Thursday, August 29, 2019

朝鮮半島: 北も南も信用できない危険な国

Korea -- North and South -- are equally untrustworthy.


韓国も北朝鮮も どちらも同じくらい信頼が置けません。(一番下に添付したビデオを見ればだれでも納得するでしょう。)



韓国は不安定な精神と文化を持っています。韓国中心(Korean Lives Matter)で、何も無いところからドラマを創造します。 悲劇の女王。韓国はドラマの国。


しかしながら真の原因は中国です。中国文化の核である事大主義が、韓国を 屋内飼育の家畜のように手なずけています。

野牛である韓国の精神をよく理解している中国は、野牛の鼻面を引き回しています。野牛は 自分につけられた真鍮の鼻輪につけられている紐が中国の手につながっていることに気づかず、自分は自由だと思っています。



中国文化は野牛の 牛飼いです。彼らは浅はかな野牛の群を大人しくさせたり暴走させる方法を熟知していて、今、日本にけしかけていますが、つぎの目標は米国です。





South Korea creates quicksand, and then tries to swim in their creation
Korea -- North and South -- are equally untrustworthy. Those who do not see this yet will see it down the line.
Stick with Japan. Japan has a stable mind. A stable way. A stable culture.
The proximate cause of the Korea-Japan "dispute" is Korean cultural weakness that magnifies, amplifies, fertilizes any paper cut into gangrene. The USA and Japan must be prepared to amputate South Korea. The day is coming.
Korea has an unstable mind and culture. Korean Lives Matter: they create drama from thin air. Drama Queen, meet Drama Korea.
Korea (North and South) is the proximate cause of the disputes between Koreans, Americans, Japanese. The proximate cause is a volatile and primitive Korean culture.
The ultimate cause of the disputes is China. Core China culture runs Korea as a barnyard animal.
The Chinese culture understands the mind of the Korean buffalo and leads it by the nose. The buffalo thinks its following its own nose and not the brass ring held by the Chinese cultural hand.
The core Chinese culture is intellectually/emotionally/otherwise Alpha to the Beta Korean culture. Korea thinks it is doing what it likes, not realizing the powerful Jedi mind tricks coming from China.
Korea senses weakness from Japan. Korean culture is abusive to anyone/culture they see as inferior or weak. Japan is regrowing its courage and power and Korea is too buffalo to realize that they and China are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy out of Japan. The USA must stick firmly with Japan. Japan is reliable. Korea is a dangerous pawn of the Chinese hand. We are cracking China.
The Chinese culture is a buffalo herder. They know how to calm or stampede mindless herds. Now they are stampeding the buffaloes against Japan, and next will be USA.
When we crack China (specifically CCP), Korea likely will go through another phase of Korean confusion when they realize that neither Japan nor USA are interested in their calls.
If you are an American CEO considering investing big resources into South Korea...hit pause.
The Korean herd will bog down in the mud created by their own piss and hooves, while China tosses carrots ahead and cracks a whip from behind.
Korea will turn on the United States.

 Setting -> Subtitles/CC -> Auto generated (Japanse) 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

韓米日 関係について:アーチ− ミヤモト氏の忠告に耳を傾けよ

Korea-USA-Japan: Listen to Archie Miyamoto -- because I do.

韓国ー米国ー日本:私はアーチ− ミヤモト氏の書いたものは全て読んでいます。








同時に、中国共産党が 銀河系でもっとも信頼できない集団であることも知っています。
それにもかかわらず、中国共産党が日本人の悪口を言い、それに対して日本人がそれは違うと抗議しても、我々は中国共産党を信じてしまうのです! このことはなんと、1938年に出版された本にも書かれています。

我々は共産主義に 対抗して同盟を結ぶべきであった。


以下の 添付記事を読んでください。

===by  Atsushi Miyamoto アーチー===





===by Atsushi Miyamoto アーチ-===




当時、朝鮮人が反乱を起こすこと無く日本軍が韓国(朝鮮)女性を拉致して性奴隷にすることなど 到底 不可能であった。


Korea-USA-Japan: Listen to Archie Miyamoto -- because I do.
I read every word Archie publishes. Often I read what he publishes 2-3 times. Super experienced, super smart. Archie thinks before he writes.
Archie also did two combat tours in the Korean war, and two in Vietnam and retired from the US Army and then became a businessman.
Now Archie is retired -- well, he writes and I read -- in California.
I guess Archie is not really retired because he seems to spend most of his time studying and telling me not to get cracked in the head with a baton.
Archie told me several years ago that Korea is its worst enemy -- and he really likes Koreans. Heck, he fought in the Korean war, and often when I write something bad about Korea, Archie writes me a note about how good Koreans are. Archie always defends Koreans but he also recognizes cultural weaknesses and is direct like an Army officer.
Korea just has this tic going about Japan and it is very dangerous for Korea.
I actually get along great with Koreans on a personal level. Usually I like Koreans face to face.
But on national scale I believe Koreans will eventually turn on USA as they have on Japan, and on themselves. Koreans have been absolutely brutal to Koreans. Horrific. Many people do not realize this.
China plays Koreans like a banjo.
I think one reason China (as a country) does not like Japan is that it cannot play Japanese like it plays Koreans.
Chinese are good at playing a lot of Americans, and Koreans, and Thais (but only so far -- Thais got their number), but Chinese are not good at playing Japanese. Japanese got their number.
Also Hong Kongers and Taiwanese got their number. China cannot play most of the Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, or Japanese.
Why is it that Americans rarely trust anything that comes out of a ChiComs mouth until the ChiCom says something bad about Japan? We have this weird cultural tic in America.
We know Japanese are the most honest humans on earth. We know ChiComs are about the most dishonest humans in the Milky Way. But when ChiComs say something bad about Japanese, and Japanese say that is untrue, we believe the ChiComs! I found an author who wrote this in a book in 1938.
Same in 1938.
Same in 2019.
Stick with Japan. Hong Kong. Taiwan. They are natural allies. We never should have fought Japan. We should have been allies against the communists. Alas.
Stick. With. Hong. Kong.
This is important. Very important.
CLICK to read:

Monday, August 12, 2019

香港デモ : 8月5日の記事より

Hong Kong Now: a general strike has been called for today and has already begun. It should continue late into tonight. It is almost 0940 here now.  -- From the article on Aug 5.

8月5日、朝の9時40分になるところです。香港では 大規模なストライキが呼びかけられています。 既に始まっており深夜に及ぶでしょう。



催涙ガスの臭気が漂う中、デモの参加者たちは夜遅くまで活動していて、翌日のために体力を蓄えておく、とか、警察は青色の染料を入れた高圧放水銃を準備しているようだ、などと話していました。(青くなった街をどうやってきれいにするのでしょう? 調べておかなければ。)


昨夜 撮影して 投稿したはずなのに消えてしまった、興味深いビデオの内容:  ひとりの香港人が、「トランプ大統領は、(アメリカ在住でアメリカの方針を支持しない)香港人と中国人の全てをアメリカから追い出すべきだ、と言っていた」「アメリカにいる香港人と中国人の多くは熱烈な北京支持派で、逆にここ香港では、北京を支持する香港人は少数派だ」と私に言うのです。私は頷きました。奇妙なことです。アメリカ人を含む多くの外国人もそのことに気づいています。なぜ北京支持派の香港人と中国人がアメリカに来るのか? 英雄である共産主義者たちといっしょにいるために中国に帰ればいいではないか?  面白いと思いませんか?

我々の会話は近くにいた70がらみの女性の気を引いたようで、彼女は我々に沢山話をしました。 彼女曰く、彼女はアメリカの市民権を持っているアメリカ人で、ロサンゼルスと香港に家があるとのこと。彼女は12歳以降に英語を学んだようで中国人特有の訛りがありました(いつ英語を習ったのか特に質問しませんでしたが、訛りに関しては法則があります:  12歳以降覚えた外国語は母国語の訛りが消えないものです。彼女の英語は上手だが訛りが強いものでした)。

最近アメリカでたて続けに2件発生した銃の乱射事件に触れ「なぜアメリカにそんなにも沢山の銃があるのか??? 」と私に質問し、アメリカ人は銃を持つべきでは無い、取り上げるべきだと主張しました。

私は言いました。「我々が銃を所持しているのには 訳があります。そう、今、香港で起こっていることを見てください、中共が香港を支配しようとしているのです」 彼女の言っていることは部分的には正しい。しかし部分的に正しいということは全てが正しいということではありません。






彼女は、「ほら、見て、私に対して攻撃的だわ、犯罪者よ! 」と反応し、(若者達は抗議しているから犯罪者である)、と非難し続けていました。

そんなことがあって彼女が立ち去った後、彼女の精神状態についてどう思うか若者達にきいてみました(私には狂っているようには見えませんでした)。彼らが言うにはある種の人達、アメリカに移住して反米になった人にはよくある反応とのことでした。アメリカに移住して反米になったら 共産党中国に戻るべきです!


今日は重要な日になるようです。なのに私の体内スリープセンサーによると昨夜は2時間31分しか寝ていないので今朝、午前中にもう少し睡眠を取るようにします -- 今晩、7箇所で大規模に、他にも多数の小さな抗議集会が夜遅くに開催されるようなのです。

その場に居ること、眠くならないで起きていることだけではなく、周りの状況に充分 注意を払って何かあったら即対応することが重要です。そのためには私の体内バッテリーを充電しておく必要があります。充電のために数時間オフラインになりますが、その前にMTR(鉄道)のストライキの様子を確かめるためにちょっと朝の散歩をしてきます。

※ 8月5日の記事から

Hong Kong Now: a general strike has been called for today and has already begun. It should continue late into tonight. It is almost 0940 here now.
Protestors told me last night and already this morning to conserve energy this morning and save it for late afternoon. I will at least go out and take a look, but also heed their advice and conserve energy this morning. (Did not get to sleep until about sunrise today, anyway, and that was just a few hours ago.)
A couple of my posts from last night did not go onto Facebook. I have no idea why. Including a video that said it was LIVE. Did not post.
In short, the protests went on late into the night. There was teargas but most protestors were saying they were saving energy for today. They talked about the police preparing to deploy water cannons with blue dye to identify protestors. (How will they clean the blue streets? I must study.)
Protestors were discussing ways to clean off the blue dye. One told me about vinegar and baking soda but they have not tried yet: the cannons are not being used yet but likely will be very soon. Apparently the police are training with the cannons now.
Interesting video last night that did not post. A Hong Konger told me that President Trump should kick all the Hong Kongers and Chinese out of America if they are not pro-America.
He said that many Hong Kongers and Chinese in America are very pro-Beijing, and that only few of the Hong Kongers here in Hong Kong are pro-Beijing. I said yes, that is weird, others of us including Americans have noticed same. Why do pro-Beijing Hong Kongers and Chinese move to America? Go to China with your communist heroes. Interesting, yes?
Our conversation was prompted by a lady who was maybe 70 coming up and giving us both an earful. She said she is American and has a home in LA and here. She is Chinese heritage with thick accent, indicating she learned English after puberty. (I did not ask specifics -- but strong rule of thumb about accents: difficult to learn a foreign language without accent if you learn after puberty. Her accent was thick though her English as good.)
She was rambling on to me about the dangers of America and the recent two shootings, saying how bad America is, and that she is US citizen. She asked why does America have so many guns and demanded we should not have guns. I said we have guns because...well, look what is happening in Hong Kong with Chinese taking over. She is partially right. But partially right is not all right.
Hong Kong as a city is very safe compared to much of America. But not safe from China, and this place is being swallowed by communists.
Anyway, there is no beautiful answer to the gun question, and America is not so violent because of guns (Swiss and many others have many guns) -- America has a lot of violence due to other reasons, one of which is that some subcultures are fantastically violent. And we have 330 million people and a vibrant press that microscopes some types of violence (especially if by white males) and does backflips to avoid politically inconvenient but obvious realities.
In reality, the more civilized cultures in America are extremely non-violent and are just as civilized as anyone anywhere. But our violent subcultures and other texture make it appear that America is a war zone -- and some areas can be, depending on local cultures. It's the cultures, dummy, and we have many sorts of cultures.
Anyway, back to the rambling pro-China anti-American American-Chinese lady in Hong Kong last night:
She accused the young Hong Konger protestors I was talking with of being dangerous criminals. She did that right to their faces. She said similar to me. My video was not running at the time and that makes people far more free to talk. I offered her a water from my pack and she declined. The Hong Kongers just treated her respectfully. She said they were being disrespectful to her and I said I am sitting right here watching and they are very nice young people and are not dangerous to you.
One asked her politely why if she is so pro-Beijing did she become an American citizen and move back to Hong Kong. Why not move to Beijing? He was very polite. She said see, he is being so aggressive with me! Criminals! (She kept accusing them of being criminals for protesting.)
Anyway. When she left, I asked what they thought of her mental state (she seemed fine to me -- not crazy), and they said that is normal for some people. Especially for some who move to America and are anti-America! Why don't they move to China!
We kept talking, and finally I asked one if I can turn on live video, and so I did but it did not stream onto Facebook! I will try again to upload, but also today will be a big day, and according to my sleep sensor I got 2hrs 31m last night. I must try to sleep a little more this morning -- I think tonight's protest in seven big locations (and many small) will go very late. It is important to not only be there and be awake, but to be alert. That requires battery recharge. I will be offline for some hours to recharge but will do a morning walk about now to have a look at MTR (train) strike.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


"In Hong Kong, It’s Now a Revolution"
by Gordon G. Chang 

 The National Interest, August 5, 2019.
 ナショナル   インタレスト  8/5 の記事から。
 (マイケル ヨン、取材に答える)





Thursday, August 1, 2019

中国、 香港と台湾に侵攻の可能性を示唆

China Threatening Hong Kong, Taiwan with Invasion.
