THE KOREA TIMES の記事 By Andrew Salmon
"A bloody business: Koreans in Vietnam"
By Andrew Salmon
==== David Rose の意見 ===
しかしながら4世代前の犯罪について韓国の国民全体を非難し続けることは、犠牲者の遺体が安らかに埋葬されているのに憎しみと疑念をかきたてるだけのこと。 戦争犯罪は歴史家だけが整理して記述すればよいのです。
=== Michael Yon の回答===
記事から見識をとって棄てたなどということはありません-- 元記事へのリンクはそこにありますから。
私はまず、あなたの「歴史家だけが...」の考えに反対です。私は毎日歴史的事実を扱っています。今日も、です。 多くの歴史家は煙か鏡か(曖昧でよくしらべていない、か、人の説を引用するだけ)であり、その他の歴史家は誰かに雇われている奴隷のようなものです。もちろん真剣に歴史に向き合う歴史家もいることはいますが。
韓国政府と韓国国民が 日米間に不和を生じさせる嘘を吐き続けるのをやめない限り、 韓国は自分達の犯した戦争犯罪の事実を記した長いリストをもとに追及されることを覚悟すべきです。韓国と朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の双方は「歴史に対する犯罪(嘘の歴史)」の件で有罪です。国家だけでなく、嘘の歴史を教え込まれた国民の大多数も有罪です。
"A bloody business: Koreans in Vietnam"
Korea is famous for war crimes. Not a popular topic in Korea. And there is a dirty little secret that Koreans do not want you to know: hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese Army as Japanese citizens, and during World War II, many allied troops were abused by Koreans.
Koreans can always be counted on to side with power. When Japan lost World War II, many Koreans turned on Japan, but before that many Koreans were "loyal" Japanese citizens.
=== Comment from David Rose
Michael, you just took a well written article that came with perspective and threw out that perspective and proceeded to paint an entire country with a monochromatic brush. I have come to expect better than that. During my year in the ROK I found Koreans to be just people with individual motivations, perspectives, and failings.
Yes some Koreans were volunteers in WW2, and some were conscripts just like the international SS units in WW2. The US wasnt pure as the driven snow either, just ask the residents of the japanese american internment camps. However, continuing to accuse an entire people of crimes from 4 generations ago accomplishes very little beyond stirring up hate and suspicion in a time when the bodies should remain buried, the crimes should only be rehashed by historians, and relationships build since 1953 should be strengthened in the face of a demagogue with nuclear weapons and the means to use them against our regional allies.
==== Reply of Michael Yon
I did not throw out the perspective -- the link is right there.
David, you wrote, "However, continuing to accuse an entire people of crimes from 4 generations ago accomplishes very little beyond stirring up hate and suspicion in a time when the bodies should remain buried, the crimes should only be rehashed by historians, and relationships build since 1953 should be strengthened in the face of a demagogue with nuclear weapons and the means to use them against our regional allies."
First of all, I disagree with the "only by historians" idea. I deal with historical issues every day, including today. Many historians are smoke and mirrors at best. Others are hired slaves. And of course there are serious historians.
Until the Korean government and general population lays off the very divisive lies against Japan -- which are damaging to our relations -- Korea can expect increasing attacks based on the truth of its long list of crimes. Heck, ROK and DPRK are both guilty of, "Crimes against History." Pretty much everyone is, but they more than most.
"A bloody business: Koreans in Vietnam"
By Andrew Salmon