Sunday, February 26, 2017

憎しみの種を植える中国: それに加担する記者に 責任は無いのか?!   ( フリーランス報道家 マイケル・ヨン)



The Hate Farm: China Is Planting a Bitter Harvest

金正男 暗殺

金正男 暗殺事件によって、移民・人的移動の暗黒面が明らかになりました。



日本/米国/フランスの軍に 色々な理由で売春婦が必要だったことを思い出してください。

1) 性病 の危険性を減らす
2) スパイ活動を防ぎ いらざる騒ぎを起こさないため
 (イラクの場合も含めて 軍は常に売春婦を雇用している。)
3) 地域の住民とのトラブルを避けるため
4) 士気を保つため


東南アジアでは女性が一つの国で売春をしてビザが切れるとまた 次の国のビザを





追記:  日本軍が20万人も誘拐して性奴隷にした、などという話を信じるのは、与えられたニセ情報をなんでも受け売りするくらい能天気で滑稽なことです。

"In Kim Jong-nam Killing, a Common Migration Tale Takes a Dark Turn"
This sounds like a fascinating tale of nerve agent, international assassination, and a complex prostitution industry. 
The accused assassin apparently was on the hooker trail. Something our team discovered during the "sex slave" research. Others have discovered and described it years before, but this was our first venture behind the curtain.
Remember there are various reasons why Armies such as Japanese/US/French have kept on staff prostitutes. 
1) Reduce STDs
2) Reduce espionage and mayhem (we always recruit prostitutes, including in Iraq.)
3) Reduce problems with local population
4) Morale
This story is shaping up to the normal "rent a whore" for dirty deeds done dirt cheep. (Time will reveal.)
There is a prostitution circle in South East Asia in which women move from country to county, generally leaving when their visas expire, and then they repeat the circuit.
As example, we found in Penang that many Vietnamese would come, not so many Russians, and others where there, not too many Thais. Many Chinese. 
For Vietnamese, their visas were good for one month, as I recall. Once in Penang, where prostitution is illegal, they change hotels every night, and their pimps provide their room numbers to customers. The hotels are not rented in their names, if they are rented in any name at all -- the hotels participate for a cut.
Many women do something similar in the USA by making nightclub circuits.
From there, doers of nefarious deeds who need disposable spies/agents can recruit from the sea of women on the circuit. It is a very old and established business and technique. The doer send an agent to hire an agent to hire a prostitute. 
On a side note, as one can see, the idea that Japanese had to kidnap 200,000 sex-slaves is a joke requiring severe naïveté to buy into.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

"The Hate Farm: China Is Planting a Bitter Harvest"

私の記事の英語版がJapan Forwardに掲載されました。


"The Hate Farm: China Is Planting a Bitter Harvest" -- my article was just published in Japan Forward in English. Tomorrow it will be published in Sankei in Japanese:

Monday, February 20, 2017


「 第二次世界大戦における日本の戦闘機パイロット、Sugiura Shigemine (杉浦茂峰) は、台南の住民を救うために自己を犠牲にしたーー地元では神として祀り住民が参拝している。」


タイのチェンマイの私の自宅から そう遠く ないところに、第二次世界大戦時 の日本人とタイ人のことを記念した大きな記念碑がある。


"WWII Japanese pilot is a god in Taiwan: World War II Japanese fighter pilot Sugiura Shigemine is worshiped as a god for his sacrifice in Tainan"
The idea that Japanese are universally hated around Asia is completely false. There is a large WWII memorial for Japanese and Thais not far from my home in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.
Note regarding: Japanese did not have ejection seats at this time. Probably referring to bailing out.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


この政権は 4年間  続くと思いますか?
もしそうだとしたら 引き続いて再選されると思いますか?


クリントン  カルテルを打ち破るために支払った代償はとんでもなく高いものにつきました。我々はじっとしていて焼け死ぬか、飛び跳ねるか、どちらにするか選ばなければならない状態です。

" 31日から199日間で終わる 史上二番目に短期の大統領になるだろう"

Do You Think Trump will last Four Years? If so, do you think he will be reelected? 
Lots of prattle going on. I have no idea if he will last, but if so, chances of reelection appear slim unless he makes a miracle.
The price of breaking the Clinton cartel is terribly dear. We were down to a choice of burning in the building or jumping.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

性奴隷: 韓国の男達とその子供達は臆病者だったのか?
























ということは、韓国人男性は韓国人女性を守ろうとこぶしを振り上げる人間が一人もいないほど臆病者なのだと我々は信じればいいのか? 数多くの女性が強制連行されるのを黙って許したのであれば、確かに韓国人男性は臆病者であり、その息子である現代の韓国人男性の父親は臆病者であったことになる。

現実は私たちも良く知っているように韓国人は臆病者などではない。韓国人はとても勇敢な民族だ。そうすると実際には何が起きたのか? 資料を見ても常識で考えても大規模な強制連行が行われた事実は無かったということだ。



韓国、米国、日本の同盟関係を切り崩すようにデザインされたこのプロパガンダを繰り返し広めているメディアは:CNN, BBC, ワシントンポスト、ニューヨークタイムズ、朝日新聞…などである。あなたは彼らの垂れ流すこれらの情報を信じるのですか? 彼らの偏向報道をどう見るのですか?


どうかIWGリポートをよく読んで欲しい、だれもその書類の存在に気がついていないようだが。もし全部を読む時間が無いようなら、報告書の中で慰安婦(Comfort Women)を検索して、その部分だけでも注意深く読んで欲しい。



Sex-Slaves: Are Korean men Cowards, and sons of Cowards?
Were Korean Men Cowards during World War II?
A vexing question
There are growing, unsubstantiated questions about whether the Japanese Imperial Army kidnapped 200,000 sex-slaves (Comfort Women) in World War II. Mostly from Korea.
A $30 million US Government Study specifically searched for evidence on Comfort Women allegations.
After nearly seven years with many dozens of staff pouring through US archives -- and 30 million dollars down the drain -- we found a grand total of nothing.
The final IWG report to Congress was issued in 2007. (Linked below.)
Nobody should be writing about Comfort Women issues without reading this report cover to cover.
Many of the unsubstantiated claims are coming from Korea. Korean allegations have led to unexpected twists.
At the time, Korea was part of Japan.
Many Koreans were members of the Japanese military. So any allegations that the Japanese military kidnapped 200,000 women implies that Koreans were involved in kidnapping Koreans. This is an uncomfortable reality. 
This becomes even more uncomfortable.
So today, South Korea constantly accuses Japan of kidnapping these shiploads of women.
Imagine how this boomerangs back. ROK is saying that Japan kidnapped uncounted tens of thousands of women from Korea as sex-slaves. Yet there is no evidence that Korean men fought back.
During the war, Korea had a population of about 23 million. Today, Texas has a population of about 26 million.
Imagine trying to kidnap 200,000 Texas women. There would be a bloodbath. The Army would lose thousands of soldiers, and thousands of civilians no doubt would have been slaughtered in return.
Evidence would be everywhere. Photos. Films. Battle sites. Texans would never allow 200,000 women to be stolen and raped without making a river of blood. So the Korean government is saying Korean men during World War II were a bunch of cowards.
Also imagine this from the perspective of a Japanese military General or Admiral. He is at war with the USA, Australia, Britain, China, and more. His hands are full. The USA in particular is on the march with our Navy and Marines, and we are smashing Japan anywhere we can find Japanese.
All generals always want more troops and supplies. That is a fact of life. Just ask any General. Ask any business leader what he or she needs to expand or defend against competition: They always want more resources.
What kind of fool General would dedicate the resources to kidnap, guard, transport, and feed 200,000 women, knowing that he is creating yet another war to fight, all while losing the war that has existential consequences. 
The Japanese were highly advanced military thinkers. They made their own submarines, airplanes, and aircraft carriers. These were serious people, and super smart.
There is no way that Generals would dedicate those resources to kidnapping women when the US military and allies were marching down their throats. They had a war to fight -- this was not Spring Break.
Any serious military or business person can see the folly in common sense of kidnapping 200,000 women. It does not make sense, and would have created a new war in Korea -- which was a base for Japanese recruitment. Koreans were fighting Americans. Koreans were our enemy.
Back to Korean men: It would be horrific to see the US Army try to kidnap 200,000 Texas women -- especially so considering that many US military members are Texans, just as many Koreans were Japanese Soldiers.
Texas would rise up and start smashing the Army. Bridges would blow up. Soldiers would be shot every day. Bases would burn. The Army would fight back and there would be total war.
So are we to believe that Korean men are such cowards that nobody lifted a hand to defend their women? Because if they allowed these many women to be kidnapped, they are cowards, and their sons today had cowards for fathers.
The reality is that we know that Koreans are no cowards. Koreans are a courageous people. So what really happened? It is clear from source documents, and the common sense that there was no mass kidnapping.
It is all a lie. And no matter how much someone hates Japanese, it will always be a lie. Hatred is not evidence.
Everyone who repeats this lie is a stooge for North Korea, China, and Korean, Japanese and western leftists. 
Here is a small inventory of media who repeat this propaganda that is designed to split alliances between ROK, USA, and Japan: CNN, BBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Asahi Shimbun...more. The normal gang. Do you trust these outlets? How do you view their slant? 
Bottom line: Korean men who continue to tell this story are parrots or cowards. 
Please read the IWG report that practically nobody seems to know exists. If you do not have time for the whole report, do a search inside the report for Comfort Women, and carefully read those parts:
[This post is edited from a post I made in 2014.]

Monday, February 6, 2017

韓国 ― CNNの大見出し

韓国 ― CNNは 大きな宝の山を目の前にしていたのに、何もしませんでした
ーCNNは 阿呆か 腰抜けか、のどちらか、です。

昨年、私はソウルで、二人のCNN記者に長時間 慰安婦問題について2時間も説明しました。しかしそれは彼らの頭の上を素通りしていったようです。




すると彼らは こう 聞いてきます。
「あんたはビーグル犬? ライター?」



私「はぁ?! 水牛にはひずめがあるじゃないか、この足跡には無いぞ」


私「あの警告の標識が見えないのか?    注意!危険!野生の象!とあるだろうが!?」 


私「ジャングルが踏み倒されている。こんなことが出来るのは象しかいないだろう? 小さい木はぺちゃんこにされている」





実際にCNNは2014年2010年とタイでの動乱についてこのような報道をしたのです。冗談でも何でもありません。当時、タイの2つのグループが戦っているのを多くのタイ人や外国人が 目撃したし、私に限って言えばCNNよりもはるかに長く現場で取材してきました。私達は何が起こっているのかをこの目で見たのです。しかしCNNは嘘を世界に垂れ流していました。驚くべきことでした。

同様に性奴隷のペテンも明らかです。簡単に証明できます。CNNがまだわからない、というならば 象に自分の足を踏み潰されるまで わからないでしょう。

Korea -- CNN is sitting atop a massive story, yet they are either too dull or too compromised to get it. I spent much time talking about this topic in Seoul with two CNN reporters last year. It seemed to fly right over their heads. It was like talking with petrified trees. 
They believe what others have reported and that is that, despite that massive evidence -- and proof -- practically laying at their feet that this is a gigantic fraud and information operation.
The evidence that this is all a big scam is truly massive. CNN (different crew) made similar massive errors with Thai reporting during the troubles. They cuddled right up with the side doing terrorism. 
It's like this: imagine I take a CNN crew into a jungle and, "Hey, there are elephants around here. They are stealing pineapples from poor farmers who are angry." And they say, "How do you know?"
"I know how they smell."
"Are you a Beagle or a writer?" Asks CNN
"Look, there's a pad print. There's another. See where they go to the river?" I say.
"What are you now, Tom Brown the tracker?" asks CNN.
A villager walks up, saying be careful, there are wild elephants see and they steal their crops.
"Look. Elephant dung. Right there by its foot prints." I say.
"That's from water buffalo," says CNN.
"Huh? Water buffalo have hooves," I say.
A loud elephant screech comes from the jungle.
"Those elephants are very close. That was loud," I say.
The villager walks away quickly.
"That was something else," says CNN, shaking its thick CNN head.
CNN shakes its thick head again, "Where is your proof that there are elephants here?" 
"Follow me," we walk deeper into the jungle, "See how the jungle is smashed down here. What could have done this? Look. Small trees are flattened." Another elephant screeches close by. Loud cracking noise coming from the jungle.
CNN shakes its thick head, saying, "Water buffalo."
We walk into the jungle and find 10 elephants, "Look, there are the elephants," I say. 
"Where? I don't see them. You are imagining this," says CNN. "Do you hate elephants? Do you have something against elephants? 
"Wha?" I say, wondering if they have been smoking CNN dope. "Take out your camera and make video," I say. They make video.
Later that night, on the news, CNN reports, "Circus in town at Chiang Mai. Rightwing, nationalist villagers harass elephants for sport."
Back to reality, CNN reporting on the 2014 and 2010 fighting in Thailand literally was that bad. No hyperbole. I was there, as were countless Thais and foreigners. We saw the fighting. We were there just as much, and in my case much more than CNN. We saw what really happened, and the lies they told around the world. It was amazing.
Likewise, this sex-slave scam is so obvious, and so readily provable, that if they have not gotten it by now -- they would not know an elephant if it steps on their CNN foot.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

新刊紹介:「慰安婦について: 戦時中の米軍の記録」アーチーミヤモト 著

私の尊敬する英国人ジャーナリスト、アンドリュー・サーモン(Andrew Salmon)は作家でもあります。 彼はこの宮本氏の本を「第一次史料に基づいて書かれた 慰安婦問題についての概論であり、必読書である。」と評しています。

そんな重要な本を紹介しなければならないのですが、しかしそれ以上に興味深いのは、著者、アーチ−・ミヤモト(Archie Miamoto)氏です。私が今まで会った人の中でも彼の人生の面白さは トップクラスです。 宮本氏はアメリカ人ですが第二次大戦中の数年間を日本で過ごしました。現在 88歳。カリフォルニア在住です。

アーチー宮本氏は戦後、米国陸軍に入隊し、朝鮮で2度、ベトナムで2度、戦闘に加わりました。(彼のように朝鮮戦争で二度も戦った人を何人 知っていますか?)

ひとまず 宮本氏の人生の概略をご紹介しましょう。本当は面白いエピソードが満載なのですが。

宮本氏は 日本で 第187 空挺連隊にいた後、米陸軍のフォート・ブラッグ(Fort Bragg)に戻り、その後、飛行学校に志願しました。卒業後、休暇で西海岸を訪れる途中、アリゾナのスーパースティション連山(Superstition Mountains  この地域は秘匿されたスペインの金鉱 として有名)のあたりで探鉱者を車に乗せたところ「埋められたスペインの黄金を掘り出すために助けが必要」と言われたので一緒に砂漠に行き、金鉱で作業中、菌に肺が感染してしまいました。

その後   第2装甲騎兵連隊 および第4歩兵師団に飛行士として勤務、その間、肺の感染症を完治するために陸軍病院で入退院を繰り返し、計2年間は病院のベッドで過ごさなければなりませんでした。退院後 軍務に復帰した宮本氏は、 朝鮮戦争によって大学 を中断したので大学に戻ります。

大学 卒業後 軍に戻り、その後、第二次ベルリン危機のときにドイツに送られます。それから戻ってすぐにアラバマ州のフォート・ラッカー(Fort Rucker--陸軍 飛行学校) に送られました。そこでは飛行訓練を受けるのではなく、飛行教官だったそうです。宮本氏は、ベトナム戦争で米軍の飛行機の多くが墜落したのは 自分が飛行教官だったからだ、とジョークを飛ばしていました。

台湾には2度 軍事顧問として勤務。1回目に 行ったときは米国が陸軍飛行偵察ヘリコプターを タービンパワーのOH-6型に入れ替える事で、今まで使用していた偵察ヘリ 50 機を  台湾の陸軍に配備。それに加え、台湾でのヒューイの製造プロジェクトの責任者でもありました。

彼は2度のパープルハート戦地負傷賞、3度のレジオン・オブ・メリット(Legion of Merit)、殊勲飛行十字賞(Distinguished Flying Cross)、ブロンズスターメダル(Bronze Star), Air Medal 1ダース余り、その他。そして資格を表すバッジ(章)は、陸軍飛行操縦士(Master Armv Aviator) 章に加え、歩兵実戦経験者章(Combat Infantryman Badge), 落下傘章、中華民国飛行士章の資格の持ち主です。 

アーチー宮本氏の執筆した、慰安婦問題に関するこの著作を強く 推薦します。しかし私が個人的に読みたいのは彼の自伝なのです!

New book: "Wartime Military Records on Comfort Women"
Respected British author and journalist Andrew Salmon calls it, "A highly useful compendium of original research."
The book is important, but even more interesting is the author, Archie Miyamoto. Archie is one of the most interesting people I know. He is 88, lives in California, grew up in Japan during World War II.
Later, Archie joined the US Army, did two combat tours in Korea, and two more in Vietnam. (How many people do you know who went back for second tours in Korea?) 
A bare summary of his life -- there is much more: 
After Japan with the 187th, returned to Fort Bragg then volunteered for flight school. After graduation, Archie went on vacation to the west coast. Driving through Arizona by the Superstition Mountains, picked up a hitchhiking prospector who said he needed help to dig out a buried Spanish gold mine so Archie went into the desert with him and caught a lung infection from a desert fungus. 
Archie served with the 2nd Armored Cav and the 4th Inf Div as an aviator but spent most of the time in and out of hospitals. Total of two years in bed in an Army hospital to recover. After returning on duty, Archie asked to go and finish college which had been interrupted by the Korean War. 
Soon after, he went back on duty, was sent to Germany during second Berlin crisis. After he got back from that, was sent to Fort Rucker, AL, not for a refresher course on flying but as an instructor pilot. That explains Germany. And, Archie told me, why so many pilots crashed in Vietnam.
On his first tour in Taiwan, in addition to getting the Chinese Army fifty of the US Army recon helicopters which were replaced by turbine powered OH-6’s, Archie was the project coordinator for the production of Hueys in Taiwan. 
He got two Purple Hearts, was awarded three Legion of Merits, the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star, over a dozen Air Medals, plus others, Master Aviator Wings, Combat Infantryman's Badge, Jump Wings, and Chinese Army Aviator Wings. 
The book that he is written here is worth the read, but what I really want is a biography!

Thursday, February 2, 2017



Japan: Seiron Magazine -- my Tokyo interview with the famous journalist Yoshihisa Komori is now available in Japanese language. Later it will be available in English.
I am told that many people are talking about it.