Sunday, May 19, 2019


Don't let MSM get You Down!




2)愚かな移民政策及び 腰の引けた政策がもたらす国の弱体化、です。




ならば我々はバラバラになるのでしょうか? そんなことはありません。タイ国も同様です。あの南北の内戦でさえ、結果的には我々を強くしました。今もアメリカに市民戦争は迫っているのでしょうか? ありえますが、しかし、今すぐと言うわけではありません。銃を常に準備しておくことです。






マークの大隊 The Deuce Fourは米国に戻り、私は現地に残りました。私がアメリカに帰還したときにマークの家を訪れ、彼の奥さんのエイミーとも会いました。(二人はチーム アメリカとも言うべき愛国者夫婦で、今ではご子息も軍服を着ています。)


マークは私に、いったいイラクはどうなっているのかと尋ねました。彼自身、イラクで米軍がなんとかうまくやっているということを知ってはいても、毎日 メディアが否定的な報道をして米軍を叩くので、大手メディアの報道の手口を承知しており、戦場で戦っている多くの戦友が大丈夫だと言っていても実際はどうか心配だ、と。


当時、「アメリカはアフガニスタンでは負ける 」と予測したのは 私くらいなものでした。もちろん我々はイラクで勝利をおさめつつありました。 しかしそのことと、米軍が現地に居るべきであったか、または それだけの価値があったのか、ということは、別の問題です。我々はそこに居るべきでは無かったかもしれませんし、それだけの価値もなかったかもしれません。 しかし我々は最終的に勝つことができました。だがすぐに我々は呼び戻されて現地では新たな状況が生まれ、今も中近東の歴史が刻まれつつあります。(これはオバマ政権の失敗ではありません。米軍撤退後に起こった数々の衝突の原因がオバマにある、とすることには私は反対です。 それは事実と異なるからです -- オバマを信用しないかあるいは嫌いな人物が流布しているものでしょう。事実を確認することが重要です。ハリケーンの原因が船長では無いと同様、オバマもその後に発生した問題の原因ではありません。)

私はマーク・ビーガーでさえもイラクで我々の状況が悪化しているのではないかと心配していたことを忘れません。 その時の会話は何度も何度も繰り返し思い起こす必要がありました。今もそのことが思い出されます。それというのも毎日、同じようなことが起こっているからです。





だが一番にすべきことは、我々を去勢して無気力にしようと企んでいる落ちこぼれの勢力に立ち向かうことです! 我々はもっと 気力を充実して強くならねばなりません。

日本、米国、オーストラリアは勇気と 断固とした決意が必要です。タイ国は自分を滅ぼそうとするものに立ち向かう勇気と力を尊重する気風を持っています。ポーランドも同様です。しかしながらドイツは別です。ドイツは(移民政策で)自らの頭を撃ち抜きました。フランスを見てください。ドイツと同じです。彼らはポリティカル・コレクトネス(PC)に屈したのです。

ポーランドのような自主性を持った国を見習うべきです。彼らはPCに抗っています。 自分を守る刀を研ぐのです。

最後に。 我々はアフガニスタンで無駄骨を折っています。なんとかしなければなりません。米軍の軍人や情報将校のだれも、米軍がこんな状態でアフガニスタンに駐留することの意味を順序立てて説明してくれたひとはいませんでした。

いずれにせよ、夜を徹してこの問題を調査したので一眠りしてから また戻ります。


Don't let MSM get You Down!
Much of the MSM would have us believe that countries like USA and Australia are in meltdown, while Japan is sharpening its swords to rip through Asia.
It's all bullshit. Japan is very peaceful. Too peaceful if you ask me -- this is encouraging China and Korea to assume bully and aggression roles -- remember what I say about South Korea. ROK is a future headache for USA and Japan.
Australia is fundamentally stable at this time. My sense is that Australia's biggest internal threats are:
1) Loss of manhood
Leading to:
2) Idiotic immigration and other weak policy that weaken Australia
Biggest external threat is that China, at this rate, can eventually swallow and take control over Australia due to 1 and 2 above.
USA remains fundamentally stable.
USA always looks like it's about to fall apart.
Read up on US history and listen to old people who pay attention. America has been in crisis since the beginning. There were no 'good 'ole days' back when press and government were honest. America is constantly, constantly, and forever probably, in crisis.
But are we falling apart? No. Thailand is like this. Even our Civil War eventually made us stronger. Will America have another civil war? It is possible. But not at the moment. Keep your guns.
Thailand constantly looks like it's about to die but it just keeps getting stronger with every generation.
But USA is suffering from the same poison that UK, Canada, Kiwiland, and Australia -- not to mention most of Europe -- all drank, which led to:
1) Loss of manhood
Leading to:
2) Idiotic immigration and other weak policy
And the MSM is not helping.
I made the photograph below after an al Qaeda suicide bombing in Mosul, Iraq. Major Mark Bieger was trying to save little Farah. Farah passed away that morning. We went back next day or so and got into a firefight. Much fighting at that time.
The Deuce Four (Mark's battalion) returned to USA and I stayed on in the wars. At some point, I flew back to America and was at Mark's home with his wife Amy. (They are like Team America whose sons also have taken to uniform now.)
Mark is one of those Army officers I take with utter seriousness. When he says something, my mouth closes and my ears dial to high gain.
And so Mark asked me how is it going in Iraq. He said something like he knows we are doing well but the steady beat of negative media is getting everyone down, and Mark said that it even makes him wonder even though he knows how MSM is, and he has plenty of friends and comrades still in combat who say they are doing fine.
I said we are doing fine. In fact, we are kicking their asses. We are winning in Iraq. That was my gut assessment. Nobody really knew, but I could sense that we were smashing them and they could not replenish faster than we could smash, and also the general population had clearly turned in our favor. That was obvious.
Now...keep in mind that I was also almost the only person out there who was also saying we were losing in Afghanistan. We really were (and did) win in Iraq. Whether we should have been there, or whether it was worth it, were separate questions. We should not have been there, and it was not worth it, but we were kicking ass and we did win eventually, and then we pulled out and other situations unfolded and life in the Middle East goes on. (This was not Obama's fault. I strongly disagree that the crushing problems that came later in Iraq were due to Obama. That simply is untrue -- and this is coming from someone who never trusted or liked Obama. Must stick with the facts and it is a fact that Obama simply was not the cause of the later problems any more than the ship captain causes hurricanes.)
I have never forgotten that even Mark Bieger was starting to wonder if things were going badly for us in Iraq. I must have replayed that conversation in my head hundreds of times. It still crosses my mind because this happens constantly.
Same here in Thailand. Similar over in Japan. Similar down in Australia.
Thais and Japanese also start to doubt themselves due to the forever negativity from the press. Some of my Thai friends will ask me if they think Thailand is stable. I say look around. Does this place look stable to you? Does it feel stable to you? It looks and feels stable to me. It's only when we read the propaganda garbage that we all get so negative about our countries.
Stay strong. We are doing fine.
Beware of China, North Korea, Iran.
But most of all, start crushing all these losers who are trying to emasculate our men. We need more testosterone in the air, not less.
Countries like Japan, USA, and Australia need to buck up. Thailand still values manhood. As does Poland. But look at Germany. Germany already put a bullet in their own head. Look at France. Same as Germany. They surrendered to PC.
Take a clue from countries like Poland. Stay strong. Don't cave to PC. Sharpen your sword.
A final thought: we are spinning wheels in Afghanistan. Roll that up. No US military or intelligence officer has even attempted to make a case to me that we should stay in Afghanistan like this.
Anyway, I've been studying all night and time for short hibernation before getting back in the arena.
Be a winner.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


Scientific Errors in Those Nat Geo Milky Way Photos



マイケル ヨン:非常に興味深い記事です
以前、私は、イラクに関する記事で嘘を書いた「戦争特派員」の鼻柱をくじくために天文学を使いました。彼は簡単に証明できるいくつかの虚偽を混ぜていました。彼の名前はカール・プリン(Carl Prine)。プリンは私を訴えると脅してきました。私が発見した彼の嘘は未発表ですが、いずれ本に書くつもりです。確実な証拠が無かったら 私はこのようなことを書いて自分の評判を危険にさらすつもりはありません。





Scientific Errors in Those Nat Geo Milky Way Photos
"The night sky offers an unlimited source of markers (e.g. stars, constellations, Milky Way, etc.) that never lie about the time of year and location in the world you shot a night sky picture from. You don’t even need to be a professional astronomer or to double-check RAW files to prove it."
From Michael Yon: Interesting subject. I used astronomy to bust a 'war correspondent' who objectively lied in an article in Iraq. He told several lies that are objectively provable. His name is Carl Prine. Prine has threatened to sue me. I have not yet published my findings and may release them in one of my future books. There is no way on earth I would risk my reputation by writing something like this without lock-tight evidence to the point it can be called proof.
If a journalist or photographer chooses to lie in 2019, they are rolling the dice like never before.
On the scale of things, I have an incredible amount of combat experience as a writer/photographer. That makes it hard to bullshit me unless the bullshitter has a great deal of experience him/herself. As I read Prine's work, I sensed something badly amiss. And so I checked. And he failed. And astronomy was one of various shortcomings he did not consider while tapping on his keyboard. He lied about many things. Never lie about astronomy...records are precise and easily accessible.
One wonders how many terrorists we have killed after they screwed up and caught some stars in a photo/video.

Scientific Errors in Those Nat Geo Milky Way Photos