Friday, June 17, 2016

Japan -- Massive Fail by BBC


こんなデタラメな記事を次々と出しているBBCのたった一つの言い訳は「 無能 だから」という理由だろう。




Japan -- Massive Fail by BBC: "Hundreds of thousands of women and girls across Asia were raped and forced into sexual slavery by Japanese soldiers during World War Two."
The only excuse for these serial failures is incompetence. There was no massive sex-slavery by Japanese in World War II. I researched this in 11 countries and am writing a book on it today. This is a myth perpetuated by China, the Koreas (north and south), and sloppy media.
Yes, there were comfort women, but they were prostitutes. There were 19 sex slaves held by Japanese in Indonesia, and a small handful (I think at least 15) in Burma. There were some in Philippines but the numbers were also small.
Anyone who thinks you need to kidnap sex-slaves in Asia is out of their mind. I just spent a month in Korea researching this. They have prostitutes coming out their ears. Some are in their 70s. I saw them. Human trafficking remains big business in Korea.
BBC fumbles creds each time they repeat this myth:

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