"RaceBook has again blocked me due to Korean trolls"
長年の読者ならば、私が人種差別主義者ではないことはおわかりでしょうし、私が韓国人の火病を発明したわけでもありません。これは実際の 病気で長年にわたり科学的に研究されています。DSM(Diagnostic and Statistical Manualof Mental Disorders、精神疾患の診断・統計の手引き)によって、韓国人特有の精神疾患として紹介されています。もちろん すべての韓国人というわけではなく、火病の症状がみられる韓国人がいる、ということです。
私が人種差別主義者? 私は人生の半分以上を海外で他の人種の人々と過ごしてきました。沢山のアジア系の親族がいます。近所に住む人たちは皆アジア人です。私はアジアに住み、アジアの25か国を旅してきました。人種差別主義者ならばこんなことはできません。しかしながら そのような事実は無視されます。これがレースブックです。
韓国政府が慰安婦問題で 日本との合意を再び破棄しようとしている件について。これは実は 米国人にとってはかなり深刻な問題です。韓国在住の米国人と米軍が 真の攻撃対象です。 ある慰安婦支援者は 駐韓米国大使と日本大使を暗殺しようとしました。我が国の大使の顔に切りつけたその暗殺者は今は囚人です。 火病? あるいは暗殺者? どっちにしろ 狂ったのです。
ある韓国人は慰安婦問題支援のために焼身自殺を図りました。文字通り 深刻な火の病です。結局 彼は死亡しました。
米軍が慰安婦支援者の標的にされるのは時間の問題でしょう。日本人と日本の領土、ほかの韓国人も既に攻撃されています。北朝鮮との衝突が発生すれば韓国内で米国人は 韓国人に背後から刺されるでしょう。
ブロックされたため、レースブック上のメッセージには返答できません。私の email アドレスは下記を参照してください。
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
"Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?"
by アンドリュー・サーモン (ソウル)
実際、(1)大衆、(2)活動家の主張、(3)韓国メディア、(4)韓国の報道を基にしたグローバルメディア、の予想 に反して、存命中の慰安婦のほとんど(2016年末 当時 46人中34人)が2015年12月の慰安婦に関する日韓の取り決めに従って補償金を受け取った。合意の結果、彼女らは長年要求してきたものを手に入れたのだ:公式の、日本の首相による謝罪と補償金を。
しかしながら声高に主張する12人の慰安婦と関係するNGOが実質上主導し、合意によって問題を解決したとする「イエス」の声を封じてしまった。結果として(事実を知らされていない)大衆への迎合主義 -- それと、おそらくは前大統領を貶めることに同意して、ソウルは慰安婦の取り決めを破棄するつもりのようだ。
おそらく平昌オリンピックの終了を待って破棄しようとするだろうが、もしもそうなれば、ソウルは本来 敵ではない東京を敵に回すことになる。
"Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?"
Most Living Comfort Women Accepted It - So Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?
Contrary to (1) popular belief; (2) activists' contention; (3) most local media reports; and (4) to most global media reports (which parrot the local line):
Most of the then-living CW (34 out of 46 in late 2016) accepted the compensation from the December 2015 CW deal. After all, they had got what they had long demanded: An official apology from the Japanese PM and official compensation from Tokyo.
However, the 12 most vocal CW and their related NGO have dominated the narrative and effectively drowned out the "yes" voices. As a result, bowing to (uninformed) populism - and perhaps nodding to anti-Parkism - Seoul looks ready to shoot down the deal. This probably won't happen until after Pyeongchang, but if it goes ahead, Seoul will be making an unnecessary enemy of Tokyo.
As noted in the piece, this would not be the first time that a certain NGO has dominated the narrative and leveraged the government into torpedoing a deal to resolve this long-running issue. You may debate their motives below, if you wish.
Have at it...
by アンドリュー・サーモン (ソウル)
実際、(1)大衆、(2)活動家の主張、(3)韓国メディア、(4)韓国の報道を基にしたグローバルメディア、の予想 に反して、存命中の慰安婦のほとんど(2016年末 当時 46人中34人)が2015年12月の慰安婦に関する日韓の取り決めに従って補償金を受け取った。合意の結果、彼女らは長年要求してきたものを手に入れたのだ:公式の、日本の首相による謝罪と補償金を。
しかしながら声高に主張する12人の慰安婦と関係するNGOが実質上主導し、合意によって問題を解決したとする「イエス」の声を封じてしまった。結果として(事実を知らされていない)大衆への迎合主義 -- それと、おそらくは前大統領を貶めることに同意して、ソウルは慰安婦の取り決めを破棄するつもりのようだ。
おそらく平昌オリンピックの終了を待って破棄しようとするだろうが、もしもそうなれば、ソウルは本来 敵ではない東京を敵に回すことになる。
"Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?"
by Andrew Salmon (Seoul, South Korea)
Most Living Comfort Women Accepted It - So Will Seoul Kill the 2015 Abe-Park Deal?
Contrary to (1) popular belief; (2) activists' contention; (3) most local media reports; and (4) to most global media reports (which parrot the local line):
Most of the then-living CW (34 out of 46 in late 2016) accepted the compensation from the December 2015 CW deal. After all, they had got what they had long demanded: An official apology from the Japanese PM and official compensation from Tokyo.
However, the 12 most vocal CW and their related NGO have dominated the narrative and effectively drowned out the "yes" voices. As a result, bowing to (uninformed) populism - and perhaps nodding to anti-Parkism - Seoul looks ready to shoot down the deal. This probably won't happen until after Pyeongchang, but if it goes ahead, Seoul will be making an unnecessary enemy of Tokyo.
As noted in the piece, this would not be the first time that a certain NGO has dominated the narrative and leveraged the government into torpedoing a deal to resolve this long-running issue. You may debate their motives below, if you wish.
Have at it...
Sunday, December 17, 2017
The Great Information War from China --
歴史上の中国政府、及び現在の中国政府は 信頼できますか?この質問には全ての人が「否 」、あるいは「もちろん、NO!」と即答するでしょう。
歴史上の中国政府、及び現在の中国政府は 信頼できますか?この質問には全ての人が「否 」、あるいは「もちろん、NO!」と即答するでしょう。
The Great Information War from China --
Do you trust the Chinese government to be truthful about today or history?
Practically everyone will answer, "NO."
Do you trust the Chinese government to be truthful about today or history?
Practically everyone will answer, "NO."
Or, "NO! Of course not!"
And then turn around and believe everything bad PRC says about Japanese.
This is nothing new. An author in 1938 noticed the same. Of course this was before the PRC formed a decade later.
And then turn around and believe everything bad PRC says about Japanese.
This is nothing new. An author in 1938 noticed the same. Of course this was before the PRC formed a decade later.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
A special number featuring articles on the diplomacy by Michael Yon.
米元軍人にさえ広がる違和感 靖国参拝を悪用する中国「対日情報戦」
『産経新聞』 2017/02/25
`China is abusing a pilgrimage to Yasukuni Shrine`
Sankei-shinbun, 02.2017, by Michael Yon
反日物語の嘘を暴け by 前田守人 (the chief editor of `Voice`)
`Expose the lie of anti-Japan story`
IRONNA, by Morito Maeda (the chief editor of `Voice`)
アジアの「慰安婦」を徹底追跡! マイケル・ヨン現地ルポ
『Voice』 2015年12月号
`Tracking Asian comfort women`
Voice, 12.2015, by Michael Yon
`South Korea is becoming a puppet of China`
Sankei-shinbun, 04.2015, by Michael Yon
"War on the Horizon—Is the US Ready to Meet its Commitments?"
JAPAN Forward, 09.2017, by Michael Yon
War Becoming Increasingly Likely
Hours after the latest North Korean nuclear weapon detonation on September 3, 2017, I asked a well-connected friend for an opinion. During the Iraq War, when I visited him at the Department of State, he took me up to the office of Condoleezza Rice for an impromptu introduction. (Unfortunately, she was out.)
read more
"Afghanistan Distracts Trump From The Real Monster"
JAPAN Forward, 08.2017, by Michael Yon
President Donald Trump thinks he can solve the AfPak dilemma. In his speech, the United States president talked about winning. There is no winning to be had beyond safeguarding our national interests.
This is all a distraction from a gigantic problem: China. On our scale of concern, Afghanistan is microscopic by comparison to China and other challenges; yet, on our scale of priorities, the price of nation building in Afghanistan dwarfs the price of securing our borders.
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"Korea’s Comfort Women Statues Are Cast-Metal Racial Hatred"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Getting Down to Business: Statues about Politics, Power, and Money
Talking with the protesters, one soon realizes that this campaign of putting up comfort women statues is about removing American troops from Korea, and from throughout Asia. They want our troops gone, along with our THAAD missile defense and radars. China is using South Korea against itself. China is using South Korea to isolate South Korea. But this won’t stop here. It will spread throughout the entire region, and beyond. It already has.
read more
"Comfort Women Issue: Why Do the Japanese Keep Apologizing?"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Believe it or not, American Southerners find some commonalties with Japanese culture. This is important. I understand Southern culture. Much of my family was from North Florida, South Georgia, and Oklahoma. We would swim in the creek in Baxley, Georgia, and my uncle got me out picking tobacco on his Georgia farm. Thank heavens I did not grow up to be a tobacco picker. If you want a kid to study harder, make him pick tobacco.
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"Comfort Woman Statues: A War Against the US, Not Japan"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Koreans are coming. Not in peace. Few citizens of Brookhaven, Georgia realize that war has just washed into their town. The scourge spread 7,100 miles from Seoul, and 7,200 from Beijing. The full-scale assault is disguised as a statue of a young woman. But make no mistake—this is pure warfare. Their city is the latest beachhead in the joint Chinese-Korean propaganda campaign to break up the United States-Japan alliance.
read more
"Korea: Daddy Don’t Leave Me!"
JAPAN Forward, 04.2017, by Michael Yon
Trouble is unfolding.
Few people, outside Japan and academic circles in Korea and America, understand the history of Korea other than from what hyper-dramatic movie or TV scripts tell them. This Korean vacuum in the West leaves a void often filled with the most fantastic stories that benefit the hate farmers’ objective.
read more
"The Hate Farm: China Is Planting a Bitter Harvest"
JAPAN Forward, 02.2017, by Michael Yon
Ask an American journalist, “Do you trust the Chinese government?” If the answer is yes, there is nothing more to talk about. If the answer is no, the next question is, “Do you trust them to tell the truth about Japan?”
read more
米元軍人にさえ広がる違和感 靖国参拝を悪用する中国「対日情報戦」
『産経新聞』 2017/02/25
`China is abusing a pilgrimage to Yasukuni Shrine`
Sankei-shinbun, 02.2017, by Michael Yon
反日物語の嘘を暴け by 前田守人 (the chief editor of `Voice`)
`Expose the lie of anti-Japan story`
IRONNA, by Morito Maeda (the chief editor of `Voice`)
アジアの「慰安婦」を徹底追跡! マイケル・ヨン現地ルポ
『Voice』 2015年12月号
`Tracking Asian comfort women`
Voice, 12.2015, by Michael Yon
`South Korea is becoming a puppet of China`
Sankei-shinbun, 04.2015, by Michael Yon
"War on the Horizon—Is the US Ready to Meet its Commitments?"
JAPAN Forward, 09.2017, by Michael Yon
War Becoming Increasingly Likely
Hours after the latest North Korean nuclear weapon detonation on September 3, 2017, I asked a well-connected friend for an opinion. During the Iraq War, when I visited him at the Department of State, he took me up to the office of Condoleezza Rice for an impromptu introduction. (Unfortunately, she was out.)
read more
"Afghanistan Distracts Trump From The Real Monster"
JAPAN Forward, 08.2017, by Michael Yon
President Donald Trump thinks he can solve the AfPak dilemma. In his speech, the United States president talked about winning. There is no winning to be had beyond safeguarding our national interests.
This is all a distraction from a gigantic problem: China. On our scale of concern, Afghanistan is microscopic by comparison to China and other challenges; yet, on our scale of priorities, the price of nation building in Afghanistan dwarfs the price of securing our borders.
read more
"Korea’s Comfort Women Statues Are Cast-Metal Racial Hatred"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Getting Down to Business: Statues about Politics, Power, and Money
Talking with the protesters, one soon realizes that this campaign of putting up comfort women statues is about removing American troops from Korea, and from throughout Asia. They want our troops gone, along with our THAAD missile defense and radars. China is using South Korea against itself. China is using South Korea to isolate South Korea. But this won’t stop here. It will spread throughout the entire region, and beyond. It already has.
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"Comfort Women Issue: Why Do the Japanese Keep Apologizing?"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Believe it or not, American Southerners find some commonalties with Japanese culture. This is important. I understand Southern culture. Much of my family was from North Florida, South Georgia, and Oklahoma. We would swim in the creek in Baxley, Georgia, and my uncle got me out picking tobacco on his Georgia farm. Thank heavens I did not grow up to be a tobacco picker. If you want a kid to study harder, make him pick tobacco.
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"Comfort Woman Statues: A War Against the US, Not Japan"
JAPAN Forward, 07.2017, by Michael Yon
Koreans are coming. Not in peace. Few citizens of Brookhaven, Georgia realize that war has just washed into their town. The scourge spread 7,100 miles from Seoul, and 7,200 from Beijing. The full-scale assault is disguised as a statue of a young woman. But make no mistake—this is pure warfare. Their city is the latest beachhead in the joint Chinese-Korean propaganda campaign to break up the United States-Japan alliance.
read more
"Korea: Daddy Don’t Leave Me!"
JAPAN Forward, 04.2017, by Michael Yon
Trouble is unfolding.
Few people, outside Japan and academic circles in Korea and America, understand the history of Korea other than from what hyper-dramatic movie or TV scripts tell them. This Korean vacuum in the West leaves a void often filled with the most fantastic stories that benefit the hate farmers’ objective.
read more
"The Hate Farm: China Is Planting a Bitter Harvest"
JAPAN Forward, 02.2017, by Michael Yon
Ask an American journalist, “Do you trust the Chinese government?” If the answer is yes, there is nothing more to talk about. If the answer is no, the next question is, “Do you trust them to tell the truth about Japan?”
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Sunday, December 3, 2017
TDS: Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real
時々、EOD班(explosive ordnance disposal:爆発物処理)の友人がくれたEODの帽子を被ります。ごらんのように米国の旗があしらわれています。
最近ではアメリカ人で米国の旗がついた物を身につけている人は珍しいが、アジア人なら そこら中で見かけます。 どういうわけかベトナムで多くのベトナム人が米国の旗付きの物を身につけているのを目撃しました。ベトナム戦争でアメリカと戦ったことを考えると 感無量です。
私はいつも、出会った人にどこの出身か尋ねて その土地のことを色々聞くのが大好きです。フロリダはそのためにはぴったりの場所です、なぜなら世界中のミステリアスな場所から人々が集まってくるところですから。
カナダでさえ私にとってはミステリアスな土地でした。私が子供の頃、カナダ人はとても感じの良い人々でしたーー私が質問責めにするまでは。「北極熊 を見たことがありますか?エスキモーの友達はいますか?どうやってイグルー(エスキモーの氷雪の臨時小屋)を作るか知っていますか?つばを吐くと雪面につばが落ちるまでに凍ってしまうほど寒いと聞いたんですが、フロリダは気に入りましたか? 私は 質問のしすぎですか?(私はまだ幼かったのです!)」
西洋人が米国旗を見ると、いつでも、いかにアメリカ人が愚かであるか、などについて私に説得しようと強引に迫ってきます。これまで何度もそういう目にあって、毎度 同じことを聞かされました。そういう彼らのほとんどが アメリカに行ったことも無く、言っていることの半分以上は 間違っているのです。英語を話し、英字新聞を読み CNNニュースを観ているからと言ってアメリカの専門家になれるわけではありません。
最近、オーストラリア人のグループと、二人のアメリカ人までもがTDSを発症しました。彼らはまるで狂人養育農場から逃げ出してきたかのようでした。私はトランプを好きではありません -- しかし私が米国の国旗がついた帽子を被ってアメリカ人であることを謝ろうともしないことから、彼らは 私がトランプ贔屓だと思っていたようです。
彼らは トランプが人道上において犯した大罪と戦争犯罪について声を揃えて非難し始めたので、私は困って頭をかきながら聞いてました。
品行に関しての大罪、確かに彼は、ほぼ一日中24時間 Twitter に品の無い投稿をしている。しかし人道上の大犯罪? 戦争犯罪? 明日もしかしたら彼はその罪を犯すかもしれないが、まだやっていません。
「いったい何を話しているんですか? どの犯罪のことですか?」そう質問すると彼らは決まってISISのことや アルカイーダ、シリア戦の事を口にします。それを聞くと、疑問がわき起こります。 いったい彼ら自身シリアがどこにあるのか知っているのか? トランプが大統領に就任してからどれくらい経っているのか分かっているのか?
私は尋ねました。 人道上の大罪とはどのことをいっているのですか? ドローンによる爆撃のこと、ですか??
それでも彼らはこう言います。「北朝鮮!トランプは北朝鮮を戦争するように仕向けている」 何度 これを聞かされたことか。
国民が餓死しようとしているときにさえ北朝鮮の指導者は原子爆弾と長距離ミサイルの開発に余念がないが、一方 トランプは美人コンテストと超傲慢を高度な技術で表現することに忙しい。もしもトランプが「傲慢について」という本を書いたなら、きっとベストセラーになるでしょう。彼は傲慢にかけては世界一です。
彼はこう自慢するでしょう。「私の本はベストセラーです、なぜなら私は世界で最も傲慢だから」と。それを聞いたトランプ嫌いの人々は言うでしょう、「あなたは全然 傲慢ではありませんよ! 謙虚です!」と。
TDS( トランプに錯乱する症候群) は集団ヒステリーの一種です。TDSに罹患した者とはまともな話ができません。
同様にJDS:日本に発狂する症候群 に罹患した韓国人とはまともな会話ができません。その狂気は根深く、反応の対象は違えど 同じ疾病です。
TDS: Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real
I sometimes wear my EOD hat because some good EOD people gave it to me and I liked them and the hat they gave me. As you see, it comes with a US flag.
These days, you seldom see Americans wearing US flags around here, but you can see Asians wearing US flags all the time. Go figure -- I saw quite a few Vietnamese wearing US flags in Vietnam. Kind of wild when you think about it.
Anyway...sometimes when I wear my flag it can generate TDS. Not from any Asians. Always from Americans or from other westerners.
All my life I have loved to hear people tell stories about where they are from. Florida was great for this because people came from mysterious places from all over the world.
Even Canada was mysterious for me. As a kid, Canadians were always nice to me until I wore them out with a thousand questions. Have you seen a polar bear? Do you have any Eskimo friends? Do you know how to make an igloo? I heard that Canada is so cold that when you spit it freezes before hitting the snow. Do you like Florida? Do I ask too many questions? (Hey, I was pretty young.)
Recently, while asking a Swiss man about different Swiss cultures, he told me some Swiss still eat dogs. (Dogs came up because my dog Barney was with me.) I said are you kidding? Some Swiss still eat dogs? He said sure, but not many. I said well they are not going to eat Barney!
Swiss always have some strange story. If you see any Swiss, just start asking questions. You never know what is next with them.
Anyway...this is my flag and I wear it. Sometimes I wear a Thai flag hat that Thai EOD police gave me.
When some westerners see my flag they seem compelled to tell me how dumb Americans are and blah blah blah -- I have heard it all so many times that they never say anything new. Most have never even been to America and are just wrong on at least 50%. Speaking English and reading newspapers or watching CNN does not make one an expert on much.
So,recently a group of Aussies and even two Americans started into the TDS. It was as if they all escaped from a loony farm. I do not even like Trump -- which they assume because I am wearing my flag and do not apologize for being American.
They launched, and were almost singing in chorus about all of Trump's massive crimes against humanity and war crimes. I was scratching my head on that one.
Massive crimes against decency, sure, he does that approximately every 24 hours on Twitter, but massive crimes against humanity? War crimes? He might do that tomorrow, but he has not yet.
I said what are you talking about? Which specific crimes? They start rolling with weird things about ISIS, making al Qaeda, all kinds of weirdness about the Syria war, and I am starting to wonder if they know where Syria is, and how long Trump has been President.
I asked, specifically, what massive crimes against humanity? Drone strikes? Trump just picked up where Obama (always their hero) left off, who picked up where Bush left off, who left off where that other guy left off.
“North Korea! Trump is forcing North Korea into war,” they say! I hear that pretty often.
I always scratch my head on that one.
My reply to that is often, "How old are you?" If they are over about the age of 20, they have no excuse for being so ignorant about the criminal state called North Korea. Trump did not create DPRK. DPRK is what it is today because many world leaders from many countries for a number of generations were too weak to break NORK legs.
NORK leaders were working toward atomic weapons and long range missiles even while their people starved to death while Trump was running beauty contests and practicing the high art of extreme arrogance. If Trump were to write a book "On Arrogance," no doubt it would be a bestseller. He is the world leader on that.
And he would say, “My book is a bestseller because I am the most arrogant in the world.” And then people who hate Trump would say, “No, you are not that arrogant! It’s all a lie! You are humble!”
NORK soldiers recently shot a NORK soldier as he escaped to ROK. Somehow, Trump gets dragged into this.
TDS is a mass hysteria and it is real. I see no way to reason with anyone suffering from TDS.
Likewise, there is no way to deal with Koreans who suffer from JDS: Japan Derangement Syndrome. The looniness is deep. Same malady, different topic.
I sometimes wear my EOD hat because some good EOD people gave it to me and I liked them and the hat they gave me. As you see, it comes with a US flag.
These days, you seldom see Americans wearing US flags around here, but you can see Asians wearing US flags all the time. Go figure -- I saw quite a few Vietnamese wearing US flags in Vietnam. Kind of wild when you think about it.
Anyway...sometimes when I wear my flag it can generate TDS. Not from any Asians. Always from Americans or from other westerners.
All my life I have loved to hear people tell stories about where they are from. Florida was great for this because people came from mysterious places from all over the world.
Even Canada was mysterious for me. As a kid, Canadians were always nice to me until I wore them out with a thousand questions. Have you seen a polar bear? Do you have any Eskimo friends? Do you know how to make an igloo? I heard that Canada is so cold that when you spit it freezes before hitting the snow. Do you like Florida? Do I ask too many questions? (Hey, I was pretty young.)
Recently, while asking a Swiss man about different Swiss cultures, he told me some Swiss still eat dogs. (Dogs came up because my dog Barney was with me.) I said are you kidding? Some Swiss still eat dogs? He said sure, but not many. I said well they are not going to eat Barney!
Swiss always have some strange story. If you see any Swiss, just start asking questions. You never know what is next with them.
Anyway...this is my flag and I wear it. Sometimes I wear a Thai flag hat that Thai EOD police gave me.
When some westerners see my flag they seem compelled to tell me how dumb Americans are and blah blah blah -- I have heard it all so many times that they never say anything new. Most have never even been to America and are just wrong on at least 50%. Speaking English and reading newspapers or watching CNN does not make one an expert on much.
So,recently a group of Aussies and even two Americans started into the TDS. It was as if they all escaped from a loony farm. I do not even like Trump -- which they assume because I am wearing my flag and do not apologize for being American.
They launched, and were almost singing in chorus about all of Trump's massive crimes against humanity and war crimes. I was scratching my head on that one.
Massive crimes against decency, sure, he does that approximately every 24 hours on Twitter, but massive crimes against humanity? War crimes? He might do that tomorrow, but he has not yet.
I said what are you talking about? Which specific crimes? They start rolling with weird things about ISIS, making al Qaeda, all kinds of weirdness about the Syria war, and I am starting to wonder if they know where Syria is, and how long Trump has been President.
I asked, specifically, what massive crimes against humanity? Drone strikes? Trump just picked up where Obama (always their hero) left off, who picked up where Bush left off, who left off where that other guy left off.
“North Korea! Trump is forcing North Korea into war,” they say! I hear that pretty often.
I always scratch my head on that one.
My reply to that is often, "How old are you?" If they are over about the age of 20, they have no excuse for being so ignorant about the criminal state called North Korea. Trump did not create DPRK. DPRK is what it is today because many world leaders from many countries for a number of generations were too weak to break NORK legs.
NORK leaders were working toward atomic weapons and long range missiles even while their people starved to death while Trump was running beauty contests and practicing the high art of extreme arrogance. If Trump were to write a book "On Arrogance," no doubt it would be a bestseller. He is the world leader on that.
And he would say, “My book is a bestseller because I am the most arrogant in the world.” And then people who hate Trump would say, “No, you are not that arrogant! It’s all a lie! You are humble!”
NORK soldiers recently shot a NORK soldier as he escaped to ROK. Somehow, Trump gets dragged into this.
TDS is a mass hysteria and it is real. I see no way to reason with anyone suffering from TDS.
Likewise, there is no way to deal with Koreans who suffer from JDS: Japan Derangement Syndrome. The looniness is deep. Same malady, different topic.
Monday, November 27, 2017
「慰安婦像が原因で日本の大阪市は サンフランシスコとの関係を解消。The Comfort Women Scam from Korea and China Continues: “Japanese city cuts ties with San Francisco over ‘comfort women’ statue"
「大阪市長は、サンフランシスコが慰安婦像を受け入れたので姉妹都市を解消する、と発言。 慰安婦像は 第二次大戦中 日本兵たちとの性行為を強制された女性に捧げるもの。
"Osaka’s mayor says the city will sever ties with its sister city over the monument, which pays tribute to women who were forced to have sex with Japanese soldiers during the Second World War."
by Jacey Fortin, The New York TimesSat., Nov. 25, 2017
記事 ジェシー・フォーティン、ニューヨークタイムズ2017年11月25日
写真の説明: 国連の調査によると、慰安所は1932年から1945年に第二次大戦が終結するまで設置され、20万人もの女性が性奴隷となった」(エリック・ライスベルグ / AP 社)
Figure caption: "A UN investigation found that comfort stations were in use as early as 1932, and that as many as 200,000 women had been enslaved by the time World War II ended in 1945.
(Eric Risberg / AP) "
「大阪市長は、サンフランシスコが慰安婦像を受け入れたので姉妹都市を解消する、と発言。 慰安婦像は 第二次大戦中 日本兵たちとの性行為を強制された女性に捧げるもの。
"Osaka’s mayor says the city will sever ties with its sister city over the monument, which pays tribute to women who were forced to have sex with Japanese soldiers during the Second World War."
by Jacey Fortin, The New York TimesSat., Nov. 25, 2017
記事 ジェシー・フォーティン、ニューヨークタイムズ2017年11月25日
写真の説明: 国連の調査によると、慰安所は1932年から1945年に第二次大戦が終結するまで設置され、20万人もの女性が性奴隷となった」(エリック・ライスベルグ / AP 社)
Figure caption: "A UN investigation found that comfort stations were in use as early as 1932, and that as many as 200,000 women had been enslaved by the time World War II ended in 1945.
(Eric Risberg / AP) "
Monday, November 20, 2017
Japan Requests “McGraw Hill” Remove “Comfort Women” from History Books
"日本政府、マグロウヒル社の教科書から 慰安婦の記述削除を求める"
この記述は削除されるべきである。慰安婦問題は 欺瞞だからだ。
私が指摘する黒幕は 時が経つにつれ実態がわかってくる。時には複数の黒幕が背後にいることもある。
そしてこの教科書問題を操っているのは 中国のどの組織かというと、孔子学院ではないかと私は疑っている。孔子学院を非難することはまだ差し控えるが、中国政府の痕跡はいたるところに見られる。
Original English version:
"日本政府、マグロウヒル社の教科書から 慰安婦の記述削除を求める"
この記述は削除されるべきである。慰安婦問題は 欺瞞だからだ。
私が指摘する黒幕は 時が経つにつれ実態がわかってくる。時には複数の黒幕が背後にいることもある。
そしてこの教科書問題を操っているのは 中国のどの組織かというと、孔子学院ではないかと私は疑っている。孔子学院を非難することはまだ差し控えるが、中国政府の痕跡はいたるところに見られる。
Original English version:
"Japan Requests “McGraw Hill” Remove “Comfort Women” from History Books"
They should remove it. This is a big scam, and a Chinese information operation. I know, some people might say I am howling at the moon again -- but look at my track record over the years. Every time I have cried wolf, there ended up being a real wolf, or a pack of wolves in some cases.
And ultimately, I bet I know which organization from China is pushing this into textbooks. The Confucius Institute. I am not accusing them yet, but there are wolf tracks everywhere. Somebody from China definitely is behind this.
This is China trying to discredit Japan, and split our alliance with Japan.
That much we know. China definitely is doing this, but whether Confucius Institute is the ultimate agent is something we have not yet proven. The wolf tracks are there, but for now they only lead to China. Others may know more.
We cannot fall into the trap of this Big Bad Wolf, PRC.
BY Yongtae Kim
They should remove it. This is a big scam, and a Chinese information operation. I know, some people might say I am howling at the moon again -- but look at my track record over the years. Every time I have cried wolf, there ended up being a real wolf, or a pack of wolves in some cases.
And ultimately, I bet I know which organization from China is pushing this into textbooks. The Confucius Institute. I am not accusing them yet, but there are wolf tracks everywhere. Somebody from China definitely is behind this.
This is China trying to discredit Japan, and split our alliance with Japan.
That much we know. China definitely is doing this, but whether Confucius Institute is the ultimate agent is something we have not yet proven. The wolf tracks are there, but for now they only lead to China. Others may know more.
We cannot fall into the trap of this Big Bad Wolf, PRC.
BY Yongtae Kim
http://www.christianitydaily.com/articles/1003/20141117/japan-requests-mcgraw-hill-remove-comfort-women-history-books.htmFriday, November 10, 2017
The Korean Prostitute Sent to Hug President Trump
このニュースがテレビで報道された後、私はアーチー宮本氏からメールを受け取りました。 彼は我々調査班の重要メンバーです。アーチーは米国陸軍パイロットの退役軍人及び情報士官です。朝鮮戦争で2度従軍しベトナム戦争でも2度 従軍。陸軍を退役後はビジネスの世界に転身。
この老女の経歴を精査すれば、韓国は面目を失うだろう。彼女は88歳。日本軍の慰安婦だったにしては若すぎる。1943年までに 幾つかの地域から慰安婦は 帰国している。ミッドウェー海戦は1942年半ばだ。
したがって1943年に慰安婦になったなら、彼女は 満州または中国に送られたはずだ。彼女の話が事実かどうか調べれば わかることだ。もっとも 誰も興味をもたないだろうが。
米軍の第49調査報告書によると、1942年に700人ほどの慰安婦がビルマに送られたのが最後でそれ以来はゼロである。(注: 私ーマイケルヨンーもそのレポートを読んだ。彼女らは売春婦であるとはっきり書かれている。)
1944年、日本本土への空襲が 始まり、1945年、日本は生き残るために必死で戦っていた。
国賓をもてなすにあたり儀礼を欠いたことについては言及しないが、トランプ大統領に抱きついたかつての慰安婦を名乗る李容洙(Lee Yong-soo) は、韓国にとっての恥となるだろう。
彼女は台湾で慰安婦をしていたと証言している。このことについて Sarah Soh が彼女の著書の中でどう書いているかもっと調べてみるつもりだが、この老婦人の'性奴隷'の信憑性を根本から覆しているのは、亡くなった神風パイロットの魂と1998年に結婚の儀式をした、という発言だ。彼女の証言には矛盾が多すぎてとてもまじめには聞いていられない。
過去数年に渡る、Lee Yong-soo 証言の変遷
「戦時中の慰安婦に関する軍の記録」 Kindle版
アーチ−宮本 著
The Korean Prostitute Sent to Hug President Trump
During President Trump’s recent visit to Seoul, a supposed World War II comfort woman was sent to hug President Trump. If you watch the video, you will see that President Moon Jae-in is on the scam. Moon sets up the picture for the photographer. This was all about getting the picture that Koreans can use thousands of times. It already has splashed across the world.
Koreans used this visit as part of their comfort women scam. Pretty rotten.
After it hit television, I got an email from Archie Miyamoto, a key member of our research team. Archie is a retired US Army pilot and intelligence officer. He served two combat tours during the Korea, then went back for 3rds and 4ths in Vietnam, finally retired from the Army and went into business.
Later, Archie authored the excellent book, "Wartime Military Records on Comfort Women." All journalists and researchers on this topic must read this book if their research is to be taken seriously.
Archie emailed to me after seeing the spectacle in Seoul with President Moon helping the comfort woman prop to get the photo with President Trump.
From Archie:
If the background of that old lady is checked into, it could be a real slap in the face for Korea. If she is 88, she is too young to have been a comfort woman for Japan. By 1943, comfort women were being sent home from some areas. The battle of Midway was in mid-1942.
So, recruiting comfort women after 1943 would have to be for Manchuria or China. Her story would be interesting.
Doubtful if her true story ever comes out. No one is interested anyway.
The US Military Interrogation Report 49 mentions shipment of some 700 Korean comfort women to Burma in 1942 but none thereafter. [I, Michael Yon, also read the report which states clearly that they were prostitutes.]
Aerial bombardment of the Japanese mainland began in 1944. By 1945, Japan was fighting for survival. What was she doing during the Korean War?
Without comment on breach of protocol for state visits, the former comfort woman, Lee Yong-soo, who hugged President Trump may prove to be an embarrassment to Korea.
Her past statements about the circumstances of becoming a comfort woman are filled with contradictions and have no credibility. While there is no reason to doubt she was sent to Taiwan in 1944 to a kamikaze air base when shipping was critical, it does raise the question of why it was necessary. Taiwanese women were available as sex slaves if the Japanese military was in fact abducting women for comfort stations.
The answer is obvious. Comfort women were prostitutes and local supply was inadequate. U.S. Military Interrogation Report No. 49 clearly states comfort women were prostitutes.
Then another research teammate emailed to me:
She's been saying that she spent time in Taiwan as a comfort woman. I can look up more of what Sarah Soh wrote in her book later, but what destroys her credibility as a 'sex slave' is her performing a rite of spirit marriage to a deceased kamikaze pilot in 1998. She's made way too many conflicting comments about her experience to be taken seriously:
このニュースがテレビで報道された後、私はアーチー宮本氏からメールを受け取りました。 彼は我々調査班の重要メンバーです。アーチーは米国陸軍パイロットの退役軍人及び情報士官です。朝鮮戦争で2度従軍しベトナム戦争でも2度 従軍。陸軍を退役後はビジネスの世界に転身。
この老女の経歴を精査すれば、韓国は面目を失うだろう。彼女は88歳。日本軍の慰安婦だったにしては若すぎる。1943年までに 幾つかの地域から慰安婦は 帰国している。ミッドウェー海戦は1942年半ばだ。
したがって1943年に慰安婦になったなら、彼女は 満州または中国に送られたはずだ。彼女の話が事実かどうか調べれば わかることだ。もっとも 誰も興味をもたないだろうが。
米軍の第49調査報告書によると、1942年に700人ほどの慰安婦がビルマに送られたのが最後でそれ以来はゼロである。(注: 私ーマイケルヨンーもそのレポートを読んだ。彼女らは売春婦であるとはっきり書かれている。)
1944年、日本本土への空襲が 始まり、1945年、日本は生き残るために必死で戦っていた。
彼女は朝鮮戦争時 何をやっていたのだろうか?
国賓をもてなすにあたり儀礼を欠いたことについては言及しないが、トランプ大統領に抱きついたかつての慰安婦を名乗る李容洙(Lee Yong-soo) は、韓国にとっての恥となるだろう。
だとすると、なぜ日本軍がそんなことをする必要があったのかという別の疑問も湧いてくる。彼女の言うとおり 日本軍が敗戦濃厚で必死なときに朝鮮で女性を拉致して台湾の慰安所に送り込むなど 矛盾している。当時 日本であった台湾には女性が沢山いるのだ。
だとすると、なぜ日本軍がそんなことをする必要があったのかという別の疑問も湧いてくる。彼女の言うとおり 日本軍が敗戦濃厚で必死なときに朝鮮で女性を拉致して台湾の慰安所に送り込むなど 矛盾している。当時 日本であった台湾には女性が沢山いるのだ。
彼女は台湾で慰安婦をしていたと証言している。このことについて Sarah Soh が彼女の著書の中でどう書いているかもっと調べてみるつもりだが、この老婦人の'性奴隷'の信憑性を根本から覆しているのは、亡くなった神風パイロットの魂と1998年に結婚の儀式をした、という発言だ。彼女の証言には矛盾が多すぎてとてもまじめには聞いていられない。
過去数年に渡る、Lee Yong-soo 証言の変遷
「戦時中の慰安婦に関する軍の記録」 Kindle版
アーチ−宮本 著
During President Trump’s recent visit to Seoul, a supposed World War II comfort woman was sent to hug President Trump. If you watch the video, you will see that President Moon Jae-in is on the scam. Moon sets up the picture for the photographer. This was all about getting the picture that Koreans can use thousands of times. It already has splashed across the world.
Koreans used this visit as part of their comfort women scam. Pretty rotten.
After it hit television, I got an email from Archie Miyamoto, a key member of our research team. Archie is a retired US Army pilot and intelligence officer. He served two combat tours during the Korea, then went back for 3rds and 4ths in Vietnam, finally retired from the Army and went into business.
Later, Archie authored the excellent book, "Wartime Military Records on Comfort Women." All journalists and researchers on this topic must read this book if their research is to be taken seriously.
Archie emailed to me after seeing the spectacle in Seoul with President Moon helping the comfort woman prop to get the photo with President Trump.
From Archie:
If the background of that old lady is checked into, it could be a real slap in the face for Korea. If she is 88, she is too young to have been a comfort woman for Japan. By 1943, comfort women were being sent home from some areas. The battle of Midway was in mid-1942.
So, recruiting comfort women after 1943 would have to be for Manchuria or China. Her story would be interesting.
Doubtful if her true story ever comes out. No one is interested anyway.
The US Military Interrogation Report 49 mentions shipment of some 700 Korean comfort women to Burma in 1942 but none thereafter. [I, Michael Yon, also read the report which states clearly that they were prostitutes.]
Aerial bombardment of the Japanese mainland began in 1944. By 1945, Japan was fighting for survival. What was she doing during the Korean War?
Without comment on breach of protocol for state visits, the former comfort woman, Lee Yong-soo, who hugged President Trump may prove to be an embarrassment to Korea.
Her past statements about the circumstances of becoming a comfort woman are filled with contradictions and have no credibility. While there is no reason to doubt she was sent to Taiwan in 1944 to a kamikaze air base when shipping was critical, it does raise the question of why it was necessary. Taiwanese women were available as sex slaves if the Japanese military was in fact abducting women for comfort stations.
The answer is obvious. Comfort women were prostitutes and local supply was inadequate. U.S. Military Interrogation Report No. 49 clearly states comfort women were prostitutes.
Then another research teammate emailed to me:
She's been saying that she spent time in Taiwan as a comfort woman. I can look up more of what Sarah Soh wrote in her book later, but what destroys her credibility as a 'sex slave' is her performing a rite of spirit marriage to a deceased kamikaze pilot in 1998. She's made way too many conflicting comments about her experience to be taken seriously:
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
President Trump hugs Korean Grandma Prostitute at State Dinner
これは大きなペテンだ。数百万人もの韓国人は日本をやっつけるためなら 何だってする。
これは大きなペテンだ。数百万人もの韓国人は日本をやっつけるためなら 何だってする。
韓国人は老慰安婦を 見世物の動物のように 引き回している。
President Trump hugs Korean Grandma Prostitute at State Dinner
— she probably whispered to him, “5,000 won and I’m yours.”
This is all a scam. Millions of Koreans hold nothing sacred when it comes to clawing at Japan.
Koreans might scream, “You can’t say that about a senior comfort woman!” As they parade her around like a zoo animal. At least she is not wearing a leash.
Friday, November 3, 2017
日本生まれの北朝鮮人 -- 非常に憂慮すべき問題
NORKS born in Japan -- this is a special concern
終戦直後ですら( 第二次大戦で日本はほぼ破壊されたが、朝鮮は膝に少しひっかき傷を作った程度)、朝鮮よりも日本の方が良いと彼らは考えました。
北朝鮮と韓国の現状を見てください。今お互いを殺すのか、あるいは統一してから どちらかが勝つまでお互い殺し合うのか、決心がつかない状態のようです。
第二次大戦中に朝鮮のどこが爆撃され、どこが侵略されたのかを朝鮮人に尋ねてみてください。 怒り出すでしょう。彼らは答えられませんから。
このリンクに示したVoxのビデオの内容は現実と大きく離反しています。例えば、ビデオでは、韓国と日本の関係が悪いのは日本の右翼が原因だとしているが、実際には韓国の振る舞いと中国の好戦性のために右翼が力をつけているのを 都合よく事実を捻じ曲げています。
慰安婦について言えば -- 当時、売春は完璧に合法でした。韓国人は売春業で有名です。今日でも韓国そのものが 巨大な売春宿としてよく知られています。2017年の現在でも、韓国の街角では 老婆が春をひさいでいるのです。
NORKS born in Japan -- this is a special concern
Between 1910-1945, Korea was Japan just like Hawaii is America. Well, we did not officially steal Hawaii until 1945, but we had effectively stolen it much earlier. I am very happy we stole it -- otherwise someone else would have, such as Russians.
Anyway, not to got into that, but Korea was truly a part of Japan and willfully became part of Japan in a legal annexation.
1910年から1945年にかけて南北朝鮮は日本の一部でした。ちょうどハワイが米国の一部であるように。もちろん、我々は1945年に公式にハワイを米国の領土としたのですが、それよりもずっと以前からハワイは事実上米国の物でした。 米国が奪い取ることが出来て本当に良かった -- でなければロシアかどこかの国に盗られていたことでしょう。
終戦直後ですら( 第二次大戦で日本はほぼ破壊されたが、朝鮮は膝に少しひっかき傷を作った程度)、朝鮮よりも日本の方が良いと彼らは考えました。
北朝鮮と韓国の現状を見てください。今お互いを殺すのか、あるいは統一してから どちらかが勝つまでお互い殺し合うのか、決心がつかない状態のようです。
第二次大戦中に朝鮮のどこが爆撃され、どこが侵略されたのかを朝鮮人に尋ねてみてください。 怒り出すでしょう。彼らは答えられませんから。
このリンクに示したVoxのビデオの内容は現実と大きく離反しています。例えば、ビデオでは、韓国と日本の関係が悪いのは日本の右翼が原因だとしているが、実際には韓国の振る舞いと中国の好戦性のために右翼が力をつけているのを 都合よく事実を捻じ曲げています。
慰安婦について言えば -- 当時、売春は完璧に合法でした。韓国人は売春業で有名です。今日でも韓国そのものが 巨大な売春宿としてよく知られています。2017年の現在でも、韓国の街角では 老婆が春をひさいでいるのです。
NORKS born in Japan -- this is a special concern
Between 1910-1945, Korea was Japan just like Hawaii is America. Well, we did not officially steal Hawaii until 1945, but we had effectively stolen it much earlier. I am very happy we stole it -- otherwise someone else would have, such as Russians.
Anyway, not to got into that, but Korea was truly a part of Japan and willfully became part of Japan in a legal annexation.
Koreans were then full Japanese citizens and many went to Japan. They
became elected officials, police, Army officers, the works.
After the war ended in August 1945, many Koreans decided to stay in Japan. After all, they were Japanese, and even after the war they thought Japan -- which was basically destroyed -- was better than Korea, despite that Korea barely scratched its knee during World War II.
To hear Koreans talk, you'd think they were slaughtered by the millions. Practically nothing happened. Really...practically nothing. Most of the Koreans killed later -- after World War II -- were killed by other Koreans, and by Americans and other foreign forces, but not by Japanese.
Look at North and South Korea today. They can't make up their minds if they want to slaughter each other or get married and then slaughter each other until someone is top dog.
Ask Koreas where were the bombings and invasion locations during World War II and they might become angry. They can't think of any...
So, even with Japan destroyed, most stayed in Japan. And so today they speak Japanese fluently, are fluent in Japanese culture, and many have Japanese names. They are indistinguishable even by Japanese. Well, they are Japanese. Full Japanese citizens. One can become Prime Minister. Just a matter of votes.
Believe it or not, many see themselves as North Koreans. That's right. Imagine the implications for Japanese (and US forces) if war breaks out. No telling what could happen.
This Vox video is paper thin on context and reality. For instance, it blames Japanese rightwing for Korean-Japanese behavior, conveniently sidestepping that the rightwing is growing BECAUSE of Korean behavior and Chinese belligerence.
The video also sidesteps that millions of Koreans born in Korea are also wild-eyed about Japan despite never having been to Japan.
As for the mention of Comfort Women -- prostitution was perfectly legal then. Koreans are famous for prostitution. Even today, Korea is famous as a giant brothel. Grandmothers literally sell their bodies on Korean streets in 2017.
https://www.facebook.com/Vox/videos/784004718453799/After the war ended in August 1945, many Koreans decided to stay in Japan. After all, they were Japanese, and even after the war they thought Japan -- which was basically destroyed -- was better than Korea, despite that Korea barely scratched its knee during World War II.
To hear Koreans talk, you'd think they were slaughtered by the millions. Practically nothing happened. Really...practically nothing. Most of the Koreans killed later -- after World War II -- were killed by other Koreans, and by Americans and other foreign forces, but not by Japanese.
Look at North and South Korea today. They can't make up their minds if they want to slaughter each other or get married and then slaughter each other until someone is top dog.
Ask Koreas where were the bombings and invasion locations during World War II and they might become angry. They can't think of any...
So, even with Japan destroyed, most stayed in Japan. And so today they speak Japanese fluently, are fluent in Japanese culture, and many have Japanese names. They are indistinguishable even by Japanese. Well, they are Japanese. Full Japanese citizens. One can become Prime Minister. Just a matter of votes.
Believe it or not, many see themselves as North Koreans. That's right. Imagine the implications for Japanese (and US forces) if war breaks out. No telling what could happen.
This Vox video is paper thin on context and reality. For instance, it blames Japanese rightwing for Korean-Japanese behavior, conveniently sidestepping that the rightwing is growing BECAUSE of Korean behavior and Chinese belligerence.
The video also sidesteps that millions of Koreans born in Korea are also wild-eyed about Japan despite never having been to Japan.
As for the mention of Comfort Women -- prostitution was perfectly legal then. Koreans are famous for prostitution. Even today, Korea is famous as a giant brothel. Grandmothers literally sell their bodies on Korean streets in 2017.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The freak show from Korea continues. If you are in Seoul, make sure to visit the comfort women statue in front of the Japanese Embassy on a Wednesday at about noon. They hold protests every Wednesday. The protests are regular National Geographic anthropological extravaganzas.
Make sure to bring a video and show your friends the freak show. They
dance and sing for the statue. Hold an umbrella for it when it's raining. Dress it up. Kiss it. Cry to it.
The freak show from Korea continues. If you are in Seoul, make sure to visit the comfort women statue in front of the Japanese Embassy on a Wednesday at about noon. They hold protests every Wednesday. The protests are regular National Geographic anthropological extravaganzas.
Make sure to bring a video and show your friends the freak show. They
dance and sing for the statue. Hold an umbrella for it when it's raining. Dress it up. Kiss it. Cry to it.
You can even see Catholic clergy there in uniform worshipping the idol.
After that freak show, take a taxi to the Franciscan Friary and see that statue just next to the shop where they sell idols at the Friary. Cannot make up this stuff.
I would not be surprised to see Korean men start marrying these statues.
Be careful. Some of these people are dangerous. One tried to assassinate the Japanese and US Ambassadors to Korea. He is in prison after cutting our Ambassador on the face.
Another statue worshipper set himself ablaze and burned to death.
When I say freak show, I mean it. Bizarre.
Students have been camping next to the Seoul statue since 2015. I used to stop and talk to them. They think they are on a Mission from God. Nuns often come sit with them.
Koreans are landing these things in the USA to bring their anger and violence to our streets.
After that freak show, take a taxi to the Franciscan Friary and see that statue just next to the shop where they sell idols at the Friary. Cannot make up this stuff.
I would not be surprised to see Korean men start marrying these statues.
Be careful. Some of these people are dangerous. One tried to assassinate the Japanese and US Ambassadors to Korea. He is in prison after cutting our Ambassador on the face.
Another statue worshipper set himself ablaze and burned to death.
When I say freak show, I mean it. Bizarre.
Students have been camping next to the Seoul statue since 2015. I used to stop and talk to them. They think they are on a Mission from God. Nuns often come sit with them.
Koreans are landing these things in the USA to bring their anger and violence to our streets.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
全く何ということか、当時の米国政府は第二次大戦中 12万人もの米国在住の日本人を -- 財産を取りあげて -- 収容所に詰め込みました。
アメリカ国民は 戦いたくなかった-- 大いに納得できますが --
アメリカ国民は 戦いたくなかった-- 大いに納得できますが --
私はドイツ人が好きですが彼らは政治的怪物 フランケンシュタインを作りだしてしまった。ドイツ人の政治的アドバイスをありがたがるのは 間違いです。
私はドイツ人が好きですが彼らは政治的怪物 フランケンシュタインを作りだしてしまった。ドイツ人の政治的アドバイスをありがたがるのは 間違いです。
The World needs a Strong Japan
Time to 86 Article 9. Article 9 is the path to bad. We should never have fought Japan. We should have been allies against Nazis and Communists.
Southern Germany is one of my favorite places on Earth, despite that Germans somehow managed to invent Communism and Nazism.
Also amazing how many people call Japanese the "Nazis of Asia." Farce.
Japanese were saving Jews when Germans were killing Jews and Americans
were turning them away.
If you take an honest look at Japanese war crimes during World War II...good grief. Japanese definitely committed war crimes, but we outran them by miles on war crimes. Heck, we put 120,000 Japanese in camps in America -- took their property -- during WWII. Even while they fought for us and we firebombed Japanese cities.
We were attacking Japan before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Practically no Americans or Japanese know this. They will say you are stupid if you say this. We were strangling Japan economically and forcing Japanese to fight us as an excuse to fight Nazis in Europe and elsewhere. Americans wanted to stay on their farms -- which is pretty reasonable -- but the Nazis were growing strong.
We can say it's all over now, but it's not. Those German inventions such as Communism march on. I like Germans, but they make political Frankensteins. Don't want any political advice from Germany. I like their cars but their political advice is death.
Germans lecturing me on gun and immigration policy. Is this a joke?
Germany should stay were it is. Japan needs to grow stronger.
442 RCT.
If you take an honest look at Japanese war crimes during World War II...good grief. Japanese definitely committed war crimes, but we outran them by miles on war crimes. Heck, we put 120,000 Japanese in camps in America -- took their property -- during WWII. Even while they fought for us and we firebombed Japanese cities.
We were attacking Japan before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Practically no Americans or Japanese know this. They will say you are stupid if you say this. We were strangling Japan economically and forcing Japanese to fight us as an excuse to fight Nazis in Europe and elsewhere. Americans wanted to stay on their farms -- which is pretty reasonable -- but the Nazis were growing strong.
We can say it's all over now, but it's not. Those German inventions such as Communism march on. I like Germans, but they make political Frankensteins. Don't want any political advice from Germany. I like their cars but their political advice is death.
Germans lecturing me on gun and immigration policy. Is this a joke?
Germany should stay were it is. Japan needs to grow stronger.
442 RCT.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
サンフランシスコで 慰安婦像 公開
韓国人が米国に馬鹿げたものを持ち込んできました --
アメリカを破壊しようとしている敵です。物理的に破壊しようとしているのです。 既に我々の大使を殺そうとしました。
Koreans Bring More Nuttiness to America -- just a matter of time before Korean men start marrying these statues.
A statue worshipper named Kim Ki-jong attacked the Japanese Ambassador to Korea, and later tried to assassinate US Ambassador Mark Lippert. The statue worshipper badly cut our Ambassador.
The Pope openly supports the statue worshippers. Priests and nuns openly worship the idols. I made photos and videos of their idolatry in Seoul. It's a freak show.
Korea Daily
像を崇拝する Kim Ki-jongは韓国で駐韓国日本大使を攻撃し、後にMark Lippert 米大使を暗殺しようとしました。像の崇拝者は我々の大使を酷く切りつけて怪我を負わせました。
バチカン教皇は慰安婦像の崇拝者を公に 支持しています。神父と修道女も公に慰安婦像という偶像を奉っています。私はソウルで彼らが偶像崇拝している場面を写真に収めました。
像を崇拝する Kim Ki-jongは韓国で駐韓国日本大使を攻撃し、後にMark Lippert 米大使を暗殺しようとしました。像の崇拝者は我々の大使を酷く切りつけて怪我を負わせました。
バチカン教皇は慰安婦像の崇拝者を公に 支持しています。神父と修道女も公に慰安婦像という偶像を奉っています。私はソウルで彼らが偶像崇拝している場面を写真に収めました。
今や 彼らは複数の慰安婦像を各路線のバスに乗せて 市内を回らせています。
ビデオカメラを忘れないでください。それは定期的に開催される韓国の「 世界の奇習」行事ですから。
これらの慰安婦像崇拝者達には充分 気をつけてください。日本-米国-韓国の関係を分断しようと企てている勢力に資金援助されている狂信的カルトです。そのカルトは 米国を含め世界中に像を建立しています。
これらの慰安婦像崇拝者達には充分 気をつけてください。日本-米国-韓国の関係を分断しようと企てている勢力に資金援助されている狂信的カルトです。そのカルトは 米国を含め世界中に像を建立しています。
慰安婦像崇拝者達は いつもニコニコしています。そのニコニコ顔の陰で凶器とガソリンを準備していることを誤魔化しているのです。
アメリカを破壊しようとしている敵です。物理的に破壊しようとしているのです。 既に我々の大使を殺そうとしました。
Koreans Bring More Nuttiness to America -- just a matter of time before Korean men start marrying these statues.
A statue worshipper named Kim Ki-jong attacked the Japanese Ambassador to Korea, and later tried to assassinate US Ambassador Mark Lippert. The statue worshipper badly cut our Ambassador.
The Pope openly supports the statue worshippers. Priests and nuns openly worship the idols. I made photos and videos of their idolatry in Seoul. It's a freak show.
If you are in Seoul,
go watch the weekly statue freak show on Wednesdays at about noon by
the Japanese Embassy. There will be many journalists.
They are putting these things on busses now.
Make sure to bring a video camera. It's a regular National Geographic event.
They sing to the statue, hold its hand. Dance around it. Talk to it like a child. Hold an umbrella for it. Dress it up. Give it food. Total freak show. They camp beside the thing since 2015. Seven days per week -- they sleep beside the statue seven days per week since 2015!
One guy burned himself to death over this nonsense. Some nutty monk set himself ablaze.
Be careful of these statue worshippers. It's a cult sponsored by those trying to split Japan-US-ROK relations. The cult is installing these statues around the world and America.
The statue worshippers smile a lot. Those smiles distract from their knives. And gasoline.
The people installing the statues in the United States are our enemies. Lethal enemies. Their intent is to harm, physically. They already tried to kill our Ambassador.
If you are in San Francisco, honor these statues with red paint that symbolizes the blood the worshippers already have spilled.
They are putting these things on busses now.
Make sure to bring a video camera. It's a regular National Geographic event.
They sing to the statue, hold its hand. Dance around it. Talk to it like a child. Hold an umbrella for it. Dress it up. Give it food. Total freak show. They camp beside the thing since 2015. Seven days per week -- they sleep beside the statue seven days per week since 2015!
One guy burned himself to death over this nonsense. Some nutty monk set himself ablaze.
Be careful of these statue worshippers. It's a cult sponsored by those trying to split Japan-US-ROK relations. The cult is installing these statues around the world and America.
The statue worshippers smile a lot. Those smiles distract from their knives. And gasoline.
The people installing the statues in the United States are our enemies. Lethal enemies. Their intent is to harm, physically. They already tried to kill our Ambassador.
If you are in San Francisco, honor these statues with red paint that symbolizes the blood the worshippers already have spilled.
Korea Daily
San Francisco ‘Comfort Women’ Statue Now Open to Public
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Statement of Japanese Scholars Opposed to the Joint Registration of the “Voices of the ‘Comfort Women’” of the Japanese Military with UNESCO’s “Memory of the World”
This is all an information war against Korea-USA-Japan. Many Japanese see it for what it is, some not. Most Koreans seem to fall for it, and those who do not are punished severely.
Americans must realize that we are being targeted. This is not just something between Korea and Japan. Far from it.
Statement of Japanese Scholars Opposed to the Joint Registration of the “Voices of the ‘Comfort Women’” of the Japanese Military with UNESCO’s “Memory of the World”
This is all an information war against Korea-USA-Japan. Many Japanese see it for what it is, some not. Most Koreans seem to fall for it, and those who do not are punished severely.
Americans must realize that we are being targeted. This is not just something between Korea and Japan. Far from it.
Monday, October 16, 2017
○ 「軍艦島は地獄島ではない」 元島民らが反論動画公開、プロパガンダに対抗
"Warship island is not a hell island" original islanders et al rebuttal video publishing, against the propaganda (ZAKZAK 10/11/2017)
○ 「真実の歴史を追求する端島島民の会」より、映画『軍艦島』の公開にあたっての嘆願書が発表されました (2017年10月6日)
And video of "Association of Hashima islanders to pursue the history of truth" on YouTube has been published (October 5, 2017)
○ 日本人96人が竹島を訪問 12年間、学生や観光客 一部は「独島名誉住民証」を受領
96 apanese people to visit 12 years Takeshima, some students and tourists receive a "Dokdo honorary resident card" (Sankei 10/11/2017)
○ 「他国のNGOと連携ができてきた」 国連人権理事会で慰安婦問題などで演説した派遣団が報告会
And reporting the Board of delegation made a speech in such comfort women issue in the [history against "NGO with the cooperation of other countries have been able to" United Nations Human Rights Council (Sankei 10/2/2017)
○ 「帰省」した韓国の慰安婦像、地域行事への参加やバスへの乗車も検討=韓国ネット「なんだか怖い」「このままでは日本との関係改善は…」
"homecoming" the Korean comfort women image, ride also consider = Korea net "somehow scary" to the participation and buses to local events "is improving relations with Japan will remain this ..." (record China 10/2/2017)
○ 日本人は何を恐れているのか?サンフランシスコの慰安婦像をめぐって―中国メディア
Japanese are afraid of what? On San Francisco's comfort women image - Chinese media (Record China 10/9/2017)
Friday, October 13, 2017
朝鮮人の性奴隷について「 冒涜的」なコメントをした教授、解雇される
Kooky in Korea: "Professor sacked after 'blasphemous' comments on Korean sex slaves”
Koreans by the millions fall into this sex slave trap. It would not be surprising to see a mass wedding where thousands of Korean men marry sex slave statues.
They worship these statues.
Koreans by the millions fall into this sex slave trap. It would not be surprising to see a mass wedding where thousands of Korean men marry sex slave statues.
They worship these statues.
If you are in Seoul, go to the sex slave statue by the Japanese
Embassy. Students camp beside the statue to protect it. It's a freaks
show, or at least anthropologically interesting.
They worship the statue every Wednesday. Catholic priests and nuns come to join in on the idolatry. They dance, sing, hold an umbrella for the statue. Hold its hand. Talk to it. It's truly freaky.
Go at about noon on any Wednesday. Bring your video camera. This is historically significant. This information operation led to Japan rebuking UNESCO.
They are fomenting terrorism. A comfort woman supporter tried to assassinate the US and Japanese Ambassadors to Korea. He is in prison for cutting our Ambassador.
"Professor sacked after 'blasphemous' comments on Korean sex slaves"
By Ko Dong-hwan
They worship the statue every Wednesday. Catholic priests and nuns come to join in on the idolatry. They dance, sing, hold an umbrella for the statue. Hold its hand. Talk to it. It's truly freaky.
Go at about noon on any Wednesday. Bring your video camera. This is historically significant. This information operation led to Japan rebuking UNESCO.
They are fomenting terrorism. A comfort woman supporter tried to assassinate the US and Japanese Ambassadors to Korea. He is in prison for cutting our Ambassador.
"Professor sacked after 'blasphemous' comments on Korean sex slaves"
By Ko Dong-hwan
Sunday, October 8, 2017
アイルランドはどうかしてしまったらしい:「チェ・ゲバラを記念する切手発行を内閣が 承認」
銃による襲撃 ・婦女暴行・殺人をしていたのに「英雄」とされる、チェ・ゲバラの記念切手:
銃による襲撃 ・婦女暴行・殺人をしていたのに「英雄」とされる、チェ・ゲバラの記念切手:
Ireland has lost its mind: "Che Guevara anniversary stamp approved by Cabinet"
But am not saying this about all Irish. One Irish friend was a Marine sniper, then F-18 pilot, Osprey, and now is AF A-10 pilot. Very happy he is now American.
Also very happy CIA and Green Berets were involved in tracking and killing this communist.
From the people who are adamant that Americans should have no guns. Witness their gunslinging, raping, murdering hero:
Saturday, October 7, 2017
「慰安婦をめぐる騒ぎ、大阪とサンフランシスコの姉妹都市関係 分断か」
‘Comfort women’ row threatens Osaka-San Francisco sister city relationship
This is exactly what China and some left organizations want. To split Japan-USA-Korea.
Japan Timesの記事から:
=== from the article
両市の書簡のやり取りが水曜日に公開され、サンフランシスコ市長Edwin Lee氏は、大阪市長の吉村洋文氏がサンフランシスコが慰安婦像を公有地に建立するので姉妹都市の関係を打ち切る可能性があると通告したことに対して失望を表明した。
これは米国で サンフランシスコが慰安婦像を建立する初めての大都市となった一週間後の9月29日付けで吉村大阪市長が送った手紙への回答である。
‘Comfort women’ row threatens Osaka-San Francisco sister city relationship
by Eric Johnston
--- from the article of JT
OSAKA – The debate over statues memorializing “comfort women,” who were forced to work in Japanese military brothels before and during World War II, is threatening to upend a six-decade sister city relationship between Osaka and San Francisco.
In an exchange of letters made public Wednesday, San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee expressed disappointment in Osaka Mayor Hirofumi Yoshimura’s announcement that he might cut the tie-up over the U.S. city’s new comfort women memorial.
“I am deeply disappointed that you are considering the cessation of our Sister City partnership. Our citizen organizations bring our people together and create mutual understanding on a daily basis,” Lee said in a letter dated Oct. 2.
“It would be a shame to penalize those who worked so hard to build a strong future of cooperation between our residents,” he added.
Lee was responding to a letter from Yoshimura dated Sept. 29, one week after San Francisco became America’s first major city to erect a memorial to comfort women.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Stop Wasting time with NFL
ナショナルフットボールリーグなんかに時間を割いている場合ではありません -- 午後の間中、フィールドを駆け回っている人々を見た後で、その人の頭の中にはなにが残っているのですか? 本を読みましょう。読んで自分への投資をしましょう。
Stop Wasting time with NFL: Invest in self -- Read Books
What is left in a person's head after he spends time watching people run up and down the field for an evening? Read a book, make an investment.
Time reading good books is not an expense but an investment.
Stop Wasting time with NFL: Invest in self -- Read Books
What is left in a person's head after he spends time watching people run up and down the field for an evening? Read a book, make an investment.
Time reading good books is not an expense but an investment.
It is Japan-bashin
'It is Japan-bashing' : Osaka may sever sister city ties with San
Francisco over 'comfort women' statue (South China Morning Post
There is a lot more to this than Japan-bashing. The ultimate target is
USA. PRC is working to split apart ROK-USA-Japan, first to isolate and
contain Japan.
Francisco over 'comfort women' statue (South China Morning Post
USA. PRC is working to split apart ROK-USA-Japan, first to isolate and
contain Japan.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
"War on the Horizon": Japan Forward
私の記事が Japan Forward に掲載されました。
“War on the Horizon—Is the US Ready to Meet its Commitments?”
「戦争の徴候 — 米国はその準備ができているのか?」
“War on the Horizon—Is the US Ready to Meet its Commitments?”
「戦争の徴候 — 米国はその準備ができているのか?」
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes
スティーブ・バノンのインタビュー 60分 -- バノンとは何者か
彼を邪悪な人間だと思わせたい向きもあるようだが、彼は自分でも言っているように自分の信じることを主張している 一匹狼のストリートファイターに過ぎない。彼は口にナイフをくわえています。 共和党やカトリック教会など、誰もそのナイフを奪うことはできない。
アメリカにとって 世界で一番とは言わなくてもアジアで最も重要な同盟国は日本です。その日本を敵視させるように、日本とあまり繋がっていないアメリカの教会を利用するのです。教会は分断工作の手段の全てではないが その 一つ です。
我々はソビエト連邦の崩壊を支援しました。大国同士の駆け引きです。だから我が国の大統領選にロシアがちょっかいを出しても 責めませんし、ソビエト連邦の崩壊に米国が手を貸したのだとロシアが非難するのを聞いても気にしません。世界政治とはそういうものだから、です。
我々はソビエト連邦の崩壊を支援しました。大国同士の駆け引きです。だから我が国の大統領選にロシアがちょっかいを出しても 責めませんし、ソビエト連邦の崩壊に米国が手を貸したのだとロシアが非難するのを聞いても気にしません。世界政治とはそういうものだから、です。
Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes -- this is great
He takes on practically everyone, including the Catholic Church, and Steve is very Catholic.
Some people make him out to be evil but he is just the street fighter he says he is. The man has practically got a knife clenched in his teeth, and GOP and others cannot take it, including the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church openly buddies up with China (Steve does not say
this in the interview) and the PRC actively supports splitting us apart
from ROK and Japan.
There is little market for the Catholic Church -- or any church -- in Japan, which helps communists in Korea and China further their varied aims.
The Catholic Church, or any church, has little finger hold on Japan. And so, Chinese and Korean communists use various churches to turn us against Japan, who is our greatest ally in Asia, if not the world. Churches are not their only door, but certainly one.
Interestingly, of the very few Christians in Japan, many are communists. You will not find many American communists. That goes against everything I was taught growing up in Church. (The world is complicated like that.)
On allies and common interests, Japan ranks up there with UK, but few Americans seem to get this.
Charlie Rose pushes the Russian issue. Of course they tried to influence the elections. This is a big boy world with big boy rules. Many people dabble in each other's politics.
We have a long history of not just dabbling, but repainting the whole barn.
We helped crush the Soviet Union. Big boy rules. I do not blame Russia for dabbling, and don't care to hear their complaints that we helped crack the Soviet Union.
We must do same with China. We must work to split China, just as they are doing to us.
They punch us, and we punch them.
Steve gets it. The man is a realist and that angers many people.
There is little market for the Catholic Church -- or any church -- in Japan, which helps communists in Korea and China further their varied aims.
The Catholic Church, or any church, has little finger hold on Japan. And so, Chinese and Korean communists use various churches to turn us against Japan, who is our greatest ally in Asia, if not the world. Churches are not their only door, but certainly one.
Interestingly, of the very few Christians in Japan, many are communists. You will not find many American communists. That goes against everything I was taught growing up in Church. (The world is complicated like that.)
On allies and common interests, Japan ranks up there with UK, but few Americans seem to get this.
Charlie Rose pushes the Russian issue. Of course they tried to influence the elections. This is a big boy world with big boy rules. Many people dabble in each other's politics.
We have a long history of not just dabbling, but repainting the whole barn.
We helped crush the Soviet Union. Big boy rules. I do not blame Russia for dabbling, and don't care to hear their complaints that we helped crack the Soviet Union.
We must do same with China. We must work to split China, just as they are doing to us.
They punch us, and we punch them.
Steve gets it. The man is a realist and that angers many people.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
(The Gardian 2017/09/07の記事)についての意見
つい最近、日本の 真上を飛び越すミサイルを発射してもアメリカはなにもしませんでした。彼らはその賭けにも勝ったのです。
つい最近、日本の 真上を飛び越すミサイルを発射してもアメリカはなにもしませんでした。彼らはその賭けにも勝ったのです。
北朝鮮が通常型ミサイルで日本を攻撃すれば、アメリカの選択は 戦争か条件付き降伏か、で、従来通り。
北朝鮮は定期的に日本に向けてミサイルを撃ち、制裁をやめさせる取引のカードとしています。端的に言うと、北朝鮮は主導権を握り続けて、北朝鮮の脅威を排除することに長い間 ためらっているアメリカの足元をみているのです。
北朝鮮は定期的に日本に向けてミサイルを撃ち、制裁をやめさせる取引のカードとしています。端的に言うと、北朝鮮は主導権を握り続けて、北朝鮮の脅威を排除することに長い間 ためらっているアメリカの足元をみているのです。
"South Korea deploys missile system as US strengthens North Korea trade threat"
I would not be surprised if DPRK hits Honshu or another part of Japan with a conventional missile. Saddam did similar against Israel, trying to gain popular support and distraction from his own problems.
DPRK leadership are gamblers and cleaning the table.
They gambled we would do nothing against their development of nuclear weapons. They won.
They gambled we would do nothing as they develop ICBMs. They won, and continue to win with each new launch.
They gambled recently by firing a missile directly over Japan. We did nothing. They won.
If they shoot Japan with a missile, and we do nothing, they stand to win big time. They may even come across heroically to many South Koreans who are subject to a massive information campaign to make them hate Japanese. The comfort women statues are just one aspect of this campaign.
Information warriors just installed another comfort woman statue, this one in Itaewon, just by a US base, a clear jab at US forces this time. Not just Japanese. Notice the words on the plaque. "In this here were foreign troops have long resided..."
We know their ultimate target is the USA. Not Japan.
Interestingly, Itaewon, home of the latest statue, is famous for prostitution.
If they shoot Japan with a conventional missile, our options remain the same: War, or capitulation.
They can regularly shoot Japan and use that as a bargaining chip for us to drop sanctions. Because, in a nutshell, they are willing to play serious hardball, and they have seen generations of Americans quiver at the prospect of eliminating North Korea as a threat.
China indicates it will stay neutral if DPRK makes a first strike, though hitting Japan with an occasional missile could raise support from South Koreans, and many Chinese, who also are bombarded with anti-Japanese propaganda.
At nights while I was in China, I watched their programming, and every single night came movie after movie depicting Japanese as savages.
China wishes to split the ROK-USA-Japan relationship.
If DPRK hits Japan, my guess is that the world will shrug and say take it and smile, just as they say similar when Israel gets hit.
China and DPRK are in a balancing act of getting what they want by making us appear weak -- and thus making us weaker -- while not pushing so far that Japan scraps Article 9 and goes nuclear, or that the USA and others finally wipes out DPRK.
It would not be surprising to see a missile slam into Japan, or a naval attack against a Japanese ship.
The more they push and we do nothing, the weaker we become, and the stronger they grow.
They gambled we would do nothing as they develop ICBMs. They won, and continue to win with each new launch.
They gambled recently by firing a missile directly over Japan. We did nothing. They won.
If they shoot Japan with a missile, and we do nothing, they stand to win big time. They may even come across heroically to many South Koreans who are subject to a massive information campaign to make them hate Japanese. The comfort women statues are just one aspect of this campaign.
Information warriors just installed another comfort woman statue, this one in Itaewon, just by a US base, a clear jab at US forces this time. Not just Japanese. Notice the words on the plaque. "In this here were foreign troops have long resided..."
We know their ultimate target is the USA. Not Japan.
Interestingly, Itaewon, home of the latest statue, is famous for prostitution.
If they shoot Japan with a conventional missile, our options remain the same: War, or capitulation.
They can regularly shoot Japan and use that as a bargaining chip for us to drop sanctions. Because, in a nutshell, they are willing to play serious hardball, and they have seen generations of Americans quiver at the prospect of eliminating North Korea as a threat.
China indicates it will stay neutral if DPRK makes a first strike, though hitting Japan with an occasional missile could raise support from South Koreans, and many Chinese, who also are bombarded with anti-Japanese propaganda.
At nights while I was in China, I watched their programming, and every single night came movie after movie depicting Japanese as savages.
China wishes to split the ROK-USA-Japan relationship.
If DPRK hits Japan, my guess is that the world will shrug and say take it and smile, just as they say similar when Israel gets hit.
China and DPRK are in a balancing act of getting what they want by making us appear weak -- and thus making us weaker -- while not pushing so far that Japan scraps Article 9 and goes nuclear, or that the USA and others finally wipes out DPRK.
It would not be surprising to see a missile slam into Japan, or a naval attack against a Japanese ship.
The more they push and we do nothing, the weaker we become, and the stronger they grow.
South Korea deploys missile system as US strengthens North Korea trade threat
Justin McCurry in Tokyo and
Tom Phillips in Beijing
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