Thursday, January 23, 2020


The Carbon Cult -- Everyone should read at least five books on cults. I've read dozens: all titles escape me, but dozens.

カーボンカルト: カルトに関して少なくても5冊は本を読むべきだ。私は数十冊読みました。タイトルは忘れましたが,数十冊です。
なぜかって? 人生における教養の1つとして,およそ700年前,私がまだ十代のころからはじめて二十代に至るまでカルトについて学んだからです。













ここまで書いてきましたが私は人類が作りだした気候変動という考えに異議を唱えてはいません。その考えを受け入れてはいませんが,否定もしていません。ただ広い目で見ているだけです。カルトの創造主たちは攻撃するでしょう。攻撃だ,攻撃です! あなたは馬鹿だ,洗脳されている,未来の子供達の世代のことを考えていない,仕事は首だ ― 何が何でも信じて仕事を続けるか破滅か。







覚えておいてください。 カルトと気づかないたった1つのカルトは,今あなたがその中にいて信奉しているカルトです。頭の後ろから「これはトラップです」と,とても小さな声が聞こえてきたら,すぐに立ち止まり,後ろを向いてその場を立ち去るのです。

The Carbon Cult -- Everyone should read at least five books on cults. I've read dozens: all titles escape me, but dozens.
Why? Like many lessons or lines of study in life, this started about 700 years ago when I was a teenager and in young twenties.
For instance, when I was a young Green Beret, some of the older officers and NCOs would characterise communists as a cult. I did not understand this at the time but I do now.
They often told me to study as many religions and cults as possible. You will need this like you need algebra. If you do not study algebra and cults, you will not even realise you are crippled.
I learned a great deal about cults since those early years. Today, I can spot cult behaviour as easily as spotting a bird. I have learned one rule of cults on my own.
A friend jokingly calls it "Yon's Law" because I told him this so often when we discuss cults.
Yon's Law: The only cult you cannot see is the one you are in.
We are surrounded by cults. Everywhere. One person's religion is another person's cult.
We gerrymander definitions to excise our group from "cult." WE are never in a cult. Someone else is. Art or cult: eyes of the beholder.
Chances are, nearly everyone reading this falls within some spectrum of at least one cult. Or, let's say, if someone else were doing something similar, we easily spot their cult behaviour, but you will never spot your own. Not if you are fully inside the cult.
Addendum to Yon's Law: if that little voice in the back of your head says, "Hey, I think I might be in a cult" -- You ARE in a cult.
The little voice indicates you are not totally brainwashed. Now, you may choose to do rituals with the other cult members to avoid being stoned or just in recognising the futility of resisting a cult that will kill you if you question the wisdom, but you are just a deep cover non-believer on a life raft in a sea of darkness.
There are many symptoms of cult behaviour. One symptom, and technique, is coercion through violence, exile, exclusion.
People shouting in your face. Saying you are stupid. Saying you must believe the XXXX number of "historians" or "scientists" who all have signed up -- possibly at risk of losing their jobs -- to some way of thinking.
Chinese Communists are great at this technique, such as when they punked the entire NBA. Coercion. Hyper-reaction to any transgression or questioning any "historical fact."
Anyone who does not study cults will go through life bumping into trees.
Cults are made by creators. In India, these creators often are called Gurus. Like, say, Bikram, the Hot-Yoga "Guru." Cult creators typically are also what I call "Transducers." A word taken from other fields.
The Cult Creator(s) create a cult, and then as Transducers they take that cult energy and transform it into something else, such as money, and power.
It's a very simple formula. Everyone reading this is almost certainly in at least one cult to some degree.
A person can be in multiple cults simultaneously so long as the brainware cult-codes are not mutually exclusive. For instance, there likely are ISIS members who are also Carbon Cult members.
All this said -- notice that at no point have I challenged the idea that there is significant manmade climate change. I do not accept this idea, nor deny this idea. Good scientists will call that an open mind. Cult creators may attack. Attack. Attack! They might call you stupid, brainwashed, uncaring of future generations, will fire you from your job -- whatever it takes to recruit or destroy.
They will use some mentally challenged young girl as someone who is an antennae for received wisdom. Cults do stuff like this every single day. Around the world. Such as the child-twins in Burma who became war-cult leaders. Examples are a thousand years long, and then thousands more.
She will come and go. Years will pass. Some people will look back, saying, "How could I ever have been so taken in by such a transparent trick? Who was the Man behind the Curtain?"
But what is obvious is that Creators are Transducing the Carbon-Cult-group-energy to alter global political and economic models.
Cults often coerce and persuade adherents to do things that are not in their best interests, such as give up all their money, or wear a bomb for 72 virgins and to be patted on the head by some homicidal god.
It's all the same stuff. Cult creators are brainware-writers who know how to load the brainware, and then back the hijacked host do what their bidding. German philosophers wrote brainware for communism and nazism and that those virtues constantly mutate and spread like a forever Stuxnet.
The most powerful brainwares often contain code lines that say, "INFECT NEW MACHINE. IF MACHINE DOES NOT LOAD CODE, DESTROY MACHINE." Ring a bell?
I call these "REPLICATE OR DESTROY" codes. Some cults have them, some not. Carbon-cult contains this code.
Remember -- the only cult you never will see is the one you are in, and if there is even the tiniest voice in the back of your head saying, "This is a trap," STOP. Turn around. Leave.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

イラン -- まだまだ終わりではない

Iran -- this is far from over. Ideas that Iran fired those missiles at US forces as a "face saving" gesture are amazingly naive about the Iranian state terrorism.

イラン -- まだまだ終わりではない。(イランが米軍に対してミサイルを撃ち込んだのは「イランの面子を守るため」だ)という考えは,イランという国のテロリズムについて驚くほど無知です。


イランの工作員がタイでテロを起こしました。だが幸運なことに、彼らは酔っぱらっていて一番被害が大きかったのは彼ら自身でした。 私は事件の前夜にイランの工作員達が酔っぱらっているビデオを見ました。彼らは翌朝、早く起きて攻撃を仕掛けたのですが、まだ酔っていたのでしょう。結果から判断すると。

バーで酔っぱらってたむろするペルシャ人やアラブ人たちが ジハードの戦士でない保証はどこにもありません。アルコールを飲んでいるから過激派テロリストではない、と思い込むのは世間知らずです。


Tim Poolのポッドキャストを観ました。Timは良い仕事をしています。シャープな男です。話す前に熟考して、明らかに「真実ーそれがなんであれ」を追求しています。
最近,Timが話していたことは、大規模な戦争は過去の物となりつつあるということでした。そして未来の戦争は,情報戦やコンピュータを使ったサイバー戦争が主となるだろう、と。話のエッセンスを理解した限りでは 兵器を使う戦争は過去の物になりつつあると言っているようです。


Tim Poolはとても頭が切れるし,用心深く,真実を探ろうとしていますが、世の中があっと驚いた今回の事件に関しては少し論点がずれています。



Iran -- this is far from over. Ideas that Iran fired those missiles at US forces as a "face saving" gesture are amazingly naive about the Iranian state terrorism.

Iran is not just a state SPONSOR of terrorism: they actively run terror operations globally.

Actual Iranian operatives made a strike in Thailand. Luckily they were drunken idiots and did more damage to themselves than anything else. I saw some of the video of the Iranian agents getting drunk the night before, and then they woke up early for the attack. Apparently they were still drunk -- if we judge by performance.

Yeah, so don't think just because some drunk Persian or Arab is hanging out in bars that they could never be jihadist. Anybody who believes that has not be studying enough.

This is not over. That was not a "face saving" de-escalation attack. That was a straight up attack and they hit with numerous missiles. Only luck and defensive posture prevented American loss of life.

I've watched some podcasts by Tim Pool. Tim does a good job. Very smart. Clearly in search of "truth" (whatever that is), and thinks before he talks.

Recently, Tim talked along the lines that the big wars are a thing of the past. Future wars will be more along the lines of information warfare, computer, etc. Basically -- as I understood the essence of what Tim was saying -- the kinetics are becoming a thing of the past.

You know, I have written two books (published in Japan) on information war and I am working on another book on same. Information warfare is probably as old as war. Nothing new. It's morphing, of course, but nothing new.

Tim Pool is very sharp, circumspect, and digging for truth, yet a little off on this earth shattering point.

There will be more wars, and some big ones.

Iran will attack again. 10:1 odds.

Where this particular conflict will go is unknown to me. It could deescalate, or explode to the point where air travel around the region is shut down, oil is coating seagulls, and Iranian cities are burning, among others.

Nobody knows. Not the President. Not the Iranians. Nobody knows.

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Iran: Real Americans are not impressed with the "Death to America" psychosis, and trivial crowd response to the death of CIT (Chief Iranian Terrorist) Qasem Soleimani.

イラン:真のアメリカ人なら、精神病の一種である「アメリカに死を!」と叫ぶ病や、CIT(イラン人テロリストの長)のガセム・ソレイマニ(Qasem Soleimani)の死に反応している軽薄な群衆に心を動かされたりはしない。

CITのソレイマニと、 昔ながらの無茶をするジハドの戦士達がペルシャの覇権を握る道を整備して「ペルシャ」を戦争へと導いている。

過去数年間 私の仕事を継続して見ている読者は、私がどれだけの戦争を見てきたか、そして世界中の抗議運動の現場に足を運んで取材してきたことを知っている。その経験から重要な教訓を得たので、今この時に役に立つ。


(重要:抗議集会が大規模であれば,メディアは常に -- 私の経験では -- ドローンで上から撮影したような広い領域の映像を撮るものだ。)








イランよ。我々はあなたのCITを殺害しました。そちらも何か大きなことをやったらどうですか? 例えばトランプ大統領の持っているゴルフコースの1つにでも攻撃をしかけるとか。我々はあなたがそれを実行に移すくらい愚かだとわかっています。


「アメリカに死を」  去年の11月から続いている精神の病

Iran: Real Americans are not impressed with the "Death to America" psychosis, and trivial crowd response to the death of CIT (Chief Iranian Terrorist) Qasem Soleimani.
CIT Soleimani and the foreign adventures of the medieval jihadists who have stoned their way to Persian Power, is dragging "Persia" into war.
Folks who have followed my work for years have some idea how much war I have seen, and how many protests around the world I have ventured into. These years have brought a few lessons that are important at this moment.
I have been looking at photos and videos from the ceremonies around for CIT Soleimani. They are small. Maybe in the few thousands at most.
Important: when protests are huge, media ALWAYS -- in my experience -- publishes huge, wide angle shots. Drone footage, that sort of thing.
Surely the Iranian Ministry of Persian Islamic Stoning, Jihad, and other Cult Bullshit, could have reached deeper into the water well to find more persuasive footage.
Photographers, videographers, editors and publishers, generally like to fill the screen with the action. Folks who follow my live streams from Hong Kong, for instance, have seen me point this out many times. Big crowds get wide angle shots. Small groups get tight shots. Flames of any size are camera magnets. Chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA," even if only a handful of stooges are at it, always makes great copy.
The Iran issue can go many directions.
The almost-worst case: Big war. Many people die.
Worst case is that this blows over and we do cripple the Iranian nuclear program. They eventually get nuclear weapons and Israel nukes them in advance. (If Israel actually has a few atomic bombs laying around.)
It's not America who is dragging into war. Nobody in the region likes Iran.
Iran must suck up to Russia and China for support. Like, you know, North Korea.
Iran is a rogue state on par with North Korea.
Hello Iran: We killed your CIT. Do something. Something big. Like attack one of President Trump's golf courses. We know you are stupid enough to do it.
The cult leaders shout down into the water well and listen for the echo containing war advice. It's telling you to poke the Eagle again. Just do it.
"Death to America" psychosis from November:

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


SAVING FACE: During my years across Asia, many sorts of Westerners and Asians remark something like, "Western culture does not understand the idea of saving face."



スコット-アイリッシュ文化の経緯を説明すると長くなります。 スコット-アイリッシュの文化は大きな特徴がありますがその影響下で育ったアメリカ人の多くは無自覚です。それについて説明するとこれまた長くなります。(イギリス人もスコット-アイリッシュの文化について無知と言ってもよい程度です。)







様々な国で観察してきた私に言わせると,「面子」の意味は基本的に同じですが、ただし面子を失わせたり 面目を施すことは文化によって異なります。


独裁者 習近平に次々と関税を課してお尻ペンペンするトランプ大統領。そして反旗を翻す台湾と香港によって中国共産党(CCP)は微妙な位置に立たされて面子を失いかけています。




SAVING FACE: During my years across Asia, many sorts of Westerners and Asians remark something like, "Western culture does not understand the idea of saving face."

I don't know what planet they get that idea from. I come from the South, where the predominant culture will generally be some blend of Scot-Irish.
Long story on how this Scot-Irish culture developed -- this is particularly strong culture. Many Americans who are from the culture do not actually realize this. Again, long story. (By the way, very few British actually know what Scot-Irish culture is.)
Bottom line: Scot-Irish culture is HUGE on face saving. That's part of why people from this culture so regularly kill each other. Americans know exactly what face saving is. Why do you think Vietnam lasted so long, and we are still tooling around Afghanistan like we are "winning"? We are busy losing face by saving face.
Ask the Spanish about face saving. Or Mexicans. They got it down to a science.
And yet for some reason across Asia from Thailand to Cambodia to China and beyond, people will say with a straight face, "Americans don't understand saving face." As if that is some deep Eastern knowledge like cooking with a wok. I can eat with chopsticks with the best of them. comes a difference: What CAUSES us to lose face might be different between cultures. There is a great deal of overlap, such as grand shows of public emotion. (Such as my shouting at Hong Konger cops to stop beating people causes me to lose face with some, but I am okay because it does not cause me to lose face with me).
Our basic emotions are the same, such as anger, disgust, surprise, happiness, etc., but what triggers those emotions can vary culturally.
Based on my observations in many countries, "face" is basically the same. Things that increase or decrease face can vary.
Pashtun and other cultures often call this (or is related to) "honor." Dishonoring someone can cause them to lose face, such as when one of their four wives sleeps with the shepherd. So the villagers stone the both of them and then go to tea. Texans call that a crime of passion and they don't waste time with stones.
The Chinese Communist Party is in a delicate position of losing face with Hong Kong, Taiwan, and from the hard tariff-spanking President Trump put up Dictator Xi.
A trick here is to cause CCP to lose face with the support base while not causing Chinese people in general to lose face. We need to work together in harmony. Life will go on long after CCP is gone. Chinese, Americans, and others must maximize our harmony after we get rid of CCP.
We do not want CCP to lose so much face that they go nutters and burn all their ships. (Long story.)


Understanding the Chinese Culture
