Monday, October 8, 2018

ニューヨークで韓国人 : 売春婦像を 市中 引き回し

New York: Koreans commemorate prostitute grandmothers by dragging prostitute statue down city street.

ニューヨークでは 韓国人団体が、売春婦だった老女達を讃えるために、慰安婦像を引っ張って市内をパレードしました。

米国にはフロリダマン(奇抜な発想や振る舞いをする人物。Florida Manとして、しばしばニュースに登場する)もいれば、チャイナマンもいて、今度はコリアンマンです。コリアンマンはチャイナマンの意のままになる便利な道具です。

韓国人はアジアの”ストーミー・ダニエルズ(政治目的のためにトランプ大統領の失脚を狙い性的スキャンダルを振りまいている ポルノ女優/脚本家)”になりました。

New York: Koreans commemorate prostitute grandmothers by dragging prostitute statue down city street.
We've got Floridaman, Chinaman, and now Koreaman. Koreaman is a useful tool for Chinaman.
Korea has become the "Stormy Daniels" of Asia. There's more than one way to squeeze a buck from prostitution.

Friday, October 5, 2018

日本の旭日旗を利用した 更なる情報戦争

More Information War over Japanese Rising Sun flag

情報戦争を仕掛ける輩は、日本の旭日旗はナチの鉤十字章と同じ類だ と言い張ります。


米軍には この旗を機体に描いた戦闘機があります。





4chanは面白がって ぺぺとケク神カルト、OKサインカルトなどを広めているのですが、

数百万の韓国人達が「旭日旗をおろせ! ナチズムだ!」と叫んでいます。

あたかもジェダイ・マインド・トリックス(Jedi Mind Tricks はラッパー。政治や宗教、戦争を題材にすることが多い)のラップミュージックのようです。

情報戦士は叫びます:「ヘイ、あの旗は悪魔の旗! 燃やしてしまえ!」

数百万の韓国人が答えます:「あー、その通り! あの旗は悪魔の旗だ!燃やしてしまえ!」


More Information War over Japanese Rising Sun flag
Again this manufactured controversy is very new. It was made up from thin air. The information warriors compare Japan's Rising Sun flag to Nazi swastikas, that sort of thing.
But again...this is new. This does not date back to World War II as the information warriors would have us believe.
The US military has even painted fighter jets with this flag. Our folks use this Rising Sun flag as unit symbols and that sort of thing.
This Rising Sun controversy is all made up from scratch. It's like that Pepe and Kek-cult thing that 4chan does. They've got the world scammed thinking its some kind of secret whitey organization.
4chat is brilliant at trolling MSM into believing there is a real cult going on.
The "OK" white power nonsense is another 4chan flash of brilliance. They've fooled MSM into trolling around looking for white people making the OK sign as some sort of secret signal about white power. It's just a spoof!
4chan is just having fun with their Pepe, the Kek-cult, the OK sign and some other trolling, but the Rising Sun flag converse is professional information warrior trolling in action, with real consequences.
Now there are millions of Koreans saying, "Hey, yeah! Take down that flag! It's Naziism!" Just a handful of years ago they did not even care. But now they have been trolled and have no idea that a Chinese earwig laid information eggs in their brains.
It's all a Jedi mind trick.
Information warrior shouts: "Hey, that flag is evil! Burn it!"
A million Koreans answer, "Oh, yeah, you're right! Evil flag! Burn it."
And more controversy begins that lead to diplomatic issues.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018




From the article in the NewsForJp:

From the article in the "iRONNA".