Sunday, July 30, 2017

アメリカ での情報戦争: ジョージア州 ブルックヘブン市

最新の記事が Japan Forwardに4回連載で、第一弾目が掲載されました。
同志の皆様のご支援を お願い致します。

(翻訳班 注:マイケルは 慰安婦問題を扱うたびに欧米の読者を失っている状態ですが、それでも日米同盟堅持のため、乗りかけた船だという心意気で銀行に借金をしてまで前回までの調査旅行を行いました。次なる調査も成功しますように 日本人 ボランティア翻訳班からも読者の皆様に、心よりよろしくお願い申し上げます。)

Information War Hits Brookhaven, Georgia
Please see my latest piece. This is the first of four parts.
I cannot do this alone and greatly need your support. Research is time consuming and often expensive. Thank you:

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Japan Forwardの記事

米国について:Japan Forwardに私の記事が4回連続シリーズで掲載されます。これはその第1弾です。

USA: my piece was just published in Japan Forward. This is the first of four parts.



近年 25-30年の間、韓国人は、自分らは日本の占領と残虐行為に痛めつけられた罪無き犠牲者だ、という狼煙を上げ続けています。しかしそれは嘘です。特にここ10年は信じられないほどの悪辣さで嘘をつき続けています。

真相はこうです:日本は朝鮮を 侵略して占領したのではありません。

日本は1854年まで鎖国をしていましたが、アメリカが砲艦外交で開国を迫りました。 開国せねば吹き飛ばすぞ、と日本を恫喝したアメリカは、大きな悪い狼でした。

テディ・ルーズベルトは日本贔屓で日本に朝鮮半島を統治してもらいたいと考えていました。(調査の過程で私は 偶然それを知りました。)

時は帝国主義 真っ最中の頃です。日本にとっての選択はつらいものでした:競争するか、亡国か、二つに一つでした。


-- 1853年、1854年と我々アメリカが日本に大砲を向けて開国を迫ったことを思いおこしてください。実際にはアメリカは日本を攻撃しませんでしたが、していてもおかしくない状況でした。

開国後、日本はどうすべきか必死になって考えました。そして、他のアジア諸国がたどった、または 辿りつつある道を行かないと決め、まるで狂ったように西洋文明を吸収して、自国で飛行機、潜水艦、航空母艦まで作りあげました。

今日でも実際に使用できる航空母艦を建造できる国は 一握りです。

1890年代初め、文明的にかなり遅れていた朝鮮に日本は接近していきました。(韓国人は当時の朝鮮はすでに文明国だったように装っていますが -- 日本が朝鮮を近代化して庶民の識字率を上げたのです。)



最終的に1910年、日本は朝鮮の同意の上で朝鮮を併合しました。我々がハワイを併合した やり方よりもずっと文明的でした。しかしハワイもハワイ人が他の者から奪った土地であり、ハワイ人が嘆くにはあたりません。








オーストラリア人、イギリス人、オランダ人、その他は 日本人と朝鮮人を区別できたので、朝鮮人を嫌っていました。


これは、こうです。現在 メキシコ市民は米国陸軍に入隊が可能であり(もちろん当時朝鮮人は正真正銘の日本人でしたが)、もしも彼が戦争犯罪を犯したならば、我々は「メキシコ人がやった」などとは言えません。彼は米軍兵士です。この場合、米軍兵士が犯罪を犯したのです。
同様に、これは日本兵の制服を着た朝鮮人にも当てはまります。彼らは捕虜に対して特に残忍でした。第二次大戦の後、朝鮮人は 母国で同胞の朝鮮人を残酷に殺し、ベトナム戦争ではベトナム人市民をも 残忍に殺しました。もしも再び北朝鮮と韓国が戦争となれば、彼らは血を血で洗う殺し合いをするでしょう。


日本帝国陸軍の朝鮮人看守を並ばせて 戦争犯罪人の特定をしている。
朝鮮人監守は泰緬鉄道工事の労役に従事していた連合軍兵士の捕虜に対して最も残忍であった。日本の降伏後、日本兵の戦争犯罪人を特定するための首実検が、かつての戦争捕虜たちによってなされているところ。(ドナー B. セオボールド)」

World War II Korean War Crimes against Americans and other Allies

For about the last 25-30 years, Koreans have been building up steam that they were innocent victims of Japanese occupation and atrocity. They are lying. Especially for the past ten years, they have been lying with incredible ferocity.

Reality: Korea was not invaded and occupied by Japan. Japan did not even open up until 1854 under American gunboat diplomacy. We showed up as the big bad wolf and said open up or be blown up.

Japan opened up, and amazingly by 1904 was recognized as a world power when they stomped the Russians.

Teddy Roosevelt loved Japanese and wanted Japan to take Korea. I found this by accident during research.

This was the heyday of imperialism. Choices for Japan were grim: compete, or die.

Russia, USA, the entire gang of imperialists were expanding and Japan lacked resources. It was play or die. Russia was hungry for Japan.

Japan became its own empire -- keeping in mind Japan only opened up after we aimed cannons on Japan in 1853, and then again in 1854. We did not actually attack but would have.

So, Japan had an internal struggle about what to do. They decided not to go the way that the rest of Asia had gone or was going, so they studied like mad. Made their own airplanes, submarines, even aircraft carriers. Few countries today can make an aircraft carrier that works.

In the early 1890s, Japan was creeping more and more into Korea which was living in caveman days. Koreans lie today and pretend to have been greatly advanced -- Japanese lifted them up and made them read books.

Russia wanted to take Korea and be on Japan's backdoor.

Japan said not so fast skipper, and you can see from history they were up in present day China and so forth. They had to.

Finally, in 1910 Japan annexed Korea, with Korean agreement. Much more civilized than the way we annexed and stole Hawaii. Hawaiians should not cry -- they stole it from someone before.

Hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese Army, including as officers. Koreans were police and elected officials. They lie today when they talk about how badly they were treated.

During World War II, many atrocities committed by "Japs" against allied prisoners were committed by Koreans.

Koreans were used as prison guards because they were not trusted in many other jobs and had a reputation as not great fighters.

Koreans were especially cruel as prison guards.

Americans normally could not tell the difference between Japanese and Koreans and just called them all Japs.

Aussies, Brits, Dutch and others could tell the difference. They hated Koreans.

Granted, the Koreans were real Japanese Soldiers in uniform, so any war crimes they committed is the responsibility of Japan. Full stop. Just as today a Mexican citizen can join the US Army (but Koreans were Japanese at the time), and if he commits a war crime, we cannot say, "The Mexican did it." He's a US Soldier. The American Soldier did it.

Likewise, with Koreans in Japanese uniform. They were especially vicious with prisoners, and after World War II were incredibly savage to each other at home, and during the Vietnam war, were savage to Vietnamese.

Rest assured that if NORK and SORK go to war, they will savage each other again.

Don't take my word. Check out this from the Australian War Memorial:
"Saraburi, Thailand. September 1945. Korean guards, members of the Japanese Imperial Army, lined up for an identification parade. The Koreans were amongst the most brutal of the guards encountered by Allied prisoners of war (POWs) working on the Burma-Thailand railway. After the Japanese surrender, identification parades were held of possible war criminals where former POWs would identify,for the Allied authorities, Japanese soldiers who had committed atrocities. (Donor B. Theobald)"

Tuesday, July 18, 2017



近年 25-30年の間、韓国人は、自分らは日本の占領と残虐行為に痛めつけられた罪無き犠牲者だ、という狼煙を上げ続けています。しかしそれは嘘です。特にここ10年は信じられないほどの悪辣さで嘘をつき続けています。

真相はこうです:日本は朝鮮を 侵略して占領したのではありません。

日本は1854年まで鎖国をしていましたが、アメリカが砲艦外交で開国を迫りました。 開国せねば吹き飛ばすぞ、と日本を恫喝したアメリカは、大きな悪い狼でした。


テディ・ルーズベルトは日本贔屓で日本に朝鮮半島を統治してもらいたいと考えていました。(調査の過程で私は 偶然それを知りました。)

時は帝国主義 真っ最中の頃です。日本にとっての選択はつらいものでした:競争するか、亡国か、二つに一つでした。



-- 1853年、1854年と我々アメリカが日本に大砲を向けて開国を迫ったことを思いおこしてください。実際にはアメリカは日本を攻撃しませんでしたが、していてもおかしくない状況でした。

開国後、日本はどうすべきか必死になって考えました。そして、他のアジア諸国がたどった、または 辿りつつある道を行かないと決め、まるで狂ったように西洋文明を吸収して、自国で飛行機、潜水艦、航空母艦まで作りあげました。
今日でも実際に使用できる航空母艦を建造できる国は 一握りです。

1890年代初め、文明的にかなり遅れていた朝鮮に日本は接近していきました。(韓国人は当時の朝鮮はすでに文明国だったように装っていますが -- 日本が朝鮮を近代化して庶民の識字率を上げたのです。)


最終的に1910年、日本は朝鮮の同意の上で朝鮮を併合しました。我々がハワイを併合した やり方よりもずっと文明的でした。しかしハワイもハワイ人が他の者から奪った土地であり、ハワイ人が嘆くにはあたりません。






オーストラリア人、イギリス人、オランダ人、その他は 日本人と朝鮮人を区別できたので、朝鮮人を嫌っていました。

これは、こうです。現在 メキシコ市民は米国陸軍に入隊が可能であり(もちろん当時朝鮮人は正真正銘の日本人でしたが)、もしも彼が戦争犯罪を犯したならば、我々は「メキシコ人がやった」などとは言えません。彼は米軍兵士です。この場合、米軍兵士が犯罪を犯したのです。

同様に、これは日本兵の制服を着た朝鮮人にも当てはまります。彼らは捕虜に対して特に残忍でした。第二次大戦の後、朝鮮人は 母国で同胞の朝鮮人を残酷に殺し、ベトナム戦争ではベトナム人市民をも 残忍に殺しました。もしも再び北朝鮮と韓国が戦争となれば、彼らは血を血で洗う殺し合いをするでしょう。


日本帝国陸軍の朝鮮人看守を並ばせて 戦争犯罪人の特定をしている。

朝鮮人は泰緬鉄道工事の労役に従事していた連合軍兵士の捕虜に対して最も残忍であった。日本の降伏後、日本兵の戦争犯罪人を特定するための首実検が、かつての戦争捕虜たちによってなされているところ。(ドナー B. セオボールド)」

World War II Korean War Crimes against Americans and other Allies
For about the last 25-30 years, Koreans have been building up steam that they were innocent victims of Japanese occupation and atrocity. They are lying. Especially for the past ten years, they have been lying with incredible ferocity.

Reality: Korea was not invaded and occupied by Japan. Japan did not even open up until 1854 under American gunboat diplomacy. We showed up as the big bad wolf and said open up or be blown up.
Japan opened up, and amazingly by 1904 was recognized as a world power when they stomped the Russians.
Teddy Roosevelt loved Japanese and wanted Japan to take Korea. I found this by accident during research.

This was the heyday of imperialism. Choices for Japan were grim: compete, or die.
Russia, USA, the entire gang of imperialists were expanding and Japan lacked resources. It was play or die. Russia was hungry for Japan.
Japan became its own empire -- keeping in mind Japan only opened up after we aimed cannons on Japan in 1853, and then again in 1854. We did not actually attack but would have.

So, Japan had an internal struggle about what to do. They decided not to go the way that the rest of Asia had gone or was going, so they studied like mad. Made their own airplanes, submarines, even aircraft carriers. Few countries today can make an aircraft carrier that works.
In the early 1890s, Japan was creeping more and more into Korea which was living in caveman days. Koreans lie today and pretend to have been greatly advanced -- Japanese lifted them up and made them read books.
Russia wanted to take Korea and be on Japan's backdoor.

Japan said not so fast skipper, and you can see from history they were up in present day China and so forth. They had to.
Finally, in 1910 Japan annexed Korea, with Korean agreement. Much more civilized than the way we annexed and stole Hawaii. Hawaiians should not cry -- they stole it from someone before.
Hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese Army, including as officers. Koreans were police and elected officials. They lie today when they talk about how badly they were treated.
During World War II, many atrocities committed by "Japs" against allied prisoners were committed by Koreans.

Koreans were used as prison guards because they were not trusted in many other jobs and had a reputation as not great fighters.
Koreans were especially cruel as prison guards.
Americans normally could not tell the difference between Japanese and Koreans and just called them all Japs.

Aussies, Brits, Dutch and others could tell the difference. They hated Koreans.
Granted, the Koreans were real Japanese Soldiers in uniform, so any war crimes they committed is the responsibility of Japan. Full stop. Just as today a Mexican citizen can join the US Army (but Koreans were Japanese at the time), and if he commits a war crime, we cannot say, "The Mexican did it." He's a US Soldier. The American Soldier did it.

Likewise, with Koreans in Japanese uniform. They were especially vicious with prisoners, and after World War II were incredibly savage to each other at home, and during the Vietnam war, were savage to Vietnamese.
Rest assured that if NORK and SORK go to war, they will savage each other again.

Don't take my word. Check out this from the Australian War Memorial:

"Saraburi, Thailand. September 1945. Korean guards, members of the Japanese Imperial Army, lined up for an identification parade. The Koreans were amongst the most brutal of the guards encountered by Allied prisoners of war (POWs) working on the Burma-Thailand railway. After the Japanese surrender, identification parades were held of possible war criminals where former POWs would identify,for the Allied authorities, Japanese soldiers who had committed atrocities. (Donor B. Theobald)"

Friday, July 14, 2017

韓国に新興宗教 発現

韓国: 慰安婦像を神と崇める新興宗教

慰安婦像 崇拝信者は 、世界中で、現在も米国のジョージア州で、新しい神像を設置するのに忙しく働いています。

太陽の照りつける日や 雨の日には、像に傘を差しかけ



慰安婦像崇拝者は 反米・反日の確信犯です。

Korea: a New Religion is born -- the STATUE WORSHIPPERS

The Statue Worshippers are busy deploying their new Gods around the world, including now in Georgia, USA. They are a sight to behold. I have seen them dancing around the statues, signing to them, holding their hands, holding umbrellas under hot sun or rain, dressing them up when cold, bringing food and drink to the statues. They hold concerts.

Even the Catholic Church in Korea bows to their new God. They keep a statue in front of the Franciscan Friary in Seoul. I went there myself. A spectacle of idolatry.

A Statue Worshipper tried to assassinate the Japanese and US Ambassadors to Korea. Violence is encouraged. Mainstream media laps it up.

The Statue Worshippers are very anti US/Japan.

Thursday, July 13, 2017


韓国政府、「売春婦の日」を 国の正式な 記念日として制定

South Korea to celebrate National Prostitution Day


Tuesday, July 11, 2017


BBC、またもや慰安婦 偽造詐欺の手に落ちる −  CNNはいつものことだが。

BBC again falls for Comfort Women Scam -- CNN does the same on a regular basis.
Incredible example of fake news.


Saturday, July 8, 2017


慰安婦のビデオ  公開:   正否を判断することなく 飛びつく報道機関




米国国立公文書館で見つかったとされる 慰安婦に関する映像フィルムについて新聞に大きく取りあげられた。しかしそれは当時のスチール写真から起こしたもので「新しい」発見ではない。

以前、タイ国立 公文書館での「発見」のような「性奴隷があったことの証拠」として新聞の見出しを賑わしているが、実は性奴隷とはなんの関連もないもの。

国民党陸軍と一緒に行動した米軍記録チームによって撮影された写真と同様のものだ。それについても性奴隷だという報告は何も無く、当時米国はその写真を日本の売春婦のものとして分類した。 女性が強要されていたとの報告は無い。



Comfort Women' video released -- and press gobble it up uncritically. If you watch the video you will see that there is nothing that can make one deduce these are sex slaves.

One of our research teammates is a former US Army officer. He emailed this morning:
Quick update. There was a big press push today on the film from the National Archives on the Comfort Women. its the one the stills come from and is not a "new" discovery. Like the "discovery" of the Thai archive information and other documents, they usually push a headline that it proves sex slavery when it does nothing of the sort. Just be aware the film is taken from observor teams with the KMT army. No sex slavery was reported and the US catologued it as Japanese prostitutes captured. Nothing about women forced etc.
it is an attempt as usual to spin the narrative. But coming on the heels of a contentious debate in Georgia over the statue, I suspect they formulated the timing on it. Plus there is a G20 meeting and the US announced Japan and South Korea need to take the lead on North Korea as China failed to live up to its side of the bargain from Mar a Lago meeting.