Monday, May 29, 2017


日本:左翼系のメディアによる 更なる歴史の歪曲



その政治的目標のために歴史が利用されています。つい二年ほど前まで多くのひとがだまされていました。だが 今では大勢の読者がこのビデオのリンクを私に送ってくれるほど覚醒した人が増えています。いいことです。


--- ビデオの解説---





東京でBorders storyを担当していたとき、この教科書を作成出版したグループを取材したことがあります。彼らは違う歴史を日本の学校教育に広めようとする高齢の男性グループでした。当時、彼らの目的は成功しつつありました。

(桜井誠氏の画面) これはMakoto Sakuraiさんです。彼の表向きの肩書きは日本第一党(Japan First Party)党首です。(桜井氏の発言)


「アメリカ・ファースト! アメリカ・ファースト!」




(極右の宣伝カーを映し) 日本の右翼は、飾り付けた宣伝カーで第二次大戦前の日本の偉大さの復活を説いていることで有名です。


Mr. Sakurai :「欧米のあなたたちにはわかりにくいと思いますが日本の民主主義は...」






ニュースのナレーション:  原子爆弾は町の上空で爆発しキノコ雲を巻き上げ・・・」














しかし日本の場合は違います。Shinzo Abeのような人物は体制側の人物です。

右翼の国粋主義の高まりは 一見、日本と米国、西洋諸国とで似通っているように見えるが 根本から異なっています。 日本版のドナルド・トランプの出現は まだまだ先のことでしょう。


Japan: More history scamming going on by left-leaning media -- the ultimate target here is NOT Japan. The ultimate target is the United States. Medium range goals include splitting relations between South Korea, Japan, and USA. The ultimate goals of China include regional and Pacific dominance, and beyond.
The good news is that numerous people continue to send me this video. They are seeing right through this. Two years ago, practically nobody could see through this history scam. But now many people see it and are noticing new items.
Watch Vox spread the scam by being duped, or by willful participation.

Saturday, May 27, 2017






アメリカ無しでは カナダは単なる ヘラジカの生息地です。

フランス系カナダ人はタリバンを恐れていました。米軍は 彼らの面目を保ってやらなければなりませんでした。

アングロ系カナダ人は概して優秀で、プロフェッショナルな戦士です。しかし彼らだけでカナダという国を守ることはできません。アメリカ無しでは カナダはヘラジカのステーキとメイプルシロップが特色である、というに過ぎません。





NATOの加盟国は 余分なことは言わずに応分の負担金をきちんと支払うべきであり、けして米加二カ国を「北アメリカ」などと ひとくくりにしないことです。

Great Speech by President Trump -- Trump does not say many great things, but his speech writer hit it here:
Interesting how the opening statements before President Trump speaks refer to us as North America.
We are not North America.
We are America.
Canada is a separate country and never misses an opportunity to point this out.
How many times have we heard Canadians tell us how superior they are with their healthcare system, when their rich people go to America for health care?
Canada cannot defend Canada.
Without America, Canada is nothing but moose territory. Canadian forces could not even hold Arghandab in Afghanistan. We had to come in and relieve them.
Their French Canadians were afraid of the Taliban. Americans had to save their honor.
Anglo-Canadians are great Soldiers, mostly, and very professional, but they do not have the power to defend Canada. Without America, Moose Steaks and Maple Syrup is on the menu.
We are America. Canada is Canada. Just ask a Canadian.
We are partners but separate.
Canadians need to wakeup that we get the message loud and clear.
Our partnership is important, but we are not one country called North America.
This is about the United States and NATO. Not 'North America' and NATO.
NATO partners need to shut up and pay up. And do not call us 'North America.'

Thursday, May 18, 2017



昨日の夜、いつものようにある慰安婦のサポーターが私のFacebookにつきまとってきました。彼の名前はリアン・マコーミック(Ryan McCormick)。韓国の英語の教師をやっていて韓国語を話すと言いました。彼はこういって言葉のカードを切ってきました、「あなたは韓国語を話さないのですか? ならばどうやってこの件の本質について知ることができるのですか?」








とりあえず一度に一つのことを話題にしましょうと私は言いました。性奴隷についてと。これが実際に起こったとあなたは確かに言いました。どのような証拠があるのですか? 私の仕事のためにその情報が必要なのです。もしもそれの情報を持っているのならば是非ご教授ください。情報源を秘匿をしているような時ではありません。




「私は沢山の言語を話せます、だから私は賢いのです」 そんなことはナンセンスです。私は彼にアインシュタインが何カ国語を話せたと思いますかと聞きました。彼は正確に、しかしばつの悪そうに、「ドイツ語と英語」と言いました。私はそうですと言いました。あなたのように自慢もしていませんでしたがと。











ポーランド語、イタリア語、フランス語・・・を話すことが出来ないならば、あなたはEUやヨーロッパへの移民、第二次大戦について意見を持ってはいけないことになります。スペイン語を話さないならば「壁」について何の意見も持つべきでは無いことになります。あなたはアラビア語をはなせますか? 話せないのならば中東についてとやかく言うべきではありません。ヘブライ語やアラビア語は?できないのだったら、イスラエルヒズボラ、ハマスについて語るべきではありません。


The Language of Arrogance
A quick note without edit. Time is limited today. I apologize for any grammatical errors. One pass writing:
Last evening a comfort women supporter began trolling my Facebook, as they often do. His name is Ryan McCormick. He claims to be an English teacher in Korea, and to speak Korean. He threw the language card saying, in essence, You don’t speak Korean? How can you know anything about this subject?
Firstly, I do not take at face value those who brag about the languages they speak.
I have learned this due to my speaking German. Over the years I must have heard hundreds – easily hundreds – of people saying they speak German when they do not.
When I lived in Germany, I saw foreigners (often Americans) who claimed to speak German fluently. Twenty seconds later, they admit they do not speak German, just a few words. They fall from, “I am fluent,” to “I can count to ten and say hello and goodbye and yes and no.”
This happened again just this week in Chiang Mai, Thailand. A Chinese artist showed me some of her work, some of which had German writing on it.
I asked if she speaks German. She answered yes. I asked how well. She said fluently. Twenty seconds later she admitted that she only knows a few words. If seems more people puff up their language skills than not.
Earlier this year, I was with a group of writers. One claimed to be a professor in China. They asked about my work and I mentioned about the comfort women and information war issue.
The professor piped up, as per normal, and defended the ridiculous narrative that 200,000 had been kidnapped as sex slaves, and then of course tossed in Nanjing and Bataan as icing. This is normal. When they know they do not know what they are talking about, they pop chaff.
I said stick to one topic at a time. Sex slaves. You made a clear statement that this happened. What evidence do you have? I need it for my own work. If you have it, I need it. Now is not the time to be shy with sources.
He then hit with the normal, “Do you speak Chinese?” My answer was no. To which came the normal rejoinder, “How can you properly research this? I speak seven languages. How many do you speak?”
If I use the normal low standard of ten words means fluency, maybe a few dozen, but if settle on a truthful response, the answer is English and German. I also understand a great deal of Bavarian, some Spanish, some Dutch, some Thai, some others, such as ‘Jive’ and American southern dialects that most foreigners and many Americans cannot understand. By the standards that most people seem to use for fluency, I speak maybe ten languages. By any honest estimate, two languages.
Based on experience, I would bet ten bucks that he was not fluent far beyond English and maybe one or two others. Take wild language claims with a grain of salt until proven.
He tried to use the, “I speak more languages, and therefore I am smarter,” nonsense. I asked how many languages Einstein spoke. He correctly and sheepishly said, “German, and English.” I said that is right. Not seven like you claim to speak.
Einstein’s English was so heavily accented that no doubt many native English speakers would have to listen closely to make out what Einstein was saying.
Einstein's English:
And yet one can regularly find people who truly speak multiple languages fluently due to circumstance, yet when speaking with them they often have not studied much beyond school and small talk. Their base knowledge often has not expanded much, but they know how to say the same thing in four languages. Others are the opposite. They truly study and speak many languages and the languages greatly help their studies, but even then we are always in our own language thimbles.
Pounding the final nail into the language-makes-me-brilliant coffin, and what he knows about the sex-salve issue, I asked the professor if he speaks Bahasa, Karen, Bengali, Tagalog, Tetun, or Japanese. All answers were no.
By his own standard that anyone who does not speak Chinese should not talk about the issue, he, too, should not discuss the issue because the allegations from Korea, China, etc., are that these events took place in over a dozen countries with completely different languages.
There are Americans who grew up in America speaking English who would have a hard time with anything outside of their hometown. They are not experts on America just because they grew up in America.
This pattern appears a great deal in India. India is an immensely complex country with more maybe 2,000 languages and dialects, countless evolving cultures and religions, yet you can find Indians (like Americans) who think they are experts about their countries despite rarely if ever leaving their home states. “You don’t speak Hindi? How can you have an opinion on India without speaking Hindi?” Probably half of Indians do not speak Hindi. Do they also know nothing? (English is often more useful in India.)
It happens in Thailand. Some Thais think they speak for all Thais, despite the enormous complexity of Thailand.
While on this topic, using the language trump card, the professor’s argument could be extended: people who do not speak German should have a subordinate opinion on Nazis to those who speak German.
And if you do not speak Polish, Italian, French, etc., you should keep opinions about the EU or European immigration and World War II to yourself. If you do not speak Spanish, you should have no opinion about the Wall. Don’t speak Arabic? Stop talking about the Middle East. No Hebrew and Arabic? Don’t talk about Israel and Hezbollah and Hamas.
Tossing the language card has limited value and can splash back.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

慰安婦詐欺 入門 : 米軍記録文書史料集

Wartime Military Records Comfort Women
by Archie Miyamoto


著者紹介 : 

米国陸軍に29年間 従軍し、退役時は中佐。

朝鮮戦争・ベトナム戦争にそれぞれ2度 参戦。中華民国国民党軍の軍事顧問として2度台湾に赴任。日本語 堪能。海外地域専門資格(日本)を持っているが実際日本を訪れたのは2度だけだった。(最初は第187空挺部隊の将校として。その20年後には米軍と日本の自衛隊との共同作戦コーディネーター。)


陸軍では中隊長コース、および 指揮官・幹部大学、さらには陸軍航空学校その他多くの課程の教官として奉職。

オマハのネブラスカ大学の学生時代、朝鮮戦争に志願し学業を中断したが陸軍から派遣されてまた大学に戻り 学士の学位取得。その後 軍命によりアラバマのトロイ大学にて修士学位取得。 


韓国や中華民国など外国からも含め 軍人として多数の 勲章を授与されている。(Military awards include: three Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star Medal, over a dozen Air Medals, two Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, four Army Commendation Medals, plus a myriad of others, to include eight campaign stars from two wars and the Hwa Rang Medal from the Republic of Korea while serving in Vietnam with the Korean Tiger Division during the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive of 1972. His qualification badges include: the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Master Army Aviator Wings, Paratrooper Wings, and Aviator Wings from the Republic of China. )

陸軍を退役後、イスラエル軍の飛行場建設事業で 下請け企業のプロジェクトマネージャーを2年半務める。


Important Book on the Comfort Women Scam -- every journalist or researcher covering this topic must read this.

About the author:
Archie Miyamoto was born in 1929 in Southern California. He spent twenty nine years on active duty in the U.S. Army, retiring as a Regular Army lieutenant colonel. He served two tours in the Korean War, two tours in the Vietnam War, two tours as a military advisor to the Chinese Nationalist military in Taiwan, two tours in Japan, and one short tour in Germany on special assignment during the second Berlin Crisis.
Although having native fluency in the Japanese language and a specialty qualification as a foreign area officer (Japan), he served only the two tours in Japan, the first as a paratrooper lieutenant in the 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, then twenty years later as the U.S. Joint Defense Planning Coordinator between U.S. Forces and Japan’s Self Defense Forces.
While in the military, in addition to the Infantry Advance Course, Command and General Staff College, Army Aviation School, and a number of service courses, he was sent by the Army to the University of Nebraska in Omaha to complete his Bachelor’s Degree which had been interrupted by the Korean War, and later to Troy State University in Alabama for a Master’s Degree During the Cold War, he was among the selective few trained as a Prefix-5, tactical nuclear weapons employment specialist
Military awards include: three Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star Medal, over a dozen Air Medals, two Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, four Army Commendation Medals, plus a myriad of others, to include eight campaign stars from two wars and the Hwa Rang Medal from the Republic of Korea while serving in Vietnam with the Korean Tiger Division during the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive of 1972. His qualification badges include: the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Master Army Aviator Wings, Paratrooper Wings, and Aviator Wings from the Republic of China.
After retirement from the military, he spent two and a half years in the Negev Desert of Israel as project manager of a subcontract on an Israeli military airfield construction project. After returning, he joined a Japanese corporation in Los Angeles. A few years ago he retired as its president/chairman, remaining as a consultant until last year. He currently resides in Los Angeles.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

ペテン師エリック・メイヤー(Eric Meyer)

慰安婦のペテン師エリック・メイヤー(Eric Meyer)が本性を曝す:無知のくせに脅迫するぺテン師


そのイベントには タイの陸軍、空軍、海軍、警察、国境警備隊、他にもアメリカ陸軍、マレーシア、イギリス、イスラエル、オーストラリアからも参加しています。今年は日本と韓国、その他も加わるでしょう。国際的な催しです。 

そのアル・ジョンソンを慰安婦捏造話の支援者 エリック・メイヤーはナチになぞらえました。アルは正統派ユダヤ人です。もちろん陸軍退役軍人などの顔も持っています。

次に :私はトニー・マラーノ(Tony Mareno)氏と「仲良し」ではありません。一度ほど東京で会ってそれから何通か電子メールをやりとりしたことはあります。しかし この1-2年、トニーとはなんの連絡もとっていません。


次に:エリックは「かかってこいや、ビッチ」と書きました。-- 頭の弱い人に典型的な罵り言葉です。また彼は、トニーと私が極右の日本人と写っている写真と警察の調書とやらがあるんだぜと、私を脅してきました。

警察の調書とはどんなものでしょう? 見るのがとっても楽しみです。早く投稿してほしいものです。



Comfort Woman scammer Eric Meyer reveals himself: the entire scam depends on ignorance and intimidation.

Starting with ignorance: Eric Meyer compares Al Johnson to Nazis. Al is a friend of mine. Did two Iraq combat tours as EOD. Today Al runs the biggest EOD event in the world in Thailand.

Who comes to the EOD event? Thai Army, Air Force, Navy, Police, Border forces. US Army. Malaysians. Brits. Israelis. Aussies. I believe Japanese and Koreans this year, and others. Hundreds. Al Johnson founded and runs this. Highly respected.

So Eric Meyer the Comfort Woman scammer compares Al to Nazis. Al is Jewish. With a capital Jew. He might be a lot of things such as Army veteran, but he is no Nazi.

Next comment: I am not 'pals' with Tony Mareno. We met at least once in Tokyo and exchanged a few emails. I have not heard from Tony in a year or two.

Next comment is defamatory and false: I did not put a bag over any comfort women memorial. Tony Mareno did this and I thought it was silly. Tony's heart is in the right place but he sometimes goes a bridge too far.

Next: the Eric guy writes, "Bring it bitch" -- low wattage alert. And he threatens about something with police reports and photos of Tony and me with "alt right Japanese." What police report. Please post it. We cannot wait to see.

Throws in the gratuitous "granddaddy fought the japs across the pacific." Sorry, Mr. Meyer, but you already have ruined your credibility, and what your probably fake-granddaddy did is irrelevant.

This is the sort of low-wattage left radical who supports the Comfort Woman scam.