion of trespassing at the Shinto shrine. The man told the police he is a civil servant and admitted to the allegation, the police said.
The police are questioning him and a woman who is believed to be also a Chinese national over possible involvement with the act of arson.
The fire was soon put out and there was no damage to
the shrine, which honors convicted war criminals along with millions of war dead and is often seen as a symbol of Japan's militarist past by neighboring countries including China and South Korea.
Guo had a flag protesting the 1937 Nanjing Massacre, according to an investigative source, as Thursday will mark its 81st anniversary.
China claims more than 300,000 people were killed in the city during the incident, while Japan disputes the number of people killed by the Imperial Japanese Army, citing historian estimates that range from the tens of thousands to 200,000.
The media in Hong Kong reported that he is a member of a Hong Kong-based group claiming the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea belong to China and took protest action the day before the anniversary.
Japan and China are in a dispute over the sovereignty of the Japanese-controlled islands, which China calls Diaoyu.
>According to the fire department, the newspaper was set on fire at around 7 a.m. in front of a gate located in the middle of the shrine's premises that leads to the main shrine.< [Filler sentence.]
Visits by Japanese leaders have drawn outcry from those that suffered under Japanese occupation or colonialism before and during World War II.
===end article===
My observations, having watched this [specifically] closely since 2014:
This is staged propaganda. China does this every day.
How it works:
1) Get free press: easily accomplished with a match, a newspaper, and a strategic location such as Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo. Remember that Yasukuni is as sacred to Japanese as is Arlington to Americans.
2) After someone pours a bottle of water on the paper and makes the arrest, the information warrior makes a heartfelt plea they are desperately protesting Nanjing, comfort women, or something else about 'evil Japanese.' A main goal is to keep Article 9 intact in the Japanese Constitution so that Japan does not build an offensive military capacity…while China continues with aggressive military expansion.
Once you know what is happening, you can spot these on a glance.
This sort of information combat happens across the world every day, including in America.
Imagine how this technique could be used against America to, say, rip down monuments, rename military bases, and elect communists.
Same technique, different application.
1) Get free media by doing something ‘newsworthy’
2) Deliver talking points
Now do this thousands of times and a new ‘truth’ will become hard history that only a kooky revisionist will challenge.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


'Can Thais have guns? Yes. Lots.'


それで安全でしょうか? もちろん、殆どの地域は安全です。

タイ国で最も危険なことは、何度でも言いますが 交通とモーターバイクに乗ることです。





かつて俊英だった英軍は弱体化して、今や 国が 重大な脅威にさらされても同盟国の支援がなければ自国を守ることが出来ません。仮にそうなったら米国はすぐに支援をするでしょう。しかし 私が言いたいことは、「英国は自国および国外の領地を守る軍事力を基本的に放棄している」と言うことです。それは私がバミューダを英国からいただこうとして

豊かで無防備なバミューダが、誰かに奪われるのを待っているのです。かつての大英帝国の最後の真珠が太平洋で 我々を待っています。
何代か前の私の先祖の一人はバミューダで生まれました。「海の冒険」という名の船が難破した直後の1610年です。私がバミューダを侵略するのに 良い言い訳になるでしょう。


バミューダを占拠して治安が落ち着いたら 、誰でも祝祭日のお祭りに参加したり休日を過ごしたり、海外口座開設をできるようにして歓迎します。


タイでは何度もそのように リセットする事態が起こっています。


タイではフランスのような”気分発散” “鬱憤ばらし”




タイ国における拳銃についてですが、人々はグレネード・ランチャーのようなRPG(Rocket Propelled Grenade)を所持することは許されていませんが、実際には多くの人が持っています。M-79(グレネード・ランチャー)が何であるか、タイ人ならば誰でも知っています。

さあ、バミューダの海岸を目指すときです。抵抗する者は2度、頬を平手打ちすればいいのです。 最初は彼らに武器を放棄させた後、二度目は彼らが 武器無しで抵抗するときに、です。

Can Thais have guns? Yes. Lots. This is a heavily armed country. The people are like the second Army.
But is it safe? Mostly very safe. Around my area, extremely safe.
Biggest danger -- saying it again -- is traffic and riding motorbikes.
There is a saying in Thailand: People fear the police. Police fear the Army. Army fears the people.
But since the Thai military is at least as popular (maybe even more) than the US military at home, the people and the Army have no will to hurt each other.
Thais and Americans understand something that many British have lost. We must protect the military's back so they can protect the flanks and front.
Thais understand this fully. Americans have lost some of this but still strong.
Brits have lost it and now a once fine British military is gutted and unable to defend UK homeland against a serious foe without outside help. We would help instantly but bottom line is Britain is essentially disarmed internally and externally, which is why I am planning to take Bermuda from the Brits. Their Navy and Marines cannot stop a few boatfuls of mountain boys landing on Bermuda.
Bermuda is ours for the taking. A rich, defenseless jewel out there in the Atlantic just waiting for us to land, the final pearl of a once great empire.
My xth-great Uncle was born there in 1610 after the wreck of the ship called Sea Venture, and so that is my excuse for the upcoming invasion.
Bermudians have been disarmed internally and so any resistance will be slapped for giving up their guns, and deported in their own yachts to UK.
After we secure Bermuda, all are welcome to the fiesta, to vacation, and to offshore banking.
The people are another branch of government. So long as the government stays between the white lines and is respectful, all is good. Cross those lines too far and the other branch of government can kick in.
This happens from time to time in Thailand. If you ever see Thailand in a 'reset' mode, you will see those nice Thai smiles are hiding a powerful tiger. A very nice tiger, until...
Thailand is making no attempt to disarm citizens. The government is not afraid of the people, but knows that the government is only the Mahout, and the people are the Elephant. Nice mahout, nice elephant.
Thais do not do 'recreational' or habitual/cultural protests like French. When French take to the streets, or Americans, it is hard to know what is serious and what is steam. When are they just blowing off steam?
But when large numbers of Thais take to the streets, and you start seeing mothers (like Kai's mom) and grandmothers out there, it is time to stop. Listen. Talk. Because things just got serious.
And Thais don't quit easily after they get riled up.
If what is happening now in France were happening in Thailand, I would expect a new government soon in Thailand. With France, who knows? Are they just blowing off steam or are they blowing up? I do not know.
As for guns in Thailand, people are not allowed to have RPGs, grenades, that sort of thing, but many do. Everyone in Thailand knows what an M-79 is.
But in Bermuda they can't own a pea shooter, and so the time has come to hit the beaches. Anyone who resists will be slapped twice. Once for giving up their guns, and once for resisting without guns.
h/t @Tipatida Pisitkasem

Saturday, December 8, 2018

フランス -- 危険な週末になる予感

France -- looks like this will be a dangerous weekend'



しかしながら注意深く観察すると、様々なグループが、それぞれの目的で集まってきていて、たまたまその目的が一致したり しなかったりしているのがわかります。


そこでわかったことは、参加者の多くはパーティー気分で 単に参加するために集まっていたのです。さしたる理由もなく集まった臨時の反戦運動家でデモは 大規模になっていました。

もちろん戦争に反対する運動家も大勢いました。その一方で、クジラを保護せよとか、グローバリゼーション反対、金融資本家 反対、ドラッグ取り締まり反対、ゲイの人権を守れなどのプラカードも、聞いたこともないようなスローガンを掲げたプラカードもありました。デモの参加者のいろんな動機がオーバーラップしていたのは確かです。

おそらく暴力に訴えたのは参加者の1%だったでしょう。いや1%の十分の一かもしれません。そんな少ない数ですが、ジャーナリストは取材するのが仕事ですから当然  暴力的な場面に目を向けます。ある男が警察の馬に暴力を振るいましたが、すぐに逮捕されました。(教訓 : 警察の馬に危害を加えないこと。警察はそれを好みません。)




燃料税に憤慨している人達が主流ですが、デモには、試験に反対している学生達も、高い税金や 移民受け入れに怒っている人もいます。中には、これは賭けてもいいですが、単に面白がって騒動に参加している者や、これに乗じて略奪を企む者達もいるのです。



France -- looks like this will be a dangerous weekend
If you see live social media feeds coming in from 'the front,' please post in the comments.
It can be difficult to sort these things out even when you are there. For instance this is widely portrayed in reports of being 'Yellow Vests' vs. Macron, the government and policy.
But typically up close, you find many separate schools of fishes all out there for their own purposes, which may overlap with the stated purpose, or not.
Example: before the Iraq war, I went to a giant anti-war protest in San Francisco. I think the estimate was something like 200,000 people. In the news, everyone was classified as anti-war or anti-Bush, but I for one was just there to watch, listen, learn.
Many people were just there for the 'party.' Temp rebels without a real cause, but a sort of giant block party.
Many others seemed profoundly anti-war. Others were holding save the whales signs, or signs against globalization, or against bankers, or drug laws, or causes I never heard about. Many were there for gay rights and issues about that that I also never heard about. Many causes surely overlap.
Only probably a fraction of 1% got violent. I would say even 1/10th of 1%. Naturally, I and others with cameras went to watch the violent people. One guy attacked a police horse and was promptly arrested. (Word to the wise -- don't attack police horses. Cops don't like that.)
Some people marched by telling the violent people to go home because they are destroying the credibility of everyone who came peacefully. I agreed.
So long as they were peaceful, I was listening closely to what they said and open to their views, but the moment the guy attacked the horse or any of that nonsense, I could not care less what he had to say or if police tossed him in the wagon. What kind of man attacks a horse to make a point? Maybe he was insane. I have no idea because the cops got him.
Violent peace protestors are always entertaining.
In France, we can already seen that many people are upset about different things. Some are upset about the fuel tax. They keep saying it. Then there were the school kids protesting about exams. Others are upset on high taxes in general. Some are talking about 'migrants.' And bets are on, some people are just there to loot or cause recreational mayhem.
It is nothing for opportunists to don a yellow vest to loot.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


韓国は慰安婦についての日韓合意を反故にしました -- 私から日本の政治家たちへの質問です...




South Korea pulls out of Comfort Women Agreement -- question for readers...
In 2015, just after this agreement, I published at least once (but I think several times) that Korea would break the agreement. I am searching for those facebook or other entries. If you happen to see one, please let me know.
This was more predictable than piranhas and koi in the same aquarium.
Japan must invest now and deeply in hardware. The taste is in the water.
The Guardian の記事
"Anger in Japan as South Korea dissolves 'comfort women' foundation"
The Guardian, Benjamin Haas in Seoul, Wed 21 Nov 2018 05.54 GMT


Description of the picture in The Guardian:
"South Korean protesters sit near a statue of a teenage girl

symbolising former ‘comfort women’, who served as sex slaves for
Japanese soldiers during the second world war Photograph: Jung
Yeon-Je/AFP/Getty Images"


I published this just after the agreement was made. Japanese and English versions attached:

Monday, November 12, 2018




Monday, October 8, 2018

ニューヨークで韓国人 : 売春婦像を 市中 引き回し

New York: Koreans commemorate prostitute grandmothers by dragging prostitute statue down city street.

ニューヨークでは 韓国人団体が、売春婦だった老女達を讃えるために、慰安婦像を引っ張って市内をパレードしました。

米国にはフロリダマン(奇抜な発想や振る舞いをする人物。Florida Manとして、しばしばニュースに登場する)もいれば、チャイナマンもいて、今度はコリアンマンです。コリアンマンはチャイナマンの意のままになる便利な道具です。

韓国人はアジアの”ストーミー・ダニエルズ(政治目的のためにトランプ大統領の失脚を狙い性的スキャンダルを振りまいている ポルノ女優/脚本家)”になりました。

New York: Koreans commemorate prostitute grandmothers by dragging prostitute statue down city street.
We've got Floridaman, Chinaman, and now Koreaman. Koreaman is a useful tool for Chinaman.
Korea has become the "Stormy Daniels" of Asia. There's more than one way to squeeze a buck from prostitution.

Friday, October 5, 2018

日本の旭日旗を利用した 更なる情報戦争

More Information War over Japanese Rising Sun flag

情報戦争を仕掛ける輩は、日本の旭日旗はナチの鉤十字章と同じ類だ と言い張ります。


米軍には この旗を機体に描いた戦闘機があります。





4chanは面白がって ぺぺとケク神カルト、OKサインカルトなどを広めているのですが、

数百万の韓国人達が「旭日旗をおろせ! ナチズムだ!」と叫んでいます。

あたかもジェダイ・マインド・トリックス(Jedi Mind Tricks はラッパー。政治や宗教、戦争を題材にすることが多い)のラップミュージックのようです。

情報戦士は叫びます:「ヘイ、あの旗は悪魔の旗! 燃やしてしまえ!」

数百万の韓国人が答えます:「あー、その通り! あの旗は悪魔の旗だ!燃やしてしまえ!」


More Information War over Japanese Rising Sun flag
Again this manufactured controversy is very new. It was made up from thin air. The information warriors compare Japan's Rising Sun flag to Nazi swastikas, that sort of thing.
But again...this is new. This does not date back to World War II as the information warriors would have us believe.
The US military has even painted fighter jets with this flag. Our folks use this Rising Sun flag as unit symbols and that sort of thing.
This Rising Sun controversy is all made up from scratch. It's like that Pepe and Kek-cult thing that 4chan does. They've got the world scammed thinking its some kind of secret whitey organization.
4chat is brilliant at trolling MSM into believing there is a real cult going on.
The "OK" white power nonsense is another 4chan flash of brilliance. They've fooled MSM into trolling around looking for white people making the OK sign as some sort of secret signal about white power. It's just a spoof!
4chan is just having fun with their Pepe, the Kek-cult, the OK sign and some other trolling, but the Rising Sun flag converse is professional information warrior trolling in action, with real consequences.
Now there are millions of Koreans saying, "Hey, yeah! Take down that flag! It's Naziism!" Just a handful of years ago they did not even care. But now they have been trolled and have no idea that a Chinese earwig laid information eggs in their brains.
It's all a Jedi mind trick.
Information warrior shouts: "Hey, that flag is evil! Burn it!"
A million Koreans answer, "Oh, yeah, you're right! Evil flag! Burn it."
And more controversy begins that lead to diplomatic issues.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018




From the article in the NewsForJp:

From the article in the "iRONNA".

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

中国スパイ 韓国で日本を糾弾

Chinese spy accused Japan of Comfort Women issue

中国政府のスパイとされた元アメリカ議員補佐官がアメリカの代表として、韓国を訪れ、慰安婦問題で日本を糾弾し、安倍政権に説教をする- - - どうみても奇異で不当な情景である。」


中国スパイ 韓国で日本を糾弾

Saturday, August 18, 2018


President Trump goes for the throat on Confucius Institutes







CIAや、オーストラリア、カナダ、ヨーロッパの情報機関は、クパチーノの世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会(Global Alliance)を初めとして、カリフォルニアの韓国系アメリカ人フォーラム(Korean American Forum)、及びその他の「慰安婦」関連組織(我々はそれらに関してのリストをもっています)に対して調査をすべきです。


--- From the news

  • 新しい基本国防計画には、CIAが米国への脅威であると認定した「孔子学院」を運営している全米の大学への予算を禁ずるテッド・クルーズ上院議員(テキサス州選出)の修正案が取り入れられた。
  • 米国学者協会によると、全米で100余りの「孔子学院」組織がある。
President Trump goes for the throat on Confucius Institutes
Our team has been warning about Confucius Institutes since 2014. We win this round.
Amazing that CIA was so slow on this but we are thankful they finally took notice.
Great jobs by Senator Cruz, President Trump, and others who are finally taking these spies to the mat after so many universities rolled over and took their money.
Importantly: Confucius Institutes is part of the larger picture of information war against the United States including the Comfort Women issue that recently embroiled Senator Dianne Feinstein.
Our team first warned in 2014 that Feinstein, Representative Mike Honda, and others, were involved in the Comfort Woman anti-America operations. (On the face, this looks like Korea vs. Japan, but when one really digs, this is CCP versus USA. Evidence is a mile wide and equally deep).
CIA and others in Australia, Canada, and Europe, would do well to tie the threads of Confucius Institutes with Global Alliance in Cupertino, the Korean American Forum of California, the various "Comfort Women" organizations...we have a long and distinguished list.
They all should be banned, and any non-US citizens involved should be deported from the USA with no chance of return.