Monday, April 29, 2019


"No, You CAN’T Use Any Internet Photo as ‘Fair Use’: Appeals Court"












そんな判決はあのAOCが主張した Green New Deal を思い起こします。

"No, You CAN’T Use Any Internet Photo as ‘Fair Use’: Appeals Court"
IP (intellectual property) law is far too specialized for non-studied people to understand. Complexity is rich and deep. Implications massive. Strategic. Global trade. National security.
Yet courts often do get right even basic, simple decisions dealing with simple photography. Courts who cannot get this right cannot possibly be trusted with advanced IP cases. By comparison this is like expecting someone who has not managed to complete a single calculus course to delve into complexities of global economy, and to actually believe they have the tools to do so.
IP law is extremely serious business. Cannot get much more serious. IP issues become more serious with every passing season. Not less.
Millions of jobs hinge on IP protections. Look at China. China grew like the pirate it is by looting on the high seas of intellectual property. Countries and companies around the world caved to Chinese theft and intimidation.
Only one country in the world is strong enough to stand up and beat China on this field. And with willing partners such as Japan, China's piracy will not stand.
Example: Should products of specialized software belong to the creators of the software? In simpler terms, if you write a book using Microsoft Word, should Microsoft have intellectual property claim to your work?
To state it more clearly: the company would not merely claim ownership to the software, but to any love letters you write using their product word processor.
Of course not. Unless you agreed up front as part of the software leasing agreement. And there are market pressures that could crush Microsoft through competition if they tried. But what about more specialized packages?
These questions are not easy and anyone who believes this is simple has not reached a level of competence higher than some US courts that often get even the simplest decisions wrong.
IP is without a doubt one of the most important bodies of law. IP affects global security and economics yet very few people know much about it, and courts continue to make witchdoctor rulings on even the simple stuff with simple photography.
Just think "Green New Deal" sort of thinking but applied to intellectual property. Circus.

Sunday, April 21, 2019


Nonsense: "Bitcoin couple may face death penalty in Thailand over 'seasteading' effort"

 “「海上自治都市」建設を実行中のビットコイン カップル、タイ国で死刑となる可能性が “

 ( 海に浮かぶインターネット的自治都市


"Bitcoin couple may face death penalty in Thailand over 'seasteading' effort"
Fox News Flash top headlines for April 18



タイ国を あたかも北朝鮮のように見せる印象操作です。


ただし、タイがいくら自由な国だと雖も 禁止事項があります。




カナダで逮捕されるような犯罪をタイで犯せば同じく逮捕されるでしょう。とはいえタイは大方の西洋の国々よりも概して自由です。 タイ国は全体として 自由な国なのです。



私は 2010年と2014年に国民が政府と対立したのを目撃しました。嘘ではありません。タイ国民はニコニコしていますが、根性はしっかりしています。タイ国民は高圧的な政治に対しては激しく抵抗します。





Nonsense: "Bitcoin couple may face death penalty in Thailand over 'seasteading' effort"
This is complete nonsense. Thailand is not going to kill anyone over this. Completely ridiculous. The most Thailand will do is dismantle their operation and not let them return to Thailand.
This is bald-faced propaganda against the current government. Trying to make Thailand sound like North Korea. Come to Thailand decide for yourself.
Just don't:
1) Smuggle drugs
2) Prey on children
3) Do things that would get you arrested in a western country like Canada. If it would get you arrested in Canada, it could likely get you arrested here, but there is a bit more freedom here in Thailand than in many western countries. Thailand is very free on the whole.
4) Don't talk bad about the Monarchy: Thailand is still backwards on that, but that is the way most Thais want it and this is THAI-land, not UN-land. Thai house, Thai rules. This clearly is what most Thais want, not dictatorial edict. If most Thais did not want this, the rule would fall quickly. Thais are unafraid to stand up to the government. Trust me on that...been there seen that in 2010 and 2014. Thai people smile a lot but they got guts. Thais will fight ferociously when pushed too far. The monarchy has been very important in keeping modern Thailand reasonably stable, and moving forward. It ain't broke. Don't...
5) Don't rent motorbikes. Consider this a warning. If you do it and get hurt, it's your fault. Thailand is the most dangerous country in the world for motorbikes. Websearch and see.
As for Thailand hunting these weirdos down, this is a joke. Thailand has better things to do, like go to dinner.
Just come here and see for yourself.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


AOC is owning the Right the way Trump owns the Left (using terms left and right loosely)

AOC(アレグザンドリア・オカシオ-コルテス、Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)はトランプが左派を支配した方法で勢力を増しつつあります。

葬ってきました。このまま この支持率ならば再選されるでしょう。クリントンはトランプをみくびっていました。

トランプとAOCは間抜けで不誠実だと多くの人が言っていることを覚えておいてください。もちろん両者とも不誠実ですが、皆の注目を集めて それを上手く利用することにかけては間抜けどころではありません。



共和党から選出時のトランプの対立候補の名前を覚えている人はどれだけいるでしょうか。トランプだけがメディアから注目され皆の分の酸素も吸い取ってしまったせいで、対立候補の言葉は一部 報道されるだけでした。ほとんど全ての報道が反トランプでした。実際のところCNNはトランプ陣営にとって選挙の道具となりました。CNNが反トランプに熱中すればするほどCNNは嘘をつき、トランプを攻撃し、結局トランプが勝利を収めています。莫大な宣伝効果です。しかも無料の宣伝です。





しかし彼女は右派や中道派が 批判したくなるようなことを言い続けるでしょうから、それは難しいでしょう。


彼女は自分の目的のために右派のメディアを利用しています。「ブラックについての話題」は議論を呼び起こし 宣伝になるのを知っていたのです。



<日本語訳を再編集しました:4月14日 18:38 JST 2019>

AOC is owning the Right the way Trump owns the Left (using terms left and right loosely)
Do not underestimate her the way people underestimated Trump. Trump smashed giants who thought they were un-smashable, and at this rate he almost certainly will be reelected. Clinton underestimate Trump.
Remember that a lot of people call Trump and AOC stupid, and dishonest. Both are dishonest -- neither is stupid. Not when it comes to getting attention and making something of it.
Please allow me to explain.
President Trump said countless wild, inaccurate, crazy sounding, and inflammatory things, and he still does. He knows that many people never will vote for him no matter what. And so he uses them. He plays their emotions. Every time they call Trump stupid and they share a link or show their emotions, Trump sucks media-oxygen from the rest of the playing field.
How many people remember more than one or two Republicans that Trump beat to head to the finals? Trump sucked so much oxygen from the media that they could barely get a word in. Nearly all focus was on Trump-hate. CNN became an amazing tool for Trump. CNN practically works for Trump. The crazier CNN looks, the more CNN lies, the more they attack Trump, the more he wins. Massive free advertisement. Massive. Trump should send a Christmas gift to CNN, MSNBC, and many others. He used them to win.
Watch AOC. She says ridiculous things. She is not well educated. She's dim for someone her age who attended university. But she is very smart when it comes to sucking the oxygen from the room and making something with it.
As example...I am talking about AOC here. And Trump. The two who suck the oxygen away from practically anyone else.
AOC is a lot of things, but when it comes to climbing the political ladder, watch out. She has serious skills. She has energy. People like to watch her, and that means friends, enemies, other.
The best way to fight AOC is to stop talking about her -- but to even say this, I had to talk about her. Stop sharing links that contain her. Freeze her out.
But she keeps baiting in the rightwing and others by saying idiotic things that are difficult to resist attacking.
When you attack AOC, she wins.
And here she uses rightwing media to do her bidding. AOC knew that 'talking black' would bring controversy and ink. She beat everyone who talked bad about her because to talk bad about her, a person had to focus on AOC, not someone else.
AOC is dim on some things but she is brilliant on taking oxygen from opponents.