Shinzo Abe: Welcome to the United States
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
アイリス・チャン:レイプ・オブ・南京の著者 ― 中国のエージェント update
グローバルアライアンス(世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会:Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WW II in Asia)― 中国の情報戦争の部隊 ― は、チャンをサポートし、彼女の名前を日本に対する憎しみの感情をあおるために利用し続けた。自らの口に銃口を入れて発砲するまでチャンは情報戦争のエージェントだった。このことは自由の女神がそこにあることと同様に明々白々な事実だ。数時間WEBで調べただけで、チャンとグローバルアライアンスの強い結びつきを示す証拠はいくらでも見いだすことができる。
「それは非常につらい経験だった。1994年に開催された中国-日本戦争の史実を維護する連合会のカンファレンスに参加した。カンファレンスホールでは、斬首された死体やレイプされたあとで手足を切断された女性の写真がいたるところに張り出されていた。私は衝撃を受けてしまった。(国立公文書館と)エール大学のディバイニティ・スクール図書館での調査で、はじめに私が日本軍の残忍な振る舞いについての一文を読んだとき、そのページから目をそらさなければならなかった。… しかしながらすぐにそのような気持ちにはならなくなった、なんて人は簡単に残虐さになれてしまうのかということに本当にぞっとした。繊細すぎると言うかもしれない。しかし残虐さを目の当たりにして、それに対処し、なんとか精神的に持ちこたえるためにはそうするしか無かったのだ。… それらの残虐性を受け入れて何とも感じないようになるのはとても簡単だった。この経験は、我々がいかに簡単に残虐さに鈍感になれるかというこについてと、悪の本質についての洞察を与えてくれた。」
昨日、アイリス・チャンの秘密をあばくことについて書いていると、エリオット(Doug Elliot)からメールをもらった。
バターンの生き残りにインタビューをしたせいで、彼女が急に正気をうしなったと言うならば、-- ただのインタビューで自殺したと言うならば ― この中国人エージェントは私が目にするような文章を1行も書かなかったろう。
あなたの言葉が意味していることはこうだ ― 今ここで言ってやるが ― 彼女はバターンの生き残りが受けた厳しい試練の話を聞くことに耐えきれないほど弱かったと言っているのだ。
Iris Chang: Author of Rape of Nanking -- Agent for China
I have written before that Chang was an agent for the People's Republic of China. Global Alliance -- an arm in the Chinese war machine -- supported Chang and continue to use her name to evoke hatred against Japanese. Chang was an agent in the information war until she shot herself in the mouth. None of this is hidden any more than the Statue of Liberty is hidden. Even a few hours of web searching will return great evidence of Chang's tight relationship with Global Alliance.
Chang does not hide that she was recruited by Global Alliance.
Her words:
"It was very difficult. The Global Alliance for Preserving the Truth of the Sino-Japanese war had put together a conference in December of 1994, which I attended. I remember being in that conference hall looking at all these photos of decapitated bodies and women who had been horribly mutilated after rape. I was walking around in a state of shock. [During research at the National Archives and] at the Yale Divinity School Library, in the beginning, when I would read a passage about a Japanese atrocity, I had to look away from the page. ... It's really frightening how fast you get used to the atrocities, because after a while I stopped having that reaction. Part of you wants to stay sensitive, but the only way to deal with the atrocities and to protect yourself psychologically is to numb your mind to it ... It's very, very easy to just accept these atrocities and almost see them as banal. It really gave me insight into the true nature of evil and how easily we all can become desensitized."
And so yesterday I revealed more about Iris Chang, which evoked this response from Doug Elliott
"You say of the late Iris Chang and her award-winning book The Rape of Nanking: "The author of the book was Chinese-American, and mentally ill. She committed suicide by shooting herself." Of what relevance is the ancestry of this great American writer, unless you wish us to draw the racist assumption that it somehow makes her historical account suspect? As for the rest of it, the book was published in 1997. I met Iris Chang in March 1998, and found her to be not only sane, but brilliant, beautiful and charming. After her talk, a Japanese student stood up, and choking with emotion said, "I am ashamed of my ancestors." Ms. Chang responded with compassion, telling him that she didn't want anyone to be ashamed of their ancestors, but to acknowledge the truth and try to prevent it from happening again. She was entirely sane then, and seemed so when I met her again several years later. Her mental illness struck suddenly when she was interviewing survivors of the Bataan death march, and she tragically ended her life in November 2004. She was as fine a human being as I have ever met, and it saddens me that you would impugn her memory to attack her highly respected work."
My response to Mr. Elliot:
To be clear, are you saying you tested her sanity after a single meeting? I am unclear whether you are close friends who knew her for years, and are qualified to make this point.
Her racism against Japanese was not hidden, and that you throw out that she was beautiful does not hint at racism but sexism. What does beauty have to do with credibility? She was beautiful, there is no doubt about that, which made her easy for the Chinese to promote unveiled hatred against Japanese.
You wrote, "a Japanese student stood up, and choking with emotion said, "I am ashamed of my ancestors." Did you entertain the idea that 'the student' might be a plant? Chinese are masters at this.
Iris Chang was a puppet of Global Alliance, the Chinese information machine that targets Japan:
Chang was an agent and mouth for China and did not hide it:
===quote from article===
"One problem for Chang is that she didn't conduct research in Japan, making her vulnerable to criticisms of her portrayal of how modern Japan is facing up to the war. Another problem is the question of whether she is primarily an activist or a historian. At her appearances, there are often leaflet-distributing representatives of Chinese and Chinese American groups, including the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia, which sponsored the Cupertino conference where Chang saw the photos that inspired her book.
"A lot of people see me not just as an author but as a leader of an emerging movement," said Chang, who majored in journalism at the University of Illinois and worked briefly as a reporter for the Chicago Tribune and Associated Press after graduating in 1989 and before entering a master's program at Johns Hopkins University in 1990. But she says she still considers herself primarily as an "author," while acknowledging that she shares the movement's "sense of outrage that there's been a wrong that has not been righted."
===end quote from article===
===end quote from article===
If you are saying that this woman suddenly lost her mind based on interviewing survivors of Bataan -- and then actually killed herself due to mere interviews -- this Chinese agent has not written a single word that I care to read.
You imply -- or I infer from your words -- that she was so weak that she could not even hear stories from people who actually survived the ordeal.
Why would anyone put weight on the words of someone so weak that she cannot even hear bad stories without shooting herself in the mouth? By that standard, we all would be dead. We all have heard terrible stories, and many of us have lived many terrible stories, and we are still alive and able to love, not hate.
Further, it has become insane in and of itself that many Americans increasingly look at suicide as something that underlines credibility rather than reducing it.
She was a bad writer, insane, and she shot herself. She was beautiful however, and very intelligent, and racist against Japanese, and she was a factory of hatred, not history.
Hatred drives some people to insanity. Hatred brings pain to the hater and to the hated. Hatred brings only pain. Iris Chang was in pain. Read her notes before she put the gun in her mouth that said so many hateful words.
Chang's hatred lives on in the ink she put down.
May her soul rest in peace.
And may Japan regain its pride and stand shoulder to shoulder as an equal partner with the United States.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
植村隆:不誠実な日本人ジャーナリスト、アメリカツアーへ update
私たちは金氏の酷い境遇に深く共感していますが、「日本軍によって強制的に連れ去られた慰安婦」と「両親に売られた不幸な慰安婦」の意味は著しく異なります。植村氏は韓国語に堪能であるので、彼は「キーセンハウスに売られる」ことが何を意味するかについて分かっているべきでしたが、植村氏は彼女が親によって売られたことを記述しませんでした – 植村氏は彼女が女子挺身隊(女性ボランティア)の名の下に戦場へ連れて行かれたと記述しただけでした。
日本人の一市民 Ken
translated by 松井秀幸
Takashi Uemura: Dishonest Japanese Journalist Touring America
The comfort women issue was suddenly created in the late 1980’s to early 1990’s, just as the generations who knew the truth of the matter became lessened in population. Meanwhile, some Japanese anti-Japan activists travelled to South Korea and instigated litigation demanding reparations from the Japanese government. This was backed by the Asahi Newspaper which launched a public awareness campaign built on fictions, causing the comfort women issue to become a major diplomatic theme between Japan and South Korea. Eventually China became involved and began using this in an information operation.
The Asahi Newspaper’s reporter who played the central role at that time was Mr Takashi Uemura. Uemura continues his battle even after his former employer admitted its wrong doing and made a public apology.
Letter from a concerned Japanese man:
Mr. Takashi Uemura, do you really want to hurt us more ?
Mr. Uemura, the former Asashi Newspaper Äi0reporter, who is directly responsible for disseminating inaccurate information and inflaming the comfort woman issue, is planning to give speeches at renowned universities in the United States from the end of April to early May this year. Despite the clear evidence that Mr. Uemura misled general public regarding the controversial comfort woman issue he claims that he has been unfairly "slammed and threatened by right wing revisionists".
I would like to take this opportunity to make it very clear that it is totally incorrect for him to make the claim that it is only right wing extremists who are angered and unfairly harassing him. The truth of the matter is in fact that a significant portion of the Japanese general public is outraged at what he has done. We do sympathise with some of the inappropriate actions which have occurred and the safety of his family should be guaranteed but this situation could have been avoided from the beginning if he had taken responsibility for his actions as his former employer, Asahi Newspaper has done.
Mr. Uemura should have never been permitted to write articles regarding the comfort woman issue in the first place, because his mother-in-law heads the "Association for the Pacific War Victims and Bereaved Families" that organised a lawsuit, seeking an official apology and reparations from the Japanese government. He denies this clear conflict, but if that were the case, why did he write inaccurate articles in support of the court case without revealing this relationship?
What he wrote was also highly questionable.
On August 11,1991, the Asahi Newspaper Äi0published a major scoop written by Mr. Uemura. The article featured the statements of Kim Hak Sun, a former comfort women living in Seoul. The opening paragraph of the article began: "A 'Korean military comfort woman' forced to provide sexual services for Japanese military personnel after being taken to the combat zone under the name of the Women's Volunteer Corps during the Sino-Japanese War and World War II has been found living in Seoul … " From the beginning, the article gave the impression that the woman had been forcibly taken away by the Japanese military and forced to be a comfort woman. (Recently Mr. Uemura admitted that he confused the "Comfort women" with the "Women’s Volunteer Corps," but he made an excuse that previously not only himself but also many others confused the two organisations.)
Only three days later, on August 14 1991, Ms. Kim Hak-sun held a press conference in Seoul. South Korean newspaper articles clearly depicted Ms. Kim’s personal history that “she was sold by her mother to a kisaeng( Äi0female entertainment) house in Pyonyang at the age of 14. After finishing three years of training, her adoptive father told her that she could make money if she went to China and took her to Northern China where the Japanese troops were stationed."(Kisaeng Äi0is the traditional Korean prostitution system which legally operated until 2004)
Moreover, on December 6, 1991, when she sued the Japanese government, Ms. Kim firmly stated at the Tokyo District Court, “I had been in kisaeng house Äi0for three years from the age of 14 when, at 17 years old in the spring of 1939, I was told about a place where ‘if you go,
you can make money.…’ ‘Accompanied by my adoptive father, I was delivered to that place in China.'”
Although we are deeply sympathetic with Ms. Kim’s plight, the implications of "a comfort woman forcibly taken away by the Japanese military" and an "unfortunate comfort woman sold off by her parents" are strikingly different. Mr. Uemura is fluent in Korean, so he had to have known what "being sold to a kisaeng Äi0house" meant, but he made no mention that she had been sold by her parent – only that she had been taken to the battlefield under the designation as a Woman Volunteer.
Today Mr. Uemura contends that he never fabricated the story. If he had made genuine mistakes, then he should've corrected or retracted his articles when he realised these mistakes. No matter what his intensions were it cannot be denied that what he did was at the very least highly unethical, unprofessional and misleading which significantly damaged Japan’s international reputation.
His former employer, the Asashi NewspaperÄi0, officially apologized in 2014 for continuously reporting these fabricated stories without any verification and for not withdrawing them following the revelation that those stories were totally unfounded. Mr. Uemura, should he wish to repair his integrity as a professional reporter must take responsibility for these inaccurate articles he published. Contrary to this, however, he is falsely painting himself as being a victim of some backlash from right wing extremists.
We once trusted the Asashi Newspaper Äi0and his reporting of this issue. The Japanese general public have been deeply hurt and offended not only by his misleading stories but even more so by his arrogance in refusing to accept responsibility for his actions and instead playing the role of a victim despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary. We sincerely request that he refrain from causing further damage with his filing of a lawsuit claiming he is the victim of ultra-nationalism.
Japanese citizen Ken
Monday, April 27, 2015
- Myanmar today: Private meeting with Princess Devi Thant Cin, in which we discussed Japan, China, USA, Israel, Norway, sex slaves, and the environment
- Myanmar -- Japanese sex-slave issue
translated by Hideyuki MATSUI : 松井秀幸
April 19 at 4:14pm
(Chinese translation )
Myanmar today: Private meeting with Princess Devi Thant Cin, in which we discussed Japan, China, USA, Israel, Norway, sex slaves, and the environment
缅甸的今天:在和Devi Thant Cin公主的私人见面,我们讨论了日本,中国,美国,以色列,挪威,性奴,和环境
I requested a meeting with Princess Devi Thant Cin to ask for any family memories of sex slavery by Japanese during World War II. I have now asked dozens of Burmese people, and every one of them thinks the idea is crazy. They say it never happened.
The royal family no longer has any power in Myanmar -- the British moved the last king and queen out to India in the 1800s. The last King is Princess Devi's great, great grandfather.
On the sex-slave issue, Princess Devi had the same reaction most Burmese have, which is the same reaction Thai's have.
She seemed to think the idea was crazy, and who even thought up this silly idea? She was polite and did not use the word silly, but I strongly sensed that is what she was thinking. Some people actually have said the idea is silly.
If you have Burmese or Thai friends, please ask them and see for yourself.
I gave Princess Devi the low-down on Yoshida Seiji, what Asahi Shimbum has done, the many books and films, Article 9, the Korean madness, and the Chinese information war.
Princess Devi speaks english at a very high level and she understood where this was going.
In any case, she said she never heard such a thing, and so we only talked about the issue for about 10 minutes. She said her family greatly like Japanese and that in the 1950s, a Japanese man lived with her family in Yangon. She was born in 1947 so has no direct memories of the war.
Her current home is about 200 meters from Schwedagon, just close by the grave of her great grandmother, which is just next to the grave of Aung San Suu Kyi's mom.
So we invested about 10 minutes talking about the sex slave narrative, and the rest of the 2-hour conversation was mostly about environmental issues.
Princess Devi is the editor of an environmental magazine and I always am extremely interested in environmental issues.
After about an hour, Princess Devi said that I should call her auntie, but in Burmese language. She was very pleasant to speak with and did seem like I was talking with a relative. So we talked and talked about the environment, and she said that though she has no royal power, she feels responsible for Myanmar and so she champions for the environment.
She said the Chinese are destroying parts of Myanmar with their filthy copper mining and other practices which dumps mercury, cyanide, and other poisons into the rivers. And Chinese dismantled some nasty coal plants and sent them to Myanmar!
Meanwhile, Princess Devi said that Japanese are ideal investors because they keep everything clean, they obey the law, and help Myanmar. She said that Americans and Norwegians and some others also are very helpful and appreciated, and even the Israelis help. (It is amazing all the countries that little Israel helps.)
She has no love for Chinese! But she greatly appreciates the Japanese, Norwegians, USA, Israel, and some others, and she said Germans are doing good works.
So we kept talking about the environment and I said I would rather be writing about the environment than about these Chinese and Korean lies about sex slaves, but this needs to be done.
She publishes a bi-monthly magazine on environmental issues. Unfortunately it is written in Burmese language. So that is six issues per year, and they only print 1,000 copies per issue, with a staff of only three. They have very little funding, and do not even have a website or Facebook page.
I said that many well educated people read my work and with her permission, I will publish her card with her contact information, in hopes that a likeminded people will join her cause in saving the environment.
In particular she seems to have taken ideas from Japanese and even quoted one Japanese Prime Minister in regard to environmental issues. She reiterated numerous times how poorly the Chinese behave, and destroy the environment.
Again, her English is perfect, and she is very pleasant. She checks email daily.
Her card, and two copies of their magazine:
April 18 at 9:57am
(Chinese translation)
Myanmar -- Japanese sex-slave issue
I am digging hard for dirt on Japanese. Talking with many people. Others are working to vindicate Japanese. I am taking a different approach and am prosecuting and digging for dirt. I am paying people to help me find dirt on the Japanese sex slave issue. Still not finding anything noteworthy.
There were 19 slaves in Indonesia (I have been there but not on this research yet), and some in Philippines and elsewhere, but these were small instances and were abuses of the system, not a system of abuses. Nowhere near the 200,000 alleged by Chinese and Koreans.
I found some exculpatory evidence today that strongly favors Japanese, and will put it up in the next few days.
So far as I have seen so far, Japanese are coming up clean on this issue. Japanese ran the comfort women brothels, but those were just brothels and Americans did this too.
(Wait until you see what I have found in an old Burmese bookstore...)
(请你等待到你看到 我在缅甸古书店里找到的书。。。)
Meanwhile, this video is from a random street interview today. I wanted to see the Yangon Synagogue and in the process found this Muslim gentlemen and made a random street interview.
Street interviews are like soil samples and can provide serious information when you do enough, but you must do many of these over a broad spectrum to find any pattern. This one is typical in Myanmar so far.
I like how Muslims in so many countries typically look you in the eye. It is unlikely that this man has any allegiance to Japan, yet watch how he defends Japanese on the rape issue:
April 21 at 3:02am ·
(Chinese translation)
Vietnam asked Philippines to form pact to counter China, Aquino reveals
Sunday, April 26, 2015
日本とアメリカの医学実験など: update
Original: Japanese and American Medical Experiments, and More:
translated by Hideyuki Matsui
Tue Apr 21
Japanese and American Medical Experiments, and More:
As we day by day uncover more truth about the fictional sex-slave narrative from World War II, some people still carry racism in their hearts and must find something to hang around the Japanese neck.
And so they say, "But what about Bataan!?" I was in Bataan in January and in my view real war crimes did occur there, though the extent is in question.
Yet each time we say, "But what about Bataan!?" I also remember my walks on the Trail of Tears. The Japanese really did commit criminal acts at Bataan, and we did the same on the Trail of Tears. There was no excuse for either.
And we say, "What about the death railway!?" Well, it really happened. I have been to Kanchanaburi a couple of times and it is my belief that crimes really occurred, just as we kept slaves, and even into the 1950s made blacks sit at the back of buses, and Americans were still lynching blacks.
There was a time in our history that Americans made postcards from photographs at lynchings.
These postcards were made by our American ancestors, and no doubt some are still alive:
And some say, "But what about the Rape of Nanjing!?" Those accusations come mostly from China, which is in credibility deficit, especially in regard to anything relating to Japanese.
The author of the book was Chinese-American, and mentally ill. She committed suicide by shooting herself.
Details about Nanjing should be taken with a grain of salt until audited, and some historians who have audited the events have found much room for doubt about the details. For instance that more people were killed there than even had lived there.
There is no doubt that we all committed war crimes during World War II. Some more than others. Especially the Germans and their death camps and Nazi doctors, and the Russians were utterly savage.
Americans also committed medical crimes against living blacks in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments:
These experiments were carried out from 1932 to 1972. The subjects were poor black men, and this was done under the guise of helping the greater community.
Or American MKULTRA LSD experiments:
"To observe the effects of the drug on unwitting subjects, they secretly administered LSD to hundreds of mental patients, prisoners, foreign nationals and private American citizens without their consent. In one particularly audacious eight-year program called “Operation Midnight Climax,” the agency set up a string of brothels in San Francisco. Prostitutes would dose their unsuspecting clients, and CIA agents would then monitor the men’s behavior from behind two-way mirrors. These government acid tests would continue through most of the 1950s and early 1960s, but the mind-bending effects of LSD were ultimately deemed too unpredictable and unwieldy for use in the field."
The more China and Korea poke at Japan's history, the more we are reminded that China committed the greatest genocides in human history, and this all happened after World War II, and no doubt many of the perpetrators still are in power.
The more we look at Korea's history, the more we realize that Koreans might be many things, but innocent victims they are not.
Justice requires a fair mind, and facts. We continue to research on the ground the narrative about widespread sex slavery. So far this has turned out to be fiction.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
私が米国で育ったときに聞いた話では、当時、日本人はおしなべて邪悪であったということだ。それをずっと信じてきた。しかし、もう信じない。真相, すべての真相, そして真相のみが重要だ。根っからのアメリカ人である私にとって正義は非常に重要である。感情やプロパガンダなどではなく、真実に基づいた正義が重要だ。
私は教えられてきた — 韓国と中国が毎日繰り返して言うように — それらの国々で女性達が犠牲になったと。しかしながら、大々的な虐待についての証拠は無い。ミャンマーではなにも見つけることができなかった。
ビルマ人が英国から日本人の囚人をかくまったという多くの話を聞いた。 — 私は、米国では、そんなことは絶対に起こらないと言った。我々だったならば、米国人を拷問した者は全て殺したろう。もちろんビルマ人の心にはすぐに許しを与えるという文化がある。
紳士の名前はHla Moeといった。彼は大卒で21冊の本を英語からビルマ語に翻訳している。部屋にはウィリアム・ドノバン(Wild Bill Donovan)の本もあった。それは翻訳のために彼に送られた本だった。彼はミャンマーで良く知られた作家である。今でも頭がはっきりしている。
Hla Moe氏は言った。日本人は午後4時から6時まで日本語学校を開催していたと言った。彼は日本語を幾つか覚えていた(かれは1985年に日本を訪れている)。シッタンのお年寄りと同様に、彼は日本人のことを話すときにほほえみを浮かべていた。
日本兵の名前を覚えているか聞いてみた。Hla Moe氏は、彼の先生を板本(Ita Moto)と覚えていた。
彼の妻が言うには、日本兵は彼らの家を良く訪れていたようだ。彼女は言った。彼の名前は永谷さん(Naga Tani san)だったと。彼の階級はわからない。私は彼が子供に日本の遊びを教えていたかどうか聞いてみたが、そんなことはなかったようだ。しかし彼は親切だったそうだ。戦後、彼女は彼と再会していない。
1985年、Hla Moe氏は日本を訪れた。広島、大阪、東京、他の場所を。26日間滞在し、日本をとても好きになった。彼は言った、日本人はとても礼儀正しいと。私は彼に日本の食べ物は好きかどうか聞いてみた。答えはノーだった(私にとっては驚きの答えであった)。
いろいろな出来事について話した。-- 結局、彼らは日本人を好きだ、英国のほうがベターだが。彼らは米国人も好きだ。英国軍のインド人も好きだ。
私が米国で育ったときに聞いた話では、当時、日本人はおしなべて邪悪であったということだ。それをずっと信じてきた。しかし、もう信じない。真相, すべての真相, そして真相のみが重要だ。根っからのアメリカ人である私にとって正義は非常に重要である。感情やプロパガンダなどではなく、真実に基づいた正義が重要だ。
私は教えられてきた — 韓国と中国が毎日繰り返して言うように — それらの国々で女性達が犠牲になったと。しかしながら、大々的な虐待についての証拠は無い。ミャンマーではなにも見つけることができなかった。
ビルマ人が英国から日本人の囚人をかくまったという多くの話を聞いた。 — 私は、米国では、そんなことは絶対に起こらないと言った。我々だったならば、米国人を拷問した者は全て殺したろう。もちろんビルマ人の心にはすぐに許しを与えるという文化がある。
紳士の名前はHla Moeといった。彼は大卒で21冊の本を英語からビルマ語に翻訳している。部屋にはウィリアム・ドノバン(Wild Bill Donovan)の本もあった。それは翻訳のために彼に送られた本だった。彼はミャンマーで良く知られた作家である。今でも頭がはっきりしている。
Hla Moe氏は言った。日本人は午後4時から6時まで日本語学校を開催していたと言った。彼は日本語を幾つか覚えていた(かれは1985年に日本を訪れている)。シッタンのお年寄りと同様に、彼は日本人のことを話すときにほほえみを浮かべていた。
日本兵の名前を覚えているか聞いてみた。Hla Moe氏は、彼の先生を板本(Ita Moto)と覚えていた。
彼の妻が言うには、日本兵は彼らの家を良く訪れていたようだ。彼女は言った。彼の名前は永谷さん(Naga Tani san)だったと。彼の階級はわからない。私は彼が子供に日本の遊びを教えていたかどうか聞いてみたが、そんなことはなかったようだ。しかし彼は親切だったそうだ。戦後、彼女は彼と再会していない。
1985年、Hla Moe氏は日本を訪れた。広島、大阪、東京、他の場所を。26日間滞在し、日本をとても好きになった。彼は言った、日本人はとても礼儀正しいと。私は彼に日本の食べ物は好きかどうか聞いてみた。答えはノーだった(私にとっては驚きの答えであった)。
いろいろな出来事について話した。-- 結局、彼らは日本人を好きだ、英国のほうがベターだが。彼らは米国人も好きだ。英国軍のインド人も好きだ。
Japan-Burma-India-UK-USA: Interview with 83 year-old Burmese man and his 76 year-old wife
(A quick post with no edit. Very busy today. Please excuse any typos.)
There is some angst among many readers who do not like what I am discovering amid random interviews of elderly Burmese people. This is in regard to Japanese occupation during World War II.
The narrative I was raised with in the United States is that Japanese were uniformly evil to everyone they met. I accepted this for many years.
I no longer accept this narrative as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I am American to the soul and as such justice is deeply important to me. Justice based on truth, not emotions and propaganda.
The evil-Japanese narrative I was taught and that I see in the news daily -- the Koreans just hired a PR firm in the U.S. to smash Japan --is not withstanding scrutiny.
I am specifically asking for evidence of war crimes or stories of war crimes, and asking what elderly people remember of Japanese, and what they think and feel about Japanese then and now.
I am providing sufficient information about many of the interviews that journalists or researchers easily can audit my findings. Better still, just ask elderly people in your own neighborhoods. The response will be mixed but I am finding a surprising amount of positive response about Japanese in Philippines, Thailand, and Myanmar, so far.
I was taught -- and the Korea/China narrative is repeated daily -- that women were victimized in all of these countries, but there is scant evidence of any widespread abuse, and I am finding no evidence in Myanmar.
There is no doubt that Japanese were brutal to thousands of our prisoners who even died, and treated others quite well.
The field is mixed. But from dozens of interviews of people from different parts of Burma, the response is almost uniformly positive to both British and Japanese, other than they hated to be colonized by both.
There was hatred for both for the colonization, but also a fondness for both.
I have found many stories of Burmese hiding Japanese prisoners from British -- I said this never would have happened in the USA. We surely would have killed them all if they tortured Americans, but there is something about the Burmese spirit that allows quick forgiveness.
I have asked many times why they can forgive so quickly and they say this is their Buddhist way. I am making no psychoanalysis but only repeating what they tell me. I do not know.
Today I spoke with the 83 and 76 year-old couple from Saku, Burma, and with their three daughters and 20 year-old granddaughter seen here, who is a university student.
The gentlemen's name is Mr. Hla Moe. He is university educated and has translated 21 books from English to Burmese, and there in the room was a copy of the book Wild Bill Donovan, which was sent to him for translation. Mr. Hla Moe is a well known writer in Myanmar. His mind is sharp today.
His spoken English is not good, but he reads English fluently. I see this also a great deal with some Thais and Japanese who can read and write English at university level, but when I meet in person or call them, they cannot understand or speak English well, so we must communicate in writing. Today I brought a translator, per normal.
According to the couple, Japanese occupied their town from March 1942 to March 1945. The town is called Saku, and so this can be audited by others who so desire.
I asked about any war rapes or other crimes. They said they did not hear of any and that the Japanese treated them well, and they treated the children (they were young children) very well.
Their words were echoes of what I heard in Sittang and other places, saying even that Japanese Soldiers would come visit their families, and have lunch or dinner with them. This is nearly verbatim from Sittang.
Another echo from elders in Sittang that came from this couple from Saku, is that they liked the Japanese but all said the British were better. They were very fond of Japanese but British discipline was better.
At Sittang and other places, most people are saying they did not meet Americans, but today the couple from Saku said that American soldiers came in 1945, about 50 or so (they did not know), and I asked if Americans committed any crimes and how they treated people. They said Americans did not commit crimes and they were good.
They also said that British and Indians (in the British Army) were friendly and committed no crimes.
I asked if they have smallpox vaccination scars from Japanese. Man and wife showed me their vaccination scars saying Japanese took good care of them.
Mr. Hla Moe said they ran Japanese language school from 4-6PM during school days. He remembers some Japanese words (he also travelled to Japan in 1985), and as per elders in Sittang, he smiled when he spoke some Japanese.
I asked if they remember any names of Japanese Soldiers. Mr. Hla Moe said his teacher was Ita Moto.
I asked if Ita Moto kept in contact or ever came back after the war. He never saw or heard from Ita Moto again. He said Ita Moto's rank was three lines and one star. Mr. Hla Moe liked Ita Moto.
His wife said a Japanese officer often came to their home to visit. She said his name was Naga Tani san. She did not know his rank. I asked if he taught the children any Japanese games and she said no, but that he was kind. She never saw him again after the war.
In 1985 Mr. Hla Moe travelled to Japan, including Hiroshima, Osaka, Tokyo, and other places. He spent 26 days and greatly liked Japanese. He said they were very polite. I asked if he likes Japanese food and he said no. (That was a surprise for me.)
We talked about many other topics -- bottom line is that they liked Japanese, British were better, they liked Americans and they liked Indians in the British Army.
I have been trying to nail down why people are saying they liked Japanese but British were better. This seems to revolve around self sufficiency. British were able to supply themselves, while Japanese did not have that infrastructure and sometimes took things or even robbed people.
Another common theme is that the Japanese were mostly friendly other than when someone committed a crime, for which he might be tortured or shot on the spot. One old Muslim man across the street from the Synagogue in Yangon told me that crime went to zero due to Japanese enforcement. (Of course Japanese themselves were still taking supplies from people.)
I asked if they ever saw any Japanese, Chinese or Korean women. They said no.
I asked the 20 year old granddaughter what she thinks about Japanese. She said she likes Japanese but never met a Japanese. I asked what she thinks of Americans. She greatly likes Americans but never met one until today.
The family actually treated me like a family member. This seems to be normal in Burma. Everyone is treating me like an honored guest.
If you come to Burma, please find some elders and ask for yourself.
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