米国の景気が回復しているのは、荒れ狂っている例の誰かさん(女性)について あれこれ噂する時間をなくすように我々を稼ぐのに忙しい状態にする、というトランプ大統領の卑劣な計画のせいだといえます。
すると彼らの答えは短いもので、たとえばこんな具合です、「北朝鮮の戦争は?」。私は再び 頭をかきます。なんと返答すれば良いのかわかりません。
「しかしプーチンはどうなんだ?」 しかしその本質は、多くの人々が煙と埃を選り分けることがほとんど不可能なほど、大手メディアの報道の信頼性が地に堕ちていることにあります。
パレスチナのために抗議やデモをしている米国人のLTGBS(女性同性愛者、男性同性愛者、両性愛者、トランスジェンダーの総称)やその種の輩が、ガザでゲイの行進をしているところを見てみたいものです、生中継で。トランプはLTGBS活動家になにか悪いことでもしましたか? イランに行ってゲイの真骨頂を見せてください。(自分に投げられるための石もわすれずに)。
"U.S. Economy Grew at 4.1% Rate in Second Quarter"
This must be very uncomfortable for some people. We were supposed to be in a depression followed by a nuclear war by now.
The improving economy is all part of President Trump's dastardly plan to keep people busy earning money so they have no time to talk about Stormy what's her name.
I really don't like Donald Trump but at this rate will have to vote for him next election. If he tames China, levels the field with EU and others, stands ground on the illegal alien invasion, and manages other major items such as keeping the economy straight, am just going to have to get over it.
Am still meeting Americans and Euros in Thailand who tell me about all the wars Trump started. I need to get some of this on video. Still scratching my head asking them what wars are they talking about?
Answers are typically a few words like, "What about North Korea?" Again, scratching my head. I don't know how to answer.
Or, more lately, "What about the trade war with China?" Scratching head again. I LIKE our recent response to the trade war that China has been waging on USA and others. Smash China.
But what about Putin? Problem with much of this: MSM has so burned its credibility that sorting dust from smoke has become tantamount impossible for most people.
Let's face it. Trump's not a nice guy. Nice guys cannot face up to Xi, or that cute if dull guy in Canada, the EU, Merkel and company, NATO not meeting obligations, or dangerous Iranians, or Palestinian mobsters.
A friend who is British and gay was defending Palestinians lately, saying Trump is terrible for supporting Israel. I said we are the most generous country in the world to those Palestinians. I continued, "You are gay. You can go be gay in Israel. Try that in Gaza. They will throw your gay British ass off a roof and kick your dead body." He did not like that, but it did seem to set in.
He continued about shutting out "immigrants," and I said nobody, nobody, nobody on earth permits more immigration than USA. Period. USA is the most generous country on earth. Period.
Would be interesting to see some American LTGBS or whatever they are called, those who protest for "Palestine," go make a gay march in Gaza. Livestream it. Has Trump done something bad to the LTGBS gang? Go try that gay pride stuff in Iran. (Bring your own stones.)
The US economy is improving despite all the predictions of gloom.
Space research is finally taken seriously again and not as some social outreach program.
Business people are not treated as pariahs and piranhas.
EPA is being put in its place (careful with that one...we really need a strong EPA, but not the wild monster we have).
We have reaffirmed partnerships with important partners like Japan and Thailand. We should stand stronger with Taiwan, though.
The playing field is ugly and the more one studies it, the uglier it gets.
I liked Jimmy Carter. Likable guy. Not corrupt like Trump. But Carter was a terrible President who weakened America and emboldened our enemies.