The Carbon Cult -- Everyone should read at least five books on cults. I've read dozens: all titles escape me, but dozens.
カーボンカルト: カルトに関して少なくても5冊は本を読むべきだ。私は数十冊読みました。タイトルは忘れましたが,数十冊です。
なぜかって? 人生における教養の1つとして,およそ700年前,私がまだ十代のころからはじめて二十代に至るまでカルトについて学んだからです。
ここまで書いてきましたが — 私は人類が作りだした気候変動という考えに異議を唱えてはいません。その考えを受け入れてはいませんが,否定もしていません。ただ広い目で見ているだけです。カルトの創造主たちは攻撃するでしょう。攻撃だ,攻撃です! あなたは馬鹿だ,洗脳されている,未来の子供達の世代のことを考えていない,仕事は首だ ― 何が何でも信じて仕事を続けるか破滅か。
覚えておいてください。 カルトと気づかないたった1つのカルトは,今あなたがその中にいて信奉しているカルトです。頭の後ろから「これはトラップです」と,とても小さな声が聞こえてきたら,すぐに立ち止まり,後ろを向いてその場を立ち去るのです。
The Carbon Cult -- Everyone should read at least five books on cults. I've read dozens: all titles escape me, but dozens.
Why? Like many lessons or lines of study in life, this started about 700 years ago when I was a teenager and in young twenties.
For instance, when I was a young Green Beret, some of the older officers and NCOs would characterise communists as a cult. I did not understand this at the time but I do now.
They often told me to study as many religions and cults as possible. You will need this like you need algebra. If you do not study algebra and cults, you will not even realise you are crippled.
I learned a great deal about cults since those early years. Today, I can spot cult behaviour as easily as spotting a bird. I have learned one rule of cults on my own.
A friend jokingly calls it "Yon's Law" because I told him this so often when we discuss cults.
Yon's Law: The only cult you cannot see is the one you are in.
We are surrounded by cults. Everywhere. One person's religion is another person's cult.
We gerrymander definitions to excise our group from "cult." WE are never in a cult. Someone else is. Art or cult: eyes of the beholder.
Chances are, nearly everyone reading this falls within some spectrum of at least one cult. Or, let's say, if someone else were doing something similar, we easily spot their cult behaviour, but you will never spot your own. Not if you are fully inside the cult.
Addendum to Yon's Law: if that little voice in the back of your head says, "Hey, I think I might be in a cult" -- You ARE in a cult.
The little voice indicates you are not totally brainwashed. Now, you may choose to do rituals with the other cult members to avoid being stoned or just in recognising the futility of resisting a cult that will kill you if you question the wisdom, but you are just a deep cover non-believer on a life raft in a sea of darkness.
There are many symptoms of cult behaviour. One symptom, and technique, is coercion through violence, exile, exclusion.
People shouting in your face. Saying you are stupid. Saying you must believe the XXXX number of "historians" or "scientists" who all have signed up -- possibly at risk of losing their jobs -- to some way of thinking.
Chinese Communists are great at this technique, such as when they punked the entire NBA. Coercion. Hyper-reaction to any transgression or questioning any "historical fact."
Anyone who does not study cults will go through life bumping into trees.
Cults are made by creators. In India, these creators often are called Gurus. Like, say, Bikram, the Hot-Yoga "Guru." Cult creators typically are also what I call "Transducers." A word taken from other fields.
The Cult Creator(s) create a cult, and then as Transducers they take that cult energy and transform it into something else, such as money, and power.
It's a very simple formula. Everyone reading this is almost certainly in at least one cult to some degree.
A person can be in multiple cults simultaneously so long as the brainware cult-codes are not mutually exclusive. For instance, there likely are ISIS members who are also Carbon Cult members.
All this said -- notice that at no point have I challenged the idea that there is significant manmade climate change. I do not accept this idea, nor deny this idea. Good scientists will call that an open mind. Cult creators may attack. Attack. Attack! They might call you stupid, brainwashed, uncaring of future generations, will fire you from your job -- whatever it takes to recruit or destroy.
They will use some mentally challenged young girl as someone who is an antennae for received wisdom. Cults do stuff like this every single day. Around the world. Such as the child-twins in Burma who became war-cult leaders. Examples are a thousand years long, and then thousands more.
She will come and go. Years will pass. Some people will look back, saying, "How could I ever have been so taken in by such a transparent trick? Who was the Man behind the Curtain?"
But what is obvious is that Creators are Transducing the Carbon-Cult-group-energy to alter global political and economic models.
Cults often coerce and persuade adherents to do things that are not in their best interests, such as give up all their money, or wear a bomb for 72 virgins and to be patted on the head by some homicidal god.
It's all the same stuff. Cult creators are brainware-writers who know how to load the brainware, and then back the hijacked host do what their bidding. German philosophers wrote brainware for communism and nazism and that those virtues constantly mutate and spread like a forever Stuxnet.
The most powerful brainwares often contain code lines that say, "INFECT NEW MACHINE. IF MACHINE DOES NOT LOAD CODE, DESTROY MACHINE." Ring a bell?
I call these "REPLICATE OR DESTROY" codes. Some cults have them, some not. Carbon-cult contains this code.
Remember -- the only cult you never will see is the one you are in, and if there is even the tiniest voice in the back of your head saying, "This is a trap," STOP. Turn around. Leave.