Friday, November 29, 2019


Hong Kong: State of PolyU after almost two weeks of Police Siege


おそらく我々が許可証を持っていると思ったのか? 実は、知らない親切な人が我々を中まで案内してくれたのですが、今から考えてみるとそのとき警察の封鎖線を越えたらしいのです。既に許可された一握りのジャーナリストが中にいたので我々が彼らの仲間だと思われたのでしょう。(まるでジュダイの心理トリックです。)
















Hong Kong: State of PolyU after almost two weeks of Police Siege
Eric, Matt and I started at the “Thank you America” rally in Central. It was so huge that our live-streaming was not working. Possibly too many people on cell phones. My guess is the turnout was in tens of thousands.
We headed to the pier and took a boat to the Kowloon side to another peaceful rally and live-streamed from there, and finally walked about thirty minutes to PolyU.
Amazingly, the police did not stop us from walking right inside PolyU.
My guess is that Police assumed we had some kind of pass. In reality, a kind, random stranger had guided us in, and I think in retrospect we pierced their cordon, and once inside, Police just assumed we were “supposed to be” with the handful of journalists who were there. (Jedi mind trick stuff.)
There was a huge amount of Molotov cocktails. Police were removing molotovs and other items by the crate and pallete. Literally.
We searched for and found an EOD man.
I asked EOD if he found any IEDs. There were Molotovs by the — just massive amounts.
But I was very specific and asked EOD if there were any explosive bombs. He was very explicit with his answer, which is on my live stream. NO. There were no explosive bombs. This came straight from EOD onto my live-stream.
We spent hours going through buildings, walking up seven flights of stairs and checking each floor, and finally on rooftop.
We did not inspect the entire massive campus, but we saw what obviously was epicenter of fighting.
After several hours, Eric, Matthew and I finally walked out to breakfast to discuss.
There are reports that the place looks wrecked like war zone, like Baghdad. No. Untrue.
Parts of PolyU are a mess but is 99% fine from what we saw.
No structural damage. Some relatively minor, localized water damage.
Computers, books, all that, 99.999% ok. Laptops all over the place untouched. Expensive gear all over the place in fine condition.
CCTV surviellance, 99% wrecked. The cameras, anyway, in the buildings we inspected.
Basically, the issue is mostly janitorial. Looks like a wreck but in reality you could start classes there in a few days if you work hard. A week if you work slowly. The university is intact.
Liberators abandoned the “Be Water” strategy and decided to defend ground. They are very brave, and very moral. We saw refrigerators filled with good food that had not even been touched. Unsecured laptops in perfect condition.
We saw the Be Water strategy disregarded at PolyU, and on Nathan Road on 18 November in the most intense Hong Kong fighting I have seen so far. At least a thousand molotovs, and a thousand tear gas shots, and loads more in just a few hours that night on 18 November on my live streams. Many casualites and prisoners taken due to abandoning Be Water at PolyU and on Nathan on 18 November. (I was not at PolyU fighting.)
The Nathan attacks were diversions to help others escape PolyU, and may have worked to some extent, but at cost of the 18 November stampede and about 100 arrested and wounded.
Keep being water. Do not try hold ground. Be Water is a centuries old tactic and effective. Just pull back, and retake the ground the moment they leave.
Hong Kong Liberators are winning.
The Sunday election was landslide in favor of freedom and democracy.
The USA is now firmly on Hong Kong’s side and has stated so clearly. After more than 4,000 arrested, and many wounded, some killed (unknown number), and others possibly (unknown) vanished, successes are mounting for Hong Kong.
Do not relax. Enjoy the victories for one day, and at midnight resume fighting like you are losing a fight for your life.
More Americans are coming.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


Hong Kong: PLA Doing Counterinsurgency 101

先週,香港では反乱と対反乱の双方において激しい対立がありました。反乱側 -- つまり愛国者たち -- の多くは民主主義者であり米国を支持していて,中国共産主義が香港を飲み込もうとするのを防ぐためにフグのように体をパンパンに膨らませています。

対反乱側は中国共産党で,PLA -- 人民解放軍 -- と香港警察をつかって,偽旗作戦やメディアをコントロールすることで愛国者達とそのサポーターに対しての憎しみを民衆の間に引き起こそうとしています。




これは対反乱作戦 101です。




その確率は -- 私はイラクとアフガニスタンで同じような事を沢山見て来ました --人民解放軍がその軍事力を発揮したとすれば,彼らは香港警察のことを仕事をしないばかりか問題を引き起こしていると見下すでしょう。



単に虐待をする警察官であることと,自国民にではなく侵略軍の側につく虐待をする警察官というのは全く別の話です。経験上 -- 考えてみてください,侵略軍の側につくアメリカ人の警察官を。あなたならどうしますか? イラクやアフガニスタンでは,人々に裏切り者と見なされた多くの者は虐殺されました。


Hong Kong: PLA Doing Counterinsurgency 101
The past week marked a sharp uptick in both insurgency and counterinsurgency in Hong Kong. The insurgents -- Patriots -- are mainly pro-Democracy, pro-USA who are puffing up like a blowfish to prevent Communist China from swallowing Hong Kong.
The counterinsurgents are the Chinese Communists, using the PLA -- People's Liberation Army -- in tandem with Hong Kong Police, to stage false flag actions and control media to evoke hatred against the Patriots and anyone who supports them.
The PLA and Hong Kong openly flames hatred against caucasians in an attempt to frame caucasians as CIA agents. My own live video has caught Hong Police calling me CIA, as they often do with others.
Today, after a week of the most intense confrontations yet, the PLA came out today, Saturday 11Nov2019, dressed in gym clothes to make a video operation of their helping clean up Hong Kong streets.
The PLA cheerleading squad is a familiar face in Hong Kong. They forget to tell their cameraman not to wear camouflage. At least one of the cameramen literally was wearing his uniform. Must have forgotten the small detail that Hong Kong is not Tibet or Xinjiang, and he is not the only man with a camera.
This is counterinsurgency 101.
The US, British, and other militaries do it daily around the world. The action was transparent even to people with zero experience. Hong Konger chat rooms (I am on some in English) exploded today about this. For someone like me, who was both trained to do this, and who has seen it in many countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand, today's action was amazingly transparent.
This will not be an isolated event. Actions like this will be part of a larger strategy of incrementalism, and divide and conquer. Do not be surprised if PLA begins handing out cash to people whose bodies or properties were hurt due to the insurgency.
Saving the important point for last: Do not be surprised to see the Hong Kong Police come under open or obvious control of CCP/PLA, and do not be surprised if at some point a rift occurs between PLA and Hong Kong Police.
Chances are -- I have seen this many times especially in Iraq and Afghanistan -- as PLA exerts muscle, they will look down on Hong Kong Police for being inadequate for the job, and the proximate cause of the problems. I've seen this happen countless times in Iraq and Afghanistan both with British and American forces. The incoming unit always looks at the outgoing unit as too something. Too violent. Too weak. Too bold. Too timid. Too something.
And the incoming unit comes in all fresh and thinking they are geniuses and masters of the universe and often proceed to wreck the place and make it far worse.
Hong Kong Police who openly take orders from or work with PLA will be seen as traitors. Traitors should think about moving their families to another country, such as to China. Am just saying from experience...I've seen the heads of traitors rolling in the streets.
It's one thing to be an abusive cop, but it's quite another to be revealed as an abusive cop who sides with an invading army against his own people. Thought experiment -- imagine American cops siding with an invading army. What would you do? In Iraq and Afghanistan, people seen as traitors often were slaughtered by the dozens.
This is war.

Joyful Christmas in Hong Kong is postponed until further notice.