Monday, April 30, 2018



"Trump threatens government shutdown in September if there's no funding for wall"

トランプを個人的に好きではないが、それは別にして彼のしていることの幾つかは正しいとおもいます。 詐欺まがいのパリ協定からの離脱も大賛成です。




EPA(Environmental Protection Agency 米国環境保護局)に関して:
インドや中国などのように環境保護が必要な多くの国々では 実際、EPAなどの強力な監視機関の知恵と力は必要です。しかしEPAは、米国ではその強い権限をあまりにも濫用し過ぎなので、手綱をしめる必要があります。それで今、トランプはEPAに対処しようとしています。( 評決となれば結果が自ずとわかるでしょう)

FBIに関して:言うまでも無くFBIは国の治安のために無くてはならないが、いつのまにか自らが政府であるかのように振舞っているので首輪をつけて手綱を締める必要があります。 浜の真砂は尽きるとも世に悪人の種は尽きまじ、ですから悪人を捕まえるためにFBIは無くてはならない存在です。 しかしそれにしても今のFBIはあまりにも政治的過ぎます。

タイに住む外国人(含む 米国人)の多くは、トランプが私達を戦争に巻き込んだ
と嘆いています。 だが私の体験した限りでは、トランプ以前からの戦争はありましたが、トランプが始めた戦争というものはありません。


私がこんなことを言うと、人々は反射的に私のことを外国人嫌いだと非難します。しかしこれまでの人生の半分以上を74カ国の外国で過ごしてきた私を外国人嫌いと呼ぶのは的外れです。私の家族は(ドイツ、フランス、タイ、米国)の4カ国の出身者がいます。 我が家では夕食時に3カ国語(タイ、英語、ドイツ語)が飛び交いますから、外国人嫌いと呼ぶのは無理があります。



"Trump threatens government shutdown in September if there's no funding for wall"
As much as I personally do not like Trump, he does some things right. Such as stiff arming the Paris scam. I really liked that.
I like the way he sticks with Israel and does not prostrate to 'Palestinians.' Nice.
This administration has greatly improved relations with Thailand. That is near to my heart.
Likewise, reaffirming our position with Japan has been vital, and standing up to China, not to mention Iran and DPRK.
On the EPA -- I have been to far too many countries like India and China who greatly need a powerful EPA. Countries like China and India made me appreciate the wisdom of a powerful EPA watchdog. But the EPA became too powerful and too abusive and must be put on a tight leash. Trump has gone after them. Jury is out on how that will unfold.
Likewise with FBI: they are vital to our national security but have become almost like their own government and need a tighter leash. There are lots of bad guys out there and FBI is vital to get after them. But again...too much politics in the FBI.
Many foreigners (including Americans) in Thailand have lamented about all the wars Trump got us into. For the life of me, I do not remember any war that he got us into that did not already exist.
He's really not a nice guy, but I do agree with many of his moves such as standing firm on immigration issues. The USA needs common sense immigration reform.
Often, when I have said this, people have reflexively said I am xenophobic, which makes no sense considering more than 50% of my life has been overseas in 74 other countries. My own family has four separate nationalities. (German, French, Thai, USA.) Pretty hard to be xenophobic when my Thai family alone often is speaking three separate languages at the same dinner table. (Thai, English, German.)
Immigration should be kept robust but with common sense reforms that we are not shouldering other countries' burdens.
Build that wall.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

日本 - 中国の歴史:読者からの質問

Japanese-Chinese history: question from a reader




注記:  現在の中共は1949年に建国しました。この点は重要です。

米国が 日本との第二次大戦の前哨戦を行っていた範囲では、現代と同様に、嘘が巧妙にばら撒かれていました。私はフロリダ出身ですが、ナチスと日本が世界を支配しようとしていたと聞かされ、教えられて育ちました。 実際はナチスと共産主義者が支配しようとしていたのですが日本は違いました。日本はナチスも共産主義者も嫌っていました。日本には天皇がいるからです。ナチスと共産主義者は天皇や王様、女王などとは相容れません(それゆえタイは米国の助けも借りて共産主義を弾圧してきました、しかしこれは別の話です)。

日本はナチスと同盟関係になったが、それは我々がサウジアラビアなどの国々と同盟関係にあるのと同じようなもので、例えばサウジアラビア(KSA、Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)は、国家の安全保障とお金以外は、アメリカと共通の関心はほとんどありません。そういう関係です。日本は自国の国土が侵略され破壊され、他国に奪われてしまうことを恐れていました。 日本とドイツの間の共通の関心事項はそのことでしたが、ナチスは世界を支配しようとしました。日本は自国の安全保証を確かなものにするために十分なだけの地域を手に入れようとしました。


日本以外で神社があったとしても少数です。私がフィリピンやタイで見たのはささやかなお社でした。 日本人は、世界に彼らのイメージを押しつけようとしたのではなかった。古い記録を調べてみると、当時、日本は数多くの巨大でどう猛な狼に取り囲まれており、そのことに非常に頭を悩ませていたことがわかります。

真珠湾攻撃はぎりぎりの決断でした。とても敵わないとわかっている相手の顔面にパンチを繰り出すーー(アメリカが日本に必要な石油や重要資源を絶っていたので) 日々 体力は弱っていく、到底無傷ではいられないだろうが、まさに今、やらなければ永遠にチャンスは無いーー大男に首を絞められつつあるーーダーティーなナチスと仲良くしなければならない -- 生き残りをかけて -- 日本は 殴りかかったが、大勢の敵に連打されて地に崩れ落ちる。数で圧倒され、謀略に負け、資源が枯渇した状態で。


興味深いことに今も尚、しばしば日本とナチスとを比較する人がいるが、比較すること自体日本やナチスのことを何も知らないか、何か理由があって嘘をついていることを露呈しています。 旧日本軍が大量殺戮に関わったというのは 単なる間違いです。もちろん多くの戦争犯罪は犯したでしょうが、大量殺戮、すなわち多くのヨーロッパ諸国が行ったような、アメリカが先住民にしたような大量殺戮はしていません。

日本が地球を征服しようとしていた、というプロパガンダを田舎の少年に吹き込むのは簡単でした。 当時、外国のことを知るには州立の学校で教えられたこと、 ラジオ、数少ない新聞や雑誌、伝聞しかなかったからです。 為政者は日本が人も資源も決定的に不足していたのを知っていました。しかしアメリカ人のほとんどは情報不足だったので、日本がすぐに米国を征服しにやってくると思って恐怖にかられました。



Japanese-Chinese history: question from a reader
A quick note from me -- I have no time to edit so please excuse poor writing. After that, at the bottom, is the reader question:
Our frequent discussions about historical issues across Asia have led to many awakenings that all is not what it seems, and that a vast information war along with many sub-wars are unfolding around us. We live in a typhoon of deception while some of us search for rays of sunlight.
On a side note, please keep in mind that the current China formed only in 1949. The idea that Japan was smashing China before it existed smells a bit off. Yes, Japan invaded Manchuria, etc., but current day China has no specific grievance; the communist government did not exist.
Insofar as US dealings with Japan pre-World War II, deception is just as deep then as today. I was raised in Florida hearing stories and being taught that Nazis and Japanese wanted to rule the world. This is true of Nazis. And Communists. Japanese were neither. Japanese did not like Nazis or Communists. Japan had an Emperor -- Nazis and Communists do not get along with Emperors or Kings or Queens. (Thus we saw Thailand crush Communists with help from USA, but that is another story, if related.)
The Japanese allied with Nazis more in the way we ally with countries like Saudi Arabia. We have very little in common with KSA other than national security and money. It ends there. Japan and Germany had very few common interests other than Japan feared eventually invasion, destruction and assimilation. Nazis wanted to rule the world. Japan wanted to rule enough to assure national security.
Japanese were not out exporting Buddhism and Shintoism. We were doing the Manifest Destiny -- there was not Japanofest Destiny, but there were definitely Commofest and Nazifest and Islamofest and Christofest destinies.
How many Shinto shrines have you seen in any country outside of Japan? Very few. And those often are tiny memorials, such as I saw in Philippines and Thailand. Japanese were not trying to remake the world in their image, and if you look back at old documents, Japan was very afraid of being surrounded by numerous BIG BAD WOLVES.
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a last ditch effort. Like punching a guy in the face that you pretty much know you cannot beat, but you realize that if you don't punch him today, your punch will weaken day by day (we had cut off their oil and other vitals), so it now or never, knowing your chances of coming out intact are not great. But you know one thing: the big guys are strangling you, and so you pal up with dirty Nazis that you do not even like -- this is a matter of survival -- and you lash out and finally get pummeled to the ground by the mass of enemies. Just outnumbered, outflanked, out-resourced.
Japan was out-everything except out-fought. Incredible fighters, but that was not enough.
Interestingly, people even today compare Japanese with Nazis, proving they know nothing about Japanese or about Nazis, or they are just lying for some reason. The idea that Japanese committed any genocides are simply false. They committed many war crimes, but ran no genocide campaigns as have many European and other powers, including Americans against natives.
The idea that Japan was going to conquer the earth might have been easy to sell to farm boys back in a time when the only connection to the outside was through state run schools, meager radio and other media outlets, and word of mouth. Japan did not have the manpower or resources to conquer much. They knew it. A lot of Americans did not, so it was easy to frighten Americans that Japanese might soon begin conquering the USA.
Again, my apologies for the very quick Sunday morning story that is unedited.
Please help with this question from a reader:
"I’ve read or seen movies in the past that note how horrible Japan was to China and alternately how horrible China was to Japan. I think this has been over several hundred years but I wonder if you have any book recommendations that are fairly unbiased on the relations between the two countries for the centuries. Thanks for any direction."

Thursday, April 5, 2018


"On Jeju, Korea’s island of ghosts, the dead finally find a voice: 70 years ago, an estimated 30,000 people were massacred in an anti-communist blitz on today's vacation island of Jeju. Now, fingers point at America"

「韓国の幽霊島である 済州島ー ようやく死者が声をあげる:






1945年8月に米国と日本/朝鮮との戦争は終わりました。 米国は日本と韓国を占領しました。戦争によって日本はその国土を大規模に破壊されたが韓国は事実上なにも被害を受けませんでした。しかしながら今日、韓国人に話を聞くと、さも韓国が第二次大戦でどの国よりも大きな被害を受けたかのように言います。実際には、何も被害を受けていません。朝鮮には侵攻や爆撃作戦は行われず、鳥やコウロギが鳴いているだけでした。





1978年、日本人の共産主義者であるSeiji Yoshida(吉田清治)が、「日本軍が済州島で朝鮮人女性を性奴隷にするために約200人拉致した」との慰安婦のペテン(後に嘘だったと本人が認めた)を始めるまで、慰安婦問題は存在しませんでした。性奴隷のペテン話を作ったのは南北朝鮮でも中国でもなく、ひとりの日本人共産主義者だったのです。




4.3の物語あるいは慰安婦の物語の目的は、韓国に 日米を憎ませて溝を作り、我々の同盟関係を断ち切ることです。




"On Jeju, Korea’s island of ghosts, the dead finally find a voice: 70 years ago, an estimated 30,000 people were massacred in an anti-communist blitz on today's vacation island of Jeju. Now, fingers point at America"
Excellent article by Andrew Salmon. There is no evidence that the USA was involved in this. This is part of a larger information war puzzle.
I flew to Jeju to research the comfort women scam and spent a day at the 4.3 museum. The museum reminded me of the Nanjing museum that I visited while researching the same topic. Both museums were filled with children for a day of brainwashing.
There was a massacre on Jeju but if you go to Jeju, please go see the museum and you will quickly see this is not about a historical retelling of Koreans massacring Koreans, but a shrine to build hatred between Koreans and against the USA.
They use the museum to build hatred against the USA despite we had no involvement.
Historical framework: Korea was legally and voluntarily annexed by Japan in 1910. Koreans were Japanese citizens. Koreans were Japanese between 1910 and 1945. Hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese military. Korea was our enemy while they fought Americans.
The war between the USA and Japan/Korea ended in August 1945. The USA then occupied Japan and Korea. Japan had been largely destroyed by the war. Practically nothing happened in Korea but to hear Koreans today they often say they had it worse than anyone in World War II. Really, practically nothing happened. No invasion or bombing campaign. Just birds and crickets.
While Japan was destroyed, Japanese got to work rebuilding their country. There were credible reports that many Australian and American troops raped Many Japanese women but there was no uprising.
I have a book on my desk called "Time of the Fallen Blossoms," billed as an eyewitness account by an Australian intelligence officer named Allan Clifton. The book was published in 1951 and recounts his experiences in Japan in 1946 as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force. In this book, Mr. Clifton recounts many crimes against Japanese. After publication, Clifton became unpopular in Australia.
Meanwhile, across the Sea of Japan over in Korea, our occupation force set to work building a new Korean government. By the way, at this time in history, Koreans were not talking about any "brutal occupation" by Japan because it never happened.
The comfort women scam would not launch until 1978, when a Japanese communist named Seiji Yoshida lied (he later admitted) about kidnapping roughly 200 women on Jeju to become sex slaves. The entire sex slave scam did not start in Korea or China, but by a Japanese communist.
Anyway, Koreans started massacring each other. Today they claim about 30,000 were massacred on Jeju, but these are the same people who at first claimed Japanese kidnapped about 200 (thanks to the Japanese book), which they later inflated to 2,000, and later to 20,000, until they reached a whopping 400,000.
People were having a hard time believing 400,000, so they dialed back to 200,000 and have kept that number for years. Most journalist who write about it actually believe it, or at least just parrot the narrative. Cannot make up this stuff. Well, Koreans did, as did others.
And so, now they have comfort women museums and statues -- I have visited numerous, while other information warriors on Jeju have built the incredible 4.3 museum. (The name 4.3 comes from the April 3rd uprising in 1948.)
A clear aim of the 4.3 and comfort women narratives is to cause division within Korea and hatred against Japan and USA, while splitting our alliances.
Attached is a snap from a page in a book I got at the Jeju massacre museum, and separately the cover of "Time of the Fallen Blossoms" that describes occupation forces raping Japanese women.
Notice we are called "American cannibals."