Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Obama at Hiroshima



国際メディアが引っかけられた茶番劇 ―


The Japan Times


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Why American, Japanese (and other militaries) kept Comfort Women: "The man who seduced the 7th fleet: Fat Leonard's trail of corruption"


1) 敵の銃弾より怖い性病の被害を減らすことができる。
2) 現地で問題を起こす可能性が減る。
3) スパイ行為を減らす事が出来る。


では一体どうすれば良いのか? 私は別に売春婦をスパイにすることが良いと言っているわけでは無い ― しかし実際、この男は、使い古された売春婦のトリックで我々の海軍を壊滅させることが出来たであろう。

Leonard Glenn Francis : レオナルド:第七艦隊の幹部を売春や賄賂によって接待し、様々な利権を得ていたシンガポールのビジネスマン

Why American, Japanese (and other militaries) kept Comfort Women: "The man who seduced the 7th fleet: Fat Leonard's trail of corruption"
Militaries who keep prostitutes:
1) Reduce STDs which can reduce the military faster than bullets
2) Keep local problems down and morale up
Japanese were smart. They brought their prostitutes (mostly Japanese and Korean-Japanese) with them. The prostitutes made a lot of money. They did not speak local languages and were not subject to becoming local spies. We (the USA) hire prostitutes around the world as spies. 
This guy and his gals could have put the 7th Fleet on the sea floor.
So what is the better way? I am not saying this is good or a good way of life -- but being realistic that this guy could have helped destroy our Navy by using the oldest 'tricks' in the book.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Koreans Demanding Money and apologies...again

原爆を生き延びた韓国人が米国にお金と謝罪を要求 …  再び

Let's not forget all the war crimes committed against our people by Koreans during World War II. Before we pay them, they should pay us. Time to move on and be grownups like the Japanese have done.

California Event -- this is in Japanese language

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Be a Palm Tree: Tobacco, Rebel Flag, 2nd Amendment (Part 1)

Michael Yon
Tokyo, Japan


ヤシの木であれ:たばこ、南軍の旗、合衆国憲法修正箇条  (パート1)









もしも思い切ってそれに対して異議をとなえたならば、- 私は良くそうしたが-いつどこで火をつけようとそれは彼らの権利だと年配の大人達が冷笑して諭すように言い聞かせたものだ。




しかしそれは彼らの権利だ! 彼らがそう要求したのだ。











Michael Yon
Tokyo, Japan


Across the globe and many cultures, the humble palm tree has been a symbol of wisdom, resilience, and the successful warrior.

There is a reason why great banana farms are not found in areas prone to frequent typhoon strikes: Banana trees are soft and they bend too much and break and are flattened by a tropical sneeze.

Likewise, harder trees such as pine are flattened by the thousands during storms, while the palm tree, hard, but bending with the winds, remains standing even by the very edge of the sea the morning after a hurricane.

The trick is not to be too soft, or too unyielding.  Stand strong but sometimes yield.

Yet there is a thinking-weakness in some parts of the world, encapsulated by the idea, “Give them an inch and they will take a mile.”

There can be truth to this, but there is also truth that sometimes if we do not give an inch, we will lose a mile, or we can even lose it all.

When I was a child in America, people smoked and chewed tobacco nearly everywhere, even on airplanes and in elevators.

Pipes, cigars, cigarettes, and they chewed and spit their goo on sidewalks and out car windows, sometimes plastering the car behind them.

And if you dare raise a hand in protest – as I often did – larger adults would talk down derisively saying it is their right to light up anywhere and anytime.

Hotel rooms smelled like bars.  Cigarette burns on upholstery and carpets and tables were normal, while cigarette butts were carelessly discarded even in stores, parking lots, and flicked out of car windows, sometimes causing great forest fires.

People regularly died and burned down their homes after falling asleep while smoking.  They set apartment complexes ablaze and left people homeless.

Nasty ashtrays rested on every restaurant table, filled with butts, stained with lipstick, often still smoldering as the white smoke curled and filled the room and embedded in our clothes, hair, and lungs.

But that was their RIGHT!, they demanded.

They had a right to smoke anywhere, anytime, whether at the office or on a public bus or train, in restaurants and in cars filled with children.

Many people could not eat in restaurants or work in smoky environments because the toxins caused immediate medical problems.

Smokers called them weak, and said tough luck, proposing that the rights of millions of smokers outweighed the rights of a few weaklings.

And then began the pushback.

Contentious arguments were broached about second-hand smoke, and smokers denied it all, saying their rights were under attack, as they arrogantly blew smoke in our young faces, and created animosity in our hearts and minds, and a taste for revenge.

And when they mindlessly argued that second hand smoke was not dangerous, and continued to blow smoke in our faces, we learned that they not only were arrogant, but dull.

They were smug in the land of the free.  Nobody could take rights away to smoke in an elevator.  They thought.

We would have our revenge.  It would take time, but surely there would be a payback.   We began fighting back as much against their arrogance as against their smoke.

And as we encroached, they became nervous or even angry.  It was their RIGHT!, they demanded, and some veterans would wave the flag and say they had fought for those rights to pollute our air.

What about veterans who fought and did not smoke, and who wanted clean air? What about their rights? What about rights of children not to be burdened in elevators and stairwells with toxic smoke?


Friday, May 20, 2016

日韓関係 :ソウルの慰安婦像

日本大使館前に建つ像のせいで、韓国は 日々、面目を失っている。


今日も 慰安婦問題についての執筆の手を休め、15分の休憩をとっているとき、韓国挺身隊問題対策協議会(挺対協:Chon Dae Hyup)の連中が「慰安婦」の老婆を 動物園の動物のように、慰安婦像に誘導して見世物にしていたことが頭に浮かんできた。

像のそばに駐車したバンから文字通り転げ落ちかけている慰安婦の写真がある。 彼女は運良く挺対協のボスによって助けられた。私は写真を撮っていたが老婆を助けるために少し手助けをした。確か この場面を撮ったビデオもあるはずだ。

ほとんど歩くことも出来ない「聖なる」慰安婦が大丈夫なように、私は彼女の 腕を支えたのだった。

挺対協は、勇気のある西側のまともなジャーナリストに面と向かって追及されたら、持ちこたえられないとおもう。 挺対協は反米、反日、そして、平和破壊主義者である。


韓国を旅行中、韓国人たちは私によくしてくれた。私は韓国人が面目を失うことは望まない。しかしながら この慰安婦プロパガンダは 馬鹿げている。


Korea-Japan: Comfort Women Statue in Seoul
Korea loses face every day that this decisive statue stands in front of the Japanese Embassy. I was at that statue nearly every day for three weeks this year, watching and studying these people who are trying to destroy peace between Japan and Korea. 
Even today, as I take a 15 minute break from working on a book on this issue, I remember Chon Dae Hyup herding their "comfort women" by the statue as if they are zoo animals on display. 

I have a photo here of a comfort woman literally falling out of the van by the statue. I made the photo. Luckily she was caught by a Chon Dae Hyup operative, and I stopped shooting and briefly helped, too. There likely is video of this instance. (Almost certainly.)
I actually set hand on a 'sacred' comfort woman who could barely walk, trying to make sure she was okay. 
Chon Dae Hyup will not withstand scrutiny from serious western journalists who have the guts to stand up to them. They are anti-USA, anti-Japan, anti-peace.
Korea should resolve this before I complete this book. Otherwise, the book will end with Korea losing face in America.
Koreans were very good to me on both of my trips there. I do not want Koreans to lose face, but this is ridiculous. Rip out that statue and melt it down. Be done with it.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

バレーボール: タイ対日本

バレーボール: タイ対日本 





Volleyball: Thailand vs. Japan -- this is terrible. Watch the video in English.
I think my Japanese friends will be unhappy with this win by Japan. If the US team beat another team like this, I would be unhappy.
This note came from a Thai source.

"You once said that the Koreans are big cheaters. Yesterday the Japanese proved that they can out do the Koreans at least in volleyball. Calling time-out, changing players and making challenges are the tools of the team coach in guiding his team during play. Traditionally these are done manually in direct communication between the team coach and the referees. For this year's Olympic selection in Tokyo, the Japanese have replaced this system by an electronic one whereby the team coach making a request will press buttons on an electronic I-pad like gadget, the signal would go to an official, Japanese, who would have to respond and forward the request to the referee. Yesterday, all requests made by the Thai side at critical junctures did not receive any response. When the Thai coach protested and asked for an explanation, none was given but the referee, a Mexican, said he was out of line and penalised the Thai team by giving free points to the Japanese team. The final points of the winning Japanese team were won by them just standing still while the referee pushed up the score for them, electronically of course. I am sure this guy will go back to Mexico with a full wallet."

※ MichaelYonJP comment:   mark the time 2:49

日本 - 韓国: 旭日旗を 歪曲したキャンペーン

この「旭日旗とハーケンクロイツは悪魔の紋章」 論争は欺瞞だ。日本の旭日旗と、ナチスドイツの汚れた紋章ハーケンクロイツとはなんの関係も無い。




Japan-Korea: Manufactured Controversy over Rising Sun Flag
The 'controversy' is fraudulent. There is no association between the Rising Sun and a filthy Nazi swastika. The US Army, Marines, Navy, (Air Force I do not know), all proudly use the Rising Sun emblem on patches and aircraft. If this proud symbol of Japan were anything like a Nazi swastika, do you think the US Army would use it?
If it's good enough for the US Marines, it's good enough for Korea, where US Marines died saving Korea.
Some of those US Marines were Japanese. Show some respect.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Flesh Banquets: Cannibalism in China




China's Cultural Revolution: Mao as man-God

Friday, May 13, 2016


やぁ、こんにちは 一ヶ月ほどフェイスブックにアクセスをブロックされていた。メッセージにも返信できなかった。私はと言えば中国と韓国への二ヶ月の旅から戻ってきたところだ。

昨夜は二人の米軍海軍将校と過ごした。そのうちの一人が、今現在 行われているアメリカ大統領選挙の状況をうまく言い表してくれた。
「 我々は、( 共産主義者で犯罪者)か  あるいは(大馬鹿者)  のうちのどちらか一人を選ばなければならぬ、という苦しい選択を迫られている」 と。
