Saturday, July 30, 2016

Comfort Women scam: Koreans resort to Violence, again...

慰安婦のペテン:韓国人、 またもや暴力に訴える




あなた方が ソウルで暴力的な反対運動をしている映像をyoutubeに投稿したのを知りました。

もちろん言論の自由は尊重しますが、どうか暴力はやめてください。慰安婦のほとんどが 日韓政府双方の努力を歓迎している事実を知ってのことでしょうか。 

この件もいつものように騒ぎを起こしているのは 韓国挺身隊問題対策協議会(挺対協:Chon Dae Hyup)関係者だけです。


何よりも、その攻撃的な振る舞いをオーストラリアに持ち込まないでいただきたい。 我々はそのことと 関係が無いし、他の民族グループと平和に共存して暮らしています。我々の生活を乱す権利はあなたには無いはずです。 もしも自分の怒りをおさえることができないのならば韓国内に留まって、元慰安婦をほんとうに助けたいのなら、韓国で彼女らの手助けをしていればいいのです。

ここでは様々な民族が オーストラリアの習慣と価値観を共有して暮らしているのです。この地を住処と定めたのならば、故国のイザコザを持ち込んではなりません。

Comfort Women scam: Koreans resort to Violence, again...
Message from Japanese pleading to calm it down:
Dear Korean students protesting the governmental agreement over the comfort woman issue,
We know you posted a movie of your counterparts violently protesting the governmental agreement in Seoul. 
We respect your freedom of speech but please refrain from violence. You must know that most ex-comfort women have welcomed the efforts made by both the governments. Only those under Chon Dae Hyup control are protesting as they always do anyway.
The historical facts are very different from what you were taught at school. If you are doing it out of your passion & sympathy please get your own government to apologize to those Vietnamese women sexually assaulted by South Korean soldiers as well.
Most importantly, please don't import your aggressive behavior to Australia. We are unrelated to the issue and living in peace with all other ethnic groups. You have no right to disturb our life here. If you cannot contain your anger please stay in Korea and help those ladies there if you really want to. This is where all the different races live together in harmony under the Australian customs and values. We must not import foreign conflicts into this country we call home.

Thursday, July 28, 2016




Australia: Koreans work to commemorate Korean Prostitutes 
What is it with Korea's fascination with prostitution?

「ソウル中心部、チョンノの日本大使館前にある平和の像 / コリアタイムズのファイル」


Korean Students Cycling Across America


Korean Students Cycling Across America in Prostitution Scam
(The most accurate title you will read all day.)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Aquarium


The Aquarium: Some fishes do not mix well

Monday, July 25, 2016

Thailand -- Journalist Couple uses their baby as prop for media event during brush with police

タイ国 ― メディアのイベントで子供を宣伝の道具に使っているジャーナリストカップルが、警察といざこざを起こしている。

スコットランド人の「ジャーナリスト」、アンドリュー・マクレガー・マーシャル(Andrew MacGregor Marshall)と彼のワイフのプロイ(Ploy)はタイのロイヤルファミリーをずっとストーキングしつづけている。彼らは私をもストーキングしている。

マーシャルは問題行動によって 解雇同然にロイターを去った男だ。





例:豪州 南オーストラリア州 の 名誉毀損罪 
1935年にできた南オーストラリア  犯罪法 統合的法律 第237条では、こう言っている。


(a) その事が虚偽であることを知りつつ、あるいは真偽について考慮せずに、且つ 
(b)  他人に 重大な損害を意図的に及ぼそうとしている場合、あるいはその名誉毀損が重大な損害を及ぼすかどうかに対して全く考慮せずに 発表した場合、その人物の言動が実際 不名誉なものであったとしても、
 有罪にあたる。  最大刑罰 :禁錮三年。


問題になったメディアイベントは明らかにアンドリュー・マクレガー・マーシャルによって演出されたものだった。子供を小道具にした彼のワイフが 尋問を受ける前に多数のメディアが 既に 警察で待ち構えていたのだ。

昨日 そのことを記事にしたのは、アルジャジーラ、Bild、AP、ガーディアン、チャンネルニュースアジア、AFPなどだ。


このジャーナリストカップルは2013年後半から私を追いかけ回すようになった。アンドリューが私の推薦が欲しくて、彼の原稿をみてほしい、と頼んできたのが彼との唯一の接点である。当時私はトルコにいてシリア人たちと働いており、彼の原稿を読み通す時間など無いほど多忙だった。だが原稿のほんの一部を見た限りでは、文章は拙劣で支離滅裂であったから たとえ通読したとしても推薦できなかっただろう。




興味深いことに、何者かが私にアンドリューのワイフ、プロイの居場所などの動静を伝えてきた。 その匿名の情報源は私が彼女を捕まえることを期待していたらしいが、私は無視した。情報源はアンドリュー自身か、とも考えた。 彼女がどこにいようが私には 全く興味が無かったので、そのことを伝えると情報源は激怒した。

今週末、再び 彼らは国際的ニュースになった。またもや自分たちの息子を効果的な小道具に使って。ไมเคิล-ยอน-นักข่าวอิสระช/

Thailand -- Journalist Couple uses their baby as prop for media event during brush with police
Scottish “journalist” Andrew MacGregor Marshall and his wife Ploy continue to stalk the Thai royal family, and me. 
Marshall was nearly fired from Reuters for behavioral issues. He resigned at the last moment after pleading for his job in a long letter. The letter was eventually published, wherein Marshall describes substance abuse issues and abusive behavior to others.
Both are unsuccessful as journalists other than returns they get for stalking people with high profiles.
Most recently Marshall published what appears to be doctored photos of royal family members. Yesterday his wife was taken for questioning for defamation in Bangkok, and released. 
Criminal defamation is serious in Thailand. Criminal defamation laws are common around the world, including in Canada, Germany, and many other countries. 
Under South Australian criminal law there is also an offence of Criminal defamation. Section 237(1) of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) provides that:
A person who, without lawful excuse, publishes defamatory matter concerning another living person—
(a) knowing the matter to be false or being recklessly indifferent as to whether the matter is true or false; and
(b) intending to cause serious harm, or being recklessly indifferent as to whether the publication of the defamatory matter will cause serious harm, to a person (whether the person defamed or not),
is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years.
This media event obviously was staged by Andrew MacGregor Marshall. Before his wife was even taken for questioning, media arrived on the scene. She was there using her baby as prop.
Those who covered the story yesterday included Al Jazeera, Bild, AP, The Guardian, Channel News Asia, AFP, and more.
Ploy the mother of the baby prop also is a journalist and has helped her husband people for years. I know this firsthand as one of her targets. 
The journalist-couple began chasing me in late 2013. I have no idea why other than husband Andrew asked me to review his book manuscript, apparently seeking my endorsement. I was in Turkey working with Syrians and had no time for his manuscript. The parts I glanced at were poorly written and disjointed. I would not endorse it. 
Something these stalkers never take into account: I never know them until they begin. I did not know him or his wife until they began with their terrible behavior. When something bad happens to them due to the other people they stalk, they always claim to be the victim. 
Such is the case now. But this obviously is staged. Media appeared out of the woodwork the moment the story broke, and Ploy was there with her baby-prop, which Andrew immediately exploited.
Interestingly, someone had provided me the specific movements of Andrew’s wife Ploy, and the address to where she was staying. The source wanted me to try to get her arrested. I did not participate. 
At one point, I suspected that the anonymous source might be Andrew himself. But why would he do such a thing? I had no interest in her whereabouts, which greatly angered the anonymous source.
And this weekend they are international news again. Hiding behind their young son...again.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Japan: Beware the Yellow Butterfly


「慰安婦」と情報戦についての調査を進めていたら、黄色い蝶が頻繁にでてくるのに気がついた。これは反対派や敵の陣地に入り込んだという印 だ。私が赴いて調べた11ヶ国で我々のチームが発見したのだが、同様な情報を他の国々からも得ている。


# "Comfort Women Justice Coalition"
# 「慰安婦の正義を求める連合」

Japan: Beware the Yellow Butterfly
I learned during research into the "comfort women" and information war issues to beware of the yellow butterfly. This is a sure sign that you are stepping into opposition or even enemy territory. My/our research unfolded in 11 countries that I personally travelled to, while associates reported from other countries. 
Bottom line on the yellow butterfly: When you see this, start taking pictures, screenshots, etc., and share it with other watchers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016



Turkey: Erdogan Publishes Photo of New Government

Monday, July 18, 2016



California approves curriculum calling for teaching students about Korean Prostitutes 
Korean Prostitution Matters. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Race in America






二グロであることと居眠り運転で木に突っ込んだことに何か関連性でもあるのか? 例えば「タクシードライバーが居眠りをして木に激突した」でいいではないか。黒人をペンで非難するために必要も無い場合にも人種について言及されてきたことは明らかである。私の言葉をそのまま受け取らなくてもいい。ちょっとニュースアーカイブを調べてみればそれは火を見るよりも明らかだ。











Race in America
When I was a kid, there was a big push for newspapers and media in general to stop identifying criminals and suspects by race. Of course if someone is a suspect at large, race is an important identifying trait and is important to broadcast.
The contention was in this form, "The two negroes were arrested robbing a white man in Lake Eloise. Both negroes have long criminal records."
The word negro was still accepted when I was a kid, and blacks called themselves negroes in a non-offensive way. It seems that the term lost favor in about the early to mid-80s. The name change was supposed to outrun the image.
The point is, many articles did gratuitously name race when race had nothing to do with the case. "Negro man wrecks taxi after falling asleep at the wheel." (Not a real title, but representative.)
What does being a negro have to do with a man falling asleep and running into a tree? How about, "Taxi driver falls asleep, destroys taxi and tree."
Even as a kid, I could see there was a something wrong with always pointing out someone's race when race had nothing per se to do with the case. This habit did ring of institutionalized racism on the one hand, and just reporting on the other.
Yet there was no doubt that identifying by race was used to bludgeon black people with the pen. Nobody needs to take my word for it. Look back at news archives and the habit will be obvious as sunrise.
Today again, it has become alarmingly normal to identify race as a qualification. "Professor so-and-so, who is black, said..." Our country tried for years to roll this back, now we are backsliding deeper into racism. Race is now seen by many people as a qualification to have certain opinions or observations.
Every day now, the biggest media outlets in America identify race as an important factor, such as in this real just published:
"Castile, who was black, was fatally shot July 6 after he was pulled over by St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez, who is Latino."
Somehow this gets translated to white cop shoots innocent black guy, and the problem deepens.
On the one hand, while trying to rally animosity against white people, Latinos are grouped as "people of color." But when a Latino "person of color" shoots a black man, suddenly the Latino is a white guy, as we saw in Florida when Zimmerman shot the young thug who attacked him.
Zimmerman was no angel. There was no good-guy bad-guy situation. They both were different sorts of bad guys.
Zimmerman, with his "white name" was raised up as another white guy shoots black guy. Zimmerman was of course a Latino "person of color."
President Obama is the elephant in the room. He was raised in wealth and privilege, has no experience with the "black experience," yet Obama fans the flames that are damaging our country.
In the past, identifying race in news stories was often a means of keeping people "in their place." Today, it has become race-baiting. Race-baiting is clickbait, a naked grab for cash and political clout.
Race baiting is damaging everyone.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Korean Prostitutes Demand Tips from Japan -- 70 years later.

朝鮮人の売春婦、日本に チップを要求― 70年も経ってから。


「第二次大戦中の「慰安婦」問題を宣伝するために、韓国の3Aプロジェクトのメンバーはアメリカ テキサス州のエルパソに立ち寄った」

'South Korean activists demand action from Japan on sex slavery'

'3A Project stopped in El Paso to bring awareness to use of 'comfort women' during WWII'

Korean Prostitutes Demand Tips from Japan -- 70 years later. Tipping not customery in Japanese culture:
"South Korean activists demand action from Japan on sex slavery"
"3A Project stopped in El Paso to bring awareness to use of 'comfort women' during WWII"

Monday, July 11, 2016

American Unrest: Officers Shot, Killed in Dallas

by MICHAEL YON8 Jul 2016

動揺するアメリカ: ダラスで 警官複数が銃で狙撃され死亡



紛争と戦闘のカオスのさなかに、平時には目立たない狂気の過激派が 噴出する。そういう状況では、シリアルキラー (連続殺人犯)による犯罪があたかも反乱軍兵士か武装集団の仕業のように見える。犯罪は急激に増加し、銀行強盗ですら戦闘行為の一部のように見えてくる。

怒りからでもなく、精神異常者でもなく、野に放たれた犯罪者でもない 正常な者が、何かの動機に基づいて信念を持って戦っているのだが、彼らの目指す目的は様々であり、往々にして相互に敵対するものとなっている。

支配者に背き乱を起こしつつも互いを標的に戦闘行為を繰り返す。グループでの内乱は避けられない。グループAのメンバーが同じグループの誰かを殺害し、グループAがBとCに 分裂する。そうやって 程なく多数のグループが結成される。

朝の巡回時、担当地区の道路に転がっていた頭の無い死体は、アルカイーダ(al Qaeda)に殺されたアルカイーダのメンバーかもしれないし、あるいは伝統の支配者(Jaish Ansar al-Sunnah)グループによって殺害されたバドル旅団のテロリスト(Badr Brigade terrorists)の可能性もある。場合によっては、地元民が、脳内で聞こえる「殺せ」という命令に従って殺した近所の住民かもしれない。

銃を所持していない状態で殺された人間は、一般市民の犠牲者として記録に計上される。一方、米国内における「戦闘員」はドラッグと売春の勢力範囲でしのぎを削る、地元や全国規模のギャングの一味である。 犯罪組織の一員であれ、警察官であれ 彼らに殺された者は戦死者としてカウントされる。





こんなことが米国で起こったら、精神異常者か、犯罪者か、ただ単に 黒幕に立ち向かっている行為、などとみなされるであろうが、その原因は、あらゆる意味での文化的対立であり、白人と黒人の人種間の対立など全体のごく一部に過ぎない。 つまり宗教の対立をはじめとして、環境テロ、反グローバリズム、イルカ漁反対運動、鯨漁反対運動、妊娠中絶反対運動、反ユダヤ主義など、その全てがなかなか解決しない問題であり、暴力の萌芽を秘めている。




暴力が最高潮にまで達したら、米軍の予備部隊である州兵軍は 都市を救うことはしない。モグラ叩きで標的を潰そうとして、その結果、国民からは過剰反応だと非難され、反対派を勢いづかせることだろう。

警察などの法執行機関や政府は究極的には 国民を制御できない。制御できると思うのは幻想だ。 象使いは象を制御しているわけではない。象が正気を失ったら、象使いは踏みつけられてぺしゃんこにされてしまう。


BLM運動(Black Lives Matter: 黒人の命だって大切だ)は彼らなりの意図があって根拠が無いわけではないが、それはしかしテロリズムを生み出すきっかけともなり得る。一方では、FBIを、法を超越するというよりも自分達自身が法律であると思って振舞っているクリントンやその仲間の特権階級の傀儡である、とみなす人々もいる。

切羽詰まった問題は明白である:数百万のアメリカ人が 政府の不正を目撃したので政府を信用できないと思っているのだ。



Wednesday, July 6, 2016

"Are comfort women lying?"





最近、グレッグ・モーテンソンの「スリー・カップス・オブ・ティー」スキャンダルで我々米国人も同じようなことを経験した。オバマ大統領は自身が得たノーベル平和賞の賞金から10万ドルを彼の団体に寄付した。著名な作家のジョン・クワカワー(Jon Krakauer)ですらこの団体に寄付をしている。




彼らは挺身隊問題対策協議会(Chon Dae Hyup)と呼ばれる組織によって騙されている。慰安婦像のそばでキャンプをしている学生たちは、韓国政府が慰安婦像を破壊し、彼らの金の成る木を壊してしまうのではと心配しているのだ。

"Are comfort women lying?"
As a matter of fact, the Korean comfort women and their scamming handlers are basically running a comfort women zoo. The comfort women the handlers house are the ganders who lay the golden eggs. 
I have researched this in 11 countries and spent a month watching them in Korea this year. This is a giant, international scam. Amnesty International is in on it. (Sue me.) Even the Catholic Church supports the fraud.
Americans experienced something similar in recent years with "Three Cups of Tea," in which even President Obama was scammed for $100,000, along with other big name players such as Jon Krakauer. 
I suppose someone must get up pretty early in the morning to scam Mr. Krakauer. I read his excellent books and he is a detail oriented man. And he was scammed, leading to the scamming of many others for millions of dollars.
This comfort women nonsense is not a cup of tea, but a cup of poison. One day the western journalists who carried these buckets of lies will be left carrying buckets of remorse and embarrassment. 
In the image below, Korean university students camp out in Seoul beside one of 33 comfort women statues from the same company. (They are making a bundle making these statues. I interviewed the owners.) The students have been duped by a nefarious organization called Chon Dae Hyup, who is cashing in. The students camp by the statue for fear that the Korean government will take away the statue and destroy their money stream from donations.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Japanese Suicide Bombers, and American Pilot "


ほとんどのアメリカ人は、真珠湾攻撃の行われた1941年12月7日(米国時間)が 日本とアメリカの開戦日であると信じている。これは実際にはプロパガンダなのだが、最も教育程度の高いアメリカ人であっても未だにそのことを信じている。

1932年、アメリカ人パイロットのロバート・ショート(Robert Short) は、中国の上空で日本の飛行機数機を撃墜しようとして、自分が撃墜されて死亡した。

ロバートは民間パイロットであった。当時アメリカは秘密裏に(蒋介石のために) 日本を攻撃する 空中戦を支援していた。

Japanese Suicide Bombers, and American Pilot shot down while trying to shoot down Japanese airplanes 
Most Americans believe that Pearl Harbor was the opening blow between Japanese and Americans on December 7, 1941. The reality is that this is propaganda that even many of the most educated Americans believe. 
1932: American pilot Robert Short was trying to shoot down Japanese airplanes over China, and he was shot down.
Robert was a civilian pilot at the time. The US had been secretly helping in the air war against Japanese.


1932: Japanese protest attack by American pilot in Chinese airplane:

"Thailand, Japan share mutual affection that is rare in Asia"








数世紀もインドネシアを支配したオランダをインドネシア人が打ち負かすのを日本人が援助してくれたことを、インドネシア人はとても恩義に思っている。私の言葉を鵜呑みにする必要はない。直接 現地に行って確かめてくれ。ついでに台湾とタイ国にも行って、現地の人々に日本人のことをどう思っているかきいてみてほしい。


数種類の魚が 同じ水槽の中でハッピーに暮らすことが出来るだろう。

"Thailand, Japan share mutual affection that is rare in Asia"
It is true. I have written about this numerous times. Not just Thailand. Also Taiwan and Japan practically have a love affair going. If two countries could get married it would be a choice for Japan between Taiwan and Thailand, but also Taiwan and Thailand get along very well. They also could be a married couple.
Some kind of love-fest going on between these three. 
But this is funny because the Chinese and Koreans would have us believe that Taiwan and Thailand hate Japan due to WWII. Ha! Seriously, it is wonder that these three countries have not had a baby yet.
And Indonesia and Japan also get on quite well. Last year I was in Indonesia researching WWII issues and there were Japanese flags all over. Japanese are buried inside of the Indonesian "Arlington" in Jakarta, along with Muslims! 
That's right. 
Japanese buried with Muslims, by Muslims. 
A local Muslim there with me and a friend told us that the Japanese are Indonesian heroes from WWII, so they are honored heroes and are buried in a sacred spot. All true. Go see for yourself and you will know.
Indonesians love that Japanese helped them smash back the Dutch who ruled Indonesia for centuries. Please do not take my word for it. Just go see. And go to Taiwan and Thailand and ask what they think of Japanese.
This year I was in Taiwan for a month researching this very topic, and I write these words from Thailand.
If only the rest of the world could get along like this... Some fishes mix happily in the same aquarium.

Friday, July 1, 2016


真珠湾攻撃 聴聞会 記録



これとは別に、日本の攻撃を予想しているのは、12月7日(アメリカ現地時間) の真珠湾攻撃の前の週の週末のハワイのHilo Tribune Herald紙の見出しである。 しかも真珠湾攻撃の可能性を書いた記事はこれが唯一ではなく 他にもある。

多くのアメリカ人は、真珠湾攻撃は晴天霹靂( せいてんへきれき)で、いわれもなく攻撃された、と教えられているが、それは全くの大嘘だ。これに比べれば ヒラリー・クリントンのベンガジ事件なんぞ 可愛いものである。第二次世界大戦は正義のための戦いでアメリカ軍人は正義の戦士であったなどという言葉をきいたら、アメリカ人によって書かれた山のような証拠があるにもかかわらず、当時のアメリカ軍人が我々と同じ人間だということも忘れて、私も雷に打たれたような気持ちになって その言葉を信じてしまうだろう。


This is interesting. Includes many Secret documents and reiterates what many historians have known for decades: we were not sneak attacked at Pearl Harbor. We knew an attack was coming sometime, somewhere, and we knew it would be around the date that now lives in "infamy". We were pushing and poking and strangling Japan to attack us.
Separately, check out this headline on the Hilo Tribune Herald, the weekend before the December 7 attack at Pearl Harbor. This is not the only such news article. Yet many Americans are taught that the attack on Pearl Harbor was unprovoked and completely unexpected. It's all a lie -- and makes Benghazi look like angel dust by comparison. But given the holiness of World War II, I may be stuck by lightning for these words, despite mountains of evidence written by Americans at the time.
For those interested in Thai World War II history, there are many references in this document.